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The Zohan 20 September 2003 06:48 PM

Father Pierre
The Tories introduced the Fuel Tax Esculator, Labour where happy to continue using it until the civil unrest then they dropped it, hardly due to a sense of fair play (on fuel) they where made to act by people taking the law into their own hands. The only way to make this govenrment wake up, take off the blinkers and start listening to the people will be riots on the streets (not my first option) or a change of government which i hope we will have.

To those who say the Tories are no better, well that is not an excuse for Labour to carry on f**king us, the people over and do as they please. The only way they will learn or listen is if the Tories/Lib dems get in so a change of government it will have to be.

I was really hoping Labour where the answer to this countries needs after the Tories, i was sadly mistaken. Blair might well believe he is right but i live in the real world and what i see is problems developing and things getting worse, after 6 years you would have thought things would get better.

I still remember the Labour campaign back in '97 with the theme tune 'Things Can Only Get Better' being played, May well have got better for Blair and his Croneys (no offence Pete C ;) ) But not for anyone else i know.

As for an alternative, pretty much anything has to be better than what we currently have!

[Edited by Paul Habgood - 9/20/2003 6:53:26 PM]

midget1500 20 September 2003 06:53 PM

alcazar - 5p per gallon

not that i'm happy with it :(

fatherpierre 20 September 2003 06:58 PM

Has any other party stated that they'd make fuel cheaper by reducing tax on it? No.

And if tax were reduced on fuel it would be levied somewhere else.

All previous governments have hammered us with tax as a way of creating a surplus which then pays for the tax cuts just before a general election to sweaten the public and win votes.

The public have short memories, and like sheep vote them in to carry on the cycle. Except in '97 when they'd taken the p1ss that little bit too much and were bombed out.

[Edited by fatherpierre - 9/20/2003 7:58:42 PM]

OllieC 20 September 2003 07:31 PM

If you do 12,000 miles a year and average 20mpg, this will cost you £30 over the year. Don't get me wrong - I'd rather have the £30. But is it really worth getting upset about?

Remember that lots of what's wrong with Britain is due to what the Tories did. It takes more than 6 years to get back the "family jewels" that Maggie gave away.

DEEDEE 20 September 2003 08:38 PM

Do you hold a membership card ?? What a load of crap, Maggie might have been a bitch but she had balls, Teflon Tony is missing his and missing the point that he was voted in to do what he promised and that is to serve the public of this country his first priorty.

ianmiller999 20 September 2003 08:49 PM

As a school pupil I am seeing my fellow pupils be outraged by the current government. i am not sure whether it is because we are getting older but we all are infuriated by what the current government is doing to this country and future. We are seeing are resources wasted are infrastructures destroyed, the power of our country handed over to others and an attack from within with the rise in asylum seekers and such other stuff. s o much so that the majority of our school walked out over the war on Iraq along with other schools in the area.

fatherpierre 20 September 2003 08:51 PM

But was that not just for a day off so most of them could go smoking, drinking and sniffing glue in the local park?

Or maybe that was just at my school:D

ianmiller999 20 September 2003 08:55 PM

Well not me, can't speak for anyone else though. I went back to lessons after ten minutes. It basically turned into a riot when the local rags photographer turned up.

midget1500 20 September 2003 08:57 PM


i think most people except taxes BUT this is another UNFAIR tax on the motorist which is being used to fund some bloody waste of space venture dreamed up by that argogant git blair (in this case our little jaunt in iraq no doubt).

if this money was being used on education/health/transport etc then most people wouldn't mind, instead it is being wasted.


ianmiller999 20 September 2003 09:09 PM

I think you will find you would mind if it was spent on helth/education etc.

Well I would, if you could see how much money my school wastes on pointless and useless equipment mainly laptops and projectors for teachers it would drive you mad. Not to mention the huge amount of paper that is wasted for pointless letters worksheets objectives targets and such other beaurocratic crap!

ianmiller999 20 September 2003 09:12 PM

Just shows you how fed up people are getting with current government.

18th Sept 2003

British National Party candidate, John West won a very commendable second place in today's council by-election in the City of Stoke Abbey Green Ward. This is the first time this ward has been contested and to come from nowhere to capture 32% of the vote is a brilliant effort by local activists and the candidate himself.

