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f1_fan 12 July 2011 12:53 AM

Originally Posted by ALi-B (Post 10131958)
Busy running the country, perhaps?

.....Just a random guess. I guess speeches are more important than pandering.

Originally Posted by Funkii Munkii (Post 10131973)
It was in the press (sunday) stating Clegg would see them firstly, then milli vanilli and finally Cambo later in the week.

Ah yes just read that he withdrew from today's meeting, but will meet them later in the week although one has to wonder after all they have been through whether it would have perhaps been a good idea to make them a prioity :confused:

As for running the country ... when is he going to start doing that or do you mean running it as in into the ground?

JTaylor 12 July 2011 10:22 AM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10131982)
Ah yes just read that he withdrew from today's meeting, but will meet them later in the week although one has to wonder after all they have been through whether it would have perhaps been a good idea to make them a prioity :confused:

As for running the country ... when is he going to start doing that or do you mean running it as in into the ground?

Who would you like to see run the country, f1? If it's none of the current parties (including the Greens, BNP, UKIP, Welsh Communists etc.) what alternative do you propose?

The Zohan 12 July 2011 10:33 AM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 10132170)
Who would you like to see run the country, f1? If it's none of the current parties (including the Greens, BNP, UKIP, Welsh Communists etc.) what alternative do you propose?

Try Labour, they have an excellent proven track record, their MP's are honest, decent, hard working and would never accept bribes or fiddle their expenses and they are run by a top bloke with is finger on the pulse - they are the future;)

Given the poor alternatives I think I'll stick with the Tories for the time being, they are by no means perfect but the others not not even warrant a second look

Leslie 12 July 2011 10:47 AM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 10132170)
Who would you like to see run the country, f1? If it's none of the current parties (including the Greens, BNP, UKIP, Welsh Communists etc.) what alternative do you propose?

It would be good to see someone run the country in a practical manner for the good of the people rather than just make pronouncements which never happen...just like the last lot!


[-(o)-] 12 July 2011 10:52 AM

If Bliar escaped the 40 minutes claim and subsequent inquiry, Camerons got nothing to worry about on this one.

Needs to hang Coulson out to dry though, no matter how much of a 'friend' he is/was.

tony de wonderful 12 July 2011 11:09 AM

Originally Posted by Leslie (Post 10132204)
It would be good to see someone run the country in a practical manner for the good of the people rather than just make pronouncements which never happen...just like the last lot!


Like Chavez? Gadaffi?

Populism sends a chill down my spine.

hutton_d 12 July 2011 11:16 AM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 10132170)
Who would you like to see run the country, f1? If it's none of the current parties (including the Greens, BNP, UKIP, Welsh Communists etc.) what alternative do you propose?

Nope. We're run by the EU. Westminster is just the equivalent of a parish council!


Leslie 12 July 2011 02:13 PM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 10132235)
Like Chavez? Gadaffi?

Populism sends a chill down my spine.

What are you talking about. Did you not understand my post-it seems simple enough!

Did I say we need a dictator?


f1_fan 12 July 2011 02:22 PM

Originally Posted by Leslie (Post 10132204)
It would be good to see someone run the country in a practical manner for the good of the people rather than just make pronouncements which never happen...just like the last lot!


That's all I ask too Les and sadly that is not what we are getting.

tony de wonderful 12 July 2011 02:37 PM

Originally Posted by Leslie (Post 10132529)
What are you talking about. Did you not understand my post-it seems simple enough!

Did I say we need a dictator?


You are arguing for populism which leads to that.

At least politicians in a democracy are honest liars.

The worst sort of politician is the one who says he is a saint. It's where all tyrany has come from since Caesar.

Funkii Munkii 12 July 2011 03:08 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10131982)
Ah yes just read that he withdrew from today's meeting, but will meet them later in the week although one has to wonder after all they have been through whether it would have perhaps been a good idea to make them a prioity :confused:

Agreed, he shoud have been first cab off the rank not the last.

hutton_d 12 July 2011 04:04 PM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 10132548)
You are arguing for populism which leads to that. ...

Ummm. No he didn't .....


Leslie 13 July 2011 04:56 PM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 10132548)
You are arguing for populism which leads to that.

At least politicians in a democracy are honest liars.

The worst sort of politician is the one who says he is a saint. It's where all tyrany has come from since Caesar.

As I said, you did not read my post, or you certainly did not understand it.

Please explain your reference to an "honest liar"

Very few politicians don't try to convince us of their saintliness.

Do you feel that if the people vote a politician into power, then he has a moral duty to work for the good of the voters?


Bram 16 July 2011 09:07 AM

I thought the most interesting part was the release of Brown personal papers on what advice he was given by his top civil servant, not to pursue a enquiry. Only for the same to state " he did not need to follow my advice"

Which asks the question why have him at all! But it seems to have been brushed under the carpet.

As for Coulson it seems Cambam had him to stay at checkers after he resigned. A bit more to run on that relationship.

LeeMac 16 July 2011 02:31 PM

Originally Posted by Chip (Post 10126748)
Cameron has done nothing wrong as far as we know.

Nothing wrong?

26 meetings (thats those on paper) with News International since he took over at no.10 !!

