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Leslie 20 November 2007 12:42 PM

Originally Posted by Brendan Hughes (Post 7424104)
Well don't worry, you'll find out what it means pretty soon.

Happy to live where? You're new here aren't you? I left the UK in 1993. The country is beautiful but I dislike it because, surprise surprise, it's full of English people. Monocultural, monolingual, mono-minded, xenophobic - what do the Germans call them? "Island monkeys". Full of a bunch of white trash layabouts who have the highest drugs consumption and teenage pregnancy rates in Europe but blame all the foreigners for everything that's gone wrong, then spend Friday and Saturday drinking themselves stupid until they vomit and then try to pick a fight with anything that moves (or bus shelters). The national dress is a football shirt FFS.

My wife is from Asia, we've been together seven years (what's the divorce statistic in England now?) and she writes English better than you do, even though it's not her native language.

Still, let's wave the St George flag proudly eh?

What do you think is the percentage population of this once great country who behave in the way you describe?


Brendan Hughes 20 November 2007 12:47 PM

Higher than the percentage of illegal bogus asylum seeking benefit claiming immigrants, that's for sure.

mrtheedge2u2 20 November 2007 12:53 PM

Brendan..... where you living now???

I now reside in Holland... and will never return to the UK.

f1_fan 20 November 2007 12:55 PM

Originally Posted by Brendan Hughes (Post 7424104)
Well don't worry, you'll find out what it means pretty soon.

Happy to live where? You're new here aren't you? I left the UK in 1993. The country is beautiful but I dislike it because, surprise surprise, it's full of English people. Monocultural, monolingual, mono-minded, xenophobic - what do the Germans call them? "Island monkeys". Full of a bunch of white trash layabouts who have the highest drugs consumption and teenage pregnancy rates in Europe but blame all the foreigners for everything that's gone wrong, then spend Friday and Saturday drinking themselves stupid until they vomit and then try to pick a fight with anything that moves (or bus shelters). The national dress is a football shirt FFS.

My wife is from Asia, we've been together seven years (what's the divorce statistic in England now?) and she writes English better than you do, even though it's not her native language.

Still, let's wave the St George flag proudly eh?

Yep that's sort of what I was alluding to. Nice post, nail on head I think!

pwhittle 20 November 2007 01:18 PM

Originally Posted by stringostar (Post 7424013)
course it wont happen if i move to oz... the fact of the matter is, if we do get our country back, what are we gonna get? a country in ruins, which basically wants re-building. do i wanna get involved... no! the country is ruined, cos its been allowed to get to this point.
what do you live for? i live to get the best out of life. to enjoy myself... but how can i do that, when our superb government 1)bans smoking in pubs. i enjoyed sitting at a tabel havin a laugh, drinkin and smoking at the same time. now i have to get up and walk out to the cold. (moaning cos i'm lazy too!) 2) government tells us that most of the things we consume are bad for you.. so what do i eat... celery all day? seems thats the only thing that is safe. 3) NHS. if i'm ill, i have to wait three days to get into the doctors... if i'm practically dying, i'm told to sit and wait for three hours in casualty, great! 4) tax.. everything we do is taxed... and its going to get worse. 5) freedom of speech... WE DONT HAVE NON. simple as that. mention the word black in a sentance and your gonna get arrested for using a racial word...

the list is endless.

wow, you really have a downer on Britain. Can I suggest you take small steps, and leave Normanton?! the place is a sh!t-hole (IMHO!). move somewhere ncer and you may realise what a great coutry this is, even if NL and a generation of lazy barstewards are doing their best to bring it down.

OllyK 20 November 2007 01:25 PM

Originally Posted by Brendan Hughes (Post 7424104)
Still, let's wave the St George flag proudly eh?

You can't do that :mad: the PC brigade will string you up for being racist! :D

Brendan Hughes 20 November 2007 01:31 PM

Originally Posted by stringostar (Post 7424013)
course it wont happen if i move to oz...

i live to get the best out of life. to enjoy myself... but how can i do that, when our superb government 1)bans smoking in pubs. i enjoyed sitting at a tabel havin a laugh, drinkin and smoking at the same time. now i have to get up and walk out to the cold. (moaning cos i'm lazy too!)

Well, here's something you might find relevant.

In Australia smoking bans are determined on a state-by-state basis: A ban on smoking in all indoor dining areas was introduced in South Australia in January 1999.[9] Similar measures to those introduced in New Zealand were successful in the state of Queensland in July 2006. The State of Tasmania also plans to bring in law making it illegal to smoke in cars containing passengers under 18. Additionally, as of December 1st 2006, smoking in all registered clubs, pubs and restaurants in the ACT has been banned, with a similar ban being introduced in Victoria on July 1 , 2007. In New South Wales a ban on smoking in all enclosed areas of restaurants, licensed clubs and pubs came into force on July 1, 2007. In Queensland, some sports stadiums are now smoke-free. Local government in some parts of Australia have introduced smoking bans on beaches and in public parks.

