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Andy Tang 07 August 2003 06:57 PM

What you mean despite me funding it more than someone who doesn't smoke! :rolleyes:

Andy Tang 07 August 2003 07:02 PM

You may as well tell people not to have accidents, or get too drunk, or get into fights!!! :rolleyes:

wakeboardar 07 August 2003 07:14 PM

smokers smell real bad (dont mean to offend you just do)

i would never want to smell like you smokers that is enough alone to keep me off them

Mungo 07 August 2003 07:35 PM

Only about 40% of UK adults smoke. If you're in a pub, there'll be much more than 40% of people smoking. Where are all the non-smokers? Drinking at home or in non-smoking restaurants where they can't be gassed out with cancer fumes.

logiclee 07 August 2003 07:50 PM


I do exactly as you say, if the pub or club is smokey I don't stay.

That however is not the point. I am prevented from doing something I want to do because of the inconsiderate minority.

Weatherspoons have a couple of non smoking pubs in my area and they always seem busy. Two other local pubs have banned smoking and as I said before after an initial drop off in trade there takings are now up.
Its just a matter of the Landlords and Breweries having the balls to do it.

I think it will be taken out of their hands though, I think smoking will be banned in public places within 5 years.

Can't come soon enogh.


Dazza012 07 August 2003 07:52 PM
Going on longer than i thought, anyone for 10 pages ??????

CataIunya 07 August 2003 09:48 PM

You can't compare smoking to having accidents or whatever, people get told what its doing to them its AVOIDABLE. People are like lemmings though you need to tell whats good for em like seat b elt fines. It's like that tw*t George Best now ruining a transplant a kid could have had coz hes decided he's started drinking again....I'm an ex-smoker and a United fan so I have seen both sides of the argument. 1 in 3 people are going to be touched by cancer a lot my family have if you wanna die from cancer go ahead its your choice, I made mine and feel a lot better for it.....Rant off

ALi-B 07 August 2003 11:36 PM

Hmmm... pubs and clubs are smokey. If you don't like it, don't go in there!
Err yeah, and tell me somewhere I can go out to which is'nt smokey? I'd have no social life!!

There are plenty of pubs and clubs with dedicated non-smoking areas, go there.
No no-smoking areas in clubs by me. And a small non-smoking area in a pub is'nt going to stop smoke drifting. Unless they fit air-locks ;)

How many of you have de-catted cars? How many of you generate more pollution by running uneconmical cars which burn more fuel?
Ok, lets get this straightened a little. A car made after 1992 in the UK will always produce far less pollution -decatted or not. Due to it a having closed loop control system among other key emission controls systems. An old Citeon 2CV can easily put out over 10 times the pollution of a high performance car like the scoob, even without the cats.

And it's quite possible that the emmisions from a Cat equiped car can actually reduce atmospheric pollution! As the engine draws in polluted air, the cat sorts that out along with the engines own emmsions.

Sorry to stray off-topic, but it was mentioned and it should be cleared up.

letdown 08 August 2003 12:31 AM

Bit confused??! The Thread title says ""Somkers Unite"" and we have these 0's who come in and spout off there anti-smoking guff. This sort of action is in the same boat as the people who go to a smokey pub then moan about smelling of smoke. Those people then comment on a thread which clearly they have nothing of any value to add. is a about choices. ;)

ALi-B 08 August 2003 12:36 AM

Get your flame suit on ;)

Dazza012 08 August 2003 12:37 AM

Letdown, ok ok if were getting picky it actually says "smokers unite" not "somkers unite".
but ha ho who gives a sh*t anyway.....

[Edited by Dazza012 - 8/8/2003 12:38:32 AM]

letdown 08 August 2003 01:01 AM

ha ha !! Yes walked into that one. Still Im well into my Friday now so the pints are getting closer !! :) :)

Dazza012 08 August 2003 01:08 AM

Lucky sod have a couple for me m8

letdown 08 August 2003 01:13 AM

Quite looking forward to it I can tell you !! Got the Stella thread...the smoking thread......the drug culture thread ;)

Friday night...............Here I come !!! :) :)

Dazza012 08 August 2003 01:23 AM

Wanna be careful, at that rate u'll miss the weekend and wake up on

logiclee 08 August 2003 04:32 AM


Life is about choices is it?

Well the majority of the population are non smokers and we would like to be able to choose to go out for a drink without being subjected to the stinking cancer causing smoke that the inconsiderate minority choose to fill the pubs and clubs with.

