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paulr 22 October 2006 09:22 AM

I have 2 mobiles......both Nokia 6100's. I'm still on my first number and the original contract BT cellnet advance. I pay 120 quid a year but get a 70 quid cashback if i dont upgrade. Suits me fine. Great little phone.

tmo 23 October 2006 05:15 PM

to much amusement from the junior members of my team i have just found a Nokia 6150e in my drawer !!!!!

Dream Weaver 24 October 2006 09:55 AM

Originally Posted by boomer
Dream Weaver,

thanks for showing just how easy it is to post useful and factual information - something that Mr. Lewis is unable to provide.

I don't dispute the tarrif (although it didn't exist when pslewis said that he signed up), but seeing as you are still on it, could you answer a little question?

It is a "contract tarrif" n'est pas - so how is it billed and do you get a monthly statement? Our resident (or currently, non-resident) troll claims...

...but i can't see Orange waiting 4 months for payment. In fact, payments are normally made via direct debit - so he won't have a choice.

If you don't pay by direct debit (thus theoretically being able to delay payment), Orange will add a "Non Direct Debit charge" (see the back of your bill for details). This will increase the bill way above the claimed 35p!!!

I am soooo enjoying this thread :D :D


I just get billed each month, though they go to my folks house as I asked Orange to change the address three time and they never managed it :D

So, billed each month, and it is taken out by direct debit, last bill was £2.50, had a look earlier.

It is funny when the mobile companies ring up though as Pete says, and they ask how much I spend a month. :lol1:

imlach 24 October 2006 10:06 AM

I also have to vouch for Pete as I'm on the Orange Virgin tariff too, and my bills can be as low as £0.00/month. :)

Mine also comes off by direct debit though, but who notices 10p/month.

Always have a mild chuckle at everyone who is paying their £35/month and thinking they're on a great deal :D :D

talizman 24 October 2006 10:21 AM

Originally Posted by imlach
I also have to vouch for Pete as I'm on the Orange Virgin tariff too, and my bills can be as low as £0.00/month. :)

Mine also comes off by direct debit though, but who notices 10p/month.

Always have a mild chuckle at everyone who is paying their £35/month and thinking they're on a great deal :D :D

I'm paying £35 and you are right, I think that I am on a great deal! :D

Reason being, I'm a fairly heavy user and if I were paying for my useage my bills would be over £200 a month, however my tariff is such that £35 is all I ever pay. :thumb:

If you used £200 of content on your Oranage tariff, your bill would be £200 per month, so how can my deal not be described as "great"? ;)

imlach 24 October 2006 10:34 AM

Originally Posted by talizman
I'm paying £35 and you are right, I think that I am on a great deal! :D

Reason being, I'm a fairly heavy user and if I were paying for my useage my bills would be over £200 a month, however my tariff is such that £35 is all I ever pay. :thumb:

If you used £200 of content on your Oranage tariff, your bill would be £200 per month, so how can my deal not be described as "great"? ;)

Hehe...quite right Talizman.
You're a "proper" user :)

When I submitted my post, I meant to add "for a large majority of the public who don't really need hundreds & thousands of minutes per month"

lozgti 24 October 2006 10:44 AM

Originally Posted by imlach

Always have a mild chuckle at everyone who is paying their £35/month and thinking they're on a great deal :D :D

How come even the poorest people (not referring to you talisman) in the whole land find a spare £420 pa for these deals.

Is it a necessity like food or something:wonder:

talizman 24 October 2006 10:45 AM

Originally Posted by imlach
Hehe...quite right Talizman.
You're a "proper" user :)

When I submitted my post, I meant to add "for a large majority of the public who don't really need hundreds & thousands of minutes per month"


I must admit I don't know how my thumb still works considering I sometimes send in excess of 2000 texts a month!! :eek:

imlach 24 October 2006 10:51 AM

Originally Posted by lozgti
How come even the poorest people (not referring to you talisman) in the whole land find a spare £420 pa for these deals.

Is it a necessity like food or something:wonder:

Don't forget the Sky+ box with all the trimmings for £50+/month which is £600pa ;) :D

Bravo2zero_sps 24 October 2006 05:50 PM

Originally Posted by imlach
Don't forget the Sky+ box with all the trimmings for £50+/month which is £600pa ;) :D

Yep I don't get this either, was thinking about it this morning while driving through Plumstead/Woolwich on the way to work today and wondered how all the inhabitants of the nasty looking tower blocks can all afford to have Sky?

£3 a month for me line rental + calls which are also dirt cheap as are txts, not the best compared to on here but i'm happy with that contract.

