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beanchimp 03 December 2002 09:52 PM

Talking of Mixing and matching tyres

I just bought my scoob the other day, and it has S02's on the rear, and Michelin Pilots on the front,

17" Prodrive Speedlines

and talking of modding, I started modding mine, before i picked it up :)

Steve (who has just been for a crusie down to Maccy D's with side lights & fogs on :))

King RA 03 December 2002 10:27 PM

ask what the bright button does and you'll be fine
I have a great big orange switch on my dashboard (MY95 WRX RA) which doesn't seem to do anything, I've always assumed it switches on the front fogs (which don't switch on at all) but can somebody enlighten me please?

Katana 03 December 2002 10:30 PM

I have a great big orange switch on my dashboard (MY95 WRX RA) which doesn't seem to do anything, I've always assumed it switches on the front fogs (which don't switch on at all) but can somebody enlighten me please?
I want to know too as I've got the same car but am too scared to flick it. Is it NOS? what if the button were jammed? will the plastic rivets pop out?

midlife-crisis-scooby 03 December 2002 11:15 PM

I think this song was written about us...

Ladies & Gentlemen of the class of 1997
Wear sunscreen
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it.The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience.
I will dispense this advice now:


Never get more than ten miles from a garage with Optimax / SUL


Talk nicely to strangers as they might put a 10 p coin down the car


Get used to parking miles away from where you want to be


Accept certain inalible truths: prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too will get old & when you do, you'll fanaticise that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were noble & children respected their elders.


Get plenty of calcium.Be kind to your knees, you'll miss them when they're gone.


Dance. Even if you have nowhere to do it but your own living room.
Read the directions even if you don't follow them.
Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly.


But trust me on the sunscreen.



Apologies to Baz Lurmann and all the young ones out there who don't remember the song (was it number one)

Everybody's Free, oh yeah, to feel good, ohhhhh, to feel good.

LG John 03 December 2002 11:19 PM

Flyboy stop being such a fanny! Having the car near (but not over) the limit of grip all the time at all points in a bend is about the fastest you can take it. So I suppose formula 1 drivers only use about 50% of the front tyres grip when turning into corners :rolleyes:

Its this slow in fast out stuff that has most scooby drivers wondering why they can't loose 172's, coopers, etc in the twisties! Yes, its the safest/least committed way to corner but I'll bet you'll find the hot-hatches are being chucked in with more speed and what they lack in power they much up for in preserved momentum.

Puff The Magic Wagon! 03 December 2002 11:56 PM

Slow in & fast out works for me :D

But I guess that some peoples SLOW is faster than others ;)

:p :p :p


Wilster 03 December 2002 11:59 PM

pop it into 1st gear before you go into reverse to stop it dragging in as you engage reverse
I find quickly lifting the clutch pedal half way while in neutral before engaging reverse does the trick. Dunno why though.


LG John 04 December 2002 01:54 PM

Fair point puff, I suppose it depends on your definition of fast and slow. I suppose I'm usually pushing the grip limits more coming out of a corner than going in (usually cause I can see the road is clear after the apex). On that basis I usually go slower in and faster out. However, if I was on a track that I knew well then I'd be aiming to use most of the grip available all of the time.

mista weava 04 December 2002 02:40 PM

wilster - if it works for you then cool :D

puff i agree.

i do think that the definition of slow in fast out is merely that what ever the velocity you enter at, so long as you comfortably increase this velocity as you progress through the bend then one is sorted :D.

really i don't think any one can justify an advantage to cornering speed by slowing through a bend in any way?


LG John 04 December 2002 04:10 PM

really i don't think any one can justify an advantage to cornering speed by slowing through a bend in any way
If your about to hit something that would be a good reason to slow I'd have thought ;):D

MooseRacer 04 December 2002 04:34 PM

Reading Saxo-Boys previous comment about slow in-fast out not being the best for track etc etc. Just goes to prove why you got flamed previously when you went on about not having anything to learn about quick driving! Anyone who has competed in motorsport will confirm that slow in-fast out is nearly always the quickest way to get around any bend (always the odd exception).

Saxo boy, don't get mislead by 'slow' and 'fast' - what is meant is that generally you should be going faster on the exit of a corner than you were on the entry.

john banks 04 December 2002 04:37 PM

If you go slow in fast out Saxo then you have the option of doing something about a possible lack of adhesion should the unexpected happen, or you assumed the grip available was more than it really is.... if you barrel in and get terminal understeer there is not really a lot you can do apart from hit the brakes (this advice from an advanced driving instructor, I wouldn't try it unless the alternative was clearly disastrous), which will probably make it worse. If you are driving around a bend feathering the throttle to the available grip then you have pretty predictable adjustment of the front end of the car and quite a wide range of control. If you are skilled then you can control the back end of the car as well, but controlled oversteer is beyond me - and it seems a lot of others usually end up spinning at some point if they try it a lot. I still maintain that the back end of a Subaru when you have considerable power is a bit of a nightmare and very easy to cock up.

I have also had the benefit :rolleyes: of having a crash (roll over) as a result of barrelling into a corner too quick for the grip after I misread the conditions and traffic. Because I had gone in quickly, there was nothing that power increase or decrease would do as I was in on a trailing throttle. On track situations in the Subaru, adding power to pretty established understeer seems to make it worse and there is the possibility of a snap oversteer too.

I'm not a driving dynamics expert, but driving just up to the limit of adhesion seems the combination of safest/fastest? Being under power to me seems the only way you can steer it if it does go a little over the limit? This is also when Subarus are most stable in a corner I think it is fair to say?

Maybe the above doesn't apply to very skilled drivers (I am not one), arguably you are not too since you managed to spin on the road?

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