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chrisUK300 16 May 2010 10:51 PM

mr hat and belliott69 care to explain in a bit more detail? Been offline a few days so not seen any updates

jadams 17 May 2010 05:19 PM

that pair are taking the piss

G8RDK 17 May 2010 10:19 PM

well it has been over 2weeks since cn said the money would be back to us by and had nothing really startin to get pi**ed off no pm or anything, ill give it till the weekend

jadams 17 May 2010 10:35 PM

Originally Posted by G8RDK (Post 9403972)
well it has been over 2weeks since cn said the money would be back to us by and had nothing really startin to get pi**ed off no pm or anything, ill give it till the weekend

Then what?

mr hat 17 May 2010 10:36 PM

Originally Posted by jadams (Post 9403293)
that pair are taking the piss

there is only one person taking the piss here mate. im suprised people have been so understanding. he clearly doesnt have the money he was given in good faith, or it would have been refunded by now. no pm's, just pops on occasionally with another **** excuse as to why he hasnt paid people back there money.

belliott69 18 May 2010 12:37 AM

as above, feel sorry for people who've lost out.

Terminator X 18 May 2010 12:43 AM

At least leave him some neg feedback :brickwall


Westwood2006 18 May 2010 06:26 AM

Originally Posted by cossie-nutter (Post 9374926)
Because of this it will now take me atleast 2 weeks to get the money together and pay it back into your accounts!

Originally Posted by cossie-nutter (Post 9379390)
full refunds will be back with you within 14 days! I have to allow 14 days

Originally Posted by cossie-nutter (Post 9392053)
Ok peeps quick update to say Ive not forgotten about any of you and im still on the case! Just waiting for my bank now!

By my calculations today is pay day. Looking forward to hearing some positive news from all involved.

bobtheboss78 18 May 2010 08:25 AM

lets see what happens today then!!!!!

shag 18 May 2010 01:45 PM

lets hope so eh?

bobtheboss78 18 May 2010 02:23 PM

fingers crossed

imprezaworks 18 May 2010 04:09 PM

Just read the whole thing through. My opinion is you wont get the your money back, will keep my fingers crossed though.


Connor_scotland 18 May 2010 04:14 PM

I have dealt with Cossie Nutter a fair few times nad have been on his forum Turbo Nutters a while aswell.

Its a shame this is happening but fingers crossed you will all get your moneys back.

mk1cos 18 May 2010 09:29 PM

its not looking good guys.......:brickwall
surely it doesnt take 14 days to get money from the bank...
or any bank for that matter:mad::mad:
he stated that he would contact us, but still havent heard from him other than the little posts he puts up now and again
anyone had any contact from him regarding refunds ???

Terminator X 18 May 2010 09:43 PM

^^ I think that it's gone on long enough to be a police issue? Simple fraud. Eight people £300 down by an earlier calc ...


phil739 18 May 2010 10:00 PM

am afraid police will not be interested if paid by bank transfer , as you gave him the money so no crime taken place , i know this by first hand

small claims cost you about 30 quid for what its worth in the end

G8RDK 18 May 2010 10:05 PM

why not send us his name and address through pm? Its been 6 weeks since he initiallly got my £300 as probably the same with others. Bull**it about waiting for the bank, waiting for what?! Cn keeps saying he will let anyone down to him well give me the address and i will be on the way this is really taking the p*ss now!

and no i am not no keyboard warrior before any posts that!

chrisUK300 19 May 2010 12:04 AM

Originally Posted by Terminator X (Post 9405452)
^^ I think that it's gone on long enough to be a police issue? Simple fraud. Eight people £300 down by an earlier calc ...


Plus my £90 for the centre section and someone else mentioned a fuel pump not received :brickwall

Terminator X 19 May 2010 12:22 AM

Originally Posted by phil739 (Post 9405490)
am afraid police will not be interested if paid by bank transfer , as you gave him the money so no crime taken place , i know this by first hand

small claims cost you about 30 quid for what its worth in the end

Eh? There's an ad here (original post) = an offer. People have accepted that offer (£300 for an AVCr) & paid for it by some means. Quite a bit of written evidence IMHO.


bobtheboss78 19 May 2010 09:19 AM

Originally Posted by cossie-nutter (Post 9392151)
Yeah right I'd like to see them try! Obviously they have no clue who I am or what I'm like! :thumb:

End of the day it's plain and simple! They get refunds very soon and I'm out of pocket big time! Just waiting for bank to get there act together!