The full results are:

Candidate Party Result % of vote
Shaun Lee Bennett Con 249 10
George David Frost Soc 61 2
Donald Stuart McLean Ind 374 15
Maxine Morrow Lib 154 6
Paul Sutton (ELECTED) Lab 842 34
John Allen West BNP 782 32

unclebuck 20 September 2003 11:11 PM

Well said ianmiller999. I <don't>like the stuff about resources being wasted on teacher's laptops. It's a good analogy for what seems is happening in the entire Public Sector under New Labour.


The Zohan 21 September 2003 07:04 AM

Agreed, the problem as i see it is that Labour see the public as an unexhaustable supply of funds/tax. They increase it to pay for just about anything. It does not matter how well thought out or how OUR money is spent, there is no accountability.

I understand that tax has to be paid just not sure it is being spent wisely or by people who have a clue what they are doing. What happens if they want more money - 'bend over taxpayer/voter it's time to pay'.

As for the Tories leaving things in a mess then yes i am sure they did to a certian extent, I have seen a Labour government in power for 6+ years. I pay more for just about everything and do not see things getting better, in some cases worse. Come on, 6 years, should seee some improvements shouldn't we???

We are seeing the likes of the BNP gain in popularity in this country mostly due to this governments lack of thought regarding immigration. This is a very bad thing. Listening to a Labour councillor on the news a while back stating that there people need to get out on the street and talk to people to tell them what they are doing, partly right but just for a change try listening to the people instead of telling them.

AllanB 21 September 2003 09:26 AM

Lets face it Labour are just not good wityh the vast amounts of money they have. They have introudced so many levels of managment in the public sector yet nobody appears to be responsible for anything if it fails to deliver.

I personally think this ogvernment is the worst I can remember in my 32 years of life. I thought Thatcher went near mad at the end of her PM stint but my god at least there were not so many transparnet lies and devious stuff. If it did go on at least we wewre not aware of it .

Problem is as bad a Labour are who is the credible opposition ? I am personally saddenned to see anyone voting for the BNP and mentioning asylum seekers but this is really the problem. People really do feel **** under this governemt and most peoples quality of like has deteriorated so asylum seekers are mentioned as they are an obvious change to life in the UK under this government.

Finally I am amazed in the conditions of our roads. In my area the roads in many places are now dangerous due to potholes, ridges, huge cracks and generally total lack of maintenance. Its only a matter of time before someone dies as a direct result of this governments ongoing aim to shaft the motorist. Now if this money was being put into sorting the roads then no problem but it will no doubt go to cover the cost of some meaningless report showing the NHS has more beds or we have more Police, Yeah right Tony pull the other one.

Ever notice when they talk about Police numbers they always mention the numbers of new Police. Its because they are leaving as fast as the join. They have to decieive to cover thier incredible incompetence.

Boot out these loosers for gods sake before this country becomes a sad joke.


Gordo 21 September 2003 10:22 AM

"Right, some simple maths:
Inflation is at 2.5%, (Government's own figure)
Fuel costs, what? 75p a litre?
This gives an "inflation" increase of about 2p:

So where are the greedy lying b@st@rds getting the other 3p from then????????"

Alcazar - your maths is Flawed, mate, it's 5p on a gallon, not a litre - so the rise is actually less than your inFlation calculation (sorry about the capital Fs - keyboard being weird :) )

personally, I think it's great, the more Fuel costs, the more scrotes and povs it hopeFully gets oFF the road and people might actually stop using the car to take little jimmy 10 yards to his school or popping to the local paper shop

There are more worrying taxes to moan about - council tax rises, For instance, make the Fuel rise pale into insigniFicance....


Fast_Blue_Scooby 21 September 2003 10:44 AM

Council tax - now what is that used for????

Let me have a look, in 1998 I was paying £75 a month, now I am paying £150 a month. A 100% increase in 5 years!!!!!!

Now let us say the cost of inflation was 3% average over those years, this means that the council tax I should be paying ought to be around £87 a month.

So I agree how can they get away with that???
That means on average they have put my council tax up by approx 15% a year!!

Right so not only no more buying petrol but I am going to cancel my direct debit for my council tax. After all since April, I have already paid £900 which is already £40 more than what I should have paid for the whole year if they had kept the council tax rise linked to inflation.