The Tories are as bent as ever.

I grew up in the 80s and its all too familiar

hutton_d 16 July 2011 06:13 PM

Originally Posted by LeeMac (Post 10138865)
Nothing wrong?

26 meetings (thats those on paper) with News International since he took over at no.10 !!

The Tories are as bent as ever.

I grew up in the 80s and its all too familiar

Of course, the fact that Gordon Brown's wife arranged Rebekah Brook's 40th birthday party is neither here nor there as all Labour politicians are as staight as the day is long .... :Suspiciou there fore .....

Originally Posted by LeeMac (Post 10138865)
Nothing wrong?

26 meetings (thats those on paper) with News International since he took over at no.10 !!

Politicians are as bent as ever.

I grew up in the 80s and its all too familiar

EFA :thumb:


f1_fan 16 July 2011 08:40 PM

Originally Posted by hutton_d (Post 10139170)
Of course, the fact that Gordon Brown's wife arranged Rebekah Brook's 40th birthday party is neither here nor there as all Labour politicians are as staight as the day is long .... :Suspiciou there fore .....

EFA :thumb:



Why is your stock response to any criticism of the Tories to compare it to something Labour did? Just because they are all the same doesn't make what any of them do right. Cameron is another in a long line of dishonest, self serving greedy pigs at the trough and there will be doubtless many more to come until you all stop voting for them!!!

hutton_d 16 July 2011 10:22 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10139452)

Why is your stock response to any criticism of the Tories to compare it to something Labour did? Just because they are all the same doesn't make what any of them do right. Cameron is another in a long line of dishonest, self serving greedy pigs at the trough and there will be doubtless many more to come until you all stop voting for them!!!

Usually because the implication is that Labour are all 'goodie two shoes' and can do no wrong! Just like to address the balance.

Plus, I never voted for ANY of them so :hjtwofing :D


LeeMac 17 July 2011 12:18 AM

Originally Posted by hutton_d (Post 10139622)
Usually because the implication is that Labour are all 'goodie two shoes' and can do no wrong! Just like to address the balance.

Plus, I never voted for ANY of them so :hjtwofing :D


They are not all goody two shoes

but they (Labour) are better

Its one thing organising a party (like any company in this line of business would do)

its another thing being invited to Christmas dinner

Look, im no Paxman when it comes to Politics but I have lived through bad times of the tories and bad times of labour

I know which bad time i'd have

hutton_d 17 July 2011 08:12 AM

Originally Posted by LeeMac (Post 10139791)
... Look, im no Paxman when it comes to Politics but I have lived through bad times of the tories and bad times of labour

I know which bad time i'd have

So have I, and so do I :thumb:


Leslie 17 July 2011 11:23 AM

I think that part of any weakness being shown is down to the fact that all politicians were frantic to get the right kind of publicity from the newspapers involved in this scandal.

That sort of power transcends honest ideals when it comes to politicians.


f1_fan 18 July 2011 09:38 AM

Pressure on PM as Met chief quits

Oh dear, looks like this one will not go away like politicians usually manage to make them do!

kingofturds 18 July 2011 09:57 AM

It will be interesting to see if any politician caught up in this will fall on their sword as well. Or we simply see the same old mistakes have been made lessons have been learned bollox, and see them carry on as if nothing has happened.

jonc 18 July 2011 10:02 AM

If Cameron were to go, which I highly doubt, we have deputy who's another carreer politition step in but this time as someone with no substance or backbone.

Ed Milliband is a complete muppet blaming the scandal "on a culture of irresponsibility that also led to the banking crisis and abuse of MP expenses." WTF! It was his party that was in office and their party policies these that led up to these events.

Dirk Diggler 75 18 July 2011 10:07 AM

Just one more to go....(shame it won't happen).....

f1_fan 18 July 2011 11:08 AM

Originally Posted by jonc (Post 10141768)
If Cameron were to go, which I highly doubt, we have deputy who's another carreer politition step in but this time as someone with no substance or backbone.

This time??? What backbone or substance has Cameron got?

Leslie 18 July 2011 11:24 AM

Originally Posted by jonc (Post 10141768)
If Cameron were to go, which I highly doubt, we have deputy who's another carreer politition step in but this time as someone with no substance or backbone.

Ed Milliband is a complete muppet blaming the scandal "on a culture of irresponsibility that also led to the banking crisis and abuse of MP expenses." WTF! It was his party that was in office and their party policies these that led up to these events.

Isn't what he is saying largely correct especially while his party was in power?


jonc 18 July 2011 12:31 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10141823)
This time??? What backbone or substance has Cameron got?

What I meant was even less than Cameron. He'll get through this like Blair did with the "cash for honours" scandal.

Tidgy 18 July 2011 12:34 PM

im no cameron fan, but have to say its not exactly his fault the bloke did somthing wrong years ago.

jonc 18 July 2011 12:48 PM

Originally Posted by Leslie (Post 10141834)
Isn't what he is saying largely correct especially while his party was in power?


Absolutly. The two things he mentions happened whilst under New Labour's watch. It was only a few weeks ago he saw fit to attended Rupert Murdoch's News International summer party! No mention of this culture of irresponsibilty (or rather corruption).

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