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Pepper 09 May 2003 05:56 PM

Great to see that other people realise how much of a donkey's d!ck Liecroft really is...


trollhunter 09 May 2003 07:47 PM

'doesn't blow anything very often'

Your car or girlfriend ?????

Mycroft 09 May 2003 09:08 PM

Next we move on to how the MKIV was compromised from the very beginning and how every MKIV owner can check out what I say by lifting a few carpets.

kevin sharp 09 May 2003 10:00 PM****.jpg

Kosy 09 May 2003 10:18 PM

LOL Kevin :D

I saw your car in Performance Ford this month, nice and nice time! :D

kevin sharp 09 May 2003 10:25 PM

thanks matey!
it will do better with the dog box in it:D

anyway do we want to hear more about soarers?


MooseRacer 09 May 2003 10:33 PM

I do :D

No, really, I do :rolleyes:

carl 09 May 2003 10:53 PM

Surely that's a picture of Dom DeLuise? :D

trollhunter 09 May 2003 10:53 PM

Come on mycroft im waiting for the next 'pearl of wisdom' , it doesnt matter how flawed my car is it still aint a 2 door Camry.

Claudius 09 May 2003 11:10 PM

I sthe Soarer actually available in that dark grey colour on the previous page? It looks nice! :)

kevin sharp 10 May 2003 12:04 AM

I sthe Soarer actually available in that dark grey colour on the previous page? It looks nice!
lexus sorearse...

Claudius 10 May 2003 09:50 AM

That's the one, kev ;) :D

J4CKO 10 May 2003 09:55 AM

Its says WOW on the numberplate, how classy is that ?

Mycroft 10 May 2003 12:05 PM

Kevin... do you have any value to this discussion?

If you can't keep out or contribute something of real value I'll 'RTM' your next post... simply fvck off if you want to be a ****... you drive a Cosworth and we can all see why you are here.

Thank-you for your co-operation.

kevin sharp 10 May 2003 12:39 PM

do i have anything of any value to add....refer to the chef pic

rtm me if you want...****ingdo.gif
saying i drive a cosworth is partly true...its only really for track stuff..i actually drive a new landcruiser amazon and look down on plonkers like you

kevin sharp 10 May 2003 12:44 PM

btw i wont post on this thread you can get on with droning on about sorearse

J4CKO 10 May 2003 11:12 PM

I wish I had a witty jpeg as well, damn.

Saw a Soarer today, it was Gold and it looked really poo, why are they generally really limp colours apart from those that have been well Photoshopped....

At least Totota had the decency not to do the Supra in such lame colours, though the red is pretty bad.

MR2 Rob 11 May 2003 07:10 PM

Im sorry to have to add a post like this as I'm not a confrontationalist, I just like talking about cars and cant hold my comments back any more.

For starters, what on earth are you talking about Mycroft? As already pointed out, NSX's look great as do Supra's, RX7's, Mitsi 3000GT's and MK2 MR2's even after being around for over 10 years are still head turners which fetch quite high money for oldish cars because they still look great. You are entitled to your opinions so if thats the way you feel then so be it, but expect a backlash of people who dont agree with you, and there will be many.

On another note, were you the chief designer of the Toyota (sorry Lexus) Soarer? Because every day I come on this site all I read is about bl**dy Soarers and how wonderful they are.
Lets face the facts here - they didnt exactly prove too popular over here and with importing businesses thriving you would expect to see a few more if you say they are such great looking high performing cars. Obviously the majority of the motoring public doesnt agree with you.

I have nothing against anyone driving a Soarer - they arent bad cars from what I've seen of them, but they arent very special looking and have absolutely no identity (IMO). Their higher sales in the U.S says it all really, the Americans arent exactly renowned for their taste in cars are they?

I used to look on Scoobynet every day but I have stopped looking for weeks now because every time I visit it all there seems to be in this section is the one man Lexus Soarer appreciation society and its getting very very dull. I (like others I'm sure) am not keen on visiting this site much anymore when we have people sitting here banging on about their cars every week.

I dont mean any offence before I get slated about this, but please can we talk about something else?

J4CKO 11 May 2003 07:55 PM

Bob, I feel you may be wasting your time and be about to receive a Mycroft tongue lashing in which, your taste in cars, relative wealth and sexual orientation will be challenged.


Mycroft 11 May 2003 08:20 PM

For starters, what on earth are you talking about Mycroft? As already pointed out, NSX's look great.

You started so well!

