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Shaid 08 August 2011 12:18 AM

Mus i appreciate that you have obviously seen certain police officers act like twats and naturally are very cynical of them however bare this in mind.

I'm a brownie. Where i live in Birmingham other brownie's commit most of the insurance fraud, motoring offences, etc, etc. I have been pulled over by many a police officer. When they initially give me the attitude test i respond positively which has ultimately worked in my favour. The police will deal with a lot of brownie twats where i live. When they pull me over they must be thinking they have another one. When they speak to me and i come across all geek and proud, polite, respectful but factual they respect this hence why i have no issue with them and why when i have been in the wrong i have been let off with a slapped wrist.

The point i'm getting at is that granted there are twats in Totenham that the police will be constantly dealing with, in fact they will have had it upto there (points at forehead) with said twats. The police might be following a policy where every Totenhamer is a **** unless proven otherwise.

Pass the attitude test and all will be dandy.

Finally please do not attempt to explain why said rioters, police station protesters are the way they are. There is no need to justify their behaviour.

Mus 08 August 2011 12:28 AM

Originally Posted by Shaid (Post 10174822)
Mus i appreciate that you have obviously seen certain police officers act like twats and naturally are very cynical of them however bare this in mind.

I'm a brownie. Where i live in Birmingham other brownie's commit most of the insurance fraud, motoring offences, etc, etc. I have been pulled over by many a police officer. When they initially give me the attitude test i respond positively which has ultimately worked in my favour. The police will deal with a lot of brownie twats where i live. When they pull me over they must be thinking they have another one. When they speak to me and i come across all geek and proud, polite, respectful but factual they respect this hence why i have no issue with them and why when i have been in the wrong i have been let off with a slapped wrist.

The point i'm getting at is that granted there are twats in Totenham that the police will be constantly dealing with, in fact they will have had it upto there (points at forehead) with said twats. The police might be following a policy where every Totenhamer is a **** unless proven otherwise.

Pass the attitude test and all will be dandy.

Finally please do not attempt to explain why said rioters, police station protesters are the way they are. There is no need to justify their behaviour.

fair play and I agree a 100% but the point i want to make is, the police here will see certain individuals who they know well and are known to cause trouble. but because of there appearance or they walking in a group police officers will be to scared to approach them and ask them questions or tell them to break up as a group of hoddies can be intimidating. instead they like to stop me when I'm wearing my suit with a client on a busy day and do 15 min checks on my car delay my appointment and my whole day. the police in tottenham are too scared to stop certain individuals.

JTaylor 08 August 2011 12:42 AM

Originally Posted by Shaid (Post 10174822)
Mus i appreciate that you have obviously seen certain police officers act like twats and naturally are very cynical of them however bare this in mind.

I'm a brownie. Where i live in Birmingham other brownie's commit most of the insurance fraud, motoring offences, etc, etc. I have been pulled over by many a police officer. When they initially give me the attitude test i respond positively which has ultimately worked in my favour. The police will deal with a lot of brownie twats where i live. When they pull me over they must be thinking they have another one. When they speak to me and i come across all geek and proud, polite, respectful but factual they respect this hence why i have no issue with them and why when i have been in the wrong i have been let off with a slapped wrist.

The point i'm getting at is that granted there are twats in Totenham that the police will be constantly dealing with, in fact they will have had it upto there (points at forehead) with said twats. The police might be following a policy where every Totenhamer is a **** unless proven otherwise.

Pass the attitude test and all will be dandy.

Finally please do not attempt to explain why said rioters, police station protesters are the way they are. There is no need to justify their behaviour.

Good post. :cool:

Mus 08 August 2011 01:01 AM

it's rally kicking off now you can hear helicopters and police sirens everywhere I don't understand why the police don't use rubber bullets, water or tear gas that would calm them down.

StickyMicky 08 August 2011 06:01 AM

I know a word that can perfectly sum up this entire farce, unfortuantly we are not allowed to say it anymore because its racist :lol1:

Mus, from your posts so far you sound a bit of a donkey, sticking up for the homiez, why use rubber bullets? we want these bellends killed because they are bellends SIMPLE!

