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David_Wallis 30 September 2001 12:10 AM

mutant_matt 30 September 2001 12:15 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by sKunk:
<B>Telewest cable. 24x7 512mbit connection for £33 per month.

In reality I get download speeds of 60 - 70k per sec. Very sweet[/quote]

sKunk, you should call Telewest up, you should have been paying £25 since June so get them to refund the difference!!!!!

Also, it's 512Kbit not 512Mbit (now that *would* be good!!! ) but I often get as much as 4Mbit/sec at certain times of the day and very rarely do I get as slow as 512Kb


Turbo_Six 30 September 2001 03:15 AM are very, very good. I have a Freeserve anytime account which I sometimes try to use but it's so unreliable I'm going to have to kill it off.

MarkQ 30 September 2001 04:32 AM

NTLWORLD - cos I am an NTL customer and its free

TURBO7379 30 September 2001 05:14 AM

AOL £14.99 a month for 24/7 access . You have 5 different dialup no's so you'll always get one that works but the 1st one usually works . Good free helpline too . Nephew has BT ISDN connection - boy is it quick .


babber 30 September 2001 07:31 AM

Telewest Blueyonder and yes it's brilliant. 512 kb/sec downstrean 128 kb/sec upstream for £25 per month...

Always on 24x7 broadband connection, I love it...

I'm using a Netgear RT311 router and have numerous PCs using the same connection.

Cheers Phill C

mbc 30 September 2001 01:04 PM

Tried AOL,FREESERVE + BTINTERNET but in my opinion ntl outshines the competition.

i pay 15 squid a month but its free if you have ntl phone line

Si James 30 September 2001 02:19 PM


I use the same as Puff.

Reason ? Very reliable, loads of capacity, very good help.

I also use u-net, they are very good you.

It may come as a surpise, BUT YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR !

BTInternet are 5ucking crap.


Shaun 30 September 2001 03:52 PM


I have used Breathe for several years now and have never had a single problem. I am subscribing to the evening and weekend package for 8.99, but they also do the 24/7 for 12.99. IMHO they are the bolloxs, as the servers are very quick and I have never had a problem with connections.

Beastie 30 September 2001 04:34 PM

They were bound to catch on sooner or later I guess.

Anyway, I am still very happy with AOL and as it doesnt use Outlook Express my computer was OK after SirCam32 got into it.

MichelleWRX1994 30 September 2001 05:18 PM

Hmmm, I was thinking of switching to Anytime, but lots have people have complained about them cutting off etc.

Is it worth me doing it?

I am on Talk and Surf together, but I never use my phone as I use my mobile more often.


johnfelstead 30 September 2001 06:14 PM

Thanks for the info everyone.

Michelle, i was happyish to use BT up until 2 weeks ago, we then had an Improvement in service *cough* with new access numbers. Its been crap ever since. They also droped the cutoff period from 2 hours to 90 minutes.

I dont have cable access here, i have been thinking about broadband access. Any more info on that? like what equipment is required and costs based on the fact i am stuck with using BT telephone lines.

hutton_d 30 September 2001 07:57 PM


Sounds like I'm not the only one to be abit hacked off with BT Anytime... BUT... been on it for about 6 weeks and until the last two it was OKish. The last fortight it's been a mix of low speed conections, busy lines, no connections, etc etc. If I have a problem I use Lineone (now Tiscali or something).

Anyone know if they're having problems the last couple of weeks???



Apple 30 September 2001 08:22 PM


Don't know of any problems with the std service in the last week but the mail server seems to be going down more frequently.

The disconnect times are very variable if you want to leave something downloading - can be within minutes or over an hour. Found that I was immedately cut off with a second or so of the watchdog report finishing and connecting up has been more rocky since.

I've still got a virgin net account, once when bt was down I wanted to prove it was bt and the virgin connection was a lot faster but that's not free phone calls


gareth 01 October 2001 12:46 AM

NTL broadband peeps - did you go for NTLWorld at the same as they recommend or are you still using another ISP?

I've been on Cable & Wireless Connect for years, now owned by NTL. Went for NTL broadband in the summer. Now they're shutting down C&W Connect and my only options are to switch to NTLWorld or find another ISP. Either way, they kill my email address etc.

I registered on the C&W site a few weeks ago to transfer to NTLWorld, but - no surprises - heard nothing since.

merlin 01 October 2001 08:51 AM

Also use Demon 6pm-8am + weekends. More expensive than some of the others but they very rarely have any problems. No cut off is nice too when downloading

I did think about switching to Claranet's 24/7 service but there's something in the faqs about people who use it excessively being switched to the expensive business 24/7 service. Having already been booted by freeswerve for excessive use, I'll stick with demon thank you...

