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Diesel 28 November 2004 06:24 PM

Blairs Britain - a place where you can steal cars, seriously endanger people's lives and then ram police cars with it; you end up with 100 hours community service (just saw it on SKY!). However the more decent type of people can go to jail if they arent sure who the driver of the car was after a NIP. Spot On!

Ohh and as for the notion of Labour presiding over a 'bonus to all' rise in house prices, well its the biggest noose 'round everyone's neck going - ohh, and you only get to realise the profit when you DIE! Also if the house cost something more reasonable then people might be able to make a dent in the CAPITAL and not just struggle to pay the INTEREST every month! Keep piling on the Stamp Duty Blairites...

I've said it before - we have an overall tax burden similar to Norway up to about £60k pa earners, but over there they have dentists/proper paternity leave/no 15week waiting lists if you need a cancer diagnosed/clean everything/pretty churches;) ohh and you only pay 5p to go on a bus (not that I recommend ever going on a bus mind ;))

I hear it's a bit nippy mind - can I blame Labour for that;)?

paulr 28 November 2004 06:27 PM

I've said it before - we have an overall tax burden similar to Norway up to about £60k pa earners, but over there they have dentists/proper paternity leave/no 15week waiting lists if you need a cancer diagnosed/clean everything/pretty churches;) ohh and you only pay 5p to go on a bus (not that I recommend ever going on a bus mind ;))

They also have Aha...................nuff said.

Diesel 28 November 2004 06:44 PM

No mate - Morten's gone solo (and a bit ga-ga actually!!!)

pslewis 28 November 2004 06:48 PM

As Paul says - Labour will win again and I reckon will win the next one too

So, whether you like it or not, we are in for the pleasures of Labour for 8years+

The Tories made such an almighty disaster of it last time that it will take a lot of old people to die before they are trusted again!!

And I, personally, intend ringing the bell of truth for many years yet!! :D

Imagine it? pslewis and Blair for the next 10 years and more??? :D

Seriously, if you don't like it - vote agianst it - or leave the country!


mart360 28 November 2004 06:53 PM


i always have and always will vote against a labour government,

its not your fault i suppose.. but you do tend to get indoctrinated!!

its quite sad really,,

you fit a classic stereotypical role, the more you post the more boxes i tick..

one day i will post the psl spotter guide...


pslewis 28 November 2004 06:58 PM

Not sad for me one bit ................ maybe, just maybe, you are the sad one?

I mean, ticking boxes with my every post :rolleyes:

You dream of me at night, don't you?? ;)


unclebuck 28 November 2004 07:00 PM

In this life there are Loonies and there are Losers.

pslewis is both....


paulr 28 November 2004 07:01 PM

Originally Posted by unclebuck
In this life there are Loonies and there are Losers.

pslewis is both....


dont you mean michael (poll tax) howard.


pslewis 28 November 2004 07:04 PM

Originally Posted by unclebuck
In this life there are Loonies and there are Losers.

pslewis is both....


I'm the highest paid loser you will ever know then :D


mart360 28 November 2004 07:21 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis
Not sad for me one bit ................ maybe, just maybe, you are the sad one?

I mean, ticking boxes with my every post :rolleyes:

You dream of me at night, don't you?? ;)


Me sad no Pete fraid not

ticking boxes,, yes i dont deny it,, its probably the most humourous part of coming onto SN... what crap will pete spout today, i see a thread and wait for your stuck record of answers to begin.

dream of you at night no never,, sorry pete that last vestige of hope that someone thinks about you has been blown away..

i,m sure tony and the witch do,



pslewis 28 November 2004 07:25 PM

The witch, being?? Margaret Thatcher?


Chip 28 November 2004 07:37 PM

Margaret. What a woman. Best ever!

mart360 28 November 2004 07:56 PM

oh yes pete..

She went to war ..... no bull****, no spin no wmd..

just got on went out and did the job!!!!

no debate was it needed or right, just defended our country..

and thats what really pisses tony off he hadnt the balls or the clout to do it..


_Meridian_ 28 November 2004 07:59 PM

Originally Posted by mart360
oh yes pete..

no debate was it needed or right, just defended our country..

She defended two islands in the middle of no-where that the British seized off the French. And she relied on massive US co-operation that was hushed up at the time.


mart360 28 November 2004 08:01 PM

Originally Posted by _Meridian_
She defended two islands in the middle of no-where that the British seized off the French. And she relied on massive US co-operation that was hushed up at the time.


but at least she did it!!!!

tiggers 28 November 2004 08:14 PM

Originally Posted by _Meridian_
She defended two islands in the middle of no-where that the British seized off the French. And she relied on massive US co-operation that was hushed up at the time.