If we wanted them calmed down, then they would just give them all glass of shandy.

Flight 08 August 2011 06:07 AM

This is quite scary really. Can see this getting out of hand across many UK towns. Few points - having not read much of the above to be honest.

1) Why are the press giving air time to dunces who are expressing views as if it is fact? It must be really cheap to report on tweeting and facebook entries as fact with absolutely no journalistic value add. Comes across as not much more than a call to action for the yobs.

2) Why are the press putting out stories about the "police being slow to respond"? Hindsight is wonderful isn't

3) Why are there news items trying to explain these actions as expected behaviour (see Black Swan theory), when the majority are low-life thugs out for kicks. Root cause? Lack options for youth to get high on life rather that fvcking it up for the rest of us me thinks.

PaulC72 08 August 2011 08:18 AM

Originally Posted by Mus (Post 10174849)
it's rally kicking off now you can hear helicopters and police sirens everywhere I don't understand why the police don't use real bullets, water or tear gas that would calm them down.


just got chance to read this thread as i was out getting a new tv and some trackies.

it makes interesting reading and if he was in possession of a gun he got what he deserved.

kingofturds 08 August 2011 08:23 AM

Well they have put hundreds of people out of a job with all the shops they have burnt down. I hope these rioters do not complain when it comes to signing on at the job centre and waiting times have tripled.

David Cameron what a pr1ck. Millions of pounds of damage, fires across London but yet he still refuses to come back from holiday. It must really instill confidence for people coming to see the olympics next year.

RA Dunk 08 August 2011 08:27 AM

Originally Posted by Mus (Post 10174849)
it's rally kicking off now you can hear helicopters and police sirens everywhere I don't understand why the police don't use rubber bullets, water or tear gas that would calm them down.

F**k rubber bullets, just use real ones.

DCI Gene Hunt 08 August 2011 08:33 AM

Just send this lot in...... with clear instructions to "clear the trash from the streets"

Shaid 08 August 2011 08:48 AM

Originally Posted by DCI Gene Hunt (Post 10174938)

Just send this lot in...... with clear instructions to "clear the trash from the streets"

Not the one on tue far left though, he can't even tie his helmet strap on right. I wouldn't trust him with a water gun never mind live ammo!

hutton_d 08 August 2011 08:53 AM

Originally Posted by Mus (Post 10174738)
like what is that trying to imply, just cause I live in a rough area means Im a criminal.

the point I'm trying to make is everyone can judge and make assumptions but until you live there and see it you won't know the full extent of the problem.

I'm not implying that you're a "crim", just that by perpetuating the myth that "bored" kids have to turn to crime you're part of the problem.

Originally Posted by Flight (Post 10174876)
... 1) Why are the press giving air time to dunces who are expressing views as if it is fact? It must be really cheap to report on tweeting and facebook entries as fact with absolutely no journalistic value add. Comes across as not much more than a call to action for the yobs. ...

There aren't any "journalists" in the age of 24-hour news. They're all reporters who add absolutely nothing to what you can see on screen.


The Zohan 08 August 2011 08:54 AM

Originally Posted by hutton_d (Post 10174949)
I'm not implying that you're a "crim", just that by perpetuating the myth that "bored" kids have to turn to crime you're part of the problem.

There aren't any "journalists" in the age of 24-hour news. They're all reporters who add absolutely nothing to what you can see on screen.


Spot on!:)

JTaylor 08 August 2011 09:17 AM

Why do a number of the aggrieved young men have such difficulties pronouncing the word "ask"? :Suspiciou

Chip 08 August 2011 09:24 AM

Originally Posted by Shaid (Post 10174822)
Mus i appreciate that you have obviously seen certain police officers act like twats and naturally are very cynical of them however bare this in mind.