There are two court cases going through the European courts at the moment, one is a case brought by bar staff who are claiming they should be able to work in a clean air environment. If succesfull smoking will not be allowed in the general body of air in public places. The Chief medical officer for the government has given the case his backing and called for Ministers to ban all smoking in public places.

It will come it's just a matter of when.


letdown 08 August 2003 04:59 AM

I agree that the Pubs and Clubs are full of smoke.............but...Most pubs and clubs are full of smokers !! But as I said its choices....Mmmm its not difficult.
I do agree that if youre dont smoke why should you breath it in..I ll give you that its not fair. However....go to Pub = smell and breathe smoke or dont go to the pub??

clamediluvmyselfdontu 08 August 2003 07:38 AM

But I Wanna!!! WAAAAAA!!!!

Typical attitude of a non smoker.


TelBoy 08 August 2003 07:44 AM

"I don't give a fcuk if it affects you or not".

Typical attitude of a smoker.

Your point being?

weapon69 08 August 2003 07:52 AM

I don't give a fcuk if it affects you or not
Tell me about it :rolleyes:

Someone I loved dearly died through a heart attack brought on (well helped) by 60+ years of smoking. Makes me feel physically sick when im around people smoking now.

[Edited by weapon69 - 8/8/2003 7:57:20 AM]

letdown 08 August 2003 08:18 AM

Weapon69...I do feel for you and others who have lost family/friends. I was just pointing out that Pubs are smokey places full stop. If you dont want to breathe it, smell of it....dont go. Thats not directed at you personally. ;)

TelBoy 08 August 2003 08:22 AM

So, letdown, is that your idea of everybody having "choices"? "If you don't like it, tough". Nice.

letdown 08 August 2003 08:27 AM

TelBoy. I'm not posting to argue as everyone has an opinion. Pubs are smokey places. Why not suggest to the Brewerys (sp?)about creating a smoke free pub?
I think the EU will ban smoking in public places soon enough. How that will effect the great British pub culture I dont know.!!!

TelBoy 08 August 2003 08:33 AM

Indeed let-down. Can't come soon enough in my opinion. :)

What also makes me laugh are all the people who get on the train in the morning/evening, and the thing they do *immediately* they step off is light up.

Whatever the wrongs/rights, i'm damned glad i'm not as heavily addicted to anything in that way. Tobacco has a lot to answer for.

STi wanna Subaru 08 August 2003 09:01 AM

Telboy, You're argueing with drug addicts........ it's pointless!!

letdown 08 August 2003 09:12 AM

Yeah and tobacco aint the only one Im battling !! ....and losing quite happily at the moment!! Ohhhh? Does my watch say 17.10! Yes it does !! Yeee haaaa Im off to my smokey local to get pished and not give this another thought.

On a serious note...In Japan you can smoke EVERYWHERE...As a smoker it is quite sad to see Peeps here taking a lug in between mouthfulls of food!! urrrghhhhhh! :) And the cant see in some of a Reggae Dance hall.

Andy Tang 08 August 2003 09:18 AM

Shall we go into the dangers of drinking???? How many of you comsume more than the healthy limit? How many actually know what the healthy limit is?

You all seem to want non-smokey pubs so you can gets ome serious drinking in! ;) :p

Anyway if the pubs, weren't smokey, you would smell the vomit from the weekend before, the smelly bloke in the corner, piss from the toilet..... smokers are making pubs more pleasent!!! ;) :p

STi wanna Subaru 08 August 2003 09:22 AM

Andy, Two wrongs don't make............ ;)

TonyBurns 08 August 2003 09:24 AM

Im a NON SMOKER but a smoker should be able to choose except in these circumstances:-

In a restaurant where there are non smokers and children.
On public transport where there are children and non smokers.
At work (but this seems to be sorted by a designated smoking area).
Smoke all you want but be considerate to others.....
Oh and keep putting the price of cigs up as it takes the governments mind off putting tax on petrol :D


PS, i dont want lung cancer as ive seen on a couple of occasions what it does to smokers and its not very nice :(

Andy Tang 08 August 2003 09:26 AM

I'm not the one inflicting liver damage on myself on daily or weekly basis!

Anybody who drinks, shouldn't be allowed any NHS treatment on alcohol related damage! Why don't you get private health cover, you sponging, self inflicting prats! :p

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