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JTaylor 09 August 2011 12:44 PM

Originally Posted by jonc (Post 10176949)
What part of the demographic are doing the rioting and what austerity measure specifically is affecting this demographic?

This is a good question that you've asked f1, Jon. :)

TelBoy 09 August 2011 12:44 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10177164)
It is political, sorry, but you are wrong! If it isn't motivated by politics why were they not doing this a year ago? No one seems able to answer that question.

I think you're wrong on this one. Why should it have happened a year ago? What's significant about that? This has been simmering away for years now, it just needed one spark in the Social Networking era and bang, off to the races we go. Simple as.

TinyTim 09 August 2011 12:46 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10177194)
OK so last night when Sky News grabbed two 20 somethings looting a shop and said why are you doing this and they said to get our taxes back.... what do you think that means?

Think really carefully about your answer here and then answer me the question I keep asking... why now? Why not last year?

Two 20 somethings that probably havnt paid a penny in Tax in their whole lives.... Yeah, ok. Is it not obvious they're trying to justify their actions? They're not going to turn around on camera and say "Oh, we're doing it coz its fun innit".

f1_fan 09 August 2011 12:46 PM

Originally Posted by J4CKO (Post 10177195)
Maybe they didnt all have Blackberries last year ?

These arent political individuals, they may pick up on things like more expense that is true but that isnt the government, it is the government reacting to the fact they have all been looked after at the taxpayers expense too long, most will have been brought up on benefits as generally the families with two working parents instill some respect and boundaries. They all get health care, all offered an education and you can see why the immigrants want to come here, its great isnt it, but not enough for some.

There isnt enough money to go around, with the super rich choosing whether to pay tax, the middle being squeezed for every penny and the scope creep of the welfare state its no wonder, do we have to keep them on what, thirty, forty grand a year before they dont wreck the joint.

No we can just shoot them quite honestly and I am deadly serious. I am not justifying their behaviour in any way, but the current squeezing of everyone and everything is responsble for this. Not some random shooting in Tottenham ... that was just the catalyst. Basically they have no prospects whatsoever so why not go looting - what is the worse that can happen in a PC do gooding state like the UK?

f1_fan 09 August 2011 12:52 PM

Originally Posted by TinyTim (Post 10177205)
Two 20 somethings that probably havnt paid a penny in Tax in their whole lives.... Yeah, ok. Is it not obvious they're trying to justify their actions? They're not going to turn around on camera and say "Oh, we're doing it coz its fun innit".

How do you know what tax they have paid?

Anyway you are all missing the point. They don't have to be political animals. When all eveyone hears is bad news, bad news and more bad news about the country and let's face it that is all we have had in the last 12 months.... those who already had little prospect of making anything of themselves even if mainly through their own fault just can't see how things can ever get any better so why not go on a rampage.... what is the worst that can happen?

It didn't happen a year ago as things didn't 'seem' as bad even if they actually were which is arguable anyway!

TinyTim 09 August 2011 12:54 PM

I fail to see what sort of 'Political' motivation brings young kids to steal TV's, smash up shops and destroy family businesses going back 5 generations.

J4CKO 09 August 2011 12:55 PM

Can or Cant just shoot them, not sure if the can is a typo !

Now we have the politicians sayign they dont want to mobilize troops and deploy water cannons (despite the fact we dont have any), they dont want to use Rubber Bullets as it sends out the wrong message, that they have lost control, well, guess what you have, the burning buildings, cars, looted shops attest to that now stop worrying about the aesthetics and image, break some heads !

Can a Fire engine be used to pump high pressure water at rioters ?

Tidgy 09 August 2011 12:58 PM

see the initial report is out on the initial shooting, he was shoit once in the chest and an illegal firearm was recovered from the scene.

from that it looks like he was asking for it, so much for the angel father of 4.

they say 6 months till full report comes out though

Funkii Munkii 09 August 2011 01:00 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10177164)
It is political, sorry, but you are wrong! If it isn't motivated by politics why were they not doing this a year ago? No one seems able to answer that question.