SimonH 01 October 2001 10:26 AM

I've been using BT Anytime since they started it up and until they changed their access numbers a few days ago it was fine. Now it is absolutely appalling. I leave my dialler on auto redial - record at the moment is 66 attempts before connecting.
I was with Lineone, then Redhotant, both of which failed; I can see BT going the same way. Sadly I'm too far from an ADSL exchange and there's no cable franchise round here (they all stopped about 5 miles away in every direction - they've obviously run out of cheap tarmac to ruin our roads with )

No doubt poor old BT are just "a victim of their own success"..... god, I hate that phrase....

neveryoumind 01 October 2001 04:22 PM

Tiscali 50 - 5 pounds a month for 50 hours. Free dial-up Number. Only thing to complain about is the customer service line, which takes about 5 mins to get through sometimes. But how often do you use that?

Do you use more than two hours a day???? every day??????

JohnS 01 October 2001 04:50 PM

I have a few "free" dial-up accounts with a number of ISPs, so if one is donw, I can use one of the others. All allow me access to my mail accounts, web access and to send mail.

The one which has offered the most reliable service so far has been Rapidial

David_Wallis 01 October 2001 05:05 PM

If you have problems downloading try getright download manager.. you can pause and resume downloads etc...

apparently their is a crack.. on

Steve Perriam 01 October 2001 06:18 PM

been using bt for several years but they really have gone downhill over the past couple of months,and as for the past couple of weeks ! currently on anytime but its certainly not anytime, disconnecting you without warning and then not allowing you to reconnect without numerous attempts.

i often end up using an alterantive ISP, but one which charges me.

certainly could not recommend BT to anyone.

looking at ADSL at the moment but not sure who with ?


the link 01 October 2001 07:44 PM

I use ain't anytime and it lives up to its name by terminating connection anytime it used to be the envy of other ISP's but now certainly it ain't. considering broadband but as I am not in at all times is it really worth it?

tonybooth 01 October 2001 08:00 PM

I was on BT Surf Together - No Connection Problems. Upgraded recently to BT Anytime - No Connection Problems.

Got an e-mail from BT today offering FREE installation of ADSL 500. Signed up for that. Due to be installed on 16th October.

If it is crap, please let me know.


johnfelstead 17 October 2001 11:27 PM

Well it's all come out now!

I got this mail from BT today.
Basically they want rid of users like me who use the net a fair amount and want what i pay for.
I only use the connection from home so i am not using it anywhere near their 16 hour definition time but once home its pretty much on till i go to bed. Thats why i payed for a 24/7 service.
Basically they have purposely put all the high users on one number to piss us off and get rid of us. Have a read. BT are wankers.......

PS Broadband isnt active where i live :rolleyes:

Dear Customer,

Over the last few weeks you, and a very small percentage of our 1.5 million customers, have downloaded a new dial-up access number for the BTopenworld Anytime service. Since then, some of you may have experienced congestion problems. I'm sorry if this has been the case for you and hope this email will explain what we've done and what the future options are.

**What we've done to provide a good and fair service**

Our Anytime service was launched in January 2001, in response to customer demand.

As our service grows we continually invest in increasing network capacity to improve the quality of the service and the value that it offers.

Whilst managing this network capacity across our customer base we've found a select number of customers contravening our Terms and Conditions through;

a) allowing several people to use their service at the same time whilst only paying one subscription

b) leaving their PC online, unattended, for long periods of time (we define this as over 16 hours or more in 24, to ensure that there is scope to fairly accommodate those customers who, exceptionally, need to make really long use of the internet)

Both of these actions seriously affect our other customers' ability to use of the service. In order to ensure a good level of service to our other customers, we have removed the customers who do this, typically after they have had at least one warning in the case of unattended use.

We've also recently asked a number of customers, including you, to use a new dial-up access number. We did this to improve the quality and effectiveness of our service across all our customers by dividing our network by type of use. Our aim was to give all customers a fairer chance to access and enjoy the service. For the great majority of customers this has had excellent results.

However, for customers on the new dial-up access number there have been high levels of failure in first time connection due to very high usage levels. This is even though the new number gives a very much better ratio of users to modem* - around 3 to 1. We believe that this ratio is easily the best available in the UK at anything like a comparable price and we had expected it to give appropriate capacity.

**What more can we do?**

We've checked the service on the new dial-up access number and again found a significant number of customers breaching our Terms & Conditions. We're taking action against them to protect the integrity of the service. This should improve availability on the new number but, with the level of use we're seeing, it's possible that the benefits will simply be 'swallowed up'.

Our experience of the past few weeks suggests that the real requirement of those on the new number is much closer to one user per modem - more than even the exceptional level around 3 to 1 we're already providing. Such a service would need to be charged at about £100 a month, a cost we don't believe we should pass onto all our customers - to whom we want to keep offering an economic service. This would make it much more expensive than our broadband internet service which uses a more appropriate technology and is designed as an uncontended, 'always on' service for people who make regular extended us of the internet.

