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XRS 27 November 2007 04:16 PM

Originally Posted by webmaster (Post 7442047)

"well done!" and "thank you for everything".

Thank you. It must be a huge commitment, for which all should be grateful.

Make mine a pint of Harvey's best (and not THAT Harvey - I'm talking about the Sussex brewer :)

ex-webby 27 November 2007 04:45 PM


I should have sided with the whingers! This is going to be an expensive round! LOL

EvilBevel 27 November 2007 04:53 PM

Originally Posted by webmaster (Post 7442047)
I look forward to my infractions! ;)

Where's me tenner ! :D

Anyway, to be honest, it doesn't make a difference if you got some financial compensation in return. I hope you did. We may not always have agreed on things, but I think you'd probably rather feel foolish if you were only "in it for the money". I personally do not believe that. If you count those hours over 8 years, and calculate a consultancy rate, erm... you & Shaun might have preferred to do something else LOL.

You've also added content I do highly appreciate (the MIRA record stuff, getting people from Prodrive to participate, even had Richard Burns here for a sec, advice on handling etc.), and for that I certainly applaud you.

Devildog 27 November 2007 04:54 PM

Originally Posted by webmaster (Post 7442047)


It always surprises me how meek and submissive you are to me on MSN or in private, and how much you talk the big talk in front of everyone. Bitterness personified.

Its very difficult to insult some people's intelligence.

You're Mr Finance. Check out the accounts of scoobynet, and work out all the massive profits its made, and the huge directors salaries. Then take the number of hours you would estimate Shaun and I have spent WORKING on scoobynet (actual work : accounts, admin, legals, meetings, banking, sales, customer service, writing software, etc, etc, etc) over the last 8 years, and multiply that by what you value yourself at per hour. I think you'll come to a fairly unrealistically huge figure.

Then knock the figure back down to a more realistic one, and divide that by the number of hours, and ask yourself "would I work weekends, evenings, holidays, christmas day, etc, etc, etc for 8 years for that hourly rate?"

Then ask your intelligence the straight forward question "Does that sound like 'doing it for the money' to you?" :rolleyes:

You might be willing to whore yourself out for that kind of hourly rate, but I'm certainly not.


Easy tiger :D

I wished you all the best, and hope you got a good price for it. I commended you on the work done to get it where it was.

And I stand by that :)

As for the rest, feck it - You know what really happened ;)

As for my being "week and submissive" :eek:, dream on big boy, it ain't never going to happen :p :lol1:

BTW - Whilst I generally don't care about what people think, I have to draw the line at that sort of association :D

Anyway, in the spirit of transparency, I''l sign off properly and say



ex-webby 27 November 2007 05:07 PM

The only "negative" comment I made was in relation to your denials that it was ever about the money, in any way shape of form. Seems I hit a raw nerve there.
Not quite.

it was somewhat insulting to our intelligence for Simon to have so vehnemently denied for so long that the main point of that effort was to make a buck or two.
This renders the majority of the rest of what you said as invalid.

You have, however stated that you'll apologise unreservedly if you were wrong.. and I think you're now backing down from your statement that "THE MAIN POINT" was the money. So I'll assume your apology will be an unreserved one-liner.


Simon, calm down dude, you'll give yourself a heart attack.
LOL. Trust me sir. I'm more than calm.


As for the rest of it.. don't worry, I'm sure you're not that concerned about what everyone thinks about you? It was just a flippant comment regarding an observation I've had about you, but it certainly doesn't stand important enough in my mind to warrant a full on debate about it. I think you should calm down! :)

I think its just clear that you've never once popped up and (certainly very recently) and said anything remotely negative, only positive "don't let them grind you down, and for what it's worth, you have my support" type comments. Never mind.

Anyway.. enough of this. This is not a thread for a conversation between two people about something. If you would like to discuss this matter further, please PM me, email, MSN me, or if you really feel you must, start another thread somewhere. But further comments on this subject will be deleted to keep this thread as clean as is now possible.

