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Snazy 16 March 2010 06:19 PM

Looks like the uptake has even suprised Apple.

iPad accessories delayed | T3 magazine

Luan Pra bang 16 March 2010 07:13 PM

Originally Posted by Trout (Post 9288390)
What a totally daft post!! When someone finds learning to be a systems programmer to get Windows to do anything,

My post was pretty reasonable and it at least made sense.

Get a grip man. To me Windows is horrid - but I don't go all weepy at the thought it is just not for me and I use something else.
I did not realise that I was weepy and to be honest you can insult windows all you like, it does not offend me in anyway, its an operating system that I never liked untill I tried using some apple products and I came to the conclusion that it was the better of the two main operating systems available. I don't really have some great passion for either brand.

Originally Posted by nutjob trout
Just for reference I haven't had a single Apple product that has broken over the last five years despite me spending many hours stroking and making sweet love to them. My love juice has a special bond with my apple stuff and one day me and Steve Jobs will settle down and have a familly of mac's who will one day go on to give birth to a load of little Iphones and what is so strange about that.

Oh, and the fact you hate Apple kind of makes me feel all warm inside ;)

I think hate is too strong a word for how I feel about apple, I feel like they make mugs of all the people who love the look, design and brand so much they ignore the flaws in the product. When apple fans were just the usual computer geeks who don't get out much it was not an issue as most normal humans, who don't want to make sweet love via a USB interface; don't have to talk to such people. Now with the crappy ipod and average iphone idiots in the pub actually start to bring their phones into conversation or offer to show you any one of a range of ridiculous and pointless apps.
If you cannot see the flaws in being a member of the Apple army then I guess you never will but if you make no attempt to understand the power of branding and the effect it now has on people then you are only kidding yourself.

Snazy 16 March 2010 09:10 PM

I have to agree, I find Windows as functional as I need it to be for a PC. Not one to worry about smooth edges and pretty colours. If it does the job, im cool with that.

Bit like asking a fireman if he is using mineral water, then sending him away lol. If it does the job, does it really matter?

Brand power is crazy, especially for Apple

JackClark 16 March 2010 09:19 PM

Anti-fanboy. I don't think there's a better word for it. Hands up who just felt they had to express their disgust in Apple and proclaim Steve Jobs the Devil? Usual suspects. Now go ruin someone else's conversation please, you're boring.

People are mugs for not being able to see beyond the look, design and brand so much they ignore the quality of the product and service.

Any wireless packages out for it yet? BTopenzone would be good, seems they're sprouting up in random houses. A global deal would win or perhaps Skype Access would do. I hear the US are doing monthly $30 deals, that could come in handy.

JackClark 16 March 2010 09:28 PM

Snazy, if that fireman had mineral water, straight from the stream in one hand and a firetruck full of pee in the other, I'll take the water.

Stop worrying about Apple, there are much bigger brands on the religious thread lingering on this forum. The crazy frog will be back soon I'm sure, you people can refocus your anger then.

Snazy 16 March 2010 09:30 PM

Originally Posted by JackClark (Post 9289944)
Anti-fanboy. I don't think there's a better word for it. Hands up who just felt they had to express their disgust in Apple and proclaim Steve Jobs the Devil? Usual suspects. Now go ruin someone else's conversation please, you're boring.

People are mugs for not being able to see beyond the look, design and brand so much they ignore the quality of the product and service.

Any wireless packages out for it yet? BTopenzone would be good, seems they're sprouting up in random houses. A global deal would win or perhaps Skype Access would do. I hear the US are doing monthly $30 deals, that could come in handy.

lol chiiiilll!
Didn't you say at one point there was no such thing as a fanboy?

People are indeed mugs for not being able to see beyond design, look and brand, and THAT is where the issue lays. There may indeed be quality beneath, but there is no denying some buy it because its pretty or Apple. Agree?

If you agree with your own statement that its not just about looks, then surely you have to appreciate that other people want other things, and in some cases other devices and manufacturers make what THEY want, like Apple make what you want?


Its a choice at the end of the day, no one person or company is right or wrong.

So about the delayed accessories eh, bummer or what!

JackClark 16 March 2010 09:48 PM

Delays are good, the beta test on the Americans hasn't even started.

I don't care if, when or what you buy, you seem to care a lot about people who buy Apple products, it's probably correctable with drugs.