You reckon any of these scroates could name more than one member of parliament or even know what parties are in power?, I doubt they could because they have no interest in anything other than what they can get for themselves be it benefits or a plasma from currys.

J4CKO 09 August 2011 01:00 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10177216)
How do you know what tax they have paid?

Anyway you are all missing the point. They don't have to be political animals. When all eveyone hears is bad news, bad news and more bad news about the country and let's face it that is all we have had in the last 12 months.... those who already had little prospect of making anything of themselves even if mainly through their own fault just can't see how things can ever get any better so why not go on a rampage.... what is the worst that can happen?

It didn't happen a year ago as things didn't 'seem' as bad even if they actually were which is arguable anyway!

Definitely not political animals, just ****ing animals !

time there is some civil unrest it becomes a shopping opportunity, what would they like to "become" that would stop them, perhaps a surgeon, sorry, perhaps you should have gone to school, perhaps you shoul d get up in the morning, go out and dont come back until you have found something constructive to do, perhaps emptying the bins is not beneath you as the Eastern Europeans seem to manage to find work.

f1_fan 09 August 2011 01:02 PM

OK a guy has died following last night's disturbances in Croydon... think the news said he was shot in his car. Not sure if he is a rioter or a member of the public. Either way surely people dying on the streets is enough to get even that dolt Camneron to actually do something?

DamienP1 09 August 2011 01:03 PM

reading only a few and some trying to justify their behaviour is a joke........

at first they were rioting in retaliation to a criminal who got killed after shooting at the police first (so basic rules of engagement state if the police think their or someone elses life is at immediate risk then its fine to open fire simple as)

then there were local community workers on sky news saying 'well the locals are telling us that they ain't getting nothing back from the taxes their paying (when the majority of rioters prob ain't paying any taxes)

whats the next dog ate my CV and the government didn't do anything about it and I had to seep through **** to get it back and put it together and now it smells........bore off you low lives

f1_fan 09 August 2011 01:04 PM

Originally Posted by J4CKO (Post 10177237)
Definitely not political animals, just ****ing animals !

time there is some civil unrest it becomes a shopping opportunity, what would they like to "become" that would stop them, perhaps a surgeon, sorry, perhaps you should have gone to school, perhaps you shoul d get up in the morning, go out and dont come back until you have found something constructive to do, perhaps emptying the bins is not beneath you as the Eastern Europeans seem to manage to find work.

100% agree :thumb: They think the world owes them a living, not arguing on that one. I think we are getting mixed up between the causes of the disturbances and the rights and wrongs of those disturbance. One is not an excuse for the other, but it still remains the cause!

jonc 09 August 2011 01:05 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10177194)
OK so last night when Sky News grabbed two 20 somethings looting a shop and said why are you doing this and they said to get our taxes back.... what do you think that means?

Think really carefully about your answer here and then answer me the question I keep asking... why now? Why not last year?

How can drivel of those 2 youths be a true representation of every single looter out? I very much doubt, they earn enough, if at all, to pay taxes. If they were all so politically motivated, why aren't they rioting at Westminster, buring local council buildings, trashing banks causing mayhem in the Square Mile. There is not one incident at those locations. What political message are they trying to send by is stealing and looting sport shops, electrical shops and jewellers etc. The only motivation I see is greed and personal gain. I expect ebay will be very busy in the coming weeks and months!

hoyty 09 August 2011 01:07 PM

Originally Posted by J4CKO (Post 10177225)
Can or Cant just shoot them, not sure if the can is a typo !

Now we have the politicians sayign they dont want to mobilize troops and deploy water cannons (despite the fact we dont have any), they dont want to use Rubber Bullets as it sends out the wrong message
, that they have lost control, well, guess what you have, the burning buildings, cars, looted shops attest to that now stop worrying about the aesthetics and image, break some heads

Can a Fire engine be used to pump high pressure water at rioters ?