Dracoro 29 October 2006 09:39 AM

bump as I see pslewis is back from 'holiday' ;) :D

EXSCOOBY 29 October 2006 10:57 AM

his other gimmick accounts are getting a fearfull bashing so he has resurected the original one

DCI Gene Hunt 29 October 2006 11:03 AM

Originally Posted by EXSCOOBY
his other gimmick accounts are getting a fearfull bashing so he has resurected the original one

3, 2, 1,.......... EXSCOOBY.... Eyes open, wide awake :lol: only in your fcuked up imagination where EVERYBODY is PSL...... ;)

EXSCOOBY 29 October 2006 11:53 AM

gosh 3 whole minutes till one of ps lewis's alternative troll accounts responded to a thread started by the original troll account

hojkoff 29 October 2006 08:10 PM

I'm a bit late to this whole saga but I'll join in anyway.

I do have a bit of sympathy for PSL here. SO many people laughed at him and called him a loser but when he ask all those people to put up their hand and take responsibility for what they'd said only one or two people did.

It's like this on every internet forum. As soon as someone says, "what you're saying can't be right" there's a hammering of "YEAH! WHAT HE SAID!" It's pathetic.

I STRONGLY doubt what PSL is claiming here and I have taken on board the fact that he has swiftly left the building. BUT, I'm gutted at a lot of people's lack of responsibility for their comments.

_RIP_ 29 October 2006 08:18 PM

Simplistic response from someone who has been here for 2 minutes. Although perhaps I'm not responsible ;)

andrewdelvard 29 October 2006 11:20 PM

Originally Posted by hojkoff
I'm a bit late to this whole saga but I'll join in anyway.

I do have a bit of sympathy for PSL here. SO many people laughed at him and called him a loser but when he ask all those people to put up their hand and take responsibility for what they'd said only one or two people did.

It's like this on every internet forum. As soon as someone says, "what you're saying can't be right" there's a hammering of "YEAH! WHAT HE SAID!" It's pathetic.

I STRONGLY doubt what PSL is claiming here and I have taken on board the fact that he has swiftly left the building. BUT, I'm gutted at a lot of people's lack of responsibility for their comments.

54posts. You have no idea what a complete and utter tosser of the highest order the man is. Shut up.

unclebuck 29 October 2006 11:23 PM

Where's me washboard? Anyone seen it? :freak3:

hojkoff 31 October 2006 11:56 AM

Originally Posted by andrewdelvard
54posts. You have no idea what a complete and utter tosser of the highest order the man is. Shut up.

Do you post in every thread you read!? NO! NOR DO I! I know exactly what this guy is like AND I said that I am not backing what he has said my comments were about the reaction of others.

Originally Posted by andrewdelvard
Shut up.

Piss off! :hjtwofing

Coffin Dodger 13 November 2006 11:45 AM

Better resurrect this so it doesn't get forgotten. Especially as PSL has been testing the water by lurking in the drivetrain forum and the insurance forum enquiring about insurance for some performance mods to his wagon :eek2:


Welcome back old timer :lol1:

Gear Head 13 November 2006 12:03 PM

S*d off Pete!

talizman 13 November 2006 12:49 PM

Originally Posted by chrispurvis100
S*d off Pete!

Give some credit to his sh!te attempt at a double bluff Chris :D

Coffin Dodger 13 November 2006 12:52 PM

Originally Posted by talizman
Give some credit to his sh!te attempt at a double bluff Chris :D

Would be a ****e attempt if it were true!

I'm not Lewis :mad:

or Spaticus

boomer 13 November 2006 05:45 PM

A timely bump for this thread, as it is now just over a month since Mr Lewis posted the following...

Originally Posted by pslewis on 10-Oct-2006
I can show a monthly bill when the next one comes in, I actually tear up my bills as they are so small - about 35p - that I wait until it reaches £1 or so before paying it - this can take 4 months!

The bill clearly shows that it is an ORANGE bill on the VIRGIN Equivalent Contract ..... you should now have a nice new statement to photograph and post on Scoobynet!!!

We are waiting Pete!!!!


unclebuck 13 November 2006 06:04 PM

He was around today, and posting -


Abdabz 13 November 2006 07:22 PM

BOINNNNNG!!! :eek:
Bouncing all the way back to the top of the forum its that special thread PS Lewis has nightmares about... Yes! Thats right thread pickers... Its the "Who has the OLDEST mobile phone" thread...
I'm Bruno Brooks, thanks for listening, er I mean reading thread pickers :thumb:

unclebuck 14 November 2006 02:49 PM

'pete' is back :thumb:

EXSCOOBY 14 November 2006 05:21 PM

i wasnt aware he had gone away
his other aliases have been posting away :nono:

DIC Jean Runt 14 November 2006 08:50 PM

Get back to your decks you plank :thumb:

bootsy 15 November 2006 10:35 PM


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