Diesel 16 March 2010 10:07 PM

Originally Posted by Neanderthal (Post 9271463)
" I'd still worry about being able to put a screen protector that size on it ok, I found it hard enough to put the protector on the iPhone :lol1:

I quite dislike Apple principle/approach/ethos/corporate bolllox. However I really like the bits that work on my iPhone (forget Bluetooth then, most Flash (like on Facebook) or, say simply saving a doc from an e-mail. So Fruity Apple Fanboy - NOT!

HOWEVER I put a screen protector on the new Aye phone and this absolutely ruined it. This device has the best touch sensitive screen known to technology! I took he screen protector off after 2 mins.

It, like iPad has an Olephobic smooth glass. Its amazing compared to Sellotape from China or std Finland! Just look after it, dont neuter it with a rubber thing!


Jamescsti 16 March 2010 10:16 PM

I can't believe the Ipad has no SD or USB conectivity, is this serious?

On second thoughts I can believe it as it means Apple can now sell an added extra for a couple of hundred quid more just so users can load their pictures to the damn thing.

dpb 16 March 2010 10:25 PM

Marketing genuis considering what little it does do , however willingly !

Trout 16 March 2010 10:36 PM

Luan Pratt Bang,

the difference is the fact that you rate Windows over Mac is kind of irrelevant to me. For you however, for me to suggest I prefer Mac over Windows leads you to make pretty strong personality judgements.

And I am the one that is apparently limited in my vision and flawed in my assessment.

For reference I work three days a week with one of the worlds largest techonology companies where Windows is the corporate standard. I use it everyday and it meets its criteria of being work.

As soon as I don't need to use it then I pick up my Macbook.

I do find your need to denigrate and make such judgemental and sweeping generalisations of people because they happen to use a certain product very disturbing. Surely there are more important things in life.

Trout 16 March 2010 11:25 PM

Jean-Marie Dru wrote in Disruption that great brands were verbs and here were his key examples...

Sony dreams
Nike exhorts
IBM solves
Virgin enlightens
Benetton protests

Apple opposes

And given the battle lines drawn on Scoobynet there is no doubt that he was absolutely bang on.

I would add my own...

Microsoft assimilates

SiPie 16 March 2010 11:37 PM

I do find your need to denigrate and make such judgemental and sweeping generalisations of people because they happen to use a certain product very disturbing. Surely there are more important things in life.
well said :thumb:

.....and whilst I'm here (which is infrequently these days), how sad to drop in and see pages on here dedicated to iPhone/ipad v android/blackberry etc and supposedly rational human beings getting all defensive over their brand choice. Pathetic.


SwissTony 17 March 2010 12:34 AM

Originally Posted by SiPie (Post 9290373)
well said :thumb:

.....and whilst I'm here (which is infrequently these days), how sad to drop in and see pages on here dedicated to iPhone/ipad v android/blackberry etc and supposedly rational human beings getting all defensive over their brand choice. Pathetic.


Evening squire :)
Could you get the guitar out and maybe make a song up about the above :D

f1_fan 17 March 2010 12:36 AM

OK serious post for a minute here. I think what gets people's backs up about Apple isn't really the products, but the blind faith the core Apple user base place in those products whilst refusing to admit they have any shortcomings whatsoever.

In this thread a certain poster tried to dismiss my comments regarding my iPhone experience with the statement "as proved earlier the iPhone works great" and then went on to tell me the reception issues I was having were the fault of Orange despite the fact that my old Nokia still worked perfectly whilst sat next to the receptionless iPhone.

Frankly those statements were both arrogant and ludicrous.

I asked an awful lot of people about the iPhone before I finally got one and all said it was great hence my decision to purchase. How when I describe my iPhone's shortcomimgs to them I get a sort of knowing look and a 'yeah but it looks cool and I have an app that can read big text or bid on eBay ....'.

My fault for not asking the right questions I know, but it is my opinion that the iPhone is not as good a product as the hype would have you believe. I stress this is my opinion, but I stand by it.

I love the touch screen and the way it feels in the hand and the concept of apps etc.

However I do not like the very average phone performance (on my second one now and the reception is better but still not as good as the Nokia, but at least it doesn't require a reboot), the childlike and feature poor SMS interface (no time stamps, no delivery receipts etc.), the woefully slow Safari browser that has a few major flaws like no scrollbars in textboxes, the fixed non user replacable battery with about a day's life max and the stupid need for a tool to remove the SIM ..... which I like to put back in my Nokia every now and then when I get frustrated with the restrictive nature of the iPhone ;)

This doesn't make it a bad product, just not a good product for me and the issues I raise above are fact not conjecture. The difference is some people don't view them as an issue and that is fine, but surely acknowledging them is OK even if you are an Apple devotee.