Don't forget the fact she also shunned and covered up any way of solving the 'crisis' diplomatically. Nothing to do with a looming election and playing the old patriotism card of course. Still, the SN NSR rose tinted spectacle brigade will always love her :rolleyes:


Chip 28 November 2004 09:20 PM

Originally Posted by tiggers
Don't forget the fact she also shunned and covered up any way of solving the 'crisis' diplomatically. Nothing to do with a looming election and playing the old patriotism card of course. Still, the SN NSR rose tinted spectacle brigade will always love her :rolleyes:



Buckrogers 28 November 2004 10:24 PM

Another boring labour spin thread by pslewis.

Change the record. :Whatever_

judgejules 29 November 2004 04:19 AM

Politics is a total waste of time, I just wish there were people running this country for the good of the people and not for political beliefs, or ideals that don’t touch the realms of reasonable thinking. I suspect most of them sponge as much as they can out of the system before their term is up and waste our money in the process. Whenever a new party gets in, its all “lovey dovey” until the people get bored or something goes Pete Tong. I really hate it with a vengeance and just wish someone would get in that could sort out all the bad that is happening with this country.

As far as I’m concerned, no party is better than any other, its all a total joke. “If we get in, we’ll cut waiting lists by X and provide X millions to the NHS” for example… Well if you’ve got such a genius idea, where’s the money coming from and don’t you think the current party has already thought about doing that? More importantly, what will be effected by you doing this? What is the point of voting another party in if they will just move the goal posts on their election promises? They all do it, so what’s the point of saying those things in the first place?

It all really does get on my nerves and so does people spouting that one party is better than another all the time. They’re all as bad as each other, you just acknowledge the parts you don’t know about or don’t want to see.


the moose 29 November 2004 08:03 AM

Originally Posted by The Chief
We have never been as highly taxed as we are now

So the 70+% tax rates of the 1970s were a myth?

Leslie 29 November 2004 12:43 PM


You must be a good NL man. All you can do is to tell us what you would like us to hear by numbers even though it is all claptrap.

PSL has just been conned and brainwashed like Old Labour was.


tiggers 29 November 2004 01:15 PM

Originally Posted by judgejules
Politics is a total waste of time, I just wish there were people running this country for the good of the people and not for political beliefs, or ideals that don’t touch the realms of reasonable thinking. I suspect most of them sponge as much as they can out of the system before their term is up and waste our money in the process. Whenever a new party gets in, its all “lovey dovey” until the people get bored or something goes Pete Tong. I really hate it with a vengeance and just wish someone would get in that could sort out all the bad that is happening with this country.

As far as I’m concerned, no party is better than any other, its all a total joke. “If we get in, we’ll cut waiting lists by X and provide X millions to the NHS” for example… Well if you’ve got such a genius idea, where’s the money coming from and don’t you think the current party has already thought about doing that? More importantly, what will be effected by you doing this? What is the point of voting another party in if they will just move the goal posts on their election promises? They all do it, so what’s the point of saying those things in the first place?

It all really does get on my nerves and so does people spouting that one party is better than another all the time. They’re all as bad as each other, you just acknowledge the parts you don’t know about or don’t want to see.


And that in my opinion is the most sensible political post on SN for quite some time. Trouble is most on hear don't want to be pulled from their 'Vote another party in and everything will be alright' comfort zone. They'll learn.


Jay m A 29 November 2004 01:24 PM

I dont care how poor Labour is supposed to be or how good the Tory's are promising they will be I could never vote for that two faced, Thatcher loving, slimeball that is Howard. The man hasn't got an ounce of conviction or a single backbone in his body.
In a nutshell :(

the moose 29 November 2004 01:32 PM

Originally Posted by judgejules
I really hate it with a vengeance and just wish someone would get in that could sort out all the bad that is happening with this country.

This is a much-repeated phrase, but what exactly is so bad about Britain today? This is a serious question, and what I mean by it is this: we live in one of the richest countries in the world, enjoy a massively improved life expectancy than, say, our grandparents, have an excellent health service which is free at the point of delivery, and all of this with taxes which are lower than they were 25 years ago. Are things *really* so bad?