List of smoking bans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Already bought your tickets?

stringostar 20 November 2007 02:06 PM

Originally Posted by pwhittle (Post 7424224)
wow, you really have a downer on Britain. Can I suggest you take small steps, and leave Normanton?! the place is a sh!t-hole (IMHO!). move somewhere ncer and you may realise what a great coutry this is, even if NL and a generation of lazy barstewards are doing their best to bring it down.

WTF do u know bout normanton?? its only a cess pit because of all the immigrants walking the streets in brand new gear... smirthwaite is full of anything but english... i'd love to mobve away from here, but unforntunately the money aint here yet to allow me to move.

yes i do have a downer on britain.. its not bout my future no more, but my sons.. whats it gonna be like 4 him in 20 yrs time..

and no, the tickets are on standby.:)

Brendan Hughes 20 November 2007 04:20 PM

Originally Posted by stringostar (Post 7424364)
no, the tickets are on standby.:)

Good man :thumb:

stringostar 20 November 2007 04:55 PM

in fact, fcuk it... i'm moving to amsterdam... went there for the first time this year, and i cant get over how laid back the city, and its people are. i like a joint every now and again, and i found it fantastic how you can walk into a bar, order a pint, and roll a spliff... its magic.. there was no fighting, no arguing etc, cos everyone is monged!! bloody brilliant...


Brendan Hughes 20 November 2007 05:03 PM

Oz yesterday, Amsterdam today...

NACRO, if that's you you sod, you can buy me a drink :razz:

stringostar 20 November 2007 05:09 PM

its not nacro. lmao. i'm undecided where to go ATM :D

EvilBevel 20 November 2007 05:18 PM

Originally Posted by stringostar (Post 7424840)
in fact, fcuk it... i'm moving to amsterdam... went there for the first time this year, and i cant get over how laid back the city, and its people are. i like a joint every now and again, and i found it fantastic how you can walk into a bar, order a pint, and roll a spliff... its magic.. there was no fighting, no arguing etc, cos everyone is monged!! bloody brilliant...


More than 40% of the Amsterdam population are immigrants mind :p

stringostar 20 November 2007 05:26 PM

41 percent maybe now then

Leslie 21 November 2007 12:32 PM

Originally Posted by Brendan Hughes (Post 7424141)
Higher than the percentage of illegal bogus asylum seeking benefit claiming immigrants, that's for sure.

That really is no answer at all as I suspect you well know.

Of course this country still has a far greater proportion of decent minded people who live a respectable life and contribute to the good of the country's economy etc. even if they are being fleeced by the drongos in charge.

The impression you try to give of this country is grossly unfair and also appears indicative of the self importance and sense of superiority that you attach to yourself. I personally cannot help but object to seeing Britain and the British being run down in such an unpleasant manner.


Brendan Hughes 21 November 2007 12:59 PM

Originally Posted by Leslie (Post 7427037)
1. The impression you try to give of this country is grossly unfair

2. and also appears indicative of the self importance and sense of superiority that you attach to yourself.

3. I personally cannot help but object to seeing Britain and the British being run down in such an unpleasant manner.


Phrase 1: :lol: And what do you read on NSR for the last few years?

Phrase 2 and 3 - Compare them. Go on, show your hypocrisy again.

PM me your address Les, I'll post you a new soapbox. The old one must be getting pretty worn out by now.

Leslie 21 November 2007 01:06 PM

Originally Posted by Brendan Hughes (Post 7427147)
Phrase 1: :lol: And what do you read on NSR for the last few years?

Phrase 2 and 3 - Compare them. Go on, show your hypocrisy again.

PM me your address Les, I'll post you a new soapbox. The old one must be getting pretty worn out by now.

Poor effort on your behalf I am afraid.


Brendan Hughes 21 November 2007 01:10 PM

An appropriate investment, I thought ;)

f1_fan 21 November 2007 02:16 PM

Originally Posted by Leslie (Post 7427037)
The impression you try to give of this country is grossly unfair and also appears indicative of the self importance and sense of superiority that you attach to yourself. I personally cannot help but object to seeing Britain and the British being run down in such an unpleasant manner.


But Les that impression is no worse than the constant 'it's all the immigrants fault' impression that is given by half the posters on NSR.

I suspect what Paul is trying to show people is that, like I have been saying, the UK has more fundamental and far reaching problems than just those posed by some of the immigrants.

