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Hanley 02 May 2011 10:00 AM

Got to be a little sceptical about this whole story, troops go in...bang bang...he's dead - surely they would be parading pictures of the dead body to the world!!

No, apparently they buried him at sea...hmmmm

Suddenly, watch Obama's approval rating go up!!

tony de wonderful 02 May 2011 10:01 AM

The b@stard wasn't found in the border area but an affluent urban area not too far from Islamabad. His compound was near a police station apparently.

Petem95 02 May 2011 10:04 AM

Great news :thumb:

No surprise that he was found in Pakistan either.. in a compound just down the road from a military base there. I guess he was bound to be safest in a country that is a safe-haven for terrorists, ie Pakistan or the UK...

Gear Head 02 May 2011 10:05 AM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 10017700)
The b@stard wasn't found in the border area but an affluent urban area not too far from Islamabad. His compound was near a police station apparently.

A lot of Pakistan supported him, so that doesn't surprise me.
The news reader even states that in the above video.
They reckon the USA made him an idol.

Lee247 02 May 2011 10:07 AM

Originally Posted by Gear Head (Post 10017679)
Laid to rest at sea? Yeah right.

Let's hope that means that they have him and are torturing the f&ck out of him for more info.

That above video is very worrying. :razz:
They are speaking about him as if he is a bloody hero!

Dumped in the sea, so no shrine for his followers to worship.
Excellent news :luxhello:

hutton_d 02 May 2011 10:10 AM

Originally Posted by Hanley (Post 10017695)
Got to be a little sceptical about this whole story, troops go in...bang bang...he's dead - surely they would be parading pictures of the dead body to the world!!
No, apparently they buried him at sea...hmmmm
Suddenly, watch Obama's approval rating go up!!

Just because Obama's in trouble with the electorate and doesn't look like he'll get re-elected you wouldn't think he'd tell porkies about something like this do you .... ? :Suspiciou

Seems a bit quick to dispose of the body and apparently even the Pakistanis didn't know in advance. They'll be a bit p!ssed, to use the appropriate US term ..:eek:


Gear Head 02 May 2011 10:10 AM

Originally Posted by Lee247 (Post 10017713)
Dumped in the sea, so no shrine for his followers to worship.
Excellent news :luxhello:

I heard on the news that it was actually done in accordance with Islamic tradition. :wonder:

Who knows what to believe.
But I know I believe he isn't dead.
Far too important as far as infomation goes to be killed.

Lee247 02 May 2011 10:15 AM

Originally Posted by Gear Head (Post 10017718)
I heard on the news that it was actually done in accordance with Islamic tradition. :wonder:

Who knows what to believe.
But I know I believe he isn't dead.
Far too important as far as infomation goes to be killed.

You could be right. Just my take on things :thumb:
If we could get rid of that one eyed, hook handed monstrosity, that would be the icing on the cake :thumb:

juggers 02 May 2011 10:33 AM

Originally Posted by bonesetter (Post 10017620)
Did he ever really exist? :norty:

Was created by the Americans to be used as a tool along with all there other bull****.

The guys been dead for a long time. This should help Obama with votes.:Whatever_

Jamie 02 May 2011 10:35 AM

Originally Posted by Gear Head (Post 10017679)
Laid to rest at sea? Yeah right.

Let's hope that means that they have him and are torturing the f&ck out of him for more info.

That above video is very worrying. :razz:
They are speaking about him as if he is a bloody hero!

They shot him more than once he died simple as that :thumb:

Maz 02 May 2011 10:37 AM

Originally Posted by juggers (Post 10017739)
Was created by the Americans to be used as a tool along with all there other bull****.

The guys been dead for a long time. This should help Obama with votes.:Whatever_

....And paves a way to withdraw from Afghanistan.

Will 02 May 2011 10:38 AM

I hear that Elton John is to sing at Bin Laden's funeral He's changed the lyrics from Candle in the wind to Sandals in the Bin!


SamUK 02 May 2011 10:42 AM

Originally Posted by Jamie (Post 10017743)
They shot him more than once he died simple as that :thumb:

well they say they shot him, but theres no body, no solid pictures..

Would you believe everything the americans say?

murraymaddog 02 May 2011 10:43 AM

Now its time to bring our troops home!!

Dirk Diggler 75 02 May 2011 10:44 AM

Originally Posted by juggers (Post 10017739)
Was created by the Americans to be used as a tool along with all there other bull****.