Before you rush in with a million things of complaint, think of this: we're better off now than we've ever been. This is indubitably true, and although we want more - that's a natural human condition - we've still enjoyed remarkable prosperity over my lifetime.

Of course there are things which could be better, and people will complain bitterly on these issues, but in general all of the political parties are trying to do their best. Most MPs are not, contrary to public opinion, idiots who are all on the gravy train. Sure, they want to be well paid, but then who doesn't? And if the rules are there to claim expenses .... well, when was the last time you refused to fly First Class even though your company said you could?

I'd like to see a little less hypocrisy amongst the voters. If we're not angels and superheroes, then why do we insist on this from our MPs? I'd rather have a relatively honest but fallible person than a zealot/bigot/puritan/fundamentalist (whether Christian, Muslim, Jew, or Sikh).

TelBoy 29 November 2004 03:18 PM

Originally Posted by tiggers
And that in my opinion is the most sensible political post on SN for quite some time. Trouble is most on hear don't want to be pulled from their 'Vote another party in and everything will be alright' comfort zone. They'll learn.


The alternative, of course, is anarchy. People usually vote in accordance with where they see themselves on the social scale, even though in reality the difference at the margin between parties is often marginal. Not sure what you think "they'll learn" - this process is bound to continue for as long as anyone here is likely to be around....

tiggers 29 November 2004 03:41 PM

Originally Posted by TelBoy
The alternative, of course, is anarchy. People usually vote in accordance with where they see themselves on the social scale, even though in reality the difference at the margin between parties is often marginal. Not sure what you think "they'll learn" - this process is bound to continue for as long as anyone here is likely to be around....

That's my point really Tel, they'll learn that not all the country's ills will be cured by a change in government at least not under the current political system. As you say the differences between the parties are marginal, but it seems to me that many on here think the country's problems only started in 1997 and voting in a different party will solve those problems. My point is that they will learn that it won't not for as long as the country's political system rotates around career politicians and as you say that is unlikely to change in the near future.



hedgehog 29 November 2004 03:43 PM

I think we should all read more Dostoyevsky and go for his version of anarchy, of course he got to undergo a mock execution and to spend a lot of time in Siberia for his views as well. Something that may not be too far away in this country.

I am not party political as I don't believe the Tories would do it any differently. However, I do believe that we have to start to fight the huge control that the administration is trying to exert over our lives.

On the other hand is this level of control necessary to maintain such a high standard of living? In other words do we have to trade control for material things? If so then we can probably see the division on here between those who would willingly accept their car being remotely controlled etc. and those who would accept a slightly less high standard of material living in exchange for more freedom and the right to self determination. In most political systems there is a balance between the "administration drones" and the "free thinkers" but in the current climate free thought and free actions are being controled and determined by things like "political correctness" which clearly define just how much free thought is allowed.

I think that the old party politics is over and we are now into a time of "control politics." It doesn't really matter who is in power. I also think that there will be a significant rural/urban divide in this control which may end in conflict, as we have seen with fox hunting for example. There is also very little divide between the "working classes" and the other classes quite simply because there are no other classes. By definition the working classes have to go to work to make a living and so that probably covers almost everyone on here, for example, but the actual number of people in this country who are so well off as to not need to work is almost trivial. All of politics is now working class politics aimed at and driven by the industrial proletariat and we need to look to the history of people like Stalin to see how this will develop and how we will be controlled by the system, it is also interesting to compare the control that put Dostoyevsky in Siberia with that which put Solzhenitsyn in the same place.

unclebuck 29 November 2004 03:56 PM

Originally Posted by tiggers
most on hear don't want to be pulled from their 'Vote another party in and everything will be alright' comfort zone. They'll learn.


What a snob 'mr superior' is. His contempt for the scoobynet community is encapsulated perfectly by this particular statement.

I for one know that I have nothing to "learn" from some some posh stereo owning Bono/Peter Gabriel fan with their elitist 'I'm better than the rest' delusions.

VTEC to Turbo 29 November 2004 04:20 PM

Couldn't agree more with the TITLE of this thread!

They are doing a cr4p job!

tiggers 29 November 2004 04:58 PM

Originally Posted by unclebuck
What a snob 'mr superior' is. His contempt for the scoobynet community is encapsulated perfectly by this particular statement.

I for one know that I have nothing to "learn" from some some posh stereo owning Bono/Peter Gabriel fan with their elitist 'I'm better than the rest' delusions.

:D :D :D

You forgot web wizard, photographic genius and all round good egg :D

Best regards as always,


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