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Bravo2zero_sps 19 April 2010 07:28 AM

The only reason Wenger bought him was because he is French :mad: He is utter sh!te and everyone knows Utd don't sell good players to Arsenal - wtf was Wenger thinking :cuckoo:

Fat Boy 19 April 2010 11:47 AM

Originally Posted by STi wanna Subaru (Post 9352849)
Silvestre.... forgotten how many times I've said it but so glad United got rid of him to Arsenal :D

Double Agent Silvestre to give him his full secret name ;)

Tenby 25 April 2010 11:32 AM

the wigan game was a joke and showed the difference between arsenal and manu/chelski. still miles ahead of manC and liverpool though. i dont think manu/chelski could have coped with having there biggest players out to injury for most of the season either though. at full strength and with the addition of a big finisher arsenal are a real force to be reckoned with.

richie001 25 April 2010 11:56 AM

Originally Posted by Tenby (Post 9363287)
. i dont think manu/chelski could have coped with having there biggest players out to injury for most of the season either though. at full strength and with the addition of a big finisher arsenal are a real force to be reckoned with.

I keep hearing this from Arsenal and Man Utd(not so much).Chelsea have also had some of their key players out injury this season.Essien,Ashley Cole,Bosingwa,Carvalho,Alex,Cech,Mikel maybe out for the rest of the season and like other team we lost players due to the African Nations cup.

Tenby 25 April 2010 12:11 PM

losing rvp for most of the season is like losing rooney or drogba. if u look at what these players have done for there clubs it is obvious they would not ave coped without

Tenby 25 April 2010 12:13 PM

arsenal played barca with somthing like half of the first team choices for example. no excuse for not having depth in sqaud, but even manu/chelski wouldnt cope with there biggest players out

richie001 25 April 2010 12:37 PM

Originally Posted by Tenby (Post 9363342)
arsenal played barca with somthing like half of the first team choices for example. no excuse for not having depth in sqaud, but even manu/chelski wouldnt cope with there biggest players out

You have in this post said what Arsenal problem has been,not the injury's but the quality of Arsenal squad.

chocolate_o_brian 25 April 2010 01:39 PM

Originally Posted by richie001 (Post 9363376)
You have in this post said what Arsenal problem has been,not the injury's but the quality of Arsenal squad.

Which is down to Venga's ( ;) ) reluctance to spend and over reliability on youngsters. :thumb:

Tenby 25 April 2010 02:00 PM

missed this bit "but even manu/chelski wouldnt cope with there biggest players out" lol

richie001 25 April 2010 03:09 PM

Originally Posted by Tenby (Post 9363488)
missed this bit "but even manu/chelski wouldnt cope with there biggest players out" lol


So Micheal Essien isn't one of Chelsea's biggest players.

Aaron1978 25 April 2010 04:17 PM

Originally Posted by Tenby (Post 9363340)
losing rvp for most of the season is like losing rooney or drogba. if u look at what these players have done for there clubs it is obvious they would not ave coped without

RVP has never scored more than 11 Premier League goals in a single season.

Chelsea and United have had big players out for large parts of this season.

RVP has been injury prone all his career as have a number of other Arsenal players. As others have said It's Wengers fault for relying on these players, and Chelsea and United have coped better due to the better players in their squads.

pauld37 25 April 2010 05:36 PM

Originally Posted by Tenby (Post 9363488)
missed this bit "but even manu/chelski wouldnt cope with there biggest players out" lol

I'm pretty sure they could cope without a player as bad as RVP ;)

Bravo2zero_sps 25 April 2010 07:03 PM

I read one of the funniest articles in the Daily Mail yesterday (the Grandmother in laws paper :p ) and there was an interview with Bendtner. He claims to be one of the best strikers in the World :lol1: The tw4t is completely delusional but the problem is Wenger seems to believe him :cry: :cuckoo:

shawn r 25 April 2010 08:34 PM

how can he belive that he is one of the best strikers is beyond me! fair enough he bobbles a few in but come on.
could anyone shed some light as to why eduardo is not playing?

Aaron1978 25 April 2010 08:38 PM

Originally Posted by shawn r (Post 9364198)
how can he belive that he is one of the best strikers is beyond me! fair enough he bobbles a few in but come on.
could anyone shed some light as to why eduardo is not playing?

Not sure but i've read somewhere that he's on his way out, with lyon the likely destination.

shawn r 25 April 2010 08:57 PM

well if he goes there better be someone else in, we cant have another season playing like this and losing easy games.

Bravo2zero_sps 25 April 2010 09:26 PM

Originally Posted by azz250478 (Post 9364216)
Not sure but i've read somewhere that he's on his way out, with lyon the likely destination.

I so bloody hope so! I hope Diaby is going with him.

DaveBeck 26 April 2010 07:12 PM

RVP was having the season of his life before injury. Always been made of glass and foolish to rely on him alone.

Eduardo WAS a great finisher. That tackle maybe hasnt ended his career but its ruined him mentally.

Its Arsenals fault we have lost the league for not buying. end of. Depth is laughable.

If we had got a striker in in Jan then maybe it would be different. Doubtful with the current choice of CB & GK

Hopefully we will see signings( havent said that for ages lol)

Bravo2zero_sps 27 April 2010 02:13 PM

I said he'd go to Barca this Summer:,195...119295,00.html

If they make a bid he will go, he is p!ssed off no signings were made in January and he is p!ssed off with the amount of tax he pays here. There is no chance of winning any trophies so no wonder he is off :rolleyes:

STi wanna Subaru 27 April 2010 02:25 PM

He loves to open his gob doesn't he. I cant stand the little meerkat tw@t.

Bravo2zero_sps 27 April 2010 03:33 PM

I'm starting to get hacked off with him to be honest. He played well up to Christmas then just dropped off. He is not 100% in it for me and seems to have got disillusioned very quickly at Arsenal. Stories like the above don't do him any favours that is for sure. A great player when his heart is in it but it's quite clear he doesn't want to be playing in the Premiership any more. Like a few others seems to have used Arsenal as a stepping stone to get into one of the big teams in Italy or Spain.

STi wanna Subaru 27 April 2010 04:23 PM

He has shown no respect to the team or manager a number of times now and if the reports are true complains a lot about the English culture (fair do that's his choice but Russia isn't a beacon of light is it) but his biggest thing is the tax he has to pay. it's his job so you can get that to an extent and in Spain he'd only pay about 22% not the 50% here (although I doubt in reality they do via various work arounds) but he must have had some idea before coming to England.

Basically he's a half decent player who's too big for his tiny boots. Wenger needs to go mental on his ass (no homo)

pauld37 27 April 2010 05:38 PM

Originally Posted by STi wanna Subaru (Post 9366979)
I cant stand the little meerkat tw@t.

:lol1: I read this before reading the report, I thought it was going to be about Fabregas :lol1:

DaveBeck 27 April 2010 05:46 PM

Me to Paul lol

shawn r 27 April 2010 09:17 PM

same here, whats the thoughts if he does go to barca? can anyone see that happening? cesc not meerkat.

DaveBeck 27 April 2010 09:23 PM

Not this year, defo next

shawn r 27 April 2010 09:26 PM

if we win anything or not?

DaveBeck 27 April 2010 09:46 PM

yep imo

shawn r 05 May 2010 10:13 PM

well spurs just won. What now :-( are we looking at 4th!

STi wanna Subaru 05 May 2010 10:54 PM

Arsenal have the easiest game ever last game of the season. Well done on 3rd.

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