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weapon69 08 August 2003 09:27 AM

LOL im a non smoker but that doesn't mean im an alcoholic either!!

TelBoy 08 August 2003 09:28 AM

Now you're coming round to my way of thinking Andy... ;)

It was only a matter of time... :D

Andy Tang 08 August 2003 09:30 AM

I don't hear complaints about excessive alcohol comsumption! I guess it's more exceptable than smoking, as you have a 'choice'

Have you seen someone will liver failure??

Smoking, rarely causes people to be sick, people to be rushed to hospital, fights in pubs/bars/clubs, people 'forgetting' what they did, police to come out in force on a night....... and more importantly craving kebabs!!! :p

damian666 08 August 2003 09:32 AM

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Doner

:D Andy!


weapon69 08 August 2003 09:32 AM

Drinking isn't passive :p
If you don't want to drink, you don't. Its not inflicted on you.

damian666 08 August 2003 09:35 AM

Excuse me?!!! Thats bullsheeat!

'One for the road' sound familiar? We have all succumbed to the peer pressure of that.

Never understood why being a 'lightweight' was such an issue - so what! It costs me a fiver to get pissed not a tenner!


TelBoy 08 August 2003 09:35 AM

Agree totally Andy, but that's another thread i guess.

The difference between smoking and drinking is that non-drinkers aren't directly affected by other people's drinking, unless you factor in the after-effects you mentioned.

damian666 08 August 2003 09:38 AM

I disagree TelBoy. When I am walking back from the cinema, I am directly confronted by noisy smelly louts, the stench of sick on the ground, the pissing in the alleyways - all direct effects of alcohol!

Alcohol is a bigger problem than tobacco.

You sponging alcys deserve all the cirrhosis (sp?) you get.


TelBoy 08 August 2003 09:51 AM

So you don't disagree with me at all then, given that i put the "unless" caveat in my above post.

And yes, in the same way as tobacco does, alcohol has a lot to answer for too.

Don't get me started on the waste of NHS resources used to treat alcohol abuse...

STi wanna Subaru 08 August 2003 09:54 AM

I wonder if Damian should be allowed to have his head removed from his ar5e on the NHS?

Drunken Bungle Whore 08 August 2003 10:05 AM

Andy - I know you didn't blow smoke in my face. And I didn't say anything about you smoking as it was a party and therefore if you wanted to smoke, no problem.

The comment really wasn't directed at anyone specific.


TelBoy 08 August 2003 10:07 AM

DBW - do you think all non-smokers should adopt the "it's a party, therefore not a problem" stance?

damian666 08 August 2003 10:16 AM

Sti Wanna - Cheers mate - you obviously have nothing intelligent to add so out come the insults.


STi wanna Subaru 08 August 2003 10:34 AM

Damian, the fact is you're a smoker and from your very first post it's obvious you are not willing to listen and accept a reasonable argument. You're blinded by your addiction to Nicotine!

I am fed up having someone wave their hands about if they dont like the smoke - simple choice peeps - stand elsewhere. I have just as much right to smoke as you do to smoke free
So you say smokers and non-smokers have equal rights yet you wish to inflict your drug habit onto other people, therefore removing their right to be non-smokers :rolleyes: You can't see this, hence my comment. It was there to highlight how most non-smokers see addicts like yourself ;)

weapon69 08 August 2003 10:37 AM

Totally agree STi :D

Drunken Bungle Whore 08 August 2003 11:00 AM

DBW - do you think all non-smokers should adopt the "it's a party, therefore not a problem" stance?
Not trying to bait me are you TB? :D

You know I'm a live and let live type - people can adopt whatever stance they like, it's really not my place to tell them what they should think.

ALi-B 08 August 2003 12:39 PM

I was waiting for this to move on to drinking ;) It's inevitable. And yes drinking has the same anti-social problems.
I drink, but I don't throw up, try to sing, p1ss in the streets, or square up to anyone who looks at me. etc. (well at least.. I DON'T remember doing any of that at least ;)). But it is a problem that along with smoking needs to be addressed and controlled when in public places.

I (gets flame suit on) would'nt mind if drinking, along with smoking was totally banned. I'd get over it. But I'd also like all the un-healthy soft drinks to banned at the same time, so I would'nt be forced to drink instant tooth dissolver! Now we got in the situation of where does it end? What is good for us (soft drinks are'nt)? And is it really up to the "Nanny" state to dictate this to us?

The amount of crap we can legally buy that will, through over-consumption would affect our health is endless. It's not just fags and beer. Now would we ever see McDonalds being banned? So to argue a point....Junk food is bad, so is smoking, so why should one be banned and not the other (on health grounds). It's a bit of an extreme point but I hope you can see where I'm comming from.

[Edited by ALi-B - 8/8/2003 12:42:08 PM]

Brendan Hughes 08 August 2003 01:18 PM

You're very welcome to smoke/drink in your homes, your offices, your cars, frankly wherever you want.

Just don't let it affect me.

Lawyers' paradise; define "affect" ;)

logiclee 08 August 2003 10:51 PM

I think the EU will ban smoking in public places soon enough. How that will effect the great British pub culture I dont know.!!!
Most of the UK pilot schemes have found that trade increases.

The opposite happened in the US, pub trade declined by around 15%. Not sure what percentage of people smoke in the US. UK is reckoned to be 38% smokers so perhaps the other 62% would go to pubs more if they are smoke free.


Dazza012 08 August 2003 11:00 PM
Where geting there people 3 more pagers to go

TelBoy 08 August 2003 11:02 PM

LOL, a nine word post and three of them spelt incorrectly Dazza012!!

The very definition of "peanut gallery"!

Got anything worthwhile to contribute??

Dazza012 09 August 2003 01:11 AM

Oh i do fcuking apologise, yes i spelt that wrong aswell, WTF does it matter if i spelt it wrong or not, already added my bit, try reading the start of the thread tw@t, O look another spelling mistake, sorry im sure, better check every fcuking thread on SN then, cos ur gonna find sh*t loads of spelling mistakes from loads of people.

TelBoy 09 August 2003 01:34 AM

Another winning contribution... :rolleyes:

How long do these school holidays go on for? Anyone??

DSOTM 09 August 2003 01:45 AM

UK is reckoned to be 38% smokers so perhaps the other 62% would go to pubs more if they are smoke free
I'm guessing that there aren't really many smokers who are teetotal.

Conversely, I would reckon there may be a significant proportion of non-smokers who don't drink either (religious beliefs, health freaks etc etc)

With this in mind, isn't it more likely that the people who frequent watering holes are split more along the lines of 50/50 smokers/non-smokers ?

If the above is (roughly) correct, which would be the greater loss in custom ?
Even if half of the non-smokers objected vehemently to smoking and didn't go to pubs, it's a smaller loss than alienating almost all of the smokers.

I'm a smoker btw. I have no problems with restaurants etc being non-smoking. I wouldn't even mind if some pubs took the choice of becoming smoke free to give non-smokers the choice of where to go.

You shouldn't worry about the health effects of passive smoking anyway. Latest reports show that previous figures were fudged under pressure from anti-smoking campaigners. (BMJ report)

Personally, I'm more worried about pesticides on/in various crops, steroids and antibiotics in meat products, TB epidemics, Measles outbreaks, radiation from mobile phone masts/handsets, being nuked by some crazy b'stard from the Far East who does have WMD and finally...any Near Earth Object that is too big to burn up in our atmosphere ;)

Extinguisher system armed :D

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