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Scoobychick 14 February 2003 12:46 PM

I can totally recommend the Cat, it's fun, cheap and warm and the nightlife is excellent. Sod the rallying let's just party the week away ;) :D

Rum* 14 February 2003 01:57 PM


I'm always open to part exchange co-drivers for better looking models :D :D ... you never know Mossman might just have to drive his old WRX down to Spain this year ... he he he...

Main thing is if you are interested we will look to see who needs co-drivers etc nearer the time. Its possible that we will be able to have 3 in a car anyway ... or for people to fly our on Sleazy Jet and then be met at the airport in Spain etc etc...:D:D


scrap 14 February 2003 08:22 PM


:) :D

keep me informed, am definitley up for the Cat trip whichever way I get there :D (Sals description was pretty spot on ;) :D ) hehe


Rum* 14 February 2003 09:27 PM

Oi....Mossman!!! Find yourself a new ride :D:D:D Rumsters looking for Scraps with his next take-away :D:D:D


Rum* 14 February 2003 09:29 PM


Maybe young Mossman could be see as a young hunk....Oh, the the 2 of you would look quite sweet in his 7 :D:D:D

*Rum already getting blinkered*

scrap 14 February 2003 09:43 PM


The TunnelMeister 15 February 2003 09:47 AM

Somebody mention 'Cat' ?????? :D:D:D

Hi Tom et al,

count me in matey!!! :)

I can almost hear the roar of those Tunnels again!! :)

re: the route, happy to go with the flow though the train thing sounds interesting!!

It will be good to meet up with everyone again,



scrap 15 February 2003 06:55 PM

I joined the Yahoo group thing for the Cat last night and am still waiting for my membership to be accepted :(

Any ideas how long this takes?


Rum* 16 February 2003 09:49 AM

Teri :D:D

If you speak nicely to me I'll sign you up *LOL*.... nah seriously will sign you up now :D


Scoobychick 16 February 2003 12:01 PM

Maybe young Mossman could be see as a young hunk...
LOL @ 'young' :D:D:D:D:D:D

Although compared to you Tom I suppose he is.... :p

Scoobychick 16 February 2003 12:02 PM

.....and me for that matter :(

scrap 16 February 2003 02:51 PM

Thanks Rum, just got my notification :D


super slider 17 February 2003 09:07 AM

Hey all
I'd like to register an interest in the trip. Cannot be sure of going until i get a job being unemployed at the moment nor can be sure i will have a Subaru. I like the Hull option though.

JohnS 17 February 2003 10:29 AM

Looks like we have a posse of Scots interested in the Rosythe options :D

Rum* 17 February 2003 02:38 PM


Get them signed up to the yahoo group and then we can bounce various ideas around....I know its miles off....but may as well start planning something :D


[Edited by Rum* - 2/17/2003 2:40:03 PM]

ScooBabe 17 February 2003 08:02 PM

I'm interested in partying in and around Barcelona :D:D

Spect the rallying is quite good too ;):D

It will depend on how rich I am come October. :rolleyes:

scrap 17 February 2003 09:22 PM

If I end up driving down (big if) then the Hull option is also the better one for me, Hull is less than an hour away for me :)


Rum* 17 February 2003 11:37 PM


Where abouts r u then?? Mossmans in Hull....and I'm in Leeds :D

So for us the Hull option is by far the best *S*


scrap 17 February 2003 11:48 PM


I'm in Lincoln


The TunnelMeister 18 February 2003 07:49 PM

'Lest we forget'...... ;)

I was just looking thru' some of the pic's from last year & found this !!!!! :(

The ferry crossing on the way out BEFORE it got rough!!! ;)

Think I took this from the lounge level, about five decks up?

Not wishing to put anybody off, just made me remember some of us staggering to & from the bar with armfuls of Guiness!!!



jonno 18 February 2003 09:15 PM

Hi Tom
Iam interested in doing this trip again!!:)
Only this time i shall be driving:D


ChrisB 18 February 2003 11:12 PM

I remember that Steve. We ended up chasing Chris L's glasses down the upper deck of the ferry when they got blown off :eek:

Hull looks to be the top option then :)

The TunnelMeister 19 February 2003 08:57 AM

Hiya Chris, you ok?

Yeah, after that the Hull thing interests me too, just that I'll need an extra Passport to get across the Pennines.... ;)

Tom, don't forget the neccessary advance 'planning' meetings! :D

Speaking of which, anyone seen Banshi lately?
C'mon Barry, you out there?? (You know you want to!)

cheers all,


[Edited by The TunnelMeister - 2/19/2003 8:58:35 AM]

Scoobychick 19 February 2003 10:06 AM

He's probably asleep...


Richard Askew 19 February 2003 11:55 AM ........photoshop


The TunnelMeister 19 February 2003 07:29 PM

Looks like Tom can't find Banshi either...!!! ;)

'they seek him here... they seek him there....'

Hope I've not started something here, well, what the hell!! :D


Rum* 20 February 2003 11:14 AM idea...must call him and see what he's planning.

SteveF, Hull sounds cool and I am busy (when time permits) looking into the options.

Scrap, Lincolns not too bad for Hull then :-)

As you say STeveF, we must arrange a pre-trip bash!!! :D

Speak soon


Chris L 20 February 2003 11:51 AM

LOL - haven't seen that photo for ages. Still got my glasses ChrisB ;)

That reminds me Rum - insurance is due - must call you!


The TunnelMeister 21 February 2003 10:08 AM


remember it from the other end of the shot?? ;)

Tom, just a thought... if we intend to use same hotel but potentially with a larger group, may be worth contacting them sooner as it will still be holiday season??

Speak soon


Chris L 21 February 2003 11:12 AM

Rallynobbers!!! :)


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