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MarkO 22 August 2003 09:54 PM

Get a job at a bike shop? ;) :D

Defiant STI 22 August 2003 11:09 PM

GaryK: Cheers mate. Thanks for the advice. I'm pretty much a Delphi specialist at the moment with a bit of VB. I'm trying to get some experience in C++ and ASP as they appear to be the other languages of choice in the industry at the moment.

Little Miss WRX: So Chelle, your saying I should work at my local Shell station :D And your right, I need a job just to get me out of the house! Go me and go Little Miss WRX, thanks for the support!

SimCat: Welcome to Scoobynet and the Graduatate Software Unemployed Club, or G SUC for short ;) Hang in there and I'm sure your find something! There seem to be quite a few hardware support roles around.

Again, cheers for the help :) I love this place!

TurboKitty 22 August 2003 11:12 PM

Def, what about C#? Seems like the market for that is pretty good and looking like it'll get better.

TurboKitty 22 August 2003 11:13 PM

Certain quarters reckon XML and .NET development are areas to look at...

Scot123 23 August 2003 02:01 AM

You should have taken an apprenticeship! How does £47K a year sound to you? Its a bit better than flippin burgers....

slasha 23 August 2003 04:02 PM

Get yourself a working visa for Australia, you'll get work no problem, make many fantastic new like minded new friends, have the time of your life and it'll look bloody good on your CV. Just take plenty of sun cream and durex with you!!! :)

Little Miss WRX 24 August 2003 10:11 AM

Slasha, that isn't a bad idea at all!

You considered it Defiant? Albeit, the current conditions for a working holiday visa require you to have at least 3000 GBP not including air fare....drop me an email. :)

Defiant STI 24 August 2003 10:53 AM

TurboKitty: Yep, they also seem to be very popular. Had abit of XML experience but thats about it. I think i'll have to take on some free work just to keep my hand in.

Scot123: Hindsights a B*tch ;)

slasha: I don't think my fiancee would appreciate that :)

Little Miss WRX: I would love to live in Aus but I'm in serious debt at the moment. God knows how long it would take to get 3k together. Couldn't lend me the money could you Chelle? ;)

Again, thanks for the interest guys. It's appreciated!

Little Miss WRX 24 August 2003 11:07 AM

LOL, I would if I could. :)

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