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ALi-B 31 July 2011 10:55 AM

Originally Posted by Chip (Post 10162075)
Where do you get £60/month from??

And F1 is generally shown on a Sunday afternoon in case you had not noticed.

Maybe you should save the £60 and spend it on some English literature lessons.


I suppose it depends on if you buy one of the 'packages' to go along with it that include a hundred channels that you'll never watch ;)

Looking at their online shop as a new customer, you 'have' to have an entertainment pack in order to get sky sports. which is £19.50 pm with SS being £20.25pm.

Add £10.25pm for HD and as a new customeryou are looking at £50 per month total...Owch.

Ok, so most people already have Sky/Virgin with an entertainment pack of some sort and you probably could negociate over the phone and cancel after the end of the season, but say you didn't have sky/virgin and just wached freesat HD/freeview and wanted to watch all of the F1 races in HD? That's what you'd have to pay to see it whilst its on.. :eek:

Virgin is £35 per month (£12.50pm for TV, £22.50pm for Sky Sports) plus £40 one off install fee. Thats cheaper than $ky without the HD!

Gear Head 31 July 2011 11:26 AM

Originally Posted by ALi-B (Post 10162202)
I suppose it depends on if you buy one of the 'packages' to go along with it that include a hundred channels that you'll never watch ;)

Looking at their online shop as a new customer, you 'have' to have an entertainment pack in order to get sky sports. which is £19.50 pm with SS being £20.25pm.

Add £10.25pm for HD and as a new customeryou are looking at £50 per month total...Owch.

Ok, so most people already have Sky/Virgin with an entertainment pack of some sort and you probably could negociate over the phone and cancel after the end of the season, but say you didn't have sky/virgin and just wached freesat HD/freeview and wanted to watch all of the F1 races in HD? That's what you'd have to pay to see it whilst its on.. :eek:

Virgin is £35 per month (£12.50pm for TV, £22.50pm for Sky Sports) plus £40 one off install fee. Thats cheaper than $ky without the HD!

If you can get virgin, which I can't.

stilover 31 July 2011 11:30 AM

Originally Posted by ALi-B (Post 10162202)
I suppose it depends on if you buy one of the 'packages' to go along with it that include a hundred channels that you'll never watch ;)

Looking at their online shop as a new customer, you 'have' to have an entertainment pack in order to get sky sports. which is £19.50 pm with SS being £20.25pm.

Add £10.25pm for HD and as a new customeryou are looking at £50 per month total...Owch.

That is my situation. I don't have Sky, so in order to watch 10 races a year (as the other 10 are free on BBC) it would (according to the costs above) cost in about £50 a month to watch.

All the other sh!te on Sky I'm not interested in. I'm out more nights than I am in, so when would I get time to watch Sky to justify £50 a month? I wouldn't.

Daryl 31 July 2011 03:12 PM

Originally Posted by stilover (Post 10162261)
I'm out more nights than I am in, so when would I get time to watch Sky to justify £50 a month? I wouldn't.

You could watch it instead of spending so much time on here!

Luan Pra bang 31 July 2011 06:07 PM

I hate sky, I hate Murdoch. There is no chance that I will pay for anything Murdoch related. I love how sky charge you for sports then put boxing on pay per view. If people refused to pay for sports then we would have it for free, simple. All the people who pay for sky sports are mugs IMO. Why poor people pay £50-£100 to watch TV baffles me. All they are doing is giving money to wealthier people than themselves, in order to make it easier for those same wealthy people to sell them rubbish they don't need via brain rotting TV adverts and corporate sponsorship.

what would scooby do 31 July 2011 06:31 PM

Originally Posted by Luan Pra bang (Post 10162790)
I hate sky, I hate Murdoch. There is no chance that I will pay for anything Murdoch related. I love how sky charge you for sports then put boxing on pay per view. If people refused to pay for sports then we would have it for free, simple. All the people who pay for sky sports are mugs IMO. Why poor people pay £50-£100 to watch TV baffles me. All they are doing is giving money to wealthier people than themselves, in order to make it easier for those same wealthy people to sell them rubbish they don't need via brain rotting TV adverts and corporate sponsorship.

Yep that's the really neat thing about Sky, you pay them to watch adverts and they get paid by the advertisers.

