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Jake 31 August 2005 09:32 AM

Just ordered one from

Jake 31 August 2005 02:46 PM

Whats best for connecting to a scart TV the supplied [Premium pack] Component HD AV Cable or the Advanced scart cable [£17.99]?

DJ Dunk 31 August 2005 03:58 PM

Unless your TV has component inputs, the best bet is the Advanced Scart :)

wah 31 August 2005 05:20 PM

Already before the PS3 is out a new GPU will better it available for the PC market, however the X360 will still be ahead until late 2006

ScoobyDoo555 31 August 2005 07:29 PM

Does anybody have a piccy of the rear of the 360? Also, will the existing Xbox controllers work?

Dan :)

wah 31 August 2005 07:58 PM

somewhere and no the new ones are usb

ScoobyDoo555 31 August 2005 09:01 PM

nice one :)

Looks like I'll have to buy another controller!!

Dan :D

DJ Dunk 01 September 2005 08:09 AM

Bear in mind those pics are of a development box, not a final console :)

wah 01 September 2005 09:11 AM

Yeah but even still the controllers will not work off the current Xbox, due to the new ones being USB

STi wanna Subaru 01 September 2005 09:42 AM

Originally Posted by wah
Yeah but even still the controllers will not work off the current Xbox, due to the new ones being USB

Sure the old ones are usb but it's just a modified port?

there are 2 extra buttons on the new controller though I believe.

DJ Dunk 01 September 2005 10:02 AM

Originally Posted by wah
Yeah but even still the controllers will not work off the current Xbox, due to the new ones being USB

Of course, sorry, was referring more to the video ports :)

Scooby-Doo 01 September 2005 10:06 AM

I have an Xbox to USB adapter so I can use the existing ones on my PC.

DJ Dunk 02 September 2005 01:01 AM talked with Chris Satchell, general manager of Microsoft's Game Developer Group, who answered many questions about the Xbox 360. Here's a excerpt of some of the interesting stuff he said:

* You will definitely need a hard disk to play Xbox 1 games.
* If you yank the hard disk off the top of the Xbox 360 when it's in the middle of doing something, it will not corrupt it beyond repair or damage the File Allocation Table or anything like that - the hard disk uses a "transaction model" so that if you interrupt a transfer the data simply isn't present and the space is presumably reallocated when you next save data to it.
* The "ring of light" around the power button highlights which wireless controller is being used, highlighting player one's activity in the top-left quadrant. When the console is laid on its side, it senses this and starts using the top-left quadrant as you see it with the console laid flat. What's more, the ring of light motif is spread throughout the Xbox 360 interface, so you can see which player pulled up the "Guide" page as you're watching a film or playing a game and, in the words of Satchell, "slap him".
* Cross-platform development between Windows and Xbox is being actively pursued - in the future, Microsoft hopes that people will be able to play games against each other using either platform.

* DVDs can be played even if you don't have the remote control, unlike Xbox 1.
* For now, you can play music and access photographs on the PSP, but you can't do video yet. That may happen, but Satchell joked that Sony wasn't exactly giving them a helping hand there.
* Interestingly, you can actually have that slideshow draw photographs from another external device, so - as in our demo - you could play music from an iPod while using a slideshow of photos from a PlayStation Portable simultaneously.
* All of these devices will be supported by default, and any firmware updates that are necessary - Microsoft is hoping for very few - can be made available via Live.

* RGB video output will only be possible if you purchase the £17.99 cable separately - regardless of whether you paid £209.99 or £279.99 for your Xbox 360 console.
* You can plug in a keyboard but this is for text input only - including in massively-multiplayer games. You can't use it to play games and that was a design choice.

wah 02 September 2005 01:00 PM

US Retailers: Xbox 360 Primed for Thanksgiving
Retailer chains point to November 25 as hardware launch date in US

Microsoft plans to launch the Xbox 360 as late as Friday, November 25, the day after Thanksgiving, with software potentially hitting shelves earlier that week, sources from three US retailers told IGN today.

The three retail chains, all of whom independently pointed to Friday, November 25, as the hardware launch day, received email describing launch data late Monday. Launch day games have been re-assigned from early November to Monday, November 22, as potential first day ship dates. When contacted, Microsoft would not confirm or deny the information. In previous official announcements, Microsoft has said Xbox 360 will vaguely launch this fall.

Why the late date? Microsoft is hoping to give developers as much time as possible to finish and polish their games while simultaneously shipping their concave new box during the most active day in North America. Additionally, independent sources have told IGN that final dev kits haven't replaced the mid-summer beta kits, which has added to developers' frustrations.

Game developers, analysts, and retailers have all been unofficially told by Microsoft that November is the launch month, but even as late as today, when IGN phoned a handful of teams, they were still uncertain of a concrete date. Retailers, have thus far, provided shifting and often conflicting information, but rarely do their dates or numbers match up as evenly as this data.

