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Lee247 06 June 2006 06:40 PM

As a scooby owner and a horse owner, I have to agree with Peanuts comments.
We always try to keep our horse on the bridleways, but unfortunately, sometimes needs must for us to go on the road. This is usually a country road with very little traffic. We have nearly always met curtious drivers and had no problems up to now. Most horses are very skittish and take flight at the least little thing, so busy roads should be a nono. :)

Lee247 06 June 2006 06:42 PM

Ooops, forgot to add, we are not all "posh" :lol1:

Mog 06 June 2006 06:43 PM

It really p***** me off when riders don't say thanks when you have been behind them for 15 minutes waiting for them to let you pass. When I had horses I always moved out of the road to enable cars to pass ASAP - and I said thankyou!!!! (Must polish my Halo!!) Unfortunately you have to ride on the road unless you are lucky enough to have a field which goes straight into a bridleway - few and far between here. Also - if you ride in your own field you tear up all the grass and then Mr Horsey has no food (most pleasing to a lot of you on this thread I think). Everyone I know who rides does not want to ride on the road. By the way the next time you see some snotty person on a horse who acts as if they own the road - use the passenger side electric window and shout abuse - I do..... To be honest I must admit I prefer my Scoobs BHP these days.

Mrs Mog xxxxx

Ian_S 06 June 2006 07:15 PM

They have their uses.

My dog needs food.

jasey 06 June 2006 08:10 PM

Originally Posted by RoadrunnerV2
And your point is?

Horses and cars don't mix.

I would have thought the point was clear enough from the picture and didn't really need explanation :).

Bubba po 06 June 2006 09:13 PM

Originally Posted by SiPie
Coupled with the fact that they are easily startled and on top of that they have a brain the size of a pea or something.

They now have no place on our roads.

End of

Originally Posted by RoadrunnerV2
Do the police know about these flaws within stilover ;)


ALi-B 06 June 2006 09:23 PM

Originally Posted by Reality
Horses and cars are about as good a mix as cars and twenty pints of lager.

They should be transported by horse box - not on foot.

Oh that's another pet hate...why do truck based 7.5tonner horse boxes evade all the rules and regs posed on to normal 7.5 trucks?...and consequently most are rusty old **** boxes ready to kill some car dweller.

Not to mention the trailer - are they taxed? no, are they MOT'd? no, well, get them off the road then. When was the draw bar last checked, or the brakes, or the wheel bearingas and tyres?

Same goes for shed draggers too :D

lpski1 06 June 2006 09:30 PM

Originally Posted by 84of300
Ooops, forgot to add, we are not all "posh" :lol1:

seconded :thumb:

ALi-B 06 June 2006 09:33 PM

Is Lady Muck slumming it? :lol1:

Today I've had to deal with female Barrister, she's on £250K a year plus perks, and has 4 polo horses kept in Surrey based stables. Yet she's in massive debt because of the horses :cuckoo:

Silly woman...mince the horses, get a cat and a large freezer, financial worries over :lol1:

lpski1 06 June 2006 09:37 PM

Gay horses :lol1:

Lee247 06 June 2006 09:37 PM

Originally Posted by lpski1
seconded :thumb:

Cheeky bugger :lol1:

lpski1 06 June 2006 09:39 PM

Lee247 06 June 2006 09:43 PM

jonc 06 June 2006 10:41 PM

Take the fight to them!!! Drive your 4x4 on the bridal ways, dump your rubbish, empty your ashtrays and drive as if you were Colin McCrae. Any bits that come off your car, stick it back on with some old fashioned horse based glue!

kingofturds 06 June 2006 10:46 PM

Originally Posted by ALi-B
Is Lady Muck slumming it? :lol1:

Today I've had to deal with female Barrister, she's on £250K a year plus perks, and has 4 polo horses kept in Surrey based stables. Yet she's in massive debt because of the horses :cuckoo:

Silly woman...mince the horses, get a cat and a large freezer, financial worries over :lol1:

Dealing hey you a gigilo?:eek:

ALi-B 06 June 2006 11:03 PM

Just call me Dirk :norty:

RoadrunnerV2 06 June 2006 11:11 PM

Originally Posted by jasey
Horses and cars don't mix.