To be clear though. No hard feelings. I honestly have no negativity towards you.. I don't particularly respect your conclusions, as I humbly, just see them as REALLY illinformed and poor judgement, twinned with extreme arrogance that you are so sure you're right. But that doesn't make you a bad person, and I have no animousity towards you at all, and wish you all the best.

pauld37 27 November 2007 05:49 PM

Originally Posted by TelBoy (Post 7441064)
Not surprising in the slightest. Watching with interest.

Was for me

Devildog 27 November 2007 05:53 PM

Hands up - you got me on poor illiteration of the point in question.

But you are right, this is not the place and I have edited my posts accordingly.

And despite our differences, I make no secret of my support for your recent actions with this BBS.

Back on topic. Selling it was sound business practice, no question. You've done with scoobynet exactly what I would have done with it had I been in your position :thumb:

Scotsman 27 November 2007 06:05 PM

Will the new owners start-up those new features that were added in a few months back - during that big member recruitment drive?

MarkCSC 27 November 2007 06:40 PM

Hi Simon

Well done for making Scoobynet what it is today. When I joined there were only about 600 members, now there are 75,000 members and over 7 million posts.
That's not bad for a minority car site!!!

All the best


rc1320 27 November 2007 07:40 PM

Hi Guys,

I just wanted to take this time to let everyone know who I am and what my part in ScoobyNet will be. To start I want to commend you guys on a great community that even the stateside fellows can be proud of. I am just beginning to get acquainted with Scoobynet and for the most part you won’t see me on the main stage. I will be here to help the community and also to learn from the community and from Simon. Each site I work on does things differently which leads me and the Internet Brands staff to take each site as its own.

My job here at Internet Brands is Automotive Community Editor where I work with the moderation staff at pretty much each of our enthusiast sites. I deal with some day-to-day tasks when it comes to working with vendors and staff but I really like working with the dynamics of the community and subject at hand.

I am huge car enthusiast and currently drive a 2006 STi but I will admit that I am looking to get back into a rear wheel drive car - sorry! :D Outside of work I attend a number of car events and frequent many forum communities so to be honest, as much as this is my job here, I too am a member and contributor at many of the sites we're involved in. I am happy to be hear and am excited to grow with everyone.


Jaybird-UK 27 November 2007 07:43 PM

Originally Posted by IB_Ryan (Post 7442619)
I am huge car enthusiast and currently drive a 2006 STi

He cant be all bad then ;)

Welcome to Scoobynet :) :luxhello:

Jamo 27 November 2007 08:03 PM

are you in the uk ryan?

Jamo 27 November 2007 08:11 PM

id usually say welcome, but its yours so that seems in-appropriate? :confused: :D

G00ner 27 November 2007 09:13 PM

Good luck and thank you, Scoobynet's given me many happy years of light entertainment for just a few quid, a rare bargain in this day and age.


rc1320 27 November 2007 09:28 PM

Originally Posted by shaggy1973 (Post 7442726)
are you in the uk ryan?

Los Angeles!

TopBanana 27 November 2007 09:36 PM

Originally Posted by IB_Ryan (Post 7443023)
Los Angeles!

Of course, the correct pronounciation is "LA baby!"

renny 27 November 2007 09:42 PM

Surely the word 'stateside' gave it away ? :lol1:

Jamo 27 November 2007 09:45 PM

are you keeping the current moderation team in place or will you be replacing them with your own people? it seems to me that you are obviously in a different time zone to us, as the majority of the users are in the uk so will this not create issues for a fast fix if needed, ie scoobynet is down at 10 am here, the chances are your going to be at home dreaming about your rear wheel drive car :D

hows it going to work?

sorry renny obviously Im not as Clever as you...


