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jonc 14 April 2012 07:59 PM

Originally Posted by JackClark (Post 10578257)
OK I admit it, you're an annoying **** stirrer.

:norty: :lol1:

JackClark 14 April 2012 08:05 PM

Originally Posted by jonc (Post 10578267)
:norty: :lol1:


jonc 16 April 2012 09:00 PM

Another Trojan has appeared on Apple Macs, this one exploits an old vulnerability in Word docs, be careful if you use MS Word.

JackClark 16 April 2012 09:04 PM


hodgy0_2 17 April 2012 08:34 PM

this could get interesting

I have suffered sneers of derision from my wife’s family for years; they walked tall with their perceived "shield of iNvulnerability" burning brightly

obviously they all work in the media, drive "classic" SAAB's, wear Cahartt etc (actually I wear Carhartt too)

but maybe a tipping point has been reached and the ROI of targeting the iUser profile of ABC 1’s is compelling and profitable

Leaving us PC users to wallow untouched in the gutter

proudly posted on a HP Elitbook, running Mickysoft Windoze 7

JackClark 17 April 2012 09:17 PM

Do they really brag that they don't run Antivirus? If so they need infecting, put something on a USB key for them otherwise you could be waiting years before you can gloat.

JackClark 17 April 2012 09:21 PM

I have no idea where to find an infected file, but according to the Antivirus companies they're everywhere, so just try a few.

Geezer 18 April 2012 11:23 AM

You could argue the same for Windows Jack. I have never been infected, you have to show a bit of common sense and vigilance.

However, I am sure that my anti-virus has detected stuff and stopped it (I know it has), but that is still rare.

What OSX/IOS users don't have (yet) is that level of exposure, as previously they would target the platform most likely to gove a return.

Now that IOS/OSX and indeed Android have exploded in use, it's obvious that they are now turning their attention to them.

You may think OSX is more secure, and it probably is, but it's not secure. That's an important difference. No OS is secure, human ingenuity always finds a way, and now that Apple have gained the popularity they always sought, they will be targeted, and they will succeed, have no doubt about that.

It's the false sense of security of many Apple users that will be the biggest benefit to people wishing to infect or phish.

You may be tech savvy, but the majority if users are not, and at present, especially in IOS and Android devices, people surf and transact without any real appreciation of how they are exposing themselves.

Us Windows users at least have an appreciation of the dangers after years of security holes!


Dedrater 18 April 2012 12:37 PM

Originally Posted by JackClark (Post 10583047)
I have no idea where to find an infected file, but according to the Antivirus companies they're everywhere, so just try a few.

Hang on a minute :wonder:

You have claimed in the past to have worked for an antivirus company in some capacity, was that sales then? Because i am astonished that you wouldn't know about any darknets to find what you are after.

The Underweb (call it what you will) is full to the brim with stuff like this, some are clandestine, but still :lol1:

jonc 18 April 2012 02:05 PM

Originally Posted by JackClark (Post 10581387)

Boring? Just so we're all clear, you seem to believe, through years of experience in IT security, that the latest Windows OS is inherently less secure than OSX and reported malware vulnerabilities in Windows is proof of this and yet when it's for OSX it is just anti-malware companies just scare mongering and profiteering. Pull your head out of the sand! :freak3: :facepalm:

Well the reality is that your computer, be it Mac or PC, is only as secure as the person sitting in front of it! With the majority of typical Mac users believing that their Macs are invulnerable to malware and hacking and are generally less security conscious, not helped my Apple's marketing, Macs are therefore more susceptible infection.

System wise there is nothing in it.

JackClark 18 April 2012 03:21 PM

Jon, did you cut and paste that font?

Dedrater, I can get my hands on pretty much any piece of Malware I fancy, what I want to know is where such a huge percentage of OSX users stumbled into it. Shouldn't be hard.

I installed Sophos on a friends machine today, he was worried, bloody shame that.

Dedrater 18 April 2012 04:13 PM

Originally Posted by JackClark (Post 10583953)
Jon, did you cut and paste that font?

Dedrater, I can get my hands on pretty much any piece of Malware I fancy, what I want to know is where such a huge percentage of OSX users stumbled into it. Shouldn't be hard.

I installed Sophos on a friends machine today, he was worried, bloody shame that.

Shouldn't be hard

So what are you moaning about then, are you suggesting a massive conspiracy here?

Do you understand how the applet works? Get a copy of it and extract the payload binary if you don't.

I assume you are not suggesting the targeted sites that were/are infected are about to start letting it's users and the rest of the internet know of this fact.

JackClark 18 April 2012 05:09 PM

Conspiracy, no, there's no doubt that 140,000 Macs are still out there with the malware running. But where did the trojanised Flash Update come from? Must have been prolific or popular. Choose any similar threat for Windows and you can get a list of affected sites. I'm just curious.

Yes I am suggesting that targeted sites take some responsibility, it's not unusual.

Dedrater 18 April 2012 05:38 PM

Originally Posted by JackClark (Post 10584085)
Conspiracy, no, there's no doubt that 140,000 Macs are still out there with the malware running.

:lol1: You are happy to repeat that number then, first reported by Symantec and now used across the media, but in an earlier post you mention you have trust issues with AV companies.

JackClark 18 April 2012 06:56 PM

I still find it obscene, but spoke to someone I trust - at Symantec - and he confirmed it.

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