I'm a brownie. Where i live in Birmingham other brownie's commit most of the insurance fraud, motoring offences, etc, etc. I have been pulled over by many a police officer. When they initially give me the attitude test i respond positively which has ultimately worked in my favour. The police will deal with a lot of brownie twats where i live. When they pull me over they must be thinking they have another one. When they speak to me and i come across all geek and proud, polite, respectful but factual they respect this hence why i have no issue with them and why when i have been in the wrong i have been let off with a slapped wrist.

The point i'm getting at is that granted there are twats in Totenham that the police will be constantly dealing with, in fact they will have had it upto there (points at forehead) with said twats. The police might be following a policy where every Totenhamer is a **** unless proven otherwise.

Pass the attitude test and all will be dandy.

Finally please do not attempt to explain why said rioters, police station protesters are the way they are. There is no need to justify their behaviour.

Well said bro.:thumb:


matty01 08 August 2011 09:44 AM

Originally Posted by boxst (Post 10173502)
Just catching up ... this is about a CRIMINAL being shot and killed by the Police?

Why on earth are they riotting about that?


'cos they are criminals too,scared of bieng shot by cops, frikin' scum the lot of 'em

matty01 08 August 2011 09:48 AM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 10174963)
Why do a number of the aggrieved young men have such difficulties pronouncing the word "ask"? :Suspiciou

Don't axe me....

gallois 08 August 2011 09:52 AM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 10174963)
Why do a number of the aggrieved young men have such difficulties pronouncing the word "ask"? :Suspiciou

You have to arks?

The same thing with people actually believing that when they buy something, it becomes something they 'Brought'.

Someone has 'Brought' something daily on scoobynet.

TelBoy 08 August 2011 09:55 AM

I reckon there are lots of areas in the UK where they've just been looking for an excuse to have a rage against the machine. This could easily gain momentum. The Police need to be decisive against these human scum. There is never justification for smashing up your own High Street. Arrest the lot of them.

matty01 08 August 2011 09:56 AM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 10173513)
Because they haven't evolved sufficiently. :)

spot on.

Chip 08 August 2011 10:12 AM

Originally Posted by TelBoy (Post 10175018)
Arrest the lot of them.

Yep, then use their assets (if they have any) to pay for any damage caused. For those who are UK citizens there must be stiff sentences applied quickly. And those illegaly in the UK they should be deported on the next flight out, no appeals.


SirFozzalot 08 August 2011 10:42 AM

Originally Posted by Mus (Post 10174826)
fair play and I agree a 100% but the point i want to make is, the police here will see certain individuals who they know well and are known to cause trouble. but because of there appearance or they walking in a group police officers will be to scared to approach them and ask them questions or tell them to break up as a group of hoddies can be intimidating. instead they like to stop me when I'm wearing my suit with a client on a busy day and do 15 min checks on my car delay my appointment and my whole day. the police in tottenham are too scared to stop certain individuals.

Beacuse as soon as the police step in to do something they are seen as being heavy handed and the locals start to riot! :rolleyes:

astraboy 08 August 2011 10:49 AM

The heart felt response to this Mark being gunned down by the police is pathetic There was a little girl killed by gangster a few months back, where's the rioters against gangsters killing innocent children? Where's the rioters about the stabbing a few weeks ago in a pointless postcode war? Where's the heart felt human response to there being 10 automatic weapons missing on the streets of east london and in the grasp of some crazy crack dealers? WHERE?

Police make a mistake and thousands of dead beats start flooding the streets screaming "Seeen! SEEEEENN! BABYLON innit?"

Suitable candidates for euthanasia at birth, the lot of em.

J4CKO 08 August 2011 11:10 AM

I sympathise with the Police, dealing with stuff like this, no wonder they get arsey, all the smart arse little pricks knowing they cant do anything, all softly softly because the minute they break a few heads, heads of those takign what does not belong to them its all enquiries and police complaints commission for years and years so they dare not touch anyone regardless of what crime they are commiting.

So the country is on its uppers, this lot is wrecking the joing, that money has to come from somewhere, the minute if cuts into them or their "babymothers" benefits they will be all upset, so I guess this will spread to the rest of London and then other cities, oh ****ing nice one, mass civil disobedience, more stuff wrecked for no reason.

