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Turbosnow 21 May 2003 02:42 PM

P.S. in the U.S. we say "she could suck-start a harley" or "She could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch" :)
Tom Jones' son ? Good one man.....

daiscooby 21 May 2003 02:42 PM

See you round mate.

daiscooby 21 May 2003 02:44 PM


Well I'm Welsh, dark curly hair, hairy chest, getting past it and can sing..........
Sh1t I'm Tom Jones :eek: :eek:

SlowBoy 21 May 2003 02:49 PM

I've lived in London all my life. I would definitely consider moving to NYC or somewhere nearby, but that's prob 'cos I've only ever lived here and would like a change. It's not 'cos I think London's so bad. Few decisions are permanent, in the long term, so live a little and give it a try.

You know pretty much what London has to offer as a city. As far as costs are concerned, as long as you're happy renting a place and don't want to buy, you'll be ok. House prices have doubled in the last five years, but the rental values have achieved only a modest increase. Car ownership and running costs might seem a little high, but on your salary you'll be ok. One thing you'll enjoy is some fine roads for driving, though not in the city.

Make sure you get yourself to the Subaru meets if you do come over - I'm sure you'll have fun.

worley 21 May 2003 03:26 PM

I moved to London from Geneva and stayed there for 18 months, admittedly I stayed in Surrey and worked away from Central London.

Overall I would say it was worth the move, mainly from a cultural point of view. Nights out for beers in Kingston, Clapham, Shepherds Bush during the week and hitting the clubs on the weekend. Great shopping for clothes and stuff and easy to spend the Weekend flying off to other European Cities.

Don't regret a thing, but would only be lured back by a six figure salary or a stunning chick.


gareth123 21 May 2003 05:58 PM

Ahh yes, the food. The food over here is better, cheaper and there is more of it. As someone else mentioned, where are the Ruth's Chris's and Houstons in the UK? I have one of each not too far from here and they're both excellent. Eating out in the UK cannot compare unless you *really* spend, me and the mrs can have an excellent meal and decent wine at Ruth's Chris's and have change from $250.

Better bacon in the UK though :)

Turbosnow 21 May 2003 06:02 PM

Well, I had my first interview, and I think it went quite positively. I'll know by the end of the week if they are going to have me go to another.

stuckhere 21 May 2003 06:19 PM

Gareth what part of Cali you in? I have friends in Oceanside can't wait to visit again, might even move there bloody long drive in the scoob though!
Good news Turbosnow!

gareth123 21 May 2003 07:09 PM

stuckhere - yeah it's nice down there. I'd happily live in La Jolla, lovely place. I'm in south San Francisco bay, which isn't too bad either :) Where are you 'stuck'?

Thinking about the differences between eating here and in the UK got me thinking about the difference between most consumer things here compared with there. In the UK when I buy a tank of petrol, a car, a CD, some groceries, a TV, in fact *most* things, it's like being anally raped. Sheesh, even the giant ribeye I have in the fridge for Memorial Day BBQing would have cost me twice+ what it did if I was in the UK. The US has many faults, but it's a great place to be a consumer (which we all are).

stuckhere 21 May 2003 07:26 PM

Stuck in Houston, Texas uhh!!
LaJolla is simply beautiful can't wait to visit again, I'm thinking of packing it all in here and moving out there.
San Frans lovely to one of my fav cities.
Food yeah I have a passion for Fuddruckers burgers don't think they have them in Cali which is a shame.
Every time I fill up with gas geez I mean petrol I smile to myself $20 for a full tank (premium) haha can't beat that!

gareth123 21 May 2003 07:36 PM

We have Fuddruckers out here, there are at least three within 40 miles of here. Can't often manage a 1lb one though ;) Excellent burgers, plus we've got In N Out.

Not been to Houston, but I have been to Texas. I didn't like it much but I'm told Dallas is nice. I remain to be convinced.

A tank of premium (and it's only 91 too :() is more like $28 here. Thank Bush and his cronies :)

[Edited by gareth123 - 5/21/2003 7:38:18 PM]

stuckhere 21 May 2003 07:52 PM

Sweet then I'm moving for sure!! In N Out my buddy raves about them all the time must try one!
I think if gas went up more here they'd start shooting people wayyy to many tanks err I mean pick-ups, vans, SUV's etc out here its a sad trend!