Is that too late for Microsoft? Hardly. In the current generation, the PS2 was the earliest to launch on October 26, 2000, while Nintendo and Microsoft launches their systems on Sunday November 18, and Thursday November 15, respectively.

We'll have more on the Xbox 360 launch soon.

ScoobyDoo555 03 September 2005 11:48 AM

OK, so what IS the deal with the audio & video output? I've just tried (in vain) to get in touch with Micro$oft customer support. Fair play, they replied VERY quickly, but only only gave me details to the new xbox360 website (

The site, whilst very pretty, I feel is a pain in the a$$ to use, with very little useful information!!! :D

At present, I've got the updated AV output cable for my Xbox (the one with the digi/optical output). Can anybody say whether or not the 360 will come with this, as I really want the digi surround sound.

Answers on a postcard! :D

Dan :)

chrisowe 03 September 2005 06:09 PM

Can anybody say whether or not the 360 will come with this, as I really want the digi surround sound
It depends what XBOX 360 package you buy if you go for the CORE package you just get a composite lead. if you go for the full package with shiny bits you get a component video lead with an optical connection like the old AV advanced scart.

AFAIK the lead with the CORE package only has composite and left/right audio connections.
You will also be able to buy a lead which enables your XBOX to be connected to a computer monitor.:)

DJ Dunk 03 September 2005 06:15 PM

If you want RGB Scart to your TV and toslink optical for your audio, you'll be needing the Advanced Scart just like with the current console. The new cable is £17.99 IIRC.

ScoobyDoo555 05 September 2005 06:09 PM

Just managed to flog the Xbox for £150 with no games!! (Conscience totally clear :razz: )

Roll on November :D


wah 05 September 2005 06:21 PM

Jesus how you manage that one mate, I have near on 20 games with mine ????

ScoobyDoo555 05 September 2005 06:43 PM

"no games" - well no dodgy ones anyway. Got about 10 ish (IIRC) originals.....

It's chipped though with a bigger HD (empty ;) ) and lots of extras...........

The guy didn't want the grief of having to chip it himsefl, so once he added up the chip, an Xbox, getting it fitted + upgrading the h/ didn't seem like a bad deal :)

Dan :)

DJ Dunk 06 September 2005 05:57 PM

Microsoft Unveils Xbox 360 Wired Controller and New Mouse for Windows
>> From the pressrelease:

Microsoft Corp. today unveiled its first wired laser mouse, outfitted with enhanced gaming performance features as part of its new Game Precision Series. Delivering superior performance and control, Microsoft Laser Mouse 6000 is sure to give every gamer an edge when battling on the PC.

Joining the Game Precision Series later this year will be the new Xbox 360™ Controller for Windows®, a wired gaming controller that works with Windows XP-based PCs and the new Xbox 360 system to deliver a consistent gaming entertainment experience across Microsoft’s gaming platforms.

The new Laser Mouse 6000, introduced today, will be widely available by October 2005, and the Xbox 360 Controller for Windows will be widely available in November 2005 for the following estimated retail prices*:
Laser Mouse 6000: $54.95 (U.S.)
Xbox 360 Controller for Windows: $44.95 (U.S.)

Read the whole pressrelease here

wah 08 September 2005 11:23 PM

Microsoft today announced that the next generation of online multiplayer gaming service Xbox Live will be available in North America on the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system starting this holiday. In addition to the free Xbox Live Silver membership available to every Xbox 360 owner, for only $49.99 (U.S.) or $79.99 (CDN) gamers can amplify their gaming experience with a 12-month Xbox Live Gold membership. Gamers looking for a truly engaging and immersive online multiplayer experience can pick up one of the Xbox Live Premium Gold Packs, which include the new Xbox 360 Headset, Xbox Live Arcade games, Microsoft Points for use in Xbox Live Marketplace, and mail-in rebates for up to $20 (U.S.) off any Xbox 360 game.

Microsoft also today announced that credit cards will no longer be required to create an account on Xbox Live for Xbox 360, removing one of the biggest barriers to entry. Gamers can purchase 12-month Xbox Live subscription cards via cash or other payment methods at any participating retail store. Subscriptions will also be available for purchase by credit card in one-month, three-month and 12-month increments through the Xbox Live Dashboard.

