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paulr 07 August 2003 04:36 PM

Would all the smokers on here please take out private medical insurance for cancer of the lungs, thorax, throat and whatever else smoking rots please, as i don't want to be the one who's NI contributions go towards bailing you lot out in years to come. that all everything comes down to with

damian666 07 August 2003 04:36 PM

LMWRX - Your 'several several years' obvoiusly do not extend to picking up a dictionary!

It is not an insult, it is a fact. Demented, meaning mentally ill - Spastic meaning suffering from cerebal palsy.

My comment is well found in fact and is not at all insulting to anyone excepting of course yourself :rolleyes: and those arm flappers!


damian666 07 August 2003 04:38 PM



Bit of tolerance for other peoples opinions would go a long way.

Actions on the other hand :D

Andy Tang 07 August 2003 04:39 PM

No we should use our NI payments towards pension payments that govenments past and present have failed to allow for!!! :rolleyes:

Take out the revenue generated by tax on tabbaco and see where that leaves the national health service!! :rolleyes: To be fair the revenue generated has probably been used to fund the Gulf wars!!! :rolleyes:

weapon69 07 August 2003 04:40 PM

Damian- What is the point of this thread apart from you wanting to tell everyone you'll do what you bl00dy well want and fcuk what anyone else thinks (non smokers)?

Andy Tang 07 August 2003 04:42 PM

I think Damian has highlighted the persicution (sp) of the smoker.

The thing is as I have said before, people choose an easy target like smokers as the cause of this or that, but rarely look at their own lives where they do worse!!! :rolleyes:

damian666 07 August 2003 04:43 PM

I was higlighting my distress at the treatment of a group of people who I feel are unfairly discriminated against. No fancy words. Plain and simple. As I say, people are entitled to their opinion - if the discussion is not started then opinions reamin unknown.

I have only commented 4 times FFS!


TelBoy 07 August 2003 04:44 PM

LOL Paul, one comment on a smoking thread = one sweeping generalisation! :rolleyes: :D

Mate, despite what millions will tell you, it's a bigger factor in most people's lives than they'll ever admit to! Face facts, not ideals.

TelBoy 07 August 2003 04:50 PM

AT - so two wrongs make a right..? :confused:

Andy Tang 07 August 2003 04:53 PM

I'm saying lets put it into perspective!

Industry generates pollution
Petrol production generates pollution
Cars/Buses/Lorries/Planes/etc generate pollution

And yet the smokers generate less than all of these, yet it's the biggest reaction!

[Edited by Andy Tang - 8/7/2003 4:55:30 PM]

TelBoy 07 August 2003 05:00 PM

That's because it's the most "in-yer-face" fella. Literally.

Andy Tang 07 August 2003 05:05 PM

Strange comment from someone registered on a car forum.

I (like most smokers I guess) know the risks involved.
How many people know how much damamge their cars doing?

It probably is the most in your face, but from some of the reactions here, you would think that if everyone stopped smoking, the world would be a better place! :rolleyes:

And I will continue to say that cars cause more pollution than smoking. People do have a choice and can avoid smokers, smokey areas, etc, but how many of us can really avoid traffic pollution!

I don't smoke in front of children, babies, pregnant women, etc, but I'm sure we all have no problem driving past them!!!

Sit in a garage and smoke cigarettes for 10 minutes, then sit in a garage with a car running for 10 minutes, see which one does you the most harm!!! :rolleyes:

weapon69 07 August 2003 05:07 PM

So what's so good about cigarettes anyway? :rolleyes:

paulr 07 August 2003 05:08 PM comment,hardly,what about the thread the other day re made the same point.
Money is important,of course it is,but its a means to an end,not an end in itself.

As for smokers,i dont really care about the tax thing,it all evens itself out in the end,...what i hate is coming home and my clothes stink of smoke.Eveything else i can tolerate but that:(

TelBoy 07 August 2003 05:11 PM

Of course we can all contrive situations like that Andy, but in real, everyday life, my clothes etc etc reek from other people's cigarette smoke, not their exhaust fumes.

After all, lead has all but been eradicated from petrol, but what's been done to stop me buying 20 Marlboro Reds...?