Mugs, mugs where you pay someone to fill your mug with your own piss :D

Blue by You 31 July 2011 06:42 PM

Don't beat about the bush, speak your mind :D

corradoboy 31 July 2011 07:37 PM

Top Gear might be going to Sky in 2012 too.

CREWJ 31 July 2011 09:17 PM

My parents have the full package so I'll be streaming it for free onto my TV.

It won't be HD but it'll be good enough.

markjmd 31 July 2011 09:29 PM

Originally Posted by corradoboy (Post 10162915)
Top Gear might be going to Sky in 2012 too.

Will that be after Clarkson quits, because the Beeb are moving oop North?

Gear Head 01 August 2011 09:01 AM

Originally Posted by corradoboy (Post 10162915)
Top Gear might be going to Sky in 2012 too.

If that really does happen, the BBC will have nothing worth watching.

Leslie 01 August 2011 12:07 PM

Originally Posted by mylilscooby (Post 10161869)
i think id rather cut my cock off and choke on it to be fair

Go on then!

Les ;)

Steve_PPP 01 August 2011 12:47 PM

I'm one of the few that voted 'Yes, I'll pay'.

I currently have the basic Sky package and wanted sports for ages (for the football and cricket). But the mrs hates football and always whinges when i suggest added the Sports package (yes, i give up the argument in sake of a quiet life!).

F1 on Sky actually gives me another bargaining chip, as she sometimes watches that too :lol1:

phoenixgold 01 August 2011 01:26 PM

No chance I'll pay extra for sky sports. I used to watch F1 regularly. When I was falling asleep between the rounds of pit stops cause there was nothing happening on track other than a procession, I found an answer.... Motorbike racing. There is more track action in a single BSB race than a whole season of F1.

Bike track days are more accessible and cheaper than car track days, so I would much rather watch British Superbikes, World superbikes and MotoGP (although these are mostly processions in the premier class and Moto2 is far more interesting) at a price included in my virgin subscription, than pay for SkySports for F1. I'd rather spend the money on a track day for me...!

EddScott 01 August 2011 01:53 PM

Originally Posted by Gear Head (Post 10163486)
If that really does happen, the BBC will have nothing worth watching.

And yet, we won't have a choice but continue to pay for the BBC via the license fee.

That, IMO, stinks. At least Sky gives you a choice whether to pay for it. We don't have a choice not to pay for the BBC. What a joke that is!

As for watching adverts, I tend to Sky+ most things I want to watch and watch them the day after or after something else. Least then I just skip through them.

F1 going to Sky, everyone has their own agenda and the fans have come last. BBC want to cut costs, Bernie wants more money and the teams are very quiet waiting to see what they'll get out of it before passing official comment. Apart from Colin Kolles but then HRT are sh1te and no one likes a suck up.

BBC should have opted for PPV. Highlights in SD on BBC2 of all races but if you pay £10 per race you get the lot in HD. That, at least, would have shown some attempt at thinking of the fans rather than the wallets.

Myles 01 August 2011 02:05 PM

Originally Posted by RA Dunk (Post 10160168)
It's a matter of principal really, some of us have them ;)

Or even 'principles'! :norty

Unfortunately for everyones wallets, Sky do sport extremely well, and will no doubt continue the trend with F1.

Luan Pra bang 01 August 2011 02:32 PM

THere are 9 million sky subscribers in the UK. That means you can postualte that there are at least nine million people who should be removed from the British gene pool.

SRSport 01 August 2011 02:34 PM

Not a chance will I be paying and I love F1.

I find it a disgrace that British citizens who pay their TV licence, pay taxes and contribute to this country are then expected to pay again to watch their Nations team/individuals who represent this country in international sporting events whether it be Football, cricket, F1 or whatever.

It should be a statutory entitlement for everyone in this country to have the opportunity to watch and support a British team/representative without paying a premium over the TV licence. When will it stop? Are we eventually going to see the Football world cup go to SKY?

Myles 01 August 2011 02:35 PM

Originally Posted by Luan Pra bang (Post 10163909)
THere are 9 million sky subscribers in the UK. That means you can postualte that there are at least nine million people who should be removed from the British gene pool.

Brilliant. How do you get your televisual kicks then? I bet it was a big moment for you when Channel 5 started broadcasting.

tony de wonderful 01 August 2011 03:36 PM

The TV license should just end as far as I am concerned.

