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Jamo 29 November 2006 10:51 PM

its a deterrent (sp) not many people walk around with a mask on do they, mine can pick people up accross the road scratching their arse ;) (yes funny)

KIPS 29 November 2006 11:12 PM



Bubba po 29 November 2006 11:21 PM

Thanks everyone. The thing is, there has NEVER been any crime to speak of around here in 32 years of living here. Then in the space of three months or so the lawnmower went, the first scoob went and now this. It's like we've been transported to Toxteth or somewhere overnight and we're utterly unprepared for it! How do you change a lifetime's habits overnight? If I hadn't been so slack tonight it would have been another night, wouldn't it? I had stuff to fetch in so I couldn't put my keys straight in my pocket. I dropped the keys on the kitchen surface and got straight on with the tea. Soon after that, the lad who's playing bass for Little Frank's gig on Saturday night turned up to rehearse so it went out of my head to find the keys and make them safe. It feels like a vendetta - they have no scruples whatsoever.

douglasb 29 November 2006 11:23 PM

I'm shocked.

While there are some bell-ends on here, I'd guess that it's more likely that the low-life that stole your old Scooby have come back when they thought it would be replaced.

Sincere thoughts.

DJ Vinyl Ritchie 29 November 2006 11:24 PM


That is SERIOUSLY bad news.

Whoever you are, and if your reading this, you deserve to have be castrated and just for good measures have the arm of Jay Cutler rammed up your rectum you fckwit :mad:

DJ Vinyl Ritchie....... chin up bubba, hope this gets sorted quickly and effectively for you :thumb:

Mangel 29 November 2006 11:32 PM

I know the Vendetta feeling.

Live in areasonable area in Birmingham, within about a 12 month period had my Rangey done over (own fault left stereo face on). House burgled day after I got the scoob!!! Then had my bike nicked ou the shed.

Previous to living in brum I lived in the middle of outer nowhere so did what I pleased, left doors unlocked, cars outside etc!! Now I know every fecker has an angle and if you have something thats nice they will try and take it!! Just got to make it and enjoyable (sick I know) challenge to them all!!

don't loose heart dude, find yourself some secure parking away from home, buy yourself a dogger to daily drive and get another scoob as your weekend treat. If I lived closer I'd be round to help you sort your security (I know what a violation it feels) but its just a case of feck em, feck em all!!

hectic 29 November 2006 11:48 PM

jesus Bubba!! sorry to hear this, your a c0ck an 'all, but FFS you dont deserve this kinda shiote. theres a bad thing taking a mans wheels but walking into his HOUSE to get the keys!!!

seriously gutted for you fella


Shark Man 29 November 2006 11:50 PM

Bubba, with the amount of crap you've been dealing with over recent months with break-ins, stolen cars and lawn-mower-nappings (the latter should be a hanging offence). I have to ask:

Has a young offender's rehab home opened near you or has a current home suddenly had a chnage of use? These places can crop up out the blue, as sometimes they are used for other purposes such as keeping pervs or safe houses etc. But it may have been changed to accomodate other offenders on a rehab program.

I only say this as our works has been a spate of no less that 5 breaks in a space of several months which came up out the blue. Funny, it seemed that others in the immediate area suffered the same. Funny also that such a home was commisioned to care for these youths. And everytime they get a new batch the local crime figures jump up.

Problem is, the police know, and still do nothing!

Job for Dai, I suspect ;)

Bubba po 30 November 2006 12:07 AM

Originally Posted by Shark Man
Bubba, with the amount of crap you've been dealing with over recent months with break-ins, stolen cars and lawn-mower-nappings (the latter should be a hanging offence). I have to ask:

Has a young offender's rehab home opened near you or has a current home suddenly had a chnage of use? These places can crop up out the blue, as sometimes they are used for other purposes such as keeping pervs or safe houses etc. But it may have been changed to accomodate other offenders on a rehab program.

I only say this as our works has been a spate of no less that 5 breaks in a space of several months which came up out the blue. Funny, it seemed that others in the immediate area suffered the same. Funny also that such a home was commisioned to care for these youths. And everytime they get a new batch the local crime figures jump up.

Problem is, the police know, and still do nothing!

Job for Dai, I suspect ;)

I'm going to look into it, Ali.

Optical Race 30 November 2006 01:03 AM

Not a Again Bubba :mad:

Takes the piss in this day and age when you cant even leave your damn keys on your own table ffs.

My dogs now have the run of the house and god help anyone that thinks they are going to get in, Almost 30 Stone of pissed of Rotties should slow them down a bit.