We do have water canons there is a hanger full off them in working order you can even pick a colour black green or white

Just heard on the news a young girl saying they are rioting to show the police and the shop keepers because they are rich that they can do what ever they want and no one can stop them ..... Says it all really mr 5.56. Would beg to differ

The Zohan 09 August 2011 01:07 PM

Originally Posted by jonc (Post 10177248)
How can drivel of those 2 youths be a true representation of every single looter out? I very much doubt, they earn enough, if at all, to pay taxes. If they were all so politically motivated, why aren't they rioting at Westminster, buring local council buildings, trashing banks causing mayhem in the Square Mile. There is not one incident at those locations. What political message are they trying to send by is stealing and looting sport shops, electrical shops and jewellers etc. The only motivation I see is greed and personal gain. I expect ebay will be very busy in the coming weeks and months!


f1_fan 09 August 2011 01:08 PM

Originally Posted by jonc (Post 10177248)
How can drivel of those 2 youths be a true representation of every single looter out? I very much doubt, they earn enough, if at all, to pay taxes. If they were all so politically motivated, why aren't they rioting at Westminster, buring local council buildings, trashing banks causing mayhem in the Square Mile. There is not one incident at those locations. What political message are they trying to send by is stealing and looting sport shops, electrical shops and jewellers etc. The only motivation I see is greed and personal gain. I expect ebay will be very busy in the coming weeks and months!

Crikey, how many times??? They are not politically motivated, but ARE reacting to the general feeling of doom, gloom and hopelessness brought about by an ailing economy and stringent cuts.

What they are doing is wrong and I would shoot the lot of them I really would, but just because it is not an excuse for that behaviour doens't mean it is not the cause.

f1_fan 09 August 2011 01:20 PM

Have a read of this:

What could the police do?

That in nutshell is what is wong here. How we are perceived in the UK and how a prime minister might be remembered are NOT reasons not to do something to sort this out FFS!

jonc 09 August 2011 01:20 PM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 10177199)
This is a good question that you've asked f1, Jon. :)

Thanks, not that I'll get an answer though...

TelBoy 09 August 2011 01:21 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10177260)
Crikey, how many times??? They are not politically motivated, but ARE reacting to the general feeling of doom, gloom and hopelessness brought about by an ailing economy and stringent cuts.

Well yes, it's more likely that there will be unrest in an economic downturn. I think what people are struggling with is your implication that it's a Tory/Lib Dem downturn and that the "stringent" cuts weren't necessary. I'd rather have an economy back on track and deal with a bit of unrest rather than spend spend spend to keep everyone, the thieving underclass scum included, happy.

jonc 09 August 2011 01:22 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10177260)
Crikey, how many times??? They are not politically motivated, but ARE reacting to the general feeling of doom, gloom and hopelessness brought about by an ailing economy and stringent cuts.

What they are doing is wrong and I would shoot the lot of them I really would, but just because it is not an excuse for that behaviour doens't mean it is not the cause.

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10177260)
It is political, sorry, but you are wrong! If it isn't motivated by politics why were they not doing this a year ago? No one seems able to answer that question.

Make your mind up.:rolleyes:

kingofturds 09 August 2011 01:24 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10177260)
Crikey, how many times??? They are not politically motivated, but ARE reacting to the general feeling of doom, gloom and hopelessness brought about by an ailing economy and stringent cuts.

What they are doing is wrong and I would shoot the lot of them I really would, but just because it is not an excuse for that behaviour doens't mean it is not the cause.

Doom and gloom! It's us poor fcukers trying to eek out a life working for a living that are feeling the doom and gloom. Look at these rioters decked out in nike trainers and filming the chaos on their iPhones, hardly what I would call abject poverty.
The truth is these people are utter retards who have had nothing going from them even before the economic crisis. Their parents could not care less about them, and they have grown up under a government that has mollycoddled them into believing that they are the real victims and a justice system that has handed out truly pathetic sentences.