I would have thought the point was clear enough from the picture and didn't really need explanation :).

I had an idea what the pictures point was but then cars hitting other cars, trees and cars, pedestrians and cars do not mix. Any kind of fatal RTA do not mix therefore I thought the picture didnt add anything to this thread expect stir things up more :D

kingofturds 06 June 2006 11:25 PM

To the people who think horses are fair game .If someone run over your kids on a quiet country road and killed them would it be OK ,because after all they do not pay road tax:wonder: living in Cornwall unfortunately there have been incidences of kids being killed on horses but thats okay isnt it

Reality 07 June 2006 08:06 AM

Originally Posted by RoadrunnerV2
I had an idea what the pictures point was but then cars hitting other cars, trees and cars, pedestrians and cars do not mix. Any kind of fatal RTA do not mix therefore I thought the picture didnt add anything to this thread expect stir things up more :D

Don't get me started on other w@nkers using my roads :mad:

The amount of road tax I've paid over the years I assume I must own the whole fcuking network by now :D

Reality 07 June 2006 08:09 AM

Originally Posted by kingofturds
To the people who think horses are fair game .If someone run over your kids on a quiet country road and killed them would it be OK ,because after all they do not pay road tax:wonder: living in Cornwall unfortunately there have been incidences of kids being killed on horses but thats okay isnt it

If a kid sees a car coming then starts running around in front of it like a banshee then that kid does indeed deserve to get killed.

I don't think there's many saying horses are fair game - just that they shouldn't be on the roads. And If they are - the owner should carry a shotgun to shoot the fcuker if it starts to be a danger to everyone else.

They could also use the gun on anyone doing 90mph down the country lanes :).

Apparition 07 June 2006 09:48 AM

Never forget the time I ran over a kids balloon and burst it within earshot of a dobbin. The rider went eppy at me. But a) I didn't see the balloon was under my car....pretty impossible. And b) Surely the kid was responsible for letting the damn thing go in the first place.

spider 07 June 2006 01:12 PM

This is quite an interesting thread :)

I can see it from both sides as I've got a scoob (which my g/f likes driving too), which I suppose is one of my hobbies, and my girlfriend has a horse, which is her hobby I guess.

For sure, she hates riding on roads - any sensible horse rider does - as they know the dangers. Unfortunately as has been said, not all horses can be kept by bridleways (we're lucky in that hers is near a few here in Berkshire/Oxfordshire), and landowners don't tend to like you assuming you can ride through their crops! Sometimes you have to ride on a road to get onto a track where you're away from cars.

One thing she does is stay well away from roads during busy times - especially rush hour when everyone's concentrating on getting to work or home.

The only problem with getting horses (and their small brains!) used to traffic is that you have to ride on a road to do it - Catch 22 Unfortunately. Shouldn't do it at a busy time though, that's suicidal!

Re insurance, well, the horse is insured, the horse trailer's insured (and serviced by muggins here!), the Land Rover's insured, and my g/f has personal liability insurance just in case.

Are we posh? - I don't think so. I grew up in Zummerzet, and my girlfriend's from Dunstable. No plums in our voices AFAIK! LOL.

Oh - she always says thanks to those who drive past considerately too!

Safe driving or riding!

Leslie 07 June 2006 03:10 PM

I agree fully that it is unwise and wrong to take a horse on to a busy road, especially during rush hour. I find it just as iorritating to have to slow down for a horse or a tractor for that matter, but it is unavoidable due to the circumstances and as horses and tractors have a right to use the road I thought it was unfair to be so rude about them as Peanuts was about the horse and it's rider, whatever her accent.