ScoobyWon't 21 May 2003 08:03 PM

Outside of London there seems to be hundreds of opportunities in Leeds. Maybe worth considering.

<Flame suit on>
Still, judging by their football team (or "Soccer" for the 'Septics' ;) reading) in Leeds, it's populated by racists and thugs ;)

triple top 21 May 2003 10:10 PM

Can i put one point across and explode one myth which follows the UK around,especially from the US...Food in the UK is probably as good as anywhere in the world and if you go to any high street in the UK you can eat food from every corner of the world,thats one great thing thats comes out being in the commonwealth.

Btw ive worked in the restaurant trade and have been to many top restaurants and ive had many top class meals and had change out of £50(3 course)on many occasions,so its not as expensive as you have been led to believe.

Lets get back to the thread...Turbosnow goodluck with your interview and if everything goes well,enjoy your move to the UK.

Turbosnow 21 May 2003 10:12 PM

By the way the indian food in england kicks ass. You can't get better anywhere in the US.

stuckhere 21 May 2003 10:38 PM

True you can get good food but for a tourist on the high street its such a shame the food isn't good as quality and for the money it dosen't compare.
Now if your a local you know where to eat etc.
And yes curries do rock thats the first thing I'm having on Friday when I return home for a week :-)

bigsinky 22 May 2003 02:45 AM

A tank of premium (and it's only 91 too ) is more like $28 here. Thank Bush and his cronies
yeah and another $50 for octane booster. cant believe how crap the fuel/gas is in USA its like 3rd world stuff :( is that why u guys get a 2.5 normally aspirated scooby over there?


big sinky

Turbosnow 22 May 2003 03:13 AM

Umm we also get a 2.0 liter turbo and this year a 2.5 turbo that no one else does...SO there :)

Dave P 22 May 2003 08:30 AM

There seems to be a lot of tosh being talked here!

London is a great place to work. I have worked here for 13 years now and in all that time, following many late nights I haven't been in or seen any trouble. I've spent many an hour roaming the streets of the West End (used to work in offices above Towere Records in Picadilly)in complete safety.

Tourist may say that London is a rip off but you have to know where to go, a little greasy spoon in Swallow Street (Eurocafe) will do you steak and kidney pie, chips beans and a coke for £2.50. And Gareth $250 for a meal for two...!!!! Yee Gods man I only pay about $160 for dinner for two in Quaglino's or the Criteron, top London restaurants!

The architecture here is fantastic and very mixed, from the modernism of Docklands to Regent Street, which still fills me with awe (have to forget the 60's stuff though)

Nightlife is great, and the cabbies know the places that are open and can understand English, unlike the cabbie I last had in NY who kindly dropped us at a nightclub at 2am whcih was closed!!

I agree the transport in London isn't the best, but once you get to know your way round you can combine bus, tube, cab and train to provide a reasonable service. When I stay in town it takes me about 40 minutes to get from West (Chelsea) to East (Docklands).

Property outside of London is cheaper and there a lot of the larger towns, like Tunbridge Wells are now quite cosmopolitan as a lot of the London bars spread their wings.

And if you plonk yourself on a decent rail line the trains aren't so bad.

So give it a go.


scoobynutta555 22 May 2003 01:50 PM

Got a bit fed up with the moaners about UK here. If you don't like it then go somewhere else and moan. Probably the same people with such negative attitudes that are quite happy to whinge about something rather than take pro-active steps to try and solve problems.

Diesel 22 May 2003 02:57 PM

One persons considered and travelled opinion is another man's moan it seems...

Very 'British' to moan about someone moaning about bad stuff Terrribly uncomfortable thing to see someone saying it should be better! Mind you, no other language I know has the idiom 'grin and bear it'...

Must dash - off to fix some of the probs and am starting by import some USDA T Bone steaks for the British Rail buffet car (that's if its open)... ;)

D ;)

PS Paid £7 for a beer in Norway last week, and £8 for 2 hot dogs from a street kiosk. GULP!!!!!!!! And Gareth is right we SO have the best bacon in the world. Yipeeeee!!!!!! :)

jasey 22 May 2003 06:40 PM

Diesel - the tottie in Norway is something else - you don't need as much beer ;):D

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