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ex-webby 12 September 2002 12:48 PM

POC & Moray

Is this really necessary? Do you really have nothing better to do than to mull over perceived conspiracy theories about scoobynet and traders?

It really is tiring.

Jamie made some mistakes early on, and has (as I understand it) completely rectified this. Give the guy a break!

He / any banner advertiser, is NOT allowed to post whatever the hell they like... but they can of course post the odd thing here and there if it's relevant and not just blatant advertising / spam.

If moray would like to consult me before making statements about the way scoobynet is run, it would be really helpful.

And while I'm on the subject... you never DID reply to my email to you Moray!



POC 12 September 2002 01:05 PM

Cor that report to moderator button sure works doesnt it Jamie! Got the big man himself on the case!

Enjoy the rest of you day people. I blame the government myself

Jamie Whitfield 12 September 2002 01:14 PM

Gecko - In no way did I ask anyone to put the Group Buy thread up, some aproached me and asked if I would do the thing and he posted the initial thread, but you know this.

POC - Don't you have work to do instead of causing trouble? The report to mods button wasn't pressed once actually. If you are so concerned why don't you call Jonny and ask him if it was a fake group buy or not?

Isn't it strange how pi55ed off and up their own arses people get for no apparent reason? I personally don't give a toss what you do in your jobs so why not extend the same respect to me and others?

Thanks for your support Simon! I'll write that super large cheque out to Scoobymafia later on today if that is ok? ;)

I may as well use this to announce that the group buy will be closing on Friday lunchtime.

Thanks to all those that have participated and supported it, especially HKSSubaru and P1Fanatic for keeping the thread alive!


ex-webby 12 September 2002 01:15 PM


it would become ebay if we simply ALLOWED people to post what they liked.

We do everything we reasonably can to keep the forums public and non-commercial.

At the end of the day, group buys are a very difficult subject. We are discussing ways to regulate them all the time, but there is no easy solution. The ONLY reason it isn't completely easy is that group buys ARE a benefit to the cummunity in the short term. If we just thought of everything in a commercial way regardless of the community we would ban group buys except for ones that are paid for by the vendors. This may be the only way if what you are saying is true?? But the community ALWAYS comes first.

The shop should actually help reduce commercial posts. We will be putting in place a very innexpensive way to promote products on scoobynet, so vendors will be further restricted in what they can post on scoobynet. They can pay a very small ammount to promote a particular deal over and above the general shop, but all of this will be regulated.

There are no easy solutions, and you always have to take the good with the bad with this being a public forum.

All the best


POC 12 September 2002 01:26 PM

So Simon, when I was running the HKS groupbuy, you accused me of having a commercial involvement and threatened to delete the thread....

So Jamie arranges his own groupbuy (who OBVIOUSLY has a commercial involvement) and he alloud to just carry on? Why is this? One reason, because he gives scoobynet money.....

Anyway, thats all I have to say on this matter. Heres to a commercial free SCOOBYNET!


CraigH 12 September 2002 01:40 PM


I believe Group buys were discussed and an outline plan was laid up
about a year ago? Why hasn't it been "enforced" yet?

As to comments about traders not being able to do what they like on here, I assume all of Trouser@TSL posts are his personal views and not for commercial benefits.

double standards as always :rolleyes:

MorayMackenzie 12 September 2002 01:51 PM


I don't see a need to "consult" you before making external observations as to the way that this bbs "seems" to be running, after all it's just an opinion based on external observation, not a "statement of internal policy" or suchlike. :)

As to the email you sent, I did reply. The admittedly brief reply stated that I was going to make a more considered reply when i was less busy. Unfortunately I have not yet had the chance to prepare the considered reply. I have been very busy, but I have also put this off because I know it will take a fair bit of time to write a reasoned reply and doing this will drag up a load of stuff that really did upset me a lot at the time. Now things are finally becoming less hectic, I should soon have time and energy to compose the reply.



ex-webby 12 September 2002 02:13 PM


Apologies.. my comment about you consulting with me was argumentative. I look forward to your reply.


Agreed re guidlines. If you have it in your mind that no commercial posts are permitted at all.. but then just contact me if you want to post anything commercial so we can discuss it, there will be no problem.


I don't want to publicly go in to the specific reasons why YOUR group buys were discussed, but both you and I know the reasons. If you would like to discuss that offline, please email me as I don't like to air peoples laundry in public.