My missus manages a shop and most of these thieving little sh1ts that get caught stealing just get banned now as whenever the police were involved and the thieves arrested. They would be out a few hours later to kick the windows in . And if the case ever got to court it would be a slap on the wrist by the time the defense spun the disadvantaged background bullsh1t.

Will 09 August 2011 01:24 PM

This is getting silly now :mad:

f1_fan 09 August 2011 01:28 PM

Originally Posted by jonc (Post 10177299)
Make your mind up.:rolleyes:

They are not political animals, but the rioting is motivated by a general feeling in the country that comes from ..... decisons made by politicians.... i.e. politics.

Your other question as pointed out by the usual suspect (aka my shadow) was answered in an earlier post not addressed directly to you granted.

f1_fan 09 August 2011 01:33 PM

Originally Posted by TelBoy (Post 10177296)
Well yes, it's more likely that there will be unrest in an economic downturn. I think what people are struggling with is your implication that it's a Tory/Lib Dem downturn and that the "stringent" cuts weren't necessary. I'd rather have an economy back on track and deal with a bit of unrest rather than spend spend spend to keep everyone, the thieving underclass scum included, happy.

Well I think a happy medium could have been reached. I think the cuts were too much too soon and we should have taken a little bit of a softer approach over a slightly longer period of time. I think we are seeing our economy grinding to halt because of it.

As for a 'bit of unrest' if this continues to escalate the bill for sorting it out could soon run into billions anyway with all the knock ons so not sure which is preferable :confused:

It's a hard one, but I do feel we are reaping what we've sewn to an extent. That is NOT making any excuses for the scum rioting btw. I just think given that sort of underclass we have in the UK the result was inevitable.

Wurzel 09 August 2011 01:34 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10177186)
But no worries as parliament is being recalled :cuckoo:

But why is parliament being recalled on Thursday and not today???

There are 2 more nights before thursday!

FlightMan 09 August 2011 01:34 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10177164)
It is political, sorry, but you are wrong! If it isn't motivated by politics why were they not doing this a year ago? No one seems able to answer that question.

Sorry F1 but you are so wrong on this. I've just heard an interview with a London Fireman who said the youth attack them because the think "we're either part of the Police or the Army, because we were a uniform" :cuckoo:

If you think these morons are motivated by politics then I'm sorry for you. I doubt they can spell the word.

They saw other youths nicking stuff, the Police standing there doing NOTHING and thought, "I'll have some of that". It's nothing more than theft and property damage.

f1_fan 09 August 2011 01:36 PM

Originally Posted by FlightMan (Post 10177327)
Sorry F1 but you are so wrong on this. I've just heard an interview with a London Fireman who said the youth attack them because the think "we're either part of the Police or the Army, because we were a uniform" :cuckoo:

If you think these morons are motivated by politics then I'm sorry for you. I doubt they can spell the word.

They saw other youths nicking stuff, the Police standing there doing NOTHING and thought, "I'll have some of that". It's nothing more than theft and property damage.

Well I have explained it a few posts back, and if you are sorry for me then good for you, but it doesn't change my opinion :thumb:

f1_fan 09 August 2011 01:37 PM

Originally Posted by Wurzel (Post 10177325)
But why is parliament being recalled on Thursday and not today???

There are 2 more nights before thursday!

Yep and what will recalling it do anyway without some action... nothing.

Sorry, but Cameron is an idiot!

Chip 09 August 2011 01:40 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10177260)
Crikey, how many times??? They are not politically motivated, but ARE reacting to the general feeling of doom, gloom and hopelessness brought about by an ailing economy and stringent cuts.

What they are doing is wrong and I would shoot the lot of them I really would, but just because it is not an excuse for that behaviour doens't mean it is not the cause.

F1, that's rubbish and you know it, this is only happening in certain communities, where cuts or not, very little about their way of life has changed due to what any government has done, past or present.


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