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DCI Gene Hunt 15 August 2006 02:27 PM

Originally Posted by Ipkis' Wifey
i AM a goth and have been for over 20 years... and it has nothing to do with the pets i keep...

i am not moody or bad tempered...

now can we get back on topic please?

You sound moody and bad tempered to me.... :D

D.K.1 15 August 2006 03:37 PM

Originally Posted by Ipkis' Wifey
i AM a goth and have been for over 20 years... and it has nothing to do with the pets i keep...

i am not moody or bad tempered...

now can we get back on topic please?

Exactly and it doesn't matter what any pet anyone has as long as it is looked after properly :)

THem burmese couldn't have been easy, get mahoosive they do !! :eek: They're lovely and I would love one but I wouldn't have the room for one and I have heard they can get bad attitudes on them :( Pity really.

Why shouldn't a snake have a name? Every pet has a name wether it's a dog, cat, rabbit or even a reptile!! I don't need environmental health as he is kept in sanitary conditions and isn't diseased or infected with anything and my kids love him too :)

D.K.1 15 August 2006 03:43 PM

Originally Posted by The Rani
I'm not a goth either :D For your information, my ex and I used to make and sell falconry furniture. We also used to sell frozen food for various animals, including chicks, mice and rats. I used to breed rats for pets shops (had about 400 at one time in my house ;) ) and ferrets. And, more importantly, I used to look after mistreated small birds of prey and small animals for a zoo.

Must have been hard work taking in all those rescue animals, not many would do it :) Birds of prey are gorgeous, my mum adopted one from a sanctuary in North Wales for my children a few years ago, he is a barn owl named "Stumpy" because he only has one leg LOL, but the money from the adoption goes towards his upkeep etc so he's well looked after and the kids love visiting him :D

Not a lot of places sell frozen mice and a lot of the o nes that do aren't always that decent. I like to know where they come from as I would't want to give my snake something that would make him ill, have even thought of breeding them myself for him, not sure on the legalities of it though :)

Iwan 15 August 2006 03:53 PM

Originally Posted by D.K.1
Why shouldn't a snake have a name?

My first garter snake was called "snake", then when I got my second one it was called "other snake". Sadly "snake" died when he was young, so it left "other snake" all on her own. It confused people a bit, I had just the one snake called "other snake". :confused:

Btw I'm not a Goth, I don't agree with keeping pets these days either - cruel IMO. :)

unclebuck 15 August 2006 04:08 PM

I own a couple, but they're not posting at the moment.


Ipkis' Wifey 15 August 2006 04:10 PM

Originally Posted by D.K.1
Exactly and it doesn't matter what any pet anyone has as long as it is looked after properly :)

THem burmese couldn't have been easy, get mahoosive they do !! :eek: They're lovely and I would love one but I wouldn't have the room for one and I have heard they can get bad attitudes on them :( Pity really.

Why shouldn't a snake have a name? Every pet has a name wether it's a dog, cat, rabbit or even a reptile!! I don't need environmental health as he is kept in sanitary conditions and isn't diseased or infected with anything and my kids love him too :)

ALL my snakes and lizards had names...

The burmese were a bit of a handful - i couldn't have kept them permanently - i looked after them while a friend moved house.... the bigger of the 2 - named BFG (Big Fat Git) was extremely affectionate and loved being handled and fussed...

i only ever had one snake with attitude - a boa constrictor called Binky. he used to hiss and strike a lot :(

i had a male iggy called Wilf - who layed eggs! we took "him" to the vet because "he" was egg bound. the vet operated but unfortunately "he" didn't survive very long after that :cry:

D.K.1 15 August 2006 04:16 PM

Originally Posted by Ipkis' Wifey
ALL my snakes and lizards had names...

The burmese were a bit of a handful - i couldn't have kept them permanently - i looked after them while a friend moved house.... the bigger of the 2 - named BFG (Big Fat Git) was extremely affectionate and loved being handled and fussed...

i only ever had one snake with attitude - a boa constrictor called Binky. he used to hiss and strike a lot :(

i had a male iggy called Wilf - who layed eggs! we took "him" to the vet because "he" was egg bound. the vet operated but unfortunately "he" didn't survive very long after that :cry:

Aww :( Always sad when a pet dies :( I hope My royal has a good few years in him yet!!

I have never heard mine hiss yet, he's very quiet, It's nice when you can handle and fuss them, LOL @ Big Fat Git :D

Mine likes to wrap around my wrist or explore my jumpers :eek: LOL :D

The Rani 15 August 2006 04:54 PM

All my animals had names too - even the ratties;) Favourite ratties were Hannibal and Clarice - he was a nasty piece of work and she was the only female that could stand up to him:D

The animals and birds the zoo brought to me were only ones that needed short-term looking after. I didn't have the facilities to keep them more than a day or two, or a rehabilitation keeper's licence for that matter. Sometimes it was only while the zoo were finding someone who could take them for longer. It could be heart-breaking when an animal didn't survive, though, and even the zoo's own vet wasn't experienced when it came to birds of prey. I did find a local vet to help out but the nearest specialist vet was about 40 to 50 miles away.