Trout 17 March 2010 01:04 AM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 9290519)
My fault for not asking the right questions I know, but it is my opinion that the iPhone is not as good a product for me as the hype that I chose to believe. I stress this is my opinion, but I stand by it.

EFA ;)

ScoobyWon't 17 March 2010 01:15 AM

Two of the boys at work have iPhones, which I have only ever seen them use to play games on, never to call anyone - when asked what they thought of the iPad said "It's like a iTouch but bigger" and "It won't be long until they release another one with more gadgets". I asked if they would buy one both said "Yes" when I asked why, both just shrugged their shoulders and said words to the effect of "It's a gadget".

JackClark 17 March 2010 01:18 AM

Good for them, the game they own will be much better on a bigger screen.

Jamescsti 17 March 2010 09:07 AM

Jack, what's your view on the fact that the ipad does not have a connector for usb or a facility to plug in SD cards?
I'm struggling to understand how an ipad user would put things such as digital photo's onto the device? Or any other data for that matter without either connecting the ipad to another computer or downloading from the internet or receiving an email, which basically means any ipad owner would need a computer on top, say a macbook for argument sake.
So why would domeone get this on top of or instead of a macbook or alternative laptop? I see this as a major failing of the ipad?

JackClark 17 March 2010 09:38 AM

James, there will be a card reader for people who want to for the iPad alone. One was available for the iPod. I'll get one for long distance travel.

iPad Camera Connection Kit
The iPad Camera Connection Kit gives you two ways to import photos and videos from a digital camera: using your camera’s USB cable or directly from an SD card. iPad supports standard photo formats, including JPEG and RAW.

Trout 17 March 2010 09:39 AM

Or at home you could just sync with the Airdisk.

JackClark 17 March 2010 09:43 AM

Syncing photo's has never been as easy as syncing music on OSX, fingers crossed the release of the iPad will straighten that out. Currently I use iPhoto Library Manager and it's pretty good but not as slick as Home Sharing.

Jamescsti 17 March 2010 10:38 AM

I appreciate they will release an ipad camera connector kit but surely such a basic thing as a usb connector at the very least if not an sdcard reader should be a standard feature, not something which you pay an additional cost for. To me that is just crazy in the modern age we live in.

Geezer 17 March 2010 10:48 AM

I eagerly await the iBag, to carry all the stuff you will need because Apple refuse to actually equip any single device with sufficient interfaces ;)


JackClark 17 March 2010 02:25 PM

It would never end James, where's the HDMI? where's the... I'm glad it doesn't have sockets all over it, the dock connector should be enough for most for now, hopefully it comes with a long lead.

Any price on the camera kit yet? It's a small item that I'll definitely add to the rucksack/iBag.

I may have to up my game on price, bigger numbers are better right?

SiPie 17 March 2010 03:37 PM

Originally Posted by SwissTony (Post 9290513)
Evening squire :)
Could you get the guitar out and maybe make a song up about the above :D

Now there's an idea :thumb:

Watch this space :D:D

SwissTony 17 March 2010 05:50 PM

Originally Posted by SiPie (Post 9291328)
Now there's an idea :thumb:

Watch this space :D:D


Instant hit:thumb:

Luan Pra bang 17 March 2010 05:59 PM

Originally Posted by Trout (Post 9290190)
Luan Pratt Bang,


I do find your need to denigrate and make such judgemental and sweeping generalisations of people because they happen to use a certain product very disturbing. Surely there are more important things in life.

No, your comments in this thread, and your inability to admit to another poster with an iPhone, that the phone has flaws, tells me all I need to know. Your posts indicate that you are so blinded by the brand that you cannot admit that flaws exist in Apple products. You seem to be unable to undersand that people who worship brands that exploit them for money are my object of hate not every one who has an apple product.

JackClark 17 March 2010 06:09 PM

"Don't hate the player, hate the game" as Supermouse once said.

Jamescsti 17 March 2010 07:36 PM

Originally Posted by JackClark (Post 9291206)
It would never end James, where's the HDMI? where's the... I'm glad it doesn't have sockets all over it, the dock connector should be enough for most for now, hopefully it comes with a long lead.

Any price on the camera kit yet? It's a small item that I'll definitely add to the rucksack/iBag.

I may have to up my game on price, bigger numbers are better right?

I appreciate what your saying Jack, but come on a USB port is hardly pushing the boundries of technology is it? and it would cover a multitude of addon's, I very much doubt apple didn't consider it, I can only presume maybe somewhat cynically that apple ommitted it in order to push consumers into buying further apple products for which they can set their own price?

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