Daft lad, when it comes to inverted snobbery, since you don't what it means, which surprises me, it is the act of running someone down purely because you might expect them to be "upper class", if such a thing still exists. Peanuts was going on about her accent and it really is totally "chav" to be unpleasant about someone whom you do not know personally because of the way they speak. The top example of an inverted snob is that hypocrite Fatty Two
Shags of course. Hope that helps.

If someone is so silly as to take a horse on a main road during a busy time then they are being silly I agree, but there is no case for banning them entirely from using the road.

The point about being able to stop in the distance you can see ahead is absolutely right and taking a blind bend at 60 is irresponsible and even more stupid than taking a horse onto a busy road.

Brendan, if you want a ride with me on a track some time, I'll show you why I still hold six lap records- without the red flag :)


Daft Lad 07 June 2006 03:33 PM

Originally Posted by Leslie
Daft lad, when it comes to inverted snobbery, since you don't what it means, which surprises me, it is the act of running someone down purely because you might expect them to be "upper class", if such a thing still exists. Peanuts was going on about her accent and it really is totally "chav" to be unpleasant about someone whom you do not know personally because of the way they speak. The top example of an inverted snob is that hypocrite Fatty Two Shags of course. Hope that helps.

That does indeed help Les, although I'm not too sure why you're suprised I was a bit unclear on the definition! :wonder:

Were you using the term 'chav' ironically? :D

gotmashed 07 June 2006 05:02 PM

****ing things shouldnt be ridden by anyone in the first place let alone on the roads ive seen 2 throw there riders off and do a lot of damage to cars and a coach for no reason everything had stoped waiting for it to pass there not in controle no matter what they may think if it wants to go it will do ive also seen bikers come off on its **** who is going to pay for the repairs ?? not the rider that left it sat there

Reality 07 June 2006 05:06 PM

Getting back to the "posh" bit
The fcukers never wave or smile if you toot your horn to acknowledge they're there :mad:

jonc 07 June 2006 05:31 PM

Horse riding is cruel to the animal and serves no purpose other that to entertain the rider. Can you honestly say that the first time a horse has its head strapped up chomping on a bit and experiences someone getting on its back that its comfortable with this instead of its first natural instinct reaction is to throw the rider off.

scoobydooooo 07 June 2006 05:41 PM

Originally Posted by jonc
Horse riding is cruel to the animal and serves no purpose other that to entertain the rider. Can you honestly say that the first time a horse has its head strapped up chomping on a bit and experiences someone getting on its back that its comfortable with this instead of its first natural instinct reaction is to throw the rider off.

and killing other animals for food is ok ????
and it is a question !!

Flatcapdriver 07 June 2006 05:53 PM

Originally Posted by spider
This is quite an interesting thread :)

The only problem with getting horses (and their small brains!) used to traffic is that you have to ride on a road to do it - Catch 22 Unfortunately. Shouldn't do it at a busy time though, that's suicidal!

Re insurance, well, the horse is insured, the horse trailer's insured (and serviced by muggins here!), the Land Rover's insured, and my g/f has personal liability insurance just in case.

Are we posh? - I don't think so. I grew up in Zummerzet, and my girlfriend's from Dunstable. No plums in our voices AFAIK! LOL.

Steve, it's fairly easy to make a horse 'bombproof' without before riding it on a road by sticking it in a field next to a busy road, tying plastic bags and other flappy things on the fencing and anything that will spook it so that it quickly adjusts to road traffic. As for the insurance issue, it's good that your girlfriend has it but she's in the minority and I think that for both cyclists and horseriders it should be mandatory alongside some form of licence/test as other road users have.

The problem here is that the majority of horse riders that I've come across seem to think they own the road and that everyone else owes them a living. The whole issue of horse **** irritates me as well, especially when they ride on pavements as they are prone to do in our village. If a dog craps on the footpath, then it's big issue so why not the same outcry with horses? There just seems to be a lack of accoutability with too many of these people although I agree with you that the whole perception of riders having to be posh is ridiculous.

gotmashed 07 June 2006 05:57 PM

as long as they dont suffer then yes just think how long it would take a man to kill a cow with just his teeth that would also be cruel

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