The next generation of Xbox Live will be offered to gamers through two levels of service. Xbox Live Silver is a free level of the service offered to all who own an Xbox 360 system, a high-speed Internet connection, and a memory unit or a hard drive. The Xbox Live Gold membership delivers the full Xbox Live premium online experience annually for $49.99 (U.S.)/$79.99 (CDN), which averages to a little more than $4 a month (U.S.). The Xbox Live offers include the following:

Xbox Live Silver membership: This allows members to connect to the online community and create their own digital identity with an Xbox Live gamertag and personalized Gamer Profile. Xbox Live Silver members will be able to send and receive text and voice messages and join their friends on Xbox Live. Xbox Live Marketplace is the one-stop download center for additional game-related content like free trailers and demos as well as content that adds more to games, such as new levels, characters and weapons. Gamers can also purchase and download fun, casual and highly addictive Xbox Live Arcade games directly to their Xbox 360 system (additional fees may apply; hard drive or memory unit required for downloads). Price: free

Xbox Live Gold membership: This includes all Xbox Live Silver-level features and access to premium multiplayer experiences exclusive to Xbox Live Gold members. This includes online multiplayer gaming, enhanced matchmaking and feedback tools, along with exclusive privileges and rewards on Xbox Live Marketplace.

Xbox Live Premium Gold Pack (available at retail locations):

One Month: N/A (Subscription Cards for $7.99 U.S., $8.99 CDN)

Three Months: All Gold-level features,“Joust” (Xbox Live Arcade game),Xbox 360 Headset,$10 (U.S.) mail-in game rebate coupon good for any Xbox 360 game title,100 Microsoft Points for use on Xbox Live Marketplace Price: $39.99 (U.S.) (Subscription Cards for $19.99 U.S., $24.99 CDN)

12 Months: All Gold-level features,“Bankshot Billiards” (Xbox Live Arcade game), Xbox 360 Headset, $20 (U.S.) mail-in game rebate coupon good for any Xbox 360 game title, 200 Microsoft Points for use on Xbox Live Marketplace Price: $69.99 (U.S.) (Subscription Cards for $49.99 U.S., $59.99 CDN)

-Subscription cards at retail, available through Xbox Live Dashboard (via credit card)

“Xbox Live on Xbox 360 gives each and every player the opportunity to become a member of the world’s largest online gaming community,” said Peter Moore, corporate vice president of Worldwide Marketing and Publishing for the Home Entertainment Division at Microsoft. “With a choice of service level and multiple offerings, gamers everywhere will get the most out of their games by experiencing breakthrough features on the most innovative video-game and entertainment system to date. We’re excited to offer our existing 2 million members this supercharged online experience at the same retail price, as well as introduce new users to the next generation in online gaming and entertainment.”

Source: Microsoft press release

STi wanna Subaru 15 September 2005 11:54 AM

2nd December Europe release date.

22nd Nov in the US

DJ Dunk 15 September 2005 11:57 AM

At least we get it before Japan :)

STi wanna Subaru 15 September 2005 12:19 PM

yeah. 10th Dec in Japan.

DJ Dunk 15 September 2005 05:35 PM

Xbox 360 Region Locked and Xbox 360 Lounge
>> From

At the pre-TGS press briefing, Microsoft confirmed that the Xbox 360 will be region locked for both games and DVD movie playback, meaning that you can't play games or watch DVD movies from another region other than the one your Xbox 360 is locked to.

Read More:

RB5-Black 15 September 2005 08:48 PM

This news about 360 and the fact that PSP v2.0 is about to be hacked ...... this is a good day.

Must go look for a high def projector now.

EXSCOOBY 16 September 2005 08:11 AM

id recommend the hitachi tx100 projector
i use one with a good screen
high def ready and good unit

DJ Dunk 17 September 2005 11:19 AM

Xbox 360 Production Video
>> posted a video showing the assembly line production of the Xbox 360. As far as I know this video is legit (as-in not secretly taken with a phonecam) but I'm not sure who it was made for. It looks like this movie is sourced from some PR firm (Edelman) working for Microsoft as it includes a name and phonenumber pointing to them at the start (that I cut out on our mirror).
The video shows the Xbox 360 production line similarly to the 3 photos released with the pre-TGS press release (1) (2 more here). It shortly shows the actual production line, the testing racks (where each Xbox 360 is connected with a memcard and USB/wired controller and where you can see all the 'ring of lights' flickering ;)), individual tests, the packaging line and where they are stocking the finished product.
The video also includes gameplay footage of Project Gotham Racing 3, Kameo and Call of Duty 2.

Download: here (8.4MB - encoded with XviD) or on (MSVC), (mp4)
Thanks to ivc for the news/link.

ScoobyDoo555 17 September 2005 12:25 PM

looks great!!! :)

<so close I can almost taste it!!!> :D

Loving PGR3 - a bit quicker than PGR2 :eek: :D

Kameo - not too sure, but TBH, not overly bothered about that type of game.

COD2 - looks really good. Another to add to the list. (already pre-ordered PGR3 & the zombie one, and FIFA)

Gonna be a great Chrimbo!! :D


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