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gareth123 28 April 2004 05:38 PM

Sorry about the Flyers being so much better :D

Brendan Hughes 28 April 2004 05:40 PM

Leslie, I won't accuse you of being a little Englander. But I will say you are blinkered, and inconsistent.

You say it was great before, but people have opened their eyes to governments over the last twenty years. Robin Day was famous as the first interviewer who wouldn't suck up to politicians. I'll admit I'm too young to have experience, but I would say that these governments are no better or worse than previous ones, the only difference is that now the public know about it (and get it rammed down their throat every day, as only bad news sells). It all seemed rosy 50 years ago as the press didn't like to criticise the government.

You say about this country being successfully built on immigration. That's a nice thing to say with hindsight - how many of those immigrants were welcomed to British shores at the time they disembarked, as being the great saviours of our nation's future? I reckon precisely none, bar a few scientists (and Zola Budd). I'm open to correction, but I don't know of any time in the last few hundred years when Britain has welcomed floods of foreigners with open arms and wide smiles.

Finally, look back in history to see how this country influenced the world - yes, with an empire based on invasion and colonialism, funded in the latter half of the 19th century in Asia by forcing China to buy Indo-British opium, even though the Chinese didn't want it as they saw it as a health threat. The British did not merge with local populations in Africa, Asia, Australasia, America, they suppressed and ruled them, considering themselves a class (or three) above. Are you advocating we start that again? I'm sure you didn't mean that.

To the rest: From gsm1, above: "Go and see how most of the world lives. They have to slave their backsides off just to be able to eat. They don't have time to fart around in their flash motors or sit in pubs moaning."

I have done. I don't consider myself proud to be British, I was born that way. I consider myself lucky. Maybe that's why I have a cheerier and more positive attitude than many on here.

Sicey 28 April 2004 06:07 PM

I have been living out in Germany for the last 3 years and my qualms with the UK are .....

Crap government
Crime levels too high
Crap health service
Cost of living too high, house prices are ridiculous :(

I find my money goes further out here and as said before you can leave your car open with the stereo in and not worry about, as for it getting scratched never park it on the streets of Frankfurt at least as it will be clipped by some idiot trying to squeeze into the remaining gap.
Weather is hit and miss out here but it still is in the UK
I would certainly think twice about coming home but still miss certain things.

dpb 28 April 2004 06:54 PM

Originally Posted by lightning101
Hey, I just read a lot of property sites and my friend (from edinburgh) has rental properties up here. Don't have to be in great areas to get that. All you need is the right area - e.g. menziehill is right next to the hospital, and the universities, its not a good area (IMO) but each room would be rentable at 225 - £250 a month. Here is and extract from have a look further down for the 400 to £450 rentals.

Search Results - 44 properties Page 1 of 5New Search Result Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 Next >> Property BedroomsRentDundee & Angus - City Centre: Dalgleish Buildings3£750
per monthLuxury Flat situated close to City Centre with easy access to all amenities.Property Details >>Dundee & Angus - City Centre: Marine Parade, City Quay2£650
per monthFourth Floor Flat in newly built development at Dundee City Quay.Property Details >>Dundee & Angus - City Centre: South Victoria Dock Road3£650
per monthLuxury Apartment at Waterfront in new City Quay Development. Close to City Centre amenities.Property Details >>Dundee & Angus - City Centre: Marine Parade2£650
per monthLuxury Modern flat part of the new development at City Quay, close to Dundee City Centre.Property Details >>Dundee & Angus - West End: Blackness Road2£550
per monthLower part of Divided House on Blackness Road, close to Balgay Park.Property Details >>Dundee & Angus - West End: High Mill Court2£550
per monthFirst floor flat in a Converted Mill in a popular residential area in the West End of Dundee.Property Details >>Dundee & Angus - Broughty Ferry: Brown Street2£550
per monthLuxury Flat situated in Central Broughty Ferry and close to all shops, schools and amenities.Property Details >>Dundee & Angus - West End: Greenstone Place2£550
per monthModern Semi-Detached bungalow in excellent West End location within easy reach of Ninewells Hopspital and the Technology Park. Property Details >>Dundee & Angus - City Centre: Victoria Road3£520
per monthSpacious Flat in City Centre convenient for all amenities.Property Details >>Dundee & Angus - City Centre: Bonnethill Apartments2£500
per monthLuxury Flat in Converted Mill within 5 minutes walk of Dundee City Centre. Convenient for all amenities.Property Details >>

you wouldnt be in to the property game yourself i dont suppose ....:)

lightning101 28 April 2004 07:16 PM


ALi-B 28 April 2004 07:37 PM

My family are already dealing with property in spain, and will end up moving there when they retire. With the possibilty of setting business involving property on short term rent and holiday accomodation.

I'm half decided on weather to join in on the venture.