Nothing in my bank yet!!!!!

stevemoir 19 May 2010 09:29 AM

Right this guy hasnt been on for 4 days

This is obvious to everyone that no-one is going to get there monies back
without formal action

have you seen his avatar


Get stu @ IB to get the details of this guy and get this sorted

Ive dealt with him in the past only for 20 quid but it was odd why he doesnt accept paypal

so he cant have the monies taken back

i hope everyone gets this sorted but reading the 5 pages theres no chance

bobtheboss78 19 May 2010 09:45 AM

Originally Posted by stevemoir (Post 9405919)
Right this guy hasnt been on for 4 days

This is obvious to everyone that no-one is going to get there monies back
without formal action

have you seen his avatar


Get stu @ IB to get the details of this guy and get this sorted

Ive dealt with him in the past only for 20 quid but it was odd why he doesnt accept paypal

so he cant have the monies taken back

i hope everyone gets this sorted but reading the 5 pages theres no chance


Westwood2006 19 May 2010 09:51 AM

I can't see why the police wouldn't act if they read this thread and gather evidence from everyone.

Edit: I can't see why the police couldn't act if they read this thread and gather evidence from everyone.

TingTongPJ 19 May 2010 11:20 AM

feel really sorry for all you guys

i've followed this thread and kept out of it but i don't think it's going to make much difference now to outstanding money

can't help but feel this was all planned for the begining to get some extra cash especially as the seller started off offering violence and saying he will keep the money if people chase him, waiting for the bank (for what) and he has now moved

i just hope i'm completly wrong

has anyone contacted admin yet to see if they can provide an address ? this is'nt just a £200 deal it's considerably more so they should be more helpful than normal especially with the circumstances involved

i think you have every reason to go to the police don't think they take kindly to taking money with deception and then offering violence when requesting it back

bump again for you

T5OLF 19 May 2010 11:38 AM

It tells you something when he fails to answer the questions about the centre section and fuel pump...just ignored them.

It's clear the money has been spent and he does not have it. I did feel for the guy at first as trying to raise a grand or so after being ripped off by his so called mate is a real bummer, but the threats made against people and also refusing to refund if people don't get off his back has made me think...what a tw@t. And he has blown any chance of selling ever again on here...if he ever comes back that is.

And as for staying out of it, it's a forum and can post were I like thankyou :)

cossie-nutter 19 May 2010 12:24 PM

Right peeps good news!

Not going to do bank transfer instead you will all have a cheque in the post posted latest Saturday!

So Please make sure ALL Involved of the AVCR I have your full name and address please by Friday please ??

Sorry It's taken so long as ive had to sort out with the bank and they have taken ages as lets face it it's not pocket change!

So you will have all your money refunded by next and cleared depending on your bank! :thumb:

Fuel pump and Down pipe were sent and delivered and Ive avoided there sh1t on here because it's called people jumping on the band wagon! :rolleyes:

Ps. What aload of bollox above and I dont have a paypal account abit like 50% of people!

chrisUK300 19 May 2010 12:29 PM

Originally Posted by cossie-nutter (Post 9406140)
Right peeps good news!

Not going to do bank transfer instead you will all have a cheque in the post posted latest Saturday!

So Please make sure ALL Involved of the AVCR I have your full name and address please by Friday please ??

Sorry It's taken so long as ive had to sort out with the bank and they have taken ages as lets face it it's not pocket change!

So you will have all your money refunded by next and cleared depending on your bank! :thumb:

Fuel pump and Down pipe were sent and delivered and Ive avoided there sh1t on here because it's called people jumping on the band wagon! :rolleyes:

For a start it wasnt a downpipe it was a TSL centre section. When was it posted because it has never been received! And do you have proof of the postage??

Id hardly call it jumping on the bandwagon and sh1t :cuckoo: when you have £90 of my money sat in your account and I have no centre section :brickwall

G8RDK 19 May 2010 12:34 PM

stevemoir, what do you mean get stu @ IB to get his details? Its rediculas now this he couldnt be quick enough to give me his bank details even told me the nearest nationwide bank to me! And no nothing one big scam to get money for his new house!

cossie-nutter 19 May 2010 12:40 PM

Originally Posted by G8RDK (Post 9406152)
stevemoir, what do you mean get stu @ IB to get his details? Its rediculas now this he couldnt be quick enough to give me his bank details even told me the nearest nationwide bank to me! And no nothing one big scam to get money for his new house!

if it was a big scam I wouldn't be giving a refund would I ?? An IB inst aloud to give personal details out because of the protection act! :rolleyes:

chrisUK300 19 May 2010 12:44 PM

Originally Posted by cossie-nutter (Post 9406159)
if it was a big scam I wouldn't be giving a refund would I ?? An IB inst aloud to give personal details out because of the protection act! :rolleyes:

But yet you ignore ALL my PMs and messages regarding the centre section!

Are you gonna come up with the proof of supposed postage and delivery then? Or are you just going to continue ignoring me?

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