CREWJ 01 August 2011 04:09 PM

Originally Posted by Luan Pra bang (Post 10163909)
THere are 9 million sky subscribers in the UK. That means you can postualte that there are at least nine million people who should be removed from the British gene pool.

Got to laugh at this idiot :lol:

Gear Head 01 August 2011 04:29 PM

Very well put here:

The BBC have got a lot to answer for.

kingofturds 01 August 2011 04:46 PM

I was a loyal sky customer for over 10 years but I will never go back to them and their sh1tty customer service. Final straw was them trying to charge me for a reconditioned box after mine went wrong. When they are handing out new sky + boxes like father Christmas on acid to new customers.

Customer loyalty counts for feck all with these big companies.

SRSport 01 August 2011 05:03 PM

Originally Posted by Gear Head (Post 10164065)
Very well put here:

The BBC have got a lot to answer for.

So BBC could have given or shared it with ITV, Ch4 or Ch5 but didnt as "they were direct rivals" where as SKY isn't as its a pay TV service. So not only do they not want to show it but they really want to shaft the licence payer and stick two fingers up at them while they do it by making it as expensive as possible for us to watch it. This is for what? To not lose face?

Listen hear BBC you receive money for a TV licence not a BBC licence and you should be doing everything possible to make that as good value as possible, not turning around saying well you're all obliged to pay for the licence anyway so *** you.

EddScott 01 August 2011 05:11 PM

Originally Posted by Gear Head (Post 10164065)
Very well put here:

The BBC have got a lot to answer for.

The teams have been very quiet amongst all this - apart from the odd comment, nothing official.

The BBC must believe that these talent shows are more important for viewing figures than F1. Or that Wimbledon is more important than F1.

The BBC also know that we have no choice but to pay the license fee. It's a wonder how the license fee has never been challenged in a european court.

Daryl 01 August 2011 08:14 PM

Originally Posted by Luan Pra bang (Post 10163909)
THere are 9 million sky subscribers in the UK. That means you can postualte that there are at least nine million people who should be removed from the British gene pool.

I subscribe to Sky, so by your reckoning I am genetically inferior to you.

Maybe, but at least I can spell...

Thicko! :lol1:

LeeMac 01 August 2011 08:28 PM

TV licence fee is plenty for me
dont know how people can pay another £500 a year or whatever it is to watch TV

Leslie 02 August 2011 11:22 AM

When you compare the poor quality of programmes that are available on terrestrial TV these days, Sky is good value with the enormous choice of far better programmes and superior quality HD. I am happy enough with Sky Sports with the chance of seeing so much good world wide sport too.


ALi-B 02 August 2011 01:08 PM

Originally Posted by Leslie (Post 10165158)
When you compare the poor quality of programmes that are available on terrestrial TV these days, Sky is good value with the enormous choice of far better programmes and superior quality HD. I am happy enough with Sky Sports with the chance of seeing so much good world wide sport too.


Better programs? I'm honestly intrigued. As even though I have had Sky (and currently virgin), I almost always end up watching stuff thats available on the free channels these days.

Stuff I used to watch on Sky:

Simspons...weaned myself off it during SKY one/Virgin debacle (haven't watched SKY one since! ). American Dad/Family guy not a huge draw - if its on with nothing else is better on another channel then that'll do.

I used to like the Sci Fi stuff, but its all gone down hill (i.e Stargate, lost, etc)

Discovery repeats too much stuff and american editing of most fly on the wall programs is annoying ( reminding you of what has happened and whats 'comming up' on every ad break )

MTV; In the days when it used to have music and Beavis and Butthead, nowadays its some teenagers getting pregnent and having parties :cuckoo:

Dave is mostly old BBC stuff anyway

Movies. Not sure, last time we had Sky movies there was nothing worth watching; Or if there was, we missed it! Would rather buy a good DVD/Blu-Ray instead or have it on Box office/rental.

Sports; Well, seeing they are taking over everything, at this rate it'll be Sky sports or no Sports.

As for HD, you've got me there. We do however have freesat HD (as well as V+ HD on virgin), but its only the mainstream HD channels (CH4, CH5, ITV, BBC etc)

Luan Pra bang 02 August 2011 04:23 PM

Originally Posted by Daryl (Post 10164412)
I subscribe to Sky, so by your reckoning I am genetically inferior to you.

Maybe, but at least I can spell...

Thicko! :lol1:

Well done you found a typo.

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