I reckon they will need to send in the army, and I agree with Mus, rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannons, maximum prejudice.

Leslie 08 August 2011 11:22 AM

Mrs Leslie and I thank our lucky stars that we are living in an "old fashioned" area where people still have respect for others and there is no sign of the "gang culture"round here, so far anyway.

I feel very sorry for the innocent people who have suffered one way or another at the hands of these louts!


The Zohan 08 August 2011 11:47 AM

Originally Posted by astraboy (Post 10175089)
The heart felt response to this Mark being gunned down by the police is pathetic There was a little girl killed by gangster a few months back, where's the rioters against gangsters killing innocent children? Where's the rioters about the stabbing a few weeks ago in a pointless postcode war? Where's the heart felt human response to there being 10 automatic weapons missing on the streets of east london and in the grasp of some crazy crack dealers? WHERE?

Police make a mistake and thousands of dead beats start flooding the streets screaming "Seeen! SEEEEENN! BABYLON innit?"

Suitable candidates for euthanasia at birth, the lot of em.

I think this gives a good insight into the minds of those who are causing the trouble
. About time the decent and upstanding members of the communities worked with the police to sort out the problems! The Police are not perfect, the community isn't either but working together could go some way to building relationships and making the streets safer and better. The police and only police the streets with the consent and support of the communities

Shaid 08 August 2011 12:17 PM

Originally Posted by Mus (Post 10174826)
fair play and I agree a 100% but the point i want to make is, the police here will see certain individuals who they know well and are known to cause trouble. but because of there appearance or they walking in a group police officers will be to scared to approach them and ask them questions or tell them to break up as a group of hoddies can be intimidating. instead they like to stop me when I'm wearing my suit with a client on a busy day and do 15 min checks on my car delay my appointment and my whole day. the police in tottenham are too scared to stop certain individuals.

I understand. However let's look at it from the Police officers eyes.

First of all in order to get a worthwile conviction plod need evidence. Crims who are upto no good know this and naturally use it to their advantage. I grass on drug dealers in Birmingham. Mainly because i hate them, HATE them with avengance, i feel that we as society let them get away with thier business. If we were all to confront them and tell them to piss off they will get the message but thats another thread in itself.

Anyway what i'm getting at is that most drug dealers in Birmingham only carry enough on them to be done for possession not supply. Now imagine you are plod and these c*nts continually carry enough to be done for possession only, imagine the effect that will have on your self esteem. You know these guys are dealing but you cannot do anything about it as they only carry enough for possession. Then when you are having a word they all know their rights and exactly how to abuse the human rights act not to mention the little **** who will be recording the whole conversation on his mobile in order try and get you to trip. The little oinks will do anything they can to annoy plod and they know that plod can not do anything about it. To top it all off when you do get a conviction, it will be a laughingly short one too or maybe a paltry fine akin to the value of a set of Reebok Classics. Being a copper in this country must be soo ****.

I actually feel sorry for plod. Is there a charity i can donate to that supports them?

mamoon2 08 August 2011 12:29 PM

It seems that there is a common factor in the Black community of not having a male role model. The fathers seem to just feck off and this has happened for generations, so now we are 3 generations deep into people with no positive male guidance in their lives.

A consequence of this is they have no morales or respect.

Before anyone calls me rasict, we have a family member with 3 kids to Black men who confirms this is a common thing.

Shaid 08 August 2011 12:39 PM

This might be the case with more chavier parts of the black community however the same can be said for everyone. You only need to go into any shopping centre to see it populated by pushchairs and millions of single mums.

In fact i wonder what the average bus looks like during the day. Is the ground floor packed with pushchairs? Anyone know?

Tidgy 08 August 2011 12:50 PM

So after all the bull and posturing previously in this thread,

did he or did he not have a gun?
did he or did he not shot at police?
or did his gob get him shot? aka e was being verbaly abusive and it escilated form there

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