But not because I don't want to leave this country. It's because I've set my sights a bit further! Sydney being the prime objective, Vancouver being the second. I'll end up somewhere one day, but I can be quite confident it will not be in the UK. Why? mainly the same reasons as already stated - costs, crime, social attitude, chavs, climate...etc.

akshay67 28 April 2004 08:25 PM

Originally Posted by unclebuck
Of those, 33 per cent said the weather was the main reason. Other factors were the high cost of living (18 per cent) and soaring crime (12 per cent)."

All thanks to New Labour.


I knew it was New Labour behind spiking airplane fuel which screws the weather up.

jods 28 April 2004 09:31 PM

All I know is - Crime is up, Vandalism is up, Gangs of Yob kids rule the streets.
Now call me old fashioned. But in my Grandfathers time there wouldn't be trouble like this.

Olden Times - Catch a thief - Go to Jail
Nowadays - Catch a thief - A fat wedge of cash and a holiday.

Olden times - Catch a Yob - Clip his ear - Parents thank the Cop
Nowadays - Catch a Yob - Clip his ear - Lose you Job, House, Pension, Marriage.

It's time to get back to reality. No NI Number - Out you go
Do the crime - do the time

We are facing a deluge this week - It has already begun to cause problems and I fear it will make the words of one Mr E. Powell ring sadly true!!

wrx_chris 28 April 2004 10:45 PM

here here to true very well put m8

Leslie 29 April 2004 06:21 PM


You did not study the points I made very closely. You appear to have twisted their meaning just enough to suit the criticisms that you wanted to make.

Of course I don't applaud everything that was done in the name of this country, you can always find plenty of things wrong with what was done in the past by those in power. That will always happen when you get people of poor character in control. Overall though, we were a good influence on the world and generally a good example on how to govern fairly and to improve the lot of the people being governed by us. Our style of government and our law system has been used as a guide by so many countries with success.

As I have said before, if you don't agree with the way it is done at the moment, look to the perpetrators, not at the basic system which is pretty well laid out and has been proved to be so for hundreds of years.


Lagamorph 29 April 2004 07:22 PM

Originally Posted by tiggers
No you miss my point. I'm not saying the event didn't happen, but the way it's reported makes you puff up like this as that is just what the programme is designed to do.

I will say once again that I can't understand why you are not blaming the police for this as it was they who, as you said, stood around and did nothing - still that doesn't fit with your 'everything is Blair's fault' theory does it now?

YOU obviously missed my point the police are at fault but which government keeps making it harder for police to react to incidents like this???? thats right labour do and whos the leader of the labour party????? Tony Blair!

thats like saying it was the german soldiers fault for world war 2, when we all know the largest reason was hitler. the fualt always lies with the person at the top.

The hole point of what im saying is that our government has tied the police forces hands and im just using what was shown in that program as an example.

hope you understand what im saying i dont mean im right as its just my opinion.


jods 07 December 2007 09:25 PM

Originally Posted by unclebuck (Post 3277090)
Maybe the Scoobyney demographic is more representative than some claim:

"MORE than half of Brits want to get OUT of the UK for good — just as East Europeans are queuing to get IN, a survey reveals.

Twenty-four per cent of those who want to emigrate said they were disillusioned with Britain.

Many said they were fed up with the threat of terrorism and the asylum fiasco.

Experts predict up to 54,000 East Europeans could head to the UK when ten new countries join the EU on Saturday.

But meanwhile 52 per cent of Brits want a new life abroad.

Of those, 33 per cent said the weather was the main reason. Other factors were the high cost of living (18 per cent) and soaring crime (12 per cent)."

All thanks to New Labour.


"Experts predict up to 54,000 East Europeans could head to the UK when ten new countries join the EU on Saturday."

Some fcuking experts - what is it - 10 - 15x that amount and climbing?

Thin end of the wedge has been well and truly rammed up where the sun doesn't shine !!

Petem95 07 December 2007 09:31 PM

It's predicted a lot of the Eastern Europeans will be heading elsewhere in a couple of years as the jobs dry up here.

I'm certainly planning on joining the 'get out of Britain' bandwagon. Really do not like the way this place is going, and its only going to get harder and harder to settle in other countries, so might as well do it while I've got age o my side, and haven't really put down roots.

kingofturds 07 December 2007 09:52 PM

Thread from the dead:D I just heard today my job is safe for another 12 months at least, some people however were not so lucky:( they want to cut costs but none of the east European workers have been laid off. It is a viscous circle, rival companies hire cheap labour the company has to the same to compete forcing wages down

f1_fan 08 December 2007 10:01 AM

Originally Posted by Petem95 (Post 7468255)
It's predicted a lot of the Eastern Europeans will be heading elsewhere in a couple of years as the jobs dry up here.

I'm certainly planning on joining the 'get out of Britain' bandwagon. Really do not like the way this place is going, and its only going to get harder and harder to settle in other countries, so might as well do it while I've got age o my side, and haven't really put down roots.

You had best get out quick, before the house price crash ;) :D :D

The Zohan 08 December 2007 10:42 AM

I left for a year, missed some things.

