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hodgy0_2 20 January 2015 10:01 PM

send me the link - was that interview in the street, on the day

Maz 20 January 2015 10:02 PM

Hodgy I think we have mutual respect. I value your opinion and like your balanced and reasoned thinking. I'll admit some of the conspiracy theory go from the sublime to ridiculous. However citing the Barry Jennings case, he did initially say he was stepping over people. He later retracted that but he is on camera saying he was stepping over bodies.

gary77 20 January 2015 10:05 PM

hodgy0_2 20 January 2015 10:15 PM

Sure, and he retracted it

Presumably, he was in quite a stressful situation, quite a lot going on that day no

I have posted this before, - read it, it explains this stuff

gary77 20 January 2015 10:20 PM

Okay so you believe his first and second interviews were the lies not the BBC interview and his death not suspicious. Sorry I'm not convinced by your theory

Martin2005 20 January 2015 11:32 PM

Originally Posted by neil-h (Post 11607842)
You're forgetting the second (and most important) part of a conspiracy theory. It is only a theory, so the application of fact/logic isn't entirely necessary or indeed in some cases carried out at all (hence shape shifting lizard overlords and Elvis' secret bunker under Graceland which he shares with Princess Diana and Hitler).

Now for your first point. Lets assume hypothetically that it was a US government op. To maintain plausible deniability, the president would have kept out of the loop. So the decision would have come from one of the joint chiefs and they would most likely have a black ops group who would ultimately carry out the attack.

Something of the scale of a 9/11 attack would most likely be kept completely off the record. So any potential leak would have to come from someone directly involved and if you keep the number of people involved to a minimum, keep track of everyone involved (to ensure secrecy of course) shouldn't be difficult.

Hundreds of people would have needed to be involved. Hundreds!
The Joint Chiefs ordered the attack? Seriously? The people who are sworn to protect the US woke up one day and decided it would be a good idea to murder thousands of their fellow citizens, including an attack on their own HQ, killing fellow defence employees?

I'm pretty sure you don't actually believe this.

The bottom line in all this is that people need to be involved and people make mistakes, people talk, and people are not good at keeping quiet. Something of this magnitude would be impossible to keep secret.

Carnut 21 January 2015 12:42 AM

Originally Posted by Maz (Post 11608275)
Hodgy I think we have mutual respect. I value your opinion and like your balanced and reasoned thinking. I'll admit some of the conspiracy theory go from the sublime to ridiculous. However citing the Barry Jennings case, he did initially say he was stepping over people. He later retracted that but he is on camera saying he was stepping over bodies.

Barry Jennings Mystery - YouTube

Find it hard to watch these vids, is like watching an episode of Coronation Street, equally embarrassing.
Barry is just some drama queen, "blown back into level 8", he just about stopped short of saying 'don't look down Jack'.
What a joke, that man is one of those people that spends his whole life taking bull. I have a friend who does the same, if it wasn't for him being a nice guy that would do anything for you I'd have nothing to do with him. But despite that, my mate will tell some pretty exciting sh1t, all bull.

Barry thought there would have been bodys there but didn't see them, because he didn't want to feel left out he added it to his drama series on live news. He then had his bluff called and the lies continue.

lozgti1 21 January 2015 04:02 AM

Originally Posted by Martin2005 (Post 11608335)
Hundreds of people would have needed to be involved. Hundreds!
The Joint Chiefs ordered the attack? Seriously? The people who are sworn to protect the US woke up one day and decided it would be a good idea to murder thousands of their fellow citizens, including an attack on their own HQ, killing fellow defence employees?

. a few headlines!

hodgy0_2 21 January 2015 07:27 AM

Originally Posted by gary77 (Post 11608292)
Okay so you believe his first and second interviews were the lies not the BBC interview and his death not suspicious. Sorry I'm not convinced by your theory

Ok, why did he not mention the dead bodies to the reporter who interviewed him in the street, on the day

Originally Posted by Carnut (Post 11608353)

Barry thought there would have been bodys there but didn't see them, because he didn't want to feel left out he added it to his drama series on live news. He then had his bluff called and the lies continue.

I suspect it is this ^ - but I don't remember him talking about bodies on the live interview

Carnut 21 January 2015 09:11 AM

Originally Posted by hodgy0_2 (Post 11608404)
Ok, why did he not mention the dead bodies to the reporter who interviewed him in the street, on the day

I suspect it is this ^ - but I don't remember him talking about bodieson the live interview

Yeah, could be right, would give him more time to play Chinese whispers in his head.

Geezer 21 January 2015 09:31 AM

Originally Posted by gary77 (Post 11608168)
a list of people who may have been killed to cover up the truth

someone asked how they can keep there secrets

i dont expect to be able to change anyones opinions on what they believe to be the truth, some people will believe the goverment and mainstream media and others will ask questions and look a bit deeper

there are no answers just lots of questions

How about a list if people who have died since, full stop?. For some reason, conspiracy theorists think that anyone involved in one of these events must live for 20 years afterward, otherwise they have been bumped off to cover up 'the truth'.