I for one can see a good deal of truth in the statements he makes about the UK today and it saddens me, but the fact remains you cannot stick your head in the sand and say everything is really all right or that if we kick the imigrants out the country's ills will be sorted (I know that isn't your personal viewpoint btw). It is going to take a lot more than that and I fear that sadly it is unlikely to get better before it gets a whole lot worse :(

stringostar 21 November 2007 04:23 PM

its the governments fault.. they are in charge, and to be quite honest, you might as well put a bunch of donkeys from blackpool beach in charge, and they would do a lot better job... each party, whoever it is, and whatever their strategies are, basically do the same thing and make the same decisions... all the promises they give out to gain your vote, never happen, and all they do is hold the rains, whilst the country falls down an even steeper hill.... i'm 25, so looks whats happened in my lifetime... the 80's.. maggie screws the miners, and privatises everything.. and what did that accomplish.. nothing.. john major then came to power.. what happened with him, nothing!! blair steps up to the plate with a new labour... whats happened.. we have 20,000 troops in iraq, fighting a cause which isnt even our own, the nhs is screwed, education is in turmoil (and the education secretary is my home towns MP, and is still crap), immigration IS A PROBLEM and is adding insult to injury.... then stepped in gordon chuffing brown.. and whats he done, well his vision for an even better country isnt happening is it.. he's just carrying on from what blair left.. so what now??

stringostar 21 November 2007 04:25 PM

its the governments fault.. they are in charge, and to be quite honest, you might as well put a bunch of donkeys from blackpool beach in charge, and they would do a lot better job... each party, whoever it is, and whatever their strategies are, basically do the same thing and make the same decisions... all the promises they give out to gain your vote, never happen, and all they do is hold the rains, whilst the country falls down an even steeper hill.... i'm 25, so looks whats happened in my lifetime... the 80's.. maggie screws the miners, and privatises everything.. and what did that accomplish.. nothing.. john major then came to power.. what happened with him, nothing!! blair steps up to the plate with a new labour... whats happened.. we have 20,000 troops in iraq, fighting a cause which isnt even our own, the nhs is screwed, education is in turmoil (and the education secretary is my home towns MP, and is still crap), immigration IS A PROBLEM and is adding insult to injury.... then stepped in gordon chuffing brown.. and whats he done, well his vision for an even better country isnt happening is it.. he's just carrying on from what blair left.. so what now??
whats going to happen in future.. we vote in the cons, or lib dems... what they gonna do.... nothing i dont think.. except break all the promises they can... i'm usually an optimist, not a pessamist, but i'm afraid i cant grasp the bigger picture of what the future holds... because i think its gonna be a poor one for all, whether you be an immigrant or a native.

Charley Horse 21 November 2007 06:19 PM

Originally Posted by Brendan Hughes (Post 7424104)
Well don't worry, you'll find out what it means pretty soon.

Happy to live where? You're new here aren't you? I left the UK in 1993. The country is beautiful but I dislike it because, surprise surprise, it's full of English people. Monocultural, monolingual, mono-minded, xenophobic - what do the Germans call them? "Island monkeys". Full of a bunch of white trash layabouts who have the highest drugs consumption and teenage pregnancy rates in Europe but blame all the foreigners for everything that's gone wrong, then spend Friday and Saturday drinking themselves stupid until they vomit and then try to pick a fight with anything that moves (or bus shelters). The national dress is a football shirt FFS.

My wife is from Asia, we've been together seven years (what's the divorce statistic in England now?) and she writes English better than you do, even though it's not her native language.

Still, let's wave the St George flag proudly eh?

You sound like a very unfulfilled and insecure individual to me. You don't need to justify your life choices by running down everyone else on a public BBS. Or perhaps you do?

Either way, it comes across as someone who has a few deep seated 'issues'.... or perhaps you're just a crushingly boring snob?


_RIP_ 21 November 2007 06:48 PM

Originally Posted by Brendan Hughes (Post 7424104)
Well don't worry, you'll find out what it means pretty soon.

Happy to live where? You're new here aren't you? I left the UK in 1993. The country is beautiful but I dislike it because, surprise surprise, it's full of English people. Monocultural, monolingual, mono-minded, xenophobic - what do the Germans call them? "Island monkeys". Full of a bunch of white trash layabouts who have the highest drugs consumption and teenage pregnancy rates in Europe but blame all the foreigners for everything that's gone wrong, then spend Friday and Saturday drinking themselves stupid until they vomit and then try to pick a fight with anything that moves (or bus shelters). The national dress is a football shirt FFS.

My wife is from Asia, we've been together seven years (what's the divorce statistic in England now?) and she writes English better than you do, even though it's not her native language.

Still, let's wave the St George flag proudly eh?

Look Brendan, 'we all know' that you're NACRO. You don't really need to spell it out ;)

Brendan Hughes 21 November 2007 07:58 PM

Originally Posted by Charley Horse (Post 7427817)
You sound like a very unfulfilled and insecure individual to me. You don't need to justify your life choices by running down everyone else on a public BBS. Or perhaps you do?