Like a lot fo the above have said there are many issues that ned tackling properly and with a common and robust approach. I would rather the UK got better than the good people leave to be replaced (in so0me cases) by less desirables.

NL and that fool Brrown must go, that would be a start. European Hiuman Rights convention needs to be scrapped and common sense approach used for a start. Crime need stackling alonfg with the causes - Drugs for a start.
Propler puinisghments that fit the crimes.

David_Dickson 08 December 2007 12:09 PM

I left Aberdeen nearly 2 years ago for southern France.
There were loads of reasons for me leaving, and my return trips to Uk highlight things like litter, miserable population, high prices and grim weather.
France isnt without its problems though. Yes the way of life is much more laid back, there is a sense of community and people are much warmer (in spirit And temperature!). On the other hand, im not sure what uk news coverage is like, but there have been some nasty race riots here of late, a lot of strikes and there is a lot of unrest over fuel prices. Immigration isnt a popular topic here, with arabs and blacks being the target of hatred.
The area I am in is relatively untouched by uk ex-pats still, although even in the last 18 onths I have seen a steady increase in brits.
Its easy to see the good side, nice property for sensible money, good food, etc, but the red tape is a nightmare. Anyone thinking of moving needs to seriously look into things like education (if you have kids) health care, taxation, rights to work and so on.
If you dont speak the language, then you will have a very hard time. There is nothing that annoys me more than to hear some english **** speaking loudly and slowly in english to a french person. Sadly, these idiots are increasing in numbers and are giving those of us making an effort a bad name in some cases.

KiwiGTI 08 December 2007 12:14 PM

Some very strange reasons. Who is genuinely afraid of terrorism? That occurs anywhere in the world these days.

Scooby Soon! 08 December 2007 12:22 PM

My mission over the next 5 years is to drain as much money out of this country before I scarper off to the far east, and then continue to drain money out while I'm not here ;)

This country is going down the pan, its too late to do anything its now beyond saving so plan your exit strategys now!

ScoTTyB 08 December 2007 12:35 PM

I had enough and left, best thing I did, can't say I miss anything about the UK, especially the people.

andythejock01wrx 08 December 2007 01:45 PM

Originally Posted by unclebuck (Post 3277090)

But meanwhile 52 per cent of Brits want a new life abroad.

Of those, 33 per cent said the weather was the main reason. Other factors were the high cost of living (18 per cent) and soaring crime (12 per cent)."

All thanks to New Labour.


News flash - "GB makes it rain !!" :lol1:

GC8WRX 08 December 2007 01:57 PM

Originally Posted by Suresh (Post 3277112)
The grass always looks greener on the other side and luckily, sometimes it even is. :p

(Brit in Holland)

Iknow what you mean!:norty: thats why i want to move there!

Am i right in thinking property is not expensive over there, bear in mind i want to live just oustide the mad zone of amsterdam?

Where are my rizla?:)

andythejock01wrx 08 December 2007 02:07 PM

Originally Posted by GC8WRX (Post 7469163)
Iknow what you mean!:norty: thats why i want to move there!

Am i right in thinking property is not expensive over there, bear in mind i want to live just oustide the mad zone of amsterdam?

Where are my rizla?:)

The Dutch birds are nice too. ;)

ScoTTyB 08 December 2007 03:41 PM

Originally Posted by andythejock01wrx (Post 7469181)
The Dutch birds are nice too. ;)

for shure, yeshh..:D

andythejock01wrx 08 December 2007 03:47 PM

Originally Posted by ScoTTyB (Post 7469342)
for shure, yeshh..:D

Sean Connery impersonator spotted ! :lol1: ;)

ScoTTyB 08 December 2007 03:49 PM

lol :D

andythejock01wrx 08 December 2007 04:00 PM

Originally Posted by ScoTTyB (Post 7469365)
lol :D

Wie geht es dir Scotty ? Es regnet in Schottland (immer !). :)

Steve Whitehorn 08 December 2007 08:24 PM

Originally Posted by BMWhere? (Post 3278139)
Leslie, your completely right, but I'm not going to hang around on the off chance that Britian will ever get better. If it does then I may return! In the mean time, I still have my postal vote and will always do my bit to help shape Britian in to an attractive country to live... I'll just be doing it from afar!

Good Post Les.

But I with BMWhere on this.

ScoTTyB 08 December 2007 09:06 PM

Originally Posted by andythejock01wrx (Post 7469398)
Wie geht es dir Scotty ? Es regnet in Schottland (immer !). :)

Lol, gute danke, und ja es tut immer Regen in Schottland! :D

andythejock01wrx 08 December 2007 09:42 PM

Originally Posted by ScoTTyB (Post 7470110)
Lol, gute danke, und ja es tut immer Regen in Schottland! :D

Ja, genau !

Ich mag deutsche Frauen auch. :D (und ich glaube dass die deutsche Frauen mogen der Schottenrock. ;) ).

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