[Edited by TelBoy - 8/7/2003 5:12:53 PM]

Drunken Bungle Whore 07 August 2003 05:11 PM

Does anyone know what the tax bill would be if all the people who smoked gave up tomorrow? The government gets millions from tobacco revenue and IMHO they have a vested interest in keeping people hooked.

They've banned plenty of other things that aren't nearly so bad for us but that don't generate revenue for them. :rolleyes:

(I'm not arguing in favour of smokers either - smoke/ don't smoke - your choice you know the risks - just don't blow it in my face)


TelBoy 07 August 2003 05:14 PM

Paul, it's all about my cash going to causes i'd rather it didn't. Right now i don't have any say in the matter, and while i don't, i don't see why i should sit back and let other's lifestyle decisions force my hand....

damian666 07 August 2003 05:16 PM

DBW - I think its the height of rudeness to blow smoke in somebodys face! (at least deliberately!) I think you will find that most smokers feel the same way, and will not try to do it.


Andy Tang 07 August 2003 05:16 PM

Smoke obviously bothers you, so why are you in an environment where that could happen???

If I were in a pub where it continually kicked off everytime I was there, I don't think I would go back. So if you know it's going to be smokey why go?

I suppose, that it must be a local, a good pub, or all your mates drink in there. Which is fine. But then you are saying there are reasons good enough to make you outweigh the fact that you don't like smoke.

If you are willing to compromise so easily, are you really that offended by smoke, or are you just stirring up an arguement on Scoobynet? ;)

Andy Tang 07 August 2003 05:19 PM

DBW, I sat next to you at Karens birthday, and I think I was considerate enough not to blow smoke in your face!!! :o Or when we were eating, or anytime I thought inappropiate. In fact if you had mentioned about the smoking thing, I would have been good enough to wonder off to the bar for a cheeky cigarette!! :)

paulr 07 August 2003 05:22 PM

"Telboy"....a reason if ever there was one to START smoking...


damian666 07 August 2003 05:24 PM

If non smoking pubs and bars were in such huge demand - there would be more than a few open!


TelBoy 07 August 2003 05:24 PM

LOL - pretty much sums up your side of the debate Paul! :D

Ah well...

TelBoy 07 August 2003 05:25 PM

Not sure that's true either Damian, since most publicans are smokers, there's hardly an incentive.

Besides which, most owners are just too damned scared to test the theory...

Andy Tang 07 August 2003 05:26 PM

There are many mainstream pub, such as Wetherspoons, who have (I believe) pioneered the non-smoking section and no smoking at the bar.

If I go to a busy Wetherspoons, and I can only sit (or more likey stand) in a non-smoking bit, I don't smoke.

At the end of the day, you do not have to sit in the smoking bit!

I guess I'm lucky enough to live in an area where there are plenty of pubs with non-smoking sections.

Another pet hate of mine:

There are trains that leave Waterloo that have smoking carriages. There are 8-10 carriages which are non-smoking, and yet people still complain when they can only sit in a smoking carriage!! Over 90% of the train is non-smoking, so stand up in a corridor, or put up with my smoking in a carriage dedicated for that!

ChrisB 07 August 2003 05:27 PM

There's an excellent no smoking pub in Shrewsbury. A refreshing change to find it...

ScoobyWon't 07 August 2003 05:27 PM

If I am smoking and people choose to stand/sit near me, then they should put up or shut up.
And when a smoker chooses to stand next to a group of non-smokers?

My local has a non-smoking area - about one fitfh of the size of the whole bar. You can't fit all the non-smokers in there as they generally out number the smokers. There are even signs on the bar reading "No smoking at the bar" just a shame that the smokers choose to ignore these signs and carry on smoking. Pure ignorance and selfishness I believe.

Andy Tang 07 August 2003 05:28 PM

I guess I'm one of the few people who do actually (or can ;)) read the signs and follow what they say!!! :o

Andy Tang 07 August 2003 05:31 PM

BTW it's home time, so I will walk home and have a Marlboro Light!

And generate less pollution than if I drove home!

And I will not blow smoke into peoples faces.

And I will not make children, babies or pregnant women breath in my second hand smoke.

And I will not stand next to anyone on the way home!

I think I'll be ok!!! ;)

ScoobyWon't 07 August 2003 05:34 PM

And don't stop at a NHS hospital for treatment.

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