The children who lived round about used to bring me a wide variety of animals and birds they had found. I used to have to tell them/their parents to take a lot of the very young animals and birds back to where they had found them because they probably were not 'lost' at all.

The worst event was when a local depot found they had a sparrowhawk in one of their buildings. I went over there but they said they didn't need any help as they had called the RSPCA, who promptly tried to catch it in an overgrown butterfly net. It had anklets and jesses on and was ringed so it was not wild and if they'd have left it overnight it would have probably flown to the fist for food the next day. Instead it took them a couple of days to catch it with a net and they probably scared the poor bird half to death.

B9GLY 15 August 2006 05:55 PM

I have had various snakes, used to be approx 25-30 at one point but had to sell up. I have just got a pair of albino granite burmese now which are stunning and rare over here! going to increase my collection over the next year or so but as im just going to concentrate on high end pythons it will take time because of the costs!

i used to have normal,albino, green, albino green, labyrinth and albino labyrinth burmese, aswell as boas, pastel boa, anertherystic boa, royal pythons and false water cobras. i also had bosc and nile monitors and some other lizards too.

oh, i dont name them either as i had too many and did it for a hobby and to make money so i was constantly buying and selling!

D.K.1 15 August 2006 06:03 PM

Any pics of the albino burmese? Bet they're gorgeous, I have seen an albino ryal who was lovely, I would love more but I wouldn't like to have more pets than I could look after properly and the room would be an issue too, what with the size of viv you have to get for when they're fully grown !! I have a 5 foot wooden viv ready to be assembled for when Prince is a bit bigger :)

DCI Gene Hunt 15 August 2006 06:06 PM

Originally Posted by D.K.1
Any pics of the albino burmese? Bet they're gorgeous, I have seen an albino ryal who was lovely, I would love more but I wouldn't like to have more pets than I could look after properly and the room would be an issue too, what with the size of viv you have to get for when they're fully grown !! I have a 5 foot wooden viv ready to be assembled for when Prince is a bit bigger :)

Space must be at a premium in the bed sit then, may I suggest you throw out your coffin shaped coffee table to make more room.........:D

Goths.... :)

D.K.1 15 August 2006 06:14 PM

Originally Posted by DCI Gene Hunt
Space must be at a premium in the bed sit then, may I suggest you throw out your coffin shaped coffee table to make more room.........:D

Goths.... :)

Dont you remember buying my coffin off me, because sooner rather than later you will need you said :)

Space is a premium in the 12 room bedsit, :D :D


B9GLY 15 August 2006 06:14 PM

DK1 pm mw your email and i will send you some pics !

D.K.1 15 August 2006 06:17 PM

Thanks, YHPM :thumb:

Ipkis' Wifey 15 August 2006 07:02 PM

Originally Posted by B9GLY
DK1 pm mw your email and i will send you some pics !

if i pm my e-mail addy can i have some piccies too please?

D.K.1 15 August 2006 07:03 PM

I am a bit disappointed because my email's playing up and nothing coming through :( Hope I get them eventually though :thumb:

D.K.1 15 August 2006 07:18 PM

IW, these pics are well worth looking at, absolutely stunning!! :thumb:

Thanks for sharing them with me B9GLY :D

Ipkis' Wifey 15 August 2006 07:21 PM

can't wait to see them :D

D.K.1 15 August 2006 07:24 PM

On their way :D

J4CKO 15 August 2006 07:29 PM

Has anyone seen my pet Troll, it has escaped ?

D.K.1 15 August 2006 07:30 PM

yeah, wondered where he had gone :rolleyes:

Ipkis' Wifey 15 August 2006 07:46 PM

Originally Posted by D.K.1
On their way :D

thanks DK :thumb:

B9GLY your snake is beautiful :luvlove:

D.K.1 15 August 2006 07:47 PM

I couldn't agree more :D

B9GLY 15 August 2006 07:50 PM

why thanks girls lol!!

D.K.1 15 August 2006 07:51 PM

No, thank you for sending the pics :thumb:

Not something I have seen before , thanks :D

Ipkis' Wifey 15 August 2006 08:04 PM

come on folks lets have some more snake piccies!!

Ipkis' Wifey 15 August 2006 08:05 PM

Originally Posted by B9GLY
why thanks girls lol!!


clare792000 15 August 2006 08:36 PM

We have two bearded dragons, both girls about 2 1/2 years old. The kids have named them Lara (as in Croft) and Foxy Cleopatra, but they really just get called 'girls'. Hubby really wants a tortoise but we just havent got the space for another viv at the mo.
Forgot to add, I am absolutley PETRIFIED of snakes! Last summer went into to see a woman at home whilst working on community and had to leave cos she had a snake!

D.K.1 15 August 2006 08:55 PM

Aww they are so cute!! :D

Because of people being scared of them, I keep mine in the bedroom so any visitors won't be alarmed etc, so hopefully if people don't see him they won't need to scarper LOL:)

Ipkis' Wifey 15 August 2006 09:05 PM

very cute :luvlove:

i used to keep one of my iggy's in my lounge - she would sit on a shelf and would keep perfectly still for hours.

i can remember one visitor getting the fright of her life when the iggy moved :D

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