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MooseRacer 22 September 2003 07:01 AM

Infact, petrol tax may rise inline with, or sligthly below, inflation sometime after October 1st as previously announced, although no decision has yet been made.

Double wow, outrage :rolleyes:

Wurzel 22 September 2003 09:47 AM

Unlucky chaps the price of our 100 ron V-Power has just gone down by 8 cents a litre.

Leslie 22 September 2003 11:29 AM

I agree very much with Paul Habgood. I was hoping for good things from New Labour too but the outcome is totally disappointing. Tiggers is right in what he said about the Thatcher years, that is when real selfishness started to come to the fore. I felt that the Tory government had lost any concern for the electorate and was hoping that some Socialist policies might balance things up a bit. Looking back over the 6 years of this lot of ineffectual self seeking cronies I see that the concern for the electorate has going completely to the wall! The people are being treated as a "milch cow" for more and more tax which is then being thrown at the problems with comparative abandon in an effort to impress but with little significant improvement. I see a small group of friends in control of the country and working largely for their own self advancement. They have a programme of events which they will force through with no consideration for the will of the people. The promise of a referendum on the Euro was made to gain votes, but there is no offer of the same over the new Euro constitution which will affect us very deeply. I am very disappointed in the Conservative's performance but I do remember that earlier when they proposed their own policies that New Labour would immediately steal the ideas themselves.

Brent East was a big surprise, and the government must be pretty worried about it as indeed should the Tories be. We can expect some sops to be thrown to us as the next election approaches but will the people be fooled?


MATTeL 22 September 2003 11:37 AM

If enough people boycotted the big THREE petroleum companies, the government would be under so much pressure to reduce the amount of tax it would be untrue. Having said that, were a country of whingers who do nothing about it.
So you have totally forgotten about the fuel shortage four yers ago when the farmers and truckers refused to let the oil companies distribute the oil?

The net result... the pumps ran dry. The governemtn complained that the blockading truckers were evil and causing trouble (cue news footage of the truckers sittting around drinking tea with the police).

The tax stayed the same and people forgot about when the pumps started to slowly fill up again.

Public protests don't shake the government becuase their egos are to great.

Well except for teh WI incident and I still laugh at Tony "Cry Baby" Blair for that! ;)

Scooby96 22 September 2003 11:43 AM

"the WI incident" ???

MATTeL 22 September 2003 11:44 AM

When they slow clapped him when he tried to make a political speech.

My Dad's wife was there and she said the news broadcast made it look like he wasn't too bothered in comparrison to the gibbering wreck he was! :D

johnfelstead 22 September 2003 11:49 AM

womens institute = WI = blue rinse brigade. :D

289 22 September 2003 11:53 AM

The highest standard of living anywhere in the world, according to the UN, is in Norway. They pay high taxes for everything, and it costs the earth to put a car on the road.

Then again, they have an truly excellent education and health service, their teachers are of a frighteningly good standard, and the crime levels are low.

The current government are trying to arrest the decline in public standards which has been continuing for literally decades. As anyone who's ever restored an old decrepit car knows, it takes a very long time and costs far more than if it had been made properly in the first place, but if it's your only option then it's the price you have to pay.

We all knew that publis services were in a terrible state, and we all have to recognise that it will take probably another ten years for them to be worthy. I'm not sure that this government really has the balls to do it properly, and seems to be getting totally side-tracked with Iraq and the aftermath, but at least they're giving it a go.

Council taxes are a different thing entirely - my local council has a habit of sticking these up 10-15% per annum, and I'm furious about it. Whilst I accept that they're trying their best, they're a bunch of well-meaning amateurs whom I wouldn't trust to guard a pile of leaves.

Ratman 22 September 2003 12:40 PM

But the wind keeps blowing, that's the problem. So we've decided to build a concrete bunker around every tree in the borough...

mart360 22 September 2003 12:43 PM

John Re your comment Brady and Hindley

with out wishing to inflame anyone

Yes i agree its somewhat a media thing, but it is an undeniable fact...

Hindley died in prison .... Brady is still in....

we had a judicial system then who belived in punishment fitting the crime..

We also had capital punishement wrightly or wrongly people new where they stood !!

look at the guy who killed Sarah Paine

previously he commited a similar offence and was released with tragic consequences.

I know i cant protect my kids all of the time and they have to be allowed to grow up,along with the risks involved but as long as i can offer some protection as a parent i will.

re the bhp limiting issue... it can work, its currently in place fore mototcycles, so its feasable for cars..


PPPMAT 22 September 2003 01:35 PM

As this thread has shown, its the pound/euro in the pocket that can help win and lose an election.

I wouldn't mind (much) paying more tax if I thought it was being spent productively but the majority seems to be spent on further red tape, beurocracy and pay rises for public sector workers rather than anything tangible.

Sorry to all public sector workers, fair play to you and no offense meant.


Diesel 22 September 2003 02:47 PM

Start writing your CV Tony - this may well be the last Straw (no pun intended). People will only take so much.

The Zohan 01 October 2003 01:29 PM

Recently stated at the Labour conference (on the TV news re the drive slow today) that fuel prices have gone down by 13% - Can someone enlighten me as to how and when or is this just more spin.

STi wanna Subaru 01 October 2003 02:15 PM

Paul, the price of the fuel is going down............. it's the fecking tax that is shooting up!! [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]


Muffleman 01 October 2003 04:57 PM

To add a little fuel to the cost of motoring fire.

If you use your car for work, you can claim 40p per mile for the first 10,000 miles, and 25p per mile thereafter. This is called a no-profit mileage allowance.

However, MP's can claim 56.1p per mile for the first 20,000 miles, and 25.9p per mile thereafter.

So if 10k at 40p is non-profit, MP's are making a profit that should therefore be taxable ?

If you do 15k per year for business, you get £5,250. An MP would get £8,415.

Just ANOTHER example of how the govt is feathering it's own nest at the cost of the voter.



Muffleman 01 October 2003 04:59 PM

Mind you, I can live with the cost of motoring far happier than the cost of going to work.



The Zohan 01 October 2003 04:59 PM


Interesting post, double standards it appears, what a shock :rolleyes:

pugoetru 01 October 2003 05:04 PM

the real problem is not all the taxes it is the fact that the government choose to waste it on scottish parliment buildings,millenium domes,war with iraq, fekin pay rises for themselves etc etc :(

Diesel 02 October 2003 10:07 AM

289, can I just say as one that has been working in Norway a bit recently, that the OVERALL taxation burden between UK & Norway is similar for say a higher rate taxpayer on about £50k. What you GET in RETURN in NORWAY COMPLETELY REVEALS the way this gvt just pi$$es it against the wall...

Even petrol is cheaper in Norway, and YES you can have free dental and that new hip *NOW*!! (dont mention beer or fags though;))

D (Particularly fed up @ 11.8 mpg stuck in traffic Gordon fills his coffers to squander)

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