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imlach 08 January 2004 09:29 PM

Eh Eh Ehhhhhh

I'm a lady you know....

J S W 08 January 2004 09:31 PM

I think its a shame we have lost a member who is prepared to stand up and be counted.

And yes Luke's Hifi information is superb.

[Edited by J S W - 1/8/2004 9:33:12 PM]

imlach 08 January 2004 09:35 PM

I think its a shame we have lost a member who is prepared to stand up and be counted.

It's a forum, not a family!!!
People leave, people join. Their choice.

mj 08 January 2004 09:39 PM


I know.

lightning101 08 January 2004 09:42 PM

Yeah but, no but, yeah but, no but, shutup, I wasn't even there for this thing that not ever even happenned, and meridith started stirring it up and everyone knows she's gone all lezzie.

Chip 08 January 2004 09:44 PM

Thats right, but a forum is somewhere you should be allowed to express your opinions and not have them surpressed because of the PC mob.

Sad to say the whole country is going the same way.

Trouble being the younger generation dont know any different as they just seem to be brainwashed into thinking whatever they are told is correct.


imlach 08 January 2004 09:47 PM

Chip, if ye'd asked me on a Monday, I'd have said "yeeeeesssss", and if you'd asked me on a Thursday, I'd have said "nooooooo".

mj 08 January 2004 09:48 PM

Luke, if your watching ( Like, who doesent ever read their last ever thread, ever :rolleyes: ), and we so knoooow you are..

...whats it all about then?

whats the straw that broke the camel's back?

Jye 08 January 2004 09:54 PM

I always thought SN was meant to be a community; well it was when I first joined. And if someone left it was treated like someone leaving a community. But I guess I’m well off the mark these days. Care in the community would be a more apt term to use. Things have changed in here sure enough, and not for the good. It’s not just the mods though m8. I say stay, you're just having a bad day, and everyone does.

But if not, then good luck m8, you always sounded like someone, who if you met them in 'RL', would probably behave the same as you do in here (dunno if that’s good or bad though sometimes :)), but unlike some of the snide arrogant tossers we have now, hiding behind keyboards and using alternative usernames to troll and **** stir, you didn’t seem to be like that or change your 'persona' like the weather.

All the best


imlach 08 January 2004 09:58 PM

I can see both sides.

While I won't mourn a loss, I also don't see the point in throwing one's toys out of the pram and whining on about leaving cos one can't do as one likes....

It's not an anarchic forum...I'm sure there are others that are.

It's a moderated & free internet forum - bit of fun. Who cares. Lots obviously do too much.

ajm 08 January 2004 09:59 PM

For what its worth he doesn't strike me as the sort who would be weak willed and affected enough to just walk out because it wasn't going his way. He preached about how the country was going down the pan because people wouldn't stand up and fight for their beliefs - then in the same breath announces that he is walking away from that fight. I am willing to put it down to just having a bad day.... afterall, no one would intentially display such weakness infront of all the keyboard vultures present on scoobynet, would they? ;)

ProperCharlie 08 January 2004 10:05 PM

at the end of the day (which this is, for me :))who really GAS? It's only one man - one brain. this is the internet, not the school playground.

"methinks the lady doth protest too much"


[Edited by ProperCharlie - 1/8/2004 10:07:52 PM]

Jye 08 January 2004 10:09 PM

Imlach, while not really disagreeing with you people sometimes say they want to leave, a person or a place, just to hear if others want them to stay. It's human nature. Some of us are still human in here I imagine. Or are we?

Would you be so casual about it if Claire or Kenny said they had had enough of SN?

The mods should spend more time sorting out the real trolls and **** stirrers rather than Luke IMO.

imlach 08 January 2004 10:10 PM

Jye - who are Claire & Kenny?

Jye 08 January 2004 10:10 PM

Suppose Charlie, if we all reduce SN banter to bits and bites, but it aint as you know ;)

imlach 08 January 2004 10:13 PM

To answer your question properly Jye, I don't even know who Claire & Kenny are. They are, to me, people in cyberspace I've never met.

I have no reason to believe they exist outside of Scoobynet, and should they leave Scoobynet, my life would not change.

There'd be new Claires & Kennys along soon enough....

Jye 08 January 2004 10:13 PM

eClaire and Saxo Boy I believe. Might be wrong here, but I felt you had an affinity with them as more than just 'electronic' friends.

mj 08 January 2004 10:14 PM

I bet he'd love to post someting now...

Jye 08 January 2004 10:15 PM

OK, point noted Imlach.

fatherpierre 08 January 2004 10:15 PM


We'll see if a bit of (poor) reverse psychology can't smoke him out of his sulk;)

mj 08 January 2004 10:16 PM

will ye te wee boyz stop yer greetin on ma pal luke's thread, why don't ye?

J S W 08 January 2004 10:17 PM

imlach you are another one of the scoobynet fcuk heads who write posts to wind other uses up.

Luke as with many users expressed genuine opinions and got penalised by pr1cks like you.

[Edited by J S W - 1/8/2004 10:20:11 PM]

Jye 08 January 2004 10:19 PM

And I believe Claire exists out of cyberspace anyhow, had a quick shifty at her webby, perhaps I'm just desperate to 'believe' the internet is more than that though, lol :)

mj 08 January 2004 10:19 PM



unclebuck 08 January 2004 10:19 PM

popcorn anyone?


imlach 08 January 2004 10:20 PM

Jye wrote:

Might be wrong here, but I felt you had an affinity with them as more than just 'electronic' friends.
That is an impression you read into it I guess. See how easy it is. :)

It's all down to me knowing a bit about their posting history, learning/guessing a bit about their cyberspace personas, and posting accordingly.

In reality, I don't know who they are in the real world, they may not be who I think they are, and do I care? No. They just exist on Scoobynet to me. Bit of fun. They certainly don't know anything about the real world version of me :)

Jye 08 January 2004 10:21 PM

Pass it over UB, you completely unbelievable cyber person :D

mj 08 January 2004 10:22 PM


I remeber a Jye_0 on here, any relation?

imlach 08 January 2004 10:23 PM


Are you another one who takes it all too seriously per chance.....

I've been on here 5 years. Do you not think I'd know the "game" by now

Jye 08 January 2004 10:24 PM

I know Imlach, but you must get the drift or you'd already have told me to to f**k off jye and stop making stupid unfounded assertions ;)

What if you did them meet in 'RL', many of us have you know?

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