**What are the options?**

We're committed to maintaining a high quality, affordable and economically viable mass market internet service. In some countries unmetered services such as Anytime have been slow to be introduced or have been withdrawn because of the difficulties of running them economically.

A recent Oftel survey showed that the UK has the cheapest internet prices in the world and is an extremely competitive market. It's now clear to us that going back to sharing the same capacity across the great majority of our customers and those on the new number will affect service quality for the great majority, or mean increasing prices for all. We don't plan to do either of these things.

**What can we offer you now?**

We do value your custom and very much want to keep you as a customer. I can offer you the following options:

i) you can continue to use Anytime on the number we have given you. But, while you may see some improvement as a result of the continuing action we're taking with those customers in breach of our Terms & Conditions, bearing in mind the above, we can't guarantee high levels of first time connection success.

ii) broadband may better suit your needs - our service offers a fast 'always on' connection to the internet with no additional call charges or the need for a second line - and we're currently offering free installation to all our Anytime and SurfTime customers (normal price £150). The monthly subscription fee is £39.99. To find out more, and check if it's in your area, please go to

We recognise that this option may not be available to you if you do not live in a broadband-enabled area.

If you feel neither of these options meets your needs, you may, of course, cancel your subscription by calling the BTopenworld team on 0870 241 6307 (4.00pm-midnight, national rate) or by emailing us on

We'll be as disappointed as you are if you do decide to cancel, so as a gesture of goodwill - and to thank you for your patience - we'll arrange a credit to your account with a sum equivalent to one month's subscription. You'll be able to keep your email access and service as part of our Pay-as-you-go option.

I know this may not be the solution that you had hoped for, but I, and the BTopenworld team, have spent a long time discussing our options. We want to continue to provide an efficient and economic service to the majority of our customers and feel that this is the most realistic and fairest way forward.

I sincerely hope that the above has helped to make clear why we've made these recent changes and would like to thank you for bearing with me through this rather long email.

Thank you for your understanding and for using BTopenworld Anytime.

Yours faithfully,

Ben Andradi
President & Chief Operating Officer

* BTopenworld is a contended narrowband dial-up access service. This means that, like most UK dial-up internet services, the technology used is based on many customers sharing access to a bank of modems.

Markus 17 October 2001 11:49 PM

This is interesting as i have Bt Anytime and somewhere, can't remember where, it mentioned about a 2 hour disconnect system, ie; you get kicked after 2 hours of being online. So unless I'm mad, how do people stay on for 16 hours (auto redial?)

As it is, BT is a bit crap and I'm looking at alternatvies, and possibly going up from 56k modem to DSL.

dsmith 18 October 2001 01:07 AM


The tone of that letter is bizarre. Have you recieved a warning in the past ? If not and you're sure the PC isn't dialling during the day automatically ask to see the evidence they have for your breaching the Ts and Cs. Do you remember downloading new dial-up settings ?

I design the network (contracted to BT :rolleyes:) for a large private community and we have our own isdn dial-up pool. High Usage customers are the bane of our lives. They use a dial-up service like a leased line - however if its not you then question it. Its probably thier reporting tools are screwed.

BTW - Thats from BT OpenWorld not all of BT are W**kers ;)


Scotsman 18 October 2001 09:04 AM

BT Anytime for the past year - as as said before in this thread the service over the past month has become sooo bad in the evenings that I'm looking to change. Mate has ADSL (not in my area yet - b*gger) from BT and it seems to be very good.

Pity the dial-up service is so bad.


carl 18 October 2001 09:40 AM

I'm surprised this is the first warning you've got. This has been extensively covered on The Register

BarryK 18 October 2001 12:18 PM

Deano, (or indeed Lee)

I use the better connection Lee gave us, tried to use it for downloading CS, but couldn't persuade it to use multilink (128k), which it used to do dynamically. It's still a good connection though.


I was a C&W subscriber too, and the option I have is to get lost. There is no cable or NTLWorld where I live so I'm kyboshed so far as that goes.

I ordered ADSL from BT (currently on Home Highway) and it was coming on September 17th, but then they discovered that despite what the BTOpenworld search thingy said, it wasn't really available til October and I'd have to reorder. :eek:

Meantime 'er indoors wants to retain a second phone number for work. I think her employer should pay for that.

Slippy Diff 18 October 2001 04:12 PM

I have used Compuserve for the last 3 years and have had no problems at all. Never cut off and always able to log on first time. It is not the cheapest way to access the internet but I only really use it for e-mail and occasional 'surfs' so my phone bill ( through BT ) is never too big.

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