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Simon K 10 February 2006 02:10 PM

I think this is all becoming nasty. Ive been reading this thread for a few days now and its becoming darker and darker. I can see both sides / points and each to their own in regards to interests and likes, but you two are never going to agree.

I thought ephedrine was either illegal / difficult to get hold on now as I used to buy it from the US but cant seem to get it now. I used to be heavily into body building and used ephedrine to strip the fat off me. As a lfunny little side story, I took 4 / 5 pills one real hard / heavy training session. Went for a pee, but even after I had finished, felt like I still needed to go. Standing over the urinal, holding my john thomas, trying to pee, I suddenly started to "shoot love juice " instead of pee !!!! God did that shock me and the guy next to me ! hahahaah

On the Rave side, anyone here used to go to Sterns near Worthing, back in the `day` ? Or over to Shoreham power station ?? Many a illegal rave was held there. What I liked about those gatherings was that what you looked like didnt matter, it was all about the music. Where as now, some clubs, its more about who / what you are wearing, and all that crap.

What ever the case, Astraboy, EXSCOOBY, agree to disagree, shake hands and move on.

Anyone got any vera's ?


_RIP_ 10 February 2006 02:14 PM

AB perhaps you could start a poll, or even EXSCOOBY, just to see how many people actually read or are interested in these reviews. After all, why post them if no one really cares? I know it won’t make any difference to your feelings on the subject, and that you will probably continue to write (cut-and-paste I'm sure) them, but it might be interesting none the less. If I liked train spotting or some other niche “hobby”, and continually posted 1000 word essays in a car forum regarding said hobby when I know fine well it has minority interest, well I'd expect some flack. That said it’s a free country, just, and these ping-pong fights with EXSCOOBY certainly entertain :D

Simon K 10 February 2006 02:23 PM

This thread would be far more enjoyable if there were pics of topless girls !!!

SBK :-)

EXSCOOBY 10 February 2006 02:45 PM

i live and breathe boxing but would not submit countless meandering self congratulary essays on how much effort ive made to watch a fight and how long it took me to get to an arena
frankly speaking astraboi is a nob and should trade all his white gloves , glow sticks and care bears in and get a life

astraboy 10 February 2006 02:56 PM

you see, this is the difference between me and Exscooby. I have my feelings on several issues which are posted on this BBS and sometimes I post about them. However I always remain stand off and dont get personal about things, no matter how passionate the debate gets.
Exscooby is different. He makes no bone about his dislike for the Hardcore rave, he has posted about it ad nausium, however he goes out of his way and makes a point of posting spiteful abuse after every review I post. I really dont see why he feels the need, apart from wanting to turn the knife.
The comments I make towards him wirht regard to him being a coke head and a has been DJ are to wind him up, but the difference between him and me is he actually hates me, despite the fact he has never met me, just because I am a Hardcore raver and he thinks he can look down his nose at me becuase he's a snobby house jock.
The most amusing thing for me is the way he always dodges the issue when I ask him for his DJ name. More than happy to be vocal about it, no so happy to do it from anywhere else than his keyboard.
I could do the same. I could say how house music is for trendy wankers in jacket and jeans who are self obsessed preening peacocks and the music is pretentious sh!te which bores the living piss out of me. But I dont.
So you continue on your way pal, I know I'm going to continue on mine. The only other definite is nothing ExScooby can say will ever make me change what I do. Cos I am a Hardcore Raver.

Markus 10 February 2006 02:59 PM

AB - Keep Raving!

EXSCOOBY 10 February 2006 03:01 PM

a hardcore raver
oh hell that is the funniest thing i have ever read
yep you would have lasted 10 mins and finger in a box or raindance or the orbit in morley
hardcore raving on energy drinks and ephedrine!!!
how does tossing around in a field with kids half your age make you hardcore

EddScott 10 February 2006 03:06 PM

Anyone ever go to Dreamscape?

Me and some friends used to go whenever we could for about 2 years near enough. Certainly one year we went to every one from new years eve to the next.

Really good laugh and miss the life quite alot now (family, home, mortgage etc)

Only went to London once, think it was Club UK. Thought it was a complete dump and it was dangerously hot. Never forget watching some girl in a mini dress sat on a bass bin with some lad giving her a 3 finger salute - and if that wasn't bad enough, some tramp looking guy was watching with his hand in his pants.

Needless to say, we didn't go there again.

TelBoy 10 February 2006 03:08 PM

Whereabouts, just out of interest? :)

Simon K 10 February 2006 03:11 PM

Topless or naked, Im not fussed.

Anyone ever pulled a podium dancer ?? They have a couple in `Creations` in Brighton.


davegtt 10 February 2006 03:14 PM

LMAO @ Tel.

Used to go to the Sanctuary in Milton Keynes a fair bit back in about 1998-2000, was good times too.

monty baber 10 February 2006 03:48 PM

I went to a few at the sanctuary around that time,

I used to be heavily into the scene, Tribal gathering, Dreamscape, Fusion, Helter Skelter, etc, etc and have lots of good memories :)

In fact I have a few Hardcore/drum and bass mix tapes in the car right now (even though I dont really follow it all anymore) I read some of AB's reviews and TBH it brings it all back to me which is good.

I read the threads along with the sarky comments and enjoy the humour but personal attacks etc are out of order

Carry on AB :thumb:

TopBanana 10 February 2006 03:57 PM

AB did you ever go to the Rhythm Station in Aldershot? I ended up there a couple of times with mates who were really into it. I'm sure you would have loved it, seem to remember some big names of the time playing there.

Chris L 10 February 2006 04:00 PM

Getting very fed up with this guys. Exscooby - if you have nothing of value to post - then please don't post.

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