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ImprezaWRX 03 March 2003 02:45 AM

broken nose / gunshot wound / my life /
seeing my daughter grow up/

or defending a car erm!!!!

Heres the key's mate...

But on the original question?

Sure theifs scum would take the easy option on the size and gender of the potential victim but only if there was an option!!

wrxgirl 04 March 2003 10:33 AM

Hi people ... thought a girls opinion may be welcome .... I own a MY02 WRX and have constant hassle from blokes, they obviously feel totally intimidated by the car (it's only a car?!!!) and feel the need to constantly race me, pull out in front of me etc etc. I previously drove a black 306 GTi6, had four chaps in a Nova pull straight out in front of me (no indication), they then stopped abruptly (again, no warning whatsoever) at which point they received a blast of the horn ... they then jumped out of their car and started the verbal abuse ... not realising that my 6'2 boyfriend was in the car behind me .... he stopped and asked them what they were up to etc, suggested that if they had something to say they should say it to him - their attitude changed instantly and they couldn't scuttle off fast enough. Had I been a bloke, I don't think they would been quite so keen to jump out of their car in the first place. On the car jacking front, its obviously something that has crossed my mind ... I am a 5'8 blonde female so probably a relatively easy target (I do kick boxing and have a rottie that's normally in the back of the car but would-be car thieves don't know that!) - I have a tracker fitted, which gives me some peace of mind - if it did get taken, hopefully they'd get caught pretty quickly anyway! - I also carry a huge maglite torch (mainly for walking to and from the car) and have a crook lock in the car. At the end of the day, if it came to it, I'd hand over the keys ... there is NO POINT whatsoever risking your health / life for something that's replacable! Think about your family, friends ... what would they rather have, your car or you?! I agree, it'd be nice to teach these w*****s a lesson, but is it really worth risking everything for?

daiscooby 04 March 2003 11:37 AM

I am 5'8" 13 stone, I work out, play sport but not a meat head. I have had a fair few idiots do the hammering up behind you lights flashing and trying to goad you into a race a few times. It's not confined to Scoobies its happened to me in a few " nice " cars. Only once it was more than just ar**h*les. Two guy's in and white Astra GTE ( why is it always Vauxhalls ) followed me down the M4 for forty miles, and I swear they were waiting for me outside my ex's house in a remote small town. I even tried driving around a roundabout a dozen times but they still stayed with me. I stopped in the middle of Newport but not near where I live. They get out, two kids the same dap as me. I had a crowbar they didn't, they go, I stay. The Car was a GT4 by the way.
I think its right to say it's about assessing the level of threat, and taking the appropriate steps, and ,within the law , applying any self defence measure that your are confident with and is not likely to cuase you increased risk of harm.
As an aside a friend of mine was put into hospital for two weeks by three teenagers who half killed him for having a to**ers car, an EVO V. He was, and is a doorman and I wouldn't fight him with a baseball bat cos' he's a hard ba**ard.

pslewis 04 March 2003 11:41 AM

All interesting views - I think it boils down to wrong place Wrong time - however BIG you may be!! Sadly!


Katana 04 March 2003 11:48 AM

wrxgirl, asl?

New To Scoob 04 March 2003 12:39 PM

I am 6ft and about 13 stone I've personnally really had any problems but I am getting worried about my wife driving the Scoob when we get ours, I've told to always lock the doors no matter what car she is driving and if anybody other than the cops ever ask her to open the door/window ignore them and just nail it and get out of there, she is a pretty good driver and I'm pretty sure she'll give most of these neds a run for their money in the Scooby. As for size is doesn't matter, I used to do martial arts one of my instructors was about 5' 7" 9/10 stone bushy beard and thick glasses the type of guy you would ignore and think nothing of if you met him in a pub or on the street, this guy could take on about three well trained guys at training 'full contact' and walk away without one of them touching them!!!! seriously fast and he knew where to hit people properly.

daiscooby 04 March 2003 12:53 PM

Could be worse.....
I worked in San Jose for a few a while and over there in urban areas they have professional divers. These guys will step out infront of your car appear to get hit and when you get out to see what has happened they rob you !!. Also the cops would advise you if you got in an accident that was just a shunt, dont stop, drive to the nearest police station and report it having taken the hitters reg. They would also rob you as you got out of your car, guns being an everyday item over there you tended to heed such advice.

beatle 04 March 2003 01:10 PM

Ive never experienced any problems at 6ft 2" and 20 st , but just recently had a kid so now the missus uses the scooby and im petrified that she will get carjacked or something with the nipper in the back , i tell her to keep doors locked and not to get out if anyone shunts her from behind ( so to speak ) almost puts you of owning a nice car

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