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Steve_F 16 February 2002 10:21 AM

Hi guys n gals!

Not long to go... first time for me, just tryin to figure out how you get a whole wardrobe in a scoob...:confused: ;)

can't wait!! :D:D:D


ChrisB 17 February 2002 12:45 AM


It's about 500 miles from Santander to Lloret.


Wendy asked me the same question, closely followed by how space in the car. I best just pack a tooth brush then to leave maximum space for her. :D


What's a rally then and who's packing the stomach pump?

Rum* 17 February 2002 10:42 AM

Morning all!!! :D:D:D

Just back from a great 2 weeks in Borneo...loads of great diving (looking at marine life!!), jungle (not the music) and monkeys (the sort that jump from tree to tree)...nice tan...and now can't wait for the next trip....Catalunya!!! :D:D:D Bring it on!!

So whats all this about a rally??? I thought we were all just going for a quick drive...and a few beers??? :D:D:D:D

The cars being signwritten as we speak....and should be into K T Greens show room by the end of the week...

Game on!!


Richard Askew 19 February 2002 12:38 AM

bttt - not long now :D

Rum* 19 February 2002 03:12 PM

Just wait till you guys'n'gals see my car!!! It looks the dogs danglies...better than last year (IMHO)...:D:D:D:D

Just been for a drive in it...ITs 'king great!!! Love it already and its only got 40 miles on the clock...I just need to wait now till next Friday for it to be registered...and then we're off!!! :D:D:D

Roll on March and the Cat


Timo 19 February 2002 05:12 PM

Hey rum post some piccies m8 and it may give me an idea for the graphics on mine for the cat trip!!

pop em on your web site if need be

Tim :D

Rum* 19 February 2002 08:59 PM


Will do in a while....for the time being its sitting in K T Greens show room for all to view (well all in the local Leeds area:D:D:D)


ChrisB 19 February 2002 11:52 PM

You going to have it run in by then Tom? I hope not, then I'll be able to keep up. ;) :D

Rum* 20 February 2002 11:20 AM

You'd be surprised how quickly I'm going to get 1000 miles on the clock M8 :D:D:D:D

Richard Askew 20 February 2002 12:27 PM

25 days to go... :D

ChrisB 20 February 2002 11:26 PM


If you need any help running it in, just shout.

I'd hate it to impact on your Caribbean cruise, long weekend in Italy and the week at your villa in France. Or do just hire a rolling road for a weekend? ;) :D

Rum* 21 February 2002 08:19 AM

Chris thanks for the offer...tho I think I'll manage!! :D:D

Pick it up a week tomorrow...then straight down to Stratford for Friday/Sat....then planning on visiting young Mossman and Geoff Painter in Hull on the way home on Sun (tho they don't know this yet...well they probably do now...if they've read the post:D)...

...then possibly up to Scotland during the following week...prior to heading south to Weybridge at the weekend...then get it serviced and I'm all ready for the Cat!!!

Rum* :D:D:D:D:D

(as previously stated I think the car looks the dogs bits...and its all thanks to BBS Graffix and the lads!!:D:D)

Timo 21 February 2002 01:30 PM

Hey rum if your coming to Hull to see old Mossey and Geoff P let me know so i can have a close inspection of the new Mota!!!

Tim :D

Rum* 21 February 2002 03:45 PM

Timo....will be hitting Hull/Beverley week on Sunday for lunch with Mossman...:D:D:D...give me a call (or Jon) and we'll arrange to meet up...maybe have a little get together of the Hull posse?? :D:D


Timo 21 February 2002 03:48 PM

I'll put a posting out on Northern forum mate...see if i can get any responce.

Till then

Tim :D

Rum* 22 February 2002 07:57 PM

he he he...just a taster for finished pics to be posted during next week :D:D:D:D

Can't wait for the Cat!!!! :D:D:D


EvilBevel 23 February 2002 09:28 AM

Oi Tom, that's plain silly, putting stickers on a perfectly nice car.

;) :D

Scoobychick 23 February 2002 11:17 AM

That's just to hide the rust spots Theo ;) :D :p

Looking real good Tom :D

Do you know that 'we' keep having to do 'small' modifications to our car (full scoobysport system, dump valve, springs etc etc) just so that we don't get shown up on the drive across Spain by some bloke in an STI who thinks he's Tommi Makinen (older, balder version ;) ) and has got the car covered in rally stickers! I know what you're thinking - ludicrous isn't it? At his age too? :rolleyes: ;) :D

Hehehehehe :D :D :D

God I'm jealous :(


Rum* 23 February 2002 03:59 PM


What do you mean "at his age"???....just remind me....if I was born in 68...then that makes me....ummm.....well....30ish....and you were born in....nah....a gentleman never publically makes the age of a lady known :D:D:D:D....he he he....and I'll have less of the balding comments....I have a perfectly good head of hair....trouble is there is just the one piecce!!! :D:D:D:D


EvilBevel 23 February 2002 06:13 PM

I just tried it & photoshopped a pic of my car to see how it would look...

Nah, would be daft :rolleyes:



Sal, what better motivation for mods do you want ? ;)


PS: Sal, I don't think the age argument was very good towards Tom LOL :)

[Edited by EvilBevel - 2/23/2002 6:14:55 PM]

Rum* 23 February 2002 06:49 PM

Theo...looking cool dude....can't wait for the trip.....notlong now...:D:D

Timo 23 February 2002 08:29 PM

Well i had to do it....Been to see my local graphics chappie today so mine should be on in the next week or 2...taken a leaf out of toms P1 days and though i'd advertise my company as aposed to SWRT as i think they have enough coverage!!!!

Will still be wearing the good old T shirts caps etc etc :D :D

Tim :D

ChrisB 23 February 2002 11:17 PM

I presume everything peels off once you've finished?

Rum* 24 February 2002 08:02 AM


I hope so!!!!!! :D:D

Steve_F 24 February 2002 09:28 AM

Hi Tom,

your car looks great :)

You got a phone number for BBS Graffix??

I've searched everywhere but can't locate them, cheers.


Scoobychick 24 February 2002 11:46 AM

Ok I concede.... the age jibe was a very poor attempt at hiding my jealousy especially seeing as how I'm older than Tom :eek: but I've definately got more hair (on me head anyway ;) ) :D

Our car is gonna look pants compared to your two :( Chris, are you doing the sticker thing as well?


Rum* 24 February 2002 12:08 PM


Your car will NOT look pants....:D:D:D...

and re the hair...yup.....not much left on my head *L*

ChrisB 24 February 2002 12:23 PM

Be interested to find out the cost but I really shouldn't. I must r e s i s t!

I'm looking forward to all us getting to the ferry - should get a look or two.

Rum* 24 February 2002 12:54 PM

Yea Chris...I guess we should start looking into where to meet up...mind you I suppose there will be a great big carpark at the docs for us to get together...

No doubt the northern posse will head off together and meet up with cars along the way :D:D

No long now....he he


Steve_F 24 February 2002 01:56 PM

Hi Tom, the meeting up thing is a good idea, maybe a meeting to arrange where to meet? ;) :D

BTW, you have mail, cheers.


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