Anyways, Keep us posted and let us know if you think you know who it is and want them mangled :thumb:

scoobynutta555 30 November 2006 02:38 AM

Bit unluckythere mate. Probably the same person doing the theft, repeat burglary is quite high. TBH though, there should be no keys left lying around. The keys to my car are with me all the time and are not left anywhere.

sang_my02_wrx 30 November 2006 05:08 AM

sad to hear this, mate.

its gota be the same person/people who stole everything else. like my neighbour's YAM R1 was stolen out of locked garage, the theives were back a couple months later for the insurance claim! only to find out they owners have moved.

so the thieves must of known you claimed insurance and a new scooby on the drive. THEY'LL be back for your 3rd!

StickyMicky 30 November 2006 05:17 AM

There would not be a third if it was me!!!!!!!!

sorry about the loss bubba, maybe drop the scoobs and get something a little more discrete, i can see the insurance company hiking up your premium big time now :(

scoobywrxuk300 30 November 2006 05:34 AM

Sorry to read this has happened again Bubba... Its always been the burgulars trend to re-visit where they have robbed from... now the car thieves doing the same..:wonder: . Was your other scoob recovered?
Cameras are a good method of deterant if they are made visable to the thief.. A cheaper option is to buy a door open/close alarm...
I know its a pain when we cant leave our doors unlocked, even when we are at home, all you can do, is the obvious things, fit yale locks, keys out of site etc etc, My insurance co, insisted i had a tracker fitted... next it will be, steel house doors, turn our homes into fort knox etc etc, just to own a subaru...! Im in the habit now of locking my house door behind me in or out... hide my keys, etc..

I hope it all turns out well for you anyway fella

StickyMicky 30 November 2006 05:46 AM

Its intresting that you suspect somebody from this site, i was threatend with having my car taken away by a "fat, recovery truck driver/pikey/scumbag" who lives in southhampton, this was a week or so back in NSR (thread deleted)

cookstar 30 November 2006 06:00 AM

CHRIST :mad:

Sorry to hear that mate. :(

pauld37 30 November 2006 06:38 AM

:( Bloody hell, not again :mad:

*LJB* 30 November 2006 07:01 AM

I'm so sorry to here this, I can only imagine what you must be feeling right now.

My thoughts and sympathys are with you and your family.

Rill 30 November 2006 07:19 AM

Really sorry to hear this!, hope it all gets sorted for you as soon as!

Might be worth starting a thread for tips on how to try to prevent this happening?!

killa 30 November 2006 07:32 AM

This is bad not once but twice, you need to get some wild dogs....hope you get it sorted out..

Jaydee5 30 November 2006 07:57 AM

I'm speechless Bubba :(

So, so sorry for you all

Duck_Pond 30 November 2006 08:10 AM

It's nice to think that after w*rking hard for something you really desire, you discover you can't have it, because society's scum take it away from you.

I'm gutted for you Bubba - people like this ought to have their legs broken. :mad:

flat4 30 November 2006 08:11 AM

that's just taking the fooking piss! :mad: no one should have to go through all this twice in such a short period of time :( maybe they'll catch them this time :)

about leaving my car at yours this weekend...:Suspiciou

Bubba po 30 November 2006 08:21 AM

I thought you might be coming up on the bike or something. There's been a 15k focus stood outside for three weeks and they haven't had a go at that.:confused:

We're all still completely distraught.

Scoob99 30 November 2006 08:56 AM

Bubba I'm soo sorry mate, that is a complete $hitter, as some have already said you could have been watched, what sort of security did the car have mate, If you PM your reg number to me I'll ask the artic drivers to keep a look out for you mate:(

Bubba po 30 November 2006 09:01 AM

Originally Posted by Scoob99
Bubba I'm soo sorry mate, that is a complete $hitter, as some have already said you could have been watched, what sort of security did the car have mate, If you PM your reg number to me I'll ask the artic drivers to keep a look out for you mate:(

They took the car keys and the housekeys with the disklok key on it.

It's V947 FKH, DBM wagon.

Gutmann pug 30 November 2006 09:06 AM

Bloody hell mate ......... Buy yourself a Rover 420SLi with the insurance money, they wont bother then.

Sorry to here it


Onan The Barbarian 30 November 2006 09:12 AM

Really sorry to hear about this, Bubba :(

Once must've been bad enough but this is taking the piss

Lydia72 30 November 2006 09:28 AM

Gutted for you :(

Moley 30 November 2006 09:31 AM

The last few months seem to have seen a large rise in Impreza thefts.

I am a member of Surrey Scoobies, and there are a few police officers on there who have warned of gangs working locally stealing Subaru's.
Bit of a worry for me, as there are 2 Impreza's outside my house....although both have very good security on them.

As above, i doubt the thieves use this site, it's more than likely they spotted/stole your old car and wait to see if it gets replaced.

Really feel for you, as i know i'd be gutted if mine was to disappear.

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