The guys been dead for a long time. This should help Obama with votes.:Whatever_

I swear i just saw him filling up his Toyota Hilux and he took up the creme egg offer.............:D.......:thumb:

SamUK 02 May 2011 10:44 AM

Originally Posted by Gear Head (Post 10017718)
I heard on the news that it was actually done in accordance with Islamic tradition. :wonder:

Who knows what to believe.
But I know I believe he isn't dead.
Far too important as far as infomation goes to be killed.

Islamic be burried at sea?? hmm if this were the case the sea would be floating with dead bodies

Another theory, is that he could be captured banged up and used as a source of information...however the world is told he is dead and body dumped at sea..

SamUK 02 May 2011 10:46 AM

I wonder who is the worlds wanted number one now?

hutton_d 02 May 2011 10:49 AM

Originally Posted by SamUK (Post 10017760)
Islamic be burried at sea?? hmm if this were the case the sea would be floating with dead bodies

Another theory, is that he could be captured banged up and used as a source of information...however the world is told he is dead and body dumped at sea..

What you mean at Guantanamo Bay? But Obama closed it down, he said he would in his election manifesto. Oh, wait :Suspiciou Sorry, it's OK, he just 'mis-spoke' ... As I said, he would lie to the electorate would he, just 'mis-speak' ...

Trust a politician only when they're laid on a slab post-autopsy!


Dirk Diggler 75 02 May 2011 10:49 AM

Originally Posted by SamUK (Post 10017760)
Islamic be burried at sea?? hmm if this were the case the sea would be floating with dead bodies

Another theory, is that he could be captured banged up and used as a source of information...however the world is told he is dead and body dumped at sea..

SamUK....You know too much......:Suspiciou.....:D......
Have you seen Lord Lucan lately?.........:)

the bear1986 02 May 2011 10:52 AM

He isint dead as they say the seals were in the for 40mins and they burried him at sea wtf at least with Sudam hussain you saw him get hanged.

Maz 02 May 2011 10:54 AM

Originally Posted by Dirk Diggler 75 (Post 10017759)
I swear i just saw him filling up his Toyota Hilux and he took up the creme egg offer.............:D.......:thumb:


zip106 02 May 2011 10:55 AM

OBL hasn't been the leader of AQ for a long time - he was just an iconic figurehead for his followers.

The real leader and organiser -Ayman Muhammad Rabaie al-Zawahiri, is still out there so I think his death won't stop all the terrorists who followed his beliefs.

Moley 02 May 2011 10:56 AM

I bet some of you guys believe the Royal wedding was a hoax aswell don't you?

scoobiesteve103 02 May 2011 10:58 AM

bin laden being interrogated

DCI Gene Hunt 02 May 2011 10:59 AM

Originally Posted by Moley_WRX (Post 10017781)
I bet some of you guys believe the Royal wedding was a hoax aswell don't you?

:lol1: ... or that Harry is really James Hewitts son :lol1:

Leslie 02 May 2011 11:00 AM

I read a short while ago that if he was killed it would be the start of a virulent campaign by Al Qaeda against the West. Even up to detonating hidden nukes!

Thanks to Billy Liar and his self seeking illegal attack on Iraq we are a prime target for terrorism in company with the USA.

We can only hope they were bluffing.


pinkypurkhardt 02 May 2011 11:01 AM
posted on the other thread

the bear1986 02 May 2011 11:01 AM

I don't thinkbits a hoax i just don't believe that they would burry the ******* for he has done to the USA I would of kept his body and done DNA testing to confirm that it was him and not just a look alike. Just like they did with suddam.

juggers 02 May 2011 11:02 AM

Originally Posted by Einstein RA (Post 10017747)
....And paves a way to withdraw from Afghanistan.

Nail on the head!:thumb:

It's a shame how society is just to caught up in their own **** to actually stop and take a note of what is actually going on. This has all been engineered by great/evil minds so I guess it hard for the average man to compete with such inteligence.

How many of you guys know that the bush family and previous American presidents are part of a cult who sacrifice babys (they say they use dolls) as a ritual to immitate rituals of the devil. They have openly admitted this and brush it aside.

I know I might sound crazy ,but theres some crazy **** going on now.

Leslie 02 May 2011 11:03 AM

Originally Posted by DCI Gene Hunt (Post 10017788)
:lol1: ... or that Harry is really James Hewitts son :lol1:

Do you honestly think it is significant to bring all that up again.

Best left I think since it does not affect us and muckraking is nothing to be proud of.


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