Double standards... Is that similar to double usernames? After all the support I gave you and the amount of commercial activity I had to deal with regarding your old company I am really dissapointed to see you attacking me / scoobynet. Not sure what happened.. maybe you would like to contact me to discuss whatever it is that's wound you up?

all the best

Simon (everyone's best friend at the minute it seems :()

POC 12 September 2002 02:21 PM

I don't want to publicly go in to the specific reasons why YOUR group buys were discussed, but both you and I know the reasons. If you would like to discuss that offline, please email me as I don't like to air peoples laundry in public.
Well Simon, I tried to discuss this the first time round and you just ignored my emails. The jist I got is that someone said I was involved (which was NEVER the case - sour grapes me thinks) and that was it, no discussion....... however, seriously I cant be bothered to try again, history.

ex-webby 12 September 2002 02:24 PM

If you're happy that it's history then fine.

You will notice that your threads actually were NOT removed. So I didn't take ANY action.. I just talked to you about it and asked you to re-think.

There are no double standards here, only certain people WANTING double standards

POC 12 September 2002 02:27 PM

talked to me about it?????

Ahhh that would be the one snotty email acusing me of being dishonest.... i gotcha

*deep breath*

P1Fanatic 12 September 2002 02:28 PM

Jesus and here are us poor f*ckers who just want our exhausts. Can you guys put your toys back in your pram please?

BoxerFlat4 12 September 2002 02:30 PM

P1Fanatic -

At least with this carry on, your certain to keep the thread at the top ! :D

NutterKam 12 September 2002 03:08 PM

Ok - just to lighten things a bit, who can educate me on how to do the smileys?

IanW 12 September 2002 03:09 PM

BBS Code for Smilies

MorayMackenzie 12 September 2002 04:21 PM

To whoever deleted the posts that were here a minute ago,

It's quite disconcerting when things that were here just dissapear. I am sure a judicious bit of editing/explaination would have been as effective than making things appear not to have happened.

This is not a personal attack against anyone, honest, it is just an observation. :)

ex-webby 12 September 2002 04:30 PM


how sure are you that there were posts here? and I mean REALLY sure... as there are no deleted posts on this entire thread.

I can see a maker where any deleted posts have been, and there is not one on this entire thread.



CraigH 12 September 2002 04:36 PM

It was obviously my fault.

Not sure if it was the

or the

If it offended, I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not.

This is getting ridiculous [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

POC 12 September 2002 04:36 PM

I saw the post Simon.

What a joke, censorship at its best eh!

Adam M 12 September 2002 04:37 PM

I saw it too.

definitely saw craig using a sticking finger up smiley.

BoxerFlat4 12 September 2002 04:39 PM

Simon -

Craig had a posting, certainly inflammatory, but none the less it was there. I read it. Now, it disappeared.

Either Craig has hacked into the forum ( hmmm.... :D ), or somebody has removed it.

I vote we all take a break from this thread - we seem to be leaving the point well behind !

ex-webby 12 September 2002 04:41 PM


first of all.. DO YOU REALLY think I would delete posts because someone used a middle finger icon?????????

I am getting SERIOUSLY wound up with this attitude. This is a FREE service. Use it, or don't.

I DID NOT remove any posts from this thread, so I will investigate why the posts are not there any more. There is either a technical fault or something more sinister is going on. Either way it has NOTHING to do with scoobynet policy or sensorship.

grow up for god's sake!

POC 12 September 2002 04:41 PM

we seem to be leaving the point well behind
Oh yeah the point!

Something to do with people being able to use the BBS as their own personal advertising domain...... well, something like that!


ex-webby 12 September 2002 04:43 PM

it appears what happened was craig tried to edit his post a number of times which caused the post to be deleted due to a known and well documented bug in the software.

Sorry to dissapoint you POC!

MorayMackenzie 12 September 2002 04:47 PM


Re "how sure are you that there were posts here? and I mean REALLY sure... as there are no deleted posts on this entire thread.

I can see a maker where any deleted posts have been, and there is not one on this entire thread."

I am sorry, I was mistaken when I said "posts", I should not have used plural as it is just one post, looking at my copy of the webpage.

I hope that this is a technical problem on your part rather than an attempt to neuralise me as I have the page deposited in a safe location and it will be made public if anything happens to me! ;) :)



ex-webby 12 September 2002 04:48 PM

rofl @ moray

I hope my post above clears that up.

MorayMackenzie 12 September 2002 04:52 PM

Cool, so the MIB were not involved... just swamp gas reflecting the moonbeams of venus or something. :)

HKSubaru 12 September 2002 04:55 PM

what's happened to this thread? first one to go to muppet section?:(

CraigH 12 September 2002 05:00 PM


I'll reiterate my post.

Shortened version.

that clear it up? :D

BoxerFlat4 12 September 2002 05:12 PM

Simon -

On the subject of commercial advertising, does this qualify or not ?

One law for the big, one for the small

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