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RustyImpreza 15 September 2003 03:28 PM

he didnt work in Bude did he ????

POC 15 September 2003 03:35 PM

man! i didnt get to see the last link........ can you post it again? or mail it to me?

PG 15 September 2003 04:08 PM

POC you are a sick man wanting to see such violence:D
I have it but it would take aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages to send. Will leave it to the broadband guys.

ajm 15 September 2003 05:32 PM

Ah, I see my post was edited....

I can't help feeling that Redkop was a little over zealous there, just because he is squeamish about the natural food chain doesn't mean everyone else should be too.... nevermind....

POC I will mail you the link :D

ajm 15 September 2003 05:40 PM

incidentaly, for those who are interested, here are a few of my babies just 4 weeks after I started this thread.... they are growing!

[Edited by ajm - 9/15/2003 5:41:21 PM]

[Edited by ajm - 9/15/2003 5:42:25 PM]

Poor Guy 15 September 2003 06:58 PM

i will buy you a goldfish if you video its last moments in a tank with the little preditors and put it on the net!

ajm 15 September 2003 09:04 PM

Its already been done (not by me)... email me as per my profile and I'll send you the URL to the site...

I'm not feeding mine live feeders because they are more cannabilistic when young and it will encourage them to eat each other. Also personally I don't think it does the reputation of piranhas or their owners much good...

having said that, curiosity has to be satisfied, which is why I guess people made the videos in the first place.... they are mostly American made.... not sure what that says..... :D

[Edited by ajm - 9/15/2003 9:05:39 PM]

PG 15 September 2003 09:16 PM

Are you sure ?
I thought if they were American the fish would have lare weapons and would be eating each other by mistake :confused:;)

ajm 15 September 2003 09:21 PM

lol! Well, the fish are from south america.... maybe there is something in the water that disables "friend or foe" systems ;)

ajm 02 January 2004 08:01 PM


When I got them....

Here they are as of a couple of weeks ago....

Current diet: lambs liver, raw prawns stuffed with cichlid pellets, whole lance fish :D

To give you an idea of scale compare them against the leaves of the amazon sword plants which are in both pictures

[Edited by ajm - 1/2/2004 8:03:08 PM]

Poor Guy 02 January 2004 08:03 PM

10 goldfish tag-team match!

Funkii Munkii 02 January 2004 08:46 PM

Tag Team PMSL :D

Gedi 02 January 2004 08:51 PM

Can you mail me the link please to that clip which was removed.

I think the moderator was wrong to remove it. Its perfectly legal, people knew what they were seeing and this is the non scooby related section.

Interesting post :)

ajm 02 January 2004 09:03 PM

Awww, he only wants to give the goldfish a kiss ;)

ajm 02 January 2004 09:09 PM


I wont post the direct link to the video again, but if you have a browse at you will find various videos capturing the characteristics and behaviour of piranha.

One would hope that, by posting only the reference to the site, people who are offended by animals eating have ample opportunity not to go in and seek it out! :rolleyes:

rb5037 01 February 2004 11:19 PM


Good site, not got any fish but enjoyed watching the clips

lardypants 29 August 2004 01:47 PM

so how they doin?

biger now?

StickyMicky 29 August 2004 04:30 PM

have you seen the video of the ones taking out a mouse (i havnet read the full thread)

i felt a bit sorry for it, the fish are sneaky, they dart up take a bite and do one to see what happens, they do this a few times to suss it out before going in and just ripping it in half :eek:

StickyMicky 29 August 2004 04:35 PM

just read the whole thread

ignore the above lol

ajm 29 August 2004 11:32 PM

Originally Posted by lardypants
so how they doin?

biger now?

They are doing great! Probably about 6.5 to 7 inches now. I introduced 3 caribe (venezuelan piranha) a while back and, apart from the odd scrap, they are all getting on very well! See

I will try and get some up-to-date pics sorted in due course! :D

mart360 08 October 2004 09:00 PM

Originally Posted by ajm
ok.... but don't say I didn't warn you!!!

Nature at its harshest Don't watch if you have a squeamish disposition!!!!

DISCLAIMER: This isn't my video and I don't condone it!

Link deleted - not appropriate

[Edited by Redkop - 8/25/2003 6:54:02 PM]

pm me i wanna see

(research student (honest)!!!


wwp8 08 October 2004 11:56 PM

me too

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