They ignore all the people, quite often just as vocal as the ones who have died, who have not died. Who is choosing who dies and who lives? Also, I would be interested to see the figures on odd or suspicious deaths of people who

a) have never said anything about 9/11 but were involved
b) supported the official version of events.

Once again it is the worst kind of cherry picking. People die, sometimes they die in odd situations. Not all car crashes or tragic accidents are the work of men in black suits. Think about what you're saying, apply just a modicum of common sense to it.

f1_fan 21 January 2015 12:06 PM

Good laugh this thread, next you'll be telling me that David Kelly's death wasn't suspicious ;)

neil-h 21 January 2015 12:41 PM

Originally Posted by Martin2005 (Post 11608335)
Hundreds of people would have needed to be involved. Hundreds!
The Joint Chiefs ordered the attack? Seriously? The people who are sworn to protect the US woke up one day and decided it would be a good idea to murder thousands of their fellow citizens, including an attack on their own HQ, killing fellow defence employees?

I'm pretty sure you don't actually believe this*.

The bottom line in all this is that people need to be involved and people make mistakes, people talk, and people are not good at keeping quiet. Something of this magnitude would be impossible to keep secret.

*Just to confirm, no indeed I don't. I find the majority of conspiracy theories to be pretty far fetched. Also I'd just like to state that the comments below are purely to add balance and depth to the discusasion, rather than just reading the normal "oh you're just brainwashed" crap.

Now back to the actual quesions. I don't think you would need to involve hundreds of people, it only takes 1-2 people to fly a plane. So 3 planes, that's 6 people at most (be that flying remote or on board). Then you have the person who initially conceived the plan and the person who is tasked with implimenting it and a small team to fabricate the cover story. You're probably looking in the order of tens of people, not hundreds.

As for the joint chieds being sworn to protect, it's a case of looking at the bigger picture (seeing the wood from the trees). Depending on how callous you wish to be, a few thousand in a country of in excess of 316 million is a tiny percentage and maybe deemed acceptable losses given the end goal (what ever that happens to be).

hodgy0_2 21 January 2015 12:54 PM

Originally Posted by Geezer (Post 11608468)
How about a list if people who have died since, full stop?. For some reason, conspiracy theorists think that anyone involved in one of these events must live for 20 years afterward, otherwise they have been bumped off to cover up 'the truth'.

They ignore all the people, quite often just as vocal as the ones who have died, who have not died. Who is choosing who dies and who lives? Also, I would be interested to see the figures on odd or suspicious deaths of people who

a) have never said anything about 9/11 but were involved
b) supported the official version of events.

Once again it is the worst kind of cherry picking. People die, sometimes they die in odd situations. Not all car crashes or tragic accidents are the work of men in black suits. Think about what you're saying, apply just a modicum of common sense to it.

yes, you see the "what are the chances" tactic used all the time by conspiracy theorist

it is like trying to argue that winning the lottery is impossible, on the basis that your chances are next to zero

when in fact, winning the lottery is a very common event

so what are the chances of you winning the lottery - Zero

what are the chance of the lottery being won - very high

bonesetter 21 January 2015 12:59 PM

You seem to be a quite vocal conspiracy theory commentator, with more enthusiasm than the theorists themselves :)

dpb 21 January 2015 01:11 PM

Obviously, he's in on it. ...;)

Miniman 21 January 2015 01:17 PM

Originally Posted by bonesetter (Post 11608612)
You seem to be a quite vocal conspiracy theory commentator, with more enthusiasm than the theorists themselves :)

Personally I think it commendable that someone is taking the time to show them for the fools they are. I personally just shake my head and wonder at how they can be so gullible.

bonesetter 21 January 2015 01:31 PM

Well, as the 'no' votes have passed the 30% now, so there's hope yet for the gullible's

hodgy0_2 21 January 2015 01:51 PM

Originally Posted by bonesetter (Post 11608612)
You seem to be a quite vocal conspiracy theory commentator, with more enthusiasm than the theorists themselves :)

lol, I simply hate lazy whoolly thinking

99.9% of the "questions" have been answered, time and time again - it does not take long really and in a way that is the tragedy

people just don't like the answers

Tidgy 21 January 2015 01:52 PM

Eye witness accounts are always going to be debated no mater what, people use the same words for different meanings, eg 'i was stepping over bodies', couple mean 2 or 200.

There was a program on TV about how people perceive things and 10 people were showed the same video, when asked about aspects of the video they responded with multiple different answers. They then put a plant in who sugested certain things adn the people agreed with the plant, despite being totaly wrong.

Geezer 21 January 2015 01:53 PM

Originally Posted by neil-h (Post 11608593)
*Just to confirm, no indeed I don't. I find the majority of conspiracy theories to be pretty far fetched. Also I'd just like to state that the comments below are purely to add balance and depth to the discusasion, rather than just reading the normal "oh you're just brainwashed" crap.

Now back to the actual quesions. I don't think you would need to involve hundreds of people, it only takes 1-2 people to fly a plane. So 3 planes, that's 6 people at most (be that flying remote or on board). Then you have the person who initially conceived the plan and the person who is tasked with implimenting it and a small team to fabricate the cover story. You're probably looking in the order of tens of people, not hundreds.