Either way, it comes across as someone who has a few deep seated 'issues'.... or perhaps you're just a crushingly boring snob?


unclebuck! I thought you'd added me to your ignore list! How kind of you to join us!

And he calls me an unfulfilled and insecure individual :lol:

_RIP_ 21 November 2007 08:04 PM

Well I'm not UB, and I'm of the same opinion. Perhaps it's catching :D

Brendan Hughes 22 November 2007 09:45 AM

Originally Posted by _RIP_ (Post 7427886)
Look Brendan, 'we all know' that you're NACRO. You don't really need to spell it out ;)

Look, I know I've just scathingly stereotyped the entire English race, but I don't think there's any call for personal insults like that thank you :(

EvilBevel 22 November 2007 10:11 AM

Originally Posted by Brendan Hughes (Post 7429254)
Look, I know I've just scathingly stereotyped the entire English race, but I don't think there's any call for personal insults like that thank you :(

Technically, they are not a race though, nacro ;)

Devildog 22 November 2007 10:22 AM

Originally Posted by Leslie (Post 7424125)
What do you think is the percentage population of this once great country who behave in the way you describe?


If we take as a starting point that total 1.5 million are now estimated to have come to the UK in the last ten years, I suggest it would be safe to say that significantly more English nationals than that behave in the way Brendan describes.

Which would, in turn, suggest that massively more of the population of England behave in that manner than there are illegal immigrants/bogus asylum seekers.

That is not to suggest that immigration is not a serious problem, or to belittle that problem in any way, but it is to suggest that there are many other issues with todays indigenous society which need to be addressed as well, and which Labour, in the past ten years, have failed to do.

Brendan may have stereotyped the entire English population (which is hardly an alien concept to me as a Scot ;) ) but he has done so with some justification.

Of course, it all depends on where you live, but far too many people are happy to to jump on the media bandwagon rather than looking at the more important, and often much closer to home, issues.

So, there's a few undesirable illegals. Granted, thats a few too many, but go look up the uk prison stats if you want to put things in perspective and see what a **** hole parts of this United Kingdom (now there's irony) are becomming.

Leslie 22 November 2007 11:50 AM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 7427331)
But Les that impression is no worse than the constant 'it's all the immigrants fault' impression that is given by half the posters on NSR.

I suspect what Paul is trying to show people is that, like I have been saying, the UK has more fundamental and far reaching problems than just those posed by some of the immigrants.

I for one can see a good deal of truth in the statements he makes about the UK today and it saddens me, but the fact remains you cannot stick your head in the sand and say everything is really all right or that if we kick the imigrants out the country's ills will be sorted (I know that isn't your personal viewpoint btw). It is going to take a lot more than that and I fear that sadly it is unlikely to get better before it gets a whole lot worse :(

I thought it was Brendan I was having the meaningfull discussion with! :)

Of course there are irritating people as he described and I am the first to admit to all the very real problems we face in this country now. I won't go into "soapbox mode" to describe why-might fall off it anyway since it is past its best after so long.:)

I was annoyed at what appeared to be an attempt to lump the whole of the UK into the categories which were mentioned. This country is still full of a majority of good people in the original British tradition of selflessness and fair play. This is the sort of thing that shows immediately in the face of any kind of adversity.

Despite the poor state of morals and the depravity in parts of our society, I still have faith that with a real leader who actually wants to do something for the good of this country and the people in it, the old Britain which was made up of decent and unselfish ideals would re-emerge. Please don't talk about rose tinted spectacles, that phrase is not relevant in what I am describing.


Brendan Hughes 22 November 2007 12:02 PM

Originally Posted by Leslie (Post 7429513)
I was annoyed at what appeared to be an attempt to lump the whole of the UK into the categories which were mentioned.

Les, I simply hold up a mirror to NSR. Normally I try to be polite and diplomatic, but I really am at the end of my tether when it comes to the UK's lumping all immigrants/foreigners/bogus asylum seekers into similarly offensive categories. Devildog has kindly explained that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Apparently it's fine to come up with slanderous generalisations about foreigners on NSR, but not permitted to do so for the natives. Well, I call that bollox. The irony of it all? Our forefathers fought, and you yourself served, for the right to freedom of expression. I'm going to use it.

"No dogs, blacks, or Irish." Ring any bells?

My wife is an immigrant, and she's received quite a few insults from the locals here. Imagine if she was Muslim or Polish - how much baseless crap would she have to put up with on NSR, and perhaps also in the streets of the UK? Apparently these people, time and again, are responsible for the decline of British society - while the Brits carry on, behaving as I have described them above, regardless.

This article blows up one or two more myths (mentions others as well but doesn't accurately deconstruct them, unfortunately):
They come over here ... | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited

Best wishes


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