I used to look on Scoobynet every day but I have stopped looking for weeks now because every time I visit it all there seems to be in this section is the one man Lexus Soarer appreciation society and its getting very very dull. I (like others I'm sure) am not keen on visiting this site much anymore when we have people sitting here banging on about their cars every week.

The more confrontaional' people get, the worse it gets.
.. also this is a huge site.
.. and if you are dumb enough to let one individual dictate your actions, then more fool you!

I dont mean any offence before I get slated about this, but please can we talk about something else?

I do believe there are hundreds of threads doing precisely that... I try to confine myself to the 'OTHER MARQUES' [clue!]

There no flame up just reasoned debate and the Soarer contextual reference increases... have you ever seen that Chinese finger puzzle?... Try to see what so many can't...

Twin-turbo 11 May 2003 08:28 PM


On Top Gear just now, Clarkson and Vinny Jones commenting on a Lexus....

Clarkson "THE most boring car on the planet"

Jones "Dont you have to be over 60 to buy one of those?!"

Very funny.!

camk 11 May 2003 08:30 PM

Yes but Mycroft the fact is that you are a snoarer and most folks are just bored stiff with your droning on and on and on and on about Toyotas.....I think in some instances you have something to add, however you constantly allow your ego and strange 'sense of humour'(if it could be classified as that) to get in the way of sensible debate :rolleyes:.
BTW I thought you said previously nothing ever blew on your snoarer, however if my memory serves me right you were bumming your whack about how well it handled a tyre blowout.....;) Plus I'm sure you are forever blowing your own trumpet, although hopefully not as often as you do on here :D
Are you out clubbing tonight then ? Remember your tanktop old chap ;)

Mycroft 11 May 2003 09:14 PM

Camk... you dumb Ox... :D

camk 11 May 2003 09:21 PM

yes but deep down you think I'm great ;)

Mycroft 11 May 2003 09:22 PM

As door stop you would be hard to beat.

camk 11 May 2003 09:32 PM

However I'm not quite as good The Mighty Toyota Soarer ;), even I know that :D. When you buy a Snorer are you inducted into a strange Stepford Wife's type world of assimilation and blandness ?:D Do you get a free Tank top and Cardigan. Your internet persona does not give much indication of much to admire , however I take my hat off to your ability to shrug of reasoned debate and continue on your fundamentalist path. Like water off a duck's arse. :D
The Toyota Soarer, The automotive world's Arsenal, technically on paper looks magnificent, with some area's of real Genius, however as a package its missing something. Usually Trophy's ;) or a UK market.

Twin-turbo 11 May 2003 09:49 PM


Hay mycroft, grow up.

And for god sake calm down before you blow a gasket. :-)

tiggers 11 May 2003 09:51 PM

Can I add my 2 cents worth to this lovely little slanging match?


People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. The Soarer may not be your cup of tea, but on another thread very close to this one you staunchly defend the BMW marque.

You say that with a Soarer you should get a free tank top and cardigan - well with a BMW you should and probably do get the following:-

A striped shirt
A pair of braces
A genuine 80's filofax
A set of blinkers
An attitude problem

You also have your ability to park removed along with any ability to drive sensibly and courteously (if you has any in the first place). No point removing your common sense and taste as they obviously must have gone already for you to buy the thing in the first place!!!

Faced with the choice between the two let's just say I won't be cold in winter.



Tractor 11 May 2003 09:56 PM

Or style. Or an image.

But is does at least have owners who are really, really tring hard to convince the rest of the world that they're great.

Hmm, Mycroft, you wouldn't be using the Soarer as a proxy for yourself would you? Cars say a lot about one's identity, and thus by extolling the virtue of one of the ugliest Jap cars ever, you are perhaps trying to convince us of your own profound depth of character and intellect in the face of an otherwise unappealing impression?

Certainly seems as though you spend an awfully large amount of time trying to convince of how smart and well-informed you are. What's the matter, you not getting enough attention in real life?

Mycroft 11 May 2003 10:11 PM

Hay mycroft, grow up.

And for god sake calm down before you blow a gasket. :-)
No gaskets under pressure at all.
.. just a tongue planted firmly in the cheek.
.. of course sarcasm is not something you can deal with.

Tractor, you are trying too hard.
.. don't read so much into things.
.. you all reveal too much about yourselves by doing this.
.. the style of both the Soarer and myself is stealth.
.. image is a TV thing, and like TV is for the cerebrally challenged.

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