As for the joint chieds being sworn to protect, it's a case of looking at the bigger picture (seeing the wood from the trees). Depending on how callous you wish to be, a few thousand in a country of in excess of 316 million is a tiny percentage and maybe deemed acceptable losses given the end goal (what ever that happens to be).

The problem I see with this is that even if it's conceived by one of chiefs of staff (or whoever), they still have to share the idea with enough people to carry it off. Some of them will not be comfortable with it, hard to keep quiet. I don't imagine it's easy to find 8 people willing to just die, that is not the American way, they are not Jihadists, so you are left with trying to get the real terrorists to carry out your idea. That opens up all sorts of issues, which I don't believe they would overcome. But let's say they do, essentially you have real terrorists carrying out the wishes of a single person, or very few persons that the wider government has no idea about. It's not the US government, it's a rogue element.

The stories about wide spread US govt involvement, missiles, remote controlled planes, hiding or murdering the occupants of 4 planes, planting charges in one of the busiest buildings in the world undetected are so preposterous they don't even warrant consideration, let alone "answering".

So, whether it was conceived and executed by Al Qaeda, or concevied and executed by a very small, rogue element within US govt, you are still left with the same result. Nearly 3k people killed by terrorists, by flying real planes full of innocent people into 3 buildings and crashing in a field, not the US government.

The comment about the greater good doesn't hold water either, as those sort of decisions are usually to sacrifice elements of your military, or your lands to gain a better position. If this had been done, but what has the US gained? The US population has less freedoms now, it's not as if their economy has boomed as a result of it. This would be more of someone persuing their own aims at the expense of the US people, as opposed to for them. The US military might have more funding, but in an economy that size, I doubt the increase in military expenditure is enough to rescue it. They don't need increased security, they already have the biggest military budget in the world. Their army isn't exactly poorly armed ;)

hodgy0_2 21 January 2015 02:00 PM

Originally Posted by Tidgy (Post 11608647)
Eye witness accounts are always going to be debated no mater what, people use the same words for different meanings, eg 'i was stepping over bodies', couple mean 2 or 200.

There was a program on TV about how people perceive things and 10 people were showed the same video, when asked about aspects of the video they responded with multiple different answers. They then put a plant in who sugested certain things adn the people agreed with the plant, despite being totaly wrong.

yep, and conspiracy theorists pick the one guy in New York that day - who says he did not see a plane

and use that as evidence of a conspiracy

whereas in actual fact the opposite is true - if everyone saw a plane that would be more unusual and evidence of a conspiracy

in the normal course of events like this you would EXPECT some difference

gary77 21 January 2015 02:20 PM

hodgy0_2 21 January 2015 02:30 PM

are you saying that hearing Barry Jennings say "explosions" is the same as there being "explosives"

is that what you are saying - are you conflating "Explosions" with explosives

gary77 21 January 2015 02:34 PM

What is your opinion on the terrorists passport being found in the street , is that bbelievable and not at all strange ?

gary77 21 January 2015 02:37 PM

I was saying that there are witnesses that heard explosions , before the towers fell and therefore before any damage to wtc7

Tidgy 21 January 2015 02:42 PM

Originally Posted by gary77 (Post 11608671)
What is your opinion on the terrorists passport being found in the street , is that bbelievable and not at all strange ?

you never seen plane crash wreckage before? baggage goes everywhere

hotsam 21 January 2015 02:43 PM

I lived in Arlington, Virginia on 9/11 (the location of the Pentagon). Plenty of people witnessed it. I know people who saw it. The 757 had to fly over a major highway before hitting the building.

This is a stupid theory kept alive by people with nothing better to do.

Zuber 21 January 2015 02:49 PM

Anyone that is not part of the sheep massive will see the truth! Mossad , CIA , MI6 and lots of other agencies who are part of the ZOG killed all those innocent people that day! Gave the ZOG the perfect excuse to start another War on the false pretence that America had just suffered a major terrorist attack killing thousands and destroying part of a major American city.

There is plenty of evidence out there to prove that no old man in a cave masterminded the attack, he was a ZOG glove puppet! Everything folks is pointing toward full destabilisation of the West with all the proxy wars going on in Muslim lands and the mass influx of pissed off Muslims into our lands masterminded by the ZOG!

Tick Tock, just a matter of time before all hell breaks loose!

hodgy0_2 21 January 2015 03:03 PM

Originally Posted by gary77 (Post 11608676)
I was saying that there are witnesses that heard explosions , before the towers fell and therefore before any damage to wtc7

ok - just so we are absolutely 100% clear, hearing "explosions" is NOT I repeat NOT the same, in anyway shape or form the same as hearing explosives go off

so a simple example is an exploding gas leak in a house - a big "explosion", but no I repeat no Dynamite, Kryptonite or semtex involved

please tell me you understand that Gary, as I can guarantee you my 8 year old will

I suppose maybe the confusion comes because both words have similar letters

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