ProperCharlie 21 September 2003 11:09 AM

Some of you really don't know what the f*ck you are talking about. Car ownership is still cheaper than it has ever been. Why do you think the place is so clogged up with them? Why can't anyone park outside their house anymore? Cos no-one can afford a to put petrol in their car? Yeah right. I don't like this government either, but i do have some grip on reality. So all our money is being wasted on laptops for teachers? I see. Maybe we should give them a slate and chalk instead. Incidentally, my other half is a teacher and I bought her a laptop as the school does not provide staff with them. So will all the ungrateful little w*nkers that she is trying to educate please give my my £1500 back? Like hell will they, they are too busy trying to nick their teacher's mobile phone.

ianmiller999 21 September 2003 06:37 PM

Can you please explain to me why my french teachers need laptops and projectors then please, as far as I am conserned a slate and chalk would benefit me much more as a pupil.

[Edited by ianmiller999 - 9/21/2003 6:38:12 PM]

johnfelstead 21 September 2003 06:56 PM

its to fill in the online forms for student performance figures.

johnfelstead 21 September 2003 06:57 PM

And Ian, your spelling and grammar are atrocious; spend a little more time concentrating in your English classes please. :D

ianmiller999 21 September 2003 07:18 PM

Its all well a good paying attention in English lessons but I spend far too much time on scoobynet picking up bad habbits.

Now that people are moaning at me can we go back to the original subject ;)

MooseRacer 21 September 2003 08:41 PM

So tax on petrol goes up by, or slightly less than, inflation.

Wow, outrage :rolleyes:

ProperCharlie 21 September 2003 08:45 PM

One of the easiest ways to distribute teaching aids and course material is on a CD rom. When I book training for my staff, I tend to use training companies that are in the same century as I am - they use laptops and projectors to display their material. It's easy and it works. I could ask them to use a blackboard and chalk, but that would take longer, it would be less effective. Ian, maybe you don't respect people who are trying to educate you because you think you know best.

Good luck in the real world.

mart360 21 September 2003 11:42 PM

Notice there's no "i think 50p on a litre is not enough,,"" replys,,, no one going to extole tone or gords virtues..

if my memory serves me correctly,, the torys actually came up with a viable method of collecting tax on petrol and it left the motorist laughing... its true...

the way it worked was.. ( now my memory might be rusty but,)

its all to do with the way duty is collected.. at present all crude is shipped ashore and the oil companys pay no tax,, they only pay tax on petrol produced ..the torys idea was to tax every barrel that was pumped,,, giving revenue to hmg...

then there was another proposal that all transactions on the stock exchange (for anything) would levy a 0.5 percent or similar charge,,, due to the massive amount of transactions this would generate a fantastic income,,, but i believe the doom and gloom bods predicted that all big businesses would pull out and it was dropped

the solution was to screw the populous as they dont do anything...


mart360 21 September 2003 11:45 PM

Forgot to add,,,

when they introduce a decent judicial system that actally locks up

perverts and paeds prehaps then i might let my children walk to school by themselves


johnfelstead 22 September 2003 12:25 AM

there are no more pervs on the street than there were 30 years ago, its just that parents are so **** scared now due to stories in the news they keep their kids in cotton wool. Result = lazy fat buggers.

I grew up with Brady and hindley just up the road from me, i walked to school.

The school run is a nightmare for this country, but thats a diferent subject.

fatherpierre 22 September 2003 12:30 AM

True, John.

Information makes the world seem a much more dangerous place (especially for kids) than it really is.

tiggers 22 September 2003 02:40 AM

OK - at the risk of being controversial here...

Let's just say theat the proposed (as it is just that at the moment) 5p a gallon extra tax was to help fund the Iraq situation. I for one would be happy to contribute that extra tax if I thought it was ultimately going to help a country get rid of an evil despotic dictator and get back on it's feet so it's people could live life to the full in the way you and I just take for granted.

Yes I know there are a lot of ifs in there, but you see where I'm coming from.

Say what you like about the current lot, but the greatest trick Maggie ever pulled was to turn Britain into a selfish dog eat dog and greed driven society and then on top of that somehow make people proud to be this way.



TURBORAY 22 September 2003 02:48 AM

i may as well give gordon brown my wage packet on a friday instead .lol:D :D

lightning101 22 September 2003 03:53 AM

Anyone been to Gibralta on holiday - its britain without tax.

Regal Fags £7.50 - for 200
Petrol £1.60 - Gallon
Bells 1 Ltr Whisky - £4.50

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