EvilBevel 27 November 2007 10:15 PM

Originally Posted by IB_Ryan (Post 7442619)
Hi Guys

Welcome Ryan! For a nice RWD car, can we suggest a Lotus Esprit ;) They do really well in the oversteery department, suspension droop is OK-ish, and they lead you to all kinds of new endeavours ;)

Jamo 27 November 2007 10:24 PM

Lots Of Trouble Usually Serious :D

dpb 27 November 2007 10:41 PM

Originally Posted by EvilBevel (Post 7443189)
Welcome Ryan! For a nice RWD car, can we suggest a Lotus Esprit ;) They do really well in the oversteery department, suspension droop is OK-ish, and they lead you to all kinds of new endeavours ;)



Reality 28 November 2007 07:57 AM

Originally Posted by IB_Ryan (Post 7442619)
I am huge car enthusiast and currently drive a 2006 STi

Don't you find that an STi is wasted in a country with roads that have no corners ;):D

The Chief 28 November 2007 08:13 AM

Originally Posted by Reality (Post 7443672)
Don't you find that an STi is wasted in a country with roads that have no corners ;):D

Oooh i dont know i hear Calif has some great mountain roads, at least he has the car for the job in hand.

Ryan mate first of all welcome to Scoobynet and secondly treat banter on here with a pinch of salt, Us Brits have a perculiar sense of humour that might take some time gettimg use to.:D

welcome mate:thumb:

sti-04!! 28 November 2007 09:41 AM


Shark Man 28 November 2007 09:58 AM

Do you think we should warn him of SN's (B)anality? Especially when it comes to cocklinks, oil changes, dumb valves, Optimax/vPower, and the forlorn twisties??


Reality 28 November 2007 10:00 AM

Originally Posted by The Chief (Post 7443694)
Ryan mate first of all welcome to Scoobynet and secondly treat banter on here with a pinch of salt, Us Brits have a perculiar sense of humour that might take some time gettimg use to.:D

Yeah the Chief's right.

but a word of warning - I've seen pictures of this guy and you don't want to upset him ;):D.

Back to your car - Have you managed to work out what that thing is in between the seats with 1-6 and R written on it is yet - And don't take your car in to the garage cos it's stuck in 1st. - Read the manual to tell you how to change gears ;).

gazza-uk 28 November 2007 10:11 AM

Originally Posted by IB_Ryan (Post 7442619)
Hi Guys,

I just wanted to take this time to let everyone know who I am and what my part in ScoobyNet will be. To start I want to commend you guys on a great community that even the stateside fellows can be proud of. I am just beginning to get acquainted with Scoobynet and for the most part you won’t see me on the main stage. I will be here to help the community and also to learn from the community and from Simon. Each site I work on does things differently which leads me and the Internet Brands staff to take each site as its own.

My job here at Internet Brands is Automotive Community Editor where I work with the moderation staff at pretty much each of our enthusiast sites. I deal with some day-to-day tasks when it comes to working with vendors and staff but I really like working with the dynamics of the community and subject at hand.

I am huge car enthusiast and currently drive a 2006 STi but I will admit that I am looking to get back into a rear wheel drive car - sorry! :D Outside of work I attend a number of car events and frequent many forum communities so to be honest, as much as this is my job here, I too am a member and contributor at many of the sites we're involved in. I am happy to be hear and am excited to grow with everyone.


:wonder: wonder what will happen if i press the red X ban button under his name :lol1:

If you are confident that this member falls into one of the above categories, click here to confirm, otherwise, feel free to report their posts, or give an infraction if justified.

ex-webby 28 November 2007 10:19 AM


OK guys. There will be plenty of time for banter. Lets keep this thread on topic please.

andythejock01wrx 28 November 2007 12:05 PM

Originally Posted by Shark Man (Post 7443862)
Do you think we should warn him of SN's (B)anality? Especially when it comes to cocklinks, oil changes, dumb valves, Optimax/vPower, and the forlorn twisties??


No-oo-o-o ! He might enjoy the first couple of threads on these subjects. ;)

DCI Gene Hunt 28 November 2007 12:57 PM

I called an *insert non-offensive word for an American* a "fatty" in Facebook's fighters club and subsequently have its entire population of fat single fat female parents trying to remove my scrotum with a rusty spoon for, wait for it.....

......ABUSING WOMEN, seriously ME... ABUSIVE!! :lol1: :Suspiciou

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