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pnbond007 02 August 2011 11:10 PM

Originally Posted by Gear Head (Post 10159496)
I'm with you. I'll moan like f&ck but it is the ONLY sport that I follow. I have every race since 1997 without fail. I even used to record them all and have about 100 tapes all labelled up at one point. :rolleyes:

I can't be without F1. And I'm the sort of customer that Sky is going for. :razz:

I have followed F1 since the late 70's & have every GP inc Qualifying on video.dvd since the mid 80's, lots and lots of historic moments......

Will i continue to watch when its butchered about on Sky & the Beeb....i dont think so, its time to give up following F1, after all what are we really watching these days, a race or a farce.....

jura11 03 August 2011 12:03 AM

Probably worth wait on income,but still think will be disaster on SKY,yeah i know Premiere League is on SKY,but F1 fans are totally different from Football fans,i'm not telling they will not pay for F1,but in my view most people will be watch somewhere else just not SKY.
Here is few great links

And i will not pay for F1...


ALi-B 03 August 2011 02:25 AM

Keep $ky in the picture...Post you bad vibes in the comments:,,12433_7066182,00.html

Suitable trolling comments include:

'Why should I pay money to a company part owned by a morally devoid bunch responsible for hacking the phones of murdered children'


'Can anyone tell me how to use card sharing so that I can see all the races, 'cos I won't be paying'


If anyone has links or addresses to any official f1 bodies like FIA/FOTA/CVC etc list them here so we all can do our bit....moaning on here, to teh bbc or on facebook won't do anything - it needs to be sent to the right people - you never know, Sky may cave and make it free to air or back out!......doubtful, but every little 'elps

SRSport 03 August 2011 08:47 AM


Thanks. Good post

^Qwerty^ 03 August 2011 12:52 PM

Am I right in thinking that the Beeb do have the option of showing ALL the races in full, but half of them must have a time delay? I suspect Bernie Bollock only wants them to show highlights, otherwise why would anybody watch it on sky at all?
That being the case, it's not much different to what I do now, in that I record most of the Sunday afternoon races and watch them on Sunday night - cutting myself off as much as possible from news reports and radio's etc so I don't know the result. Wonder if the BBC have the balls to do it if the contract allows?

Tidgy 03 August 2011 12:56 PM

Originally Posted by ^Qwerty^ (Post 10167070)
Am I right in thinking that the Beeb do have the option of showing ALL the races in full, but half of them must have a time delay? I suspect Bernie Bollock only wants them to show highlights, otherwise why would anybody watch it on sky at all?
That being the case, it's not much different to what I do now, in that I record most of the Sunday afternoon races and watch them on Sunday night - cutting myself off as much as possible from news reports and radio's etc so I don't know the result. Wonder if the BBC have the balls to do it if the contract allows?

from what i heard it was highlights only for the none full coverage races, but that might not be correct

jura11 03 August 2011 01:07 PM

Originally Posted by Tidgy (Post 10167074)
from what i heard it was highlights only for the none full coverage races, but that might not be correct

F1 Teams has been assured ALL races on BBC will be showed in full,but will be postponed/delayed by Bernie,but later this denied:cuckoo:.


Tidgy 03 August 2011 01:14 PM

Originally Posted by jura11 (Post 10167082)
F1 Teams has been assured ALL races on BBC will be showed in full,but will be postponed/delayed by Bernie,but later this denied:cuckoo:.


not heard that tbh, but sounds like burnies worked his magic to get the most money in his bank account.

jura11 03 August 2011 01:25 PM

Originally Posted by Tidgy (Post 10167089)
not heard that tbh, but sounds like burnies worked his magic to get the most money in his bank account.

This has been posted on BBC F1 website.
Last time when ask F1 teams,they're said BBC will be showing only highlights,its in this just big mess,nothing more.


Leslie 03 August 2011 02:08 PM

Originally Posted by ALi-B (Post 10165304)
Better programs? I'm honestly intrigued. As even though I have had Sky (and currently virgin), I almost always end up watching stuff thats available on the free channels these days.

Stuff I used to watch on Sky:

Simspons...weaned myself off it during SKY one/Virgin debacle (haven't watched SKY one since! ). American Dad/Family guy not a huge draw - if its on with nothing else is better on another channel then that'll do.

I used to like the Sci Fi stuff, but its all gone down hill (i.e Stargate, lost, etc)

Discovery repeats too much stuff and american editing of most fly on the wall programs is annoying ( reminding you of what has happened and whats 'comming up' on every ad break )

MTV; In the days when it used to have music and Beavis and Butthead, nowadays its some teenagers getting pregnent and having parties :cuckoo:

Dave is mostly old BBC stuff anyway

Movies. Not sure, last time we had Sky movies there was nothing worth watching; Or if there was, we missed it! Would rather buy a good DVD/Blu-Ray instead or have it on Box office/rental.

Sports; Well, seeing they are taking over everything, at this rate it'll be Sky sports or no Sports.

As for HD, you've got me there. We do however have freesat HD (as well as V+ HD on virgin), but its only the mainstream HD channels (CH4, CH5, ITV, BBC etc)

Its all down to one's personal interests of course, but most of the programmes in general on the terrestrial channels are rarely of any real quality as they used to be.

As you say, HD at the moment is a big advantage and the version on the satellite seems to be of better quality, I have been told this is due to the larger bandwidth which is available to satellite broadcasters. That is just one theory that I was told anyway.

I watch sport mainly and have the advantage of so much international sport which is not available on terrestrial TV as far as I know anyway.


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