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bioforger 20 September 2017 07:24 PM

Originally Posted by JackClark (Post 11966648)
I'm guessing Android had this in 2012?

Pad free wireless charging supported by iPhone 8 and X

heh Jack you make me laugh, it's not even available yet and when it is will only work at a range of 1 foot, what's the point? :lol1: and ~$200, feck that hah. I think i'll wait til the tech has evolved a bit, by which time all android devices will be making use of it properly.

JackClark 20 September 2017 08:04 PM

Originally Posted by bioforger (Post 11966974)
heh Jack you make me laugh, it's not even available yet and when it is will only work at a range of 1 foot, what's the point? :lol1: and ~$200, feck that hah. I think i'll wait til the tech has evolved a bit, by which time all android devices will be making use of it properly.

I have no idea what the point is, I just wanted to laugh at your reaction.

bioforger 20 September 2017 09:01 PM


JackClark 20 September 2017 11:10 PM

Originally Posted by bioforger (Post 11967018)

Hardly, trolling takes effort. You troll yourself.

bioforger 20 September 2017 11:15 PM

Originally Posted by JackClark (Post 11967044)
Hardly, trolling takes effort. You troll yourself.

No it doesn't all it needs is a lack of intelligence which you are a champion of ;)

andy97 22 September 2017 04:54 PM

How the world has moved on from the heady frenzied days of the new Apple device. Only a handful of people queue outside Apple in London where only a few years ago they would be laying vigel for the new device. At last normality has returned. It's a phone that's all

Petem95 22 September 2017 05:38 PM

Originally Posted by andy97 (Post 11967438)
How the world has moved on from the heady frenzied days of the new Apple device. Only a handful of people queue outside Apple in London where only a few years ago they would be laying vigel for the new device. At last normality has returned. It's a phone that's all

It'll be interesting to see if there are a load of clowns queuing up for the iPhone X. I expect there will be a lot more interest in that, but regardless it's clear demand is much lower than Apple expected for the 8.

This Chinese Apple store had loads of barriers ready for hoards of buyers, but had to just pack them away when only a handful of people turned up! This doesn't look good for Apple, but they probably did originally plan to release the 8 at the same time as the X.

The face-recognition unlock will need to work well on the X. If this is a bit flaky, or twins and other family members find they can unlock someones phone, then I think a lot of X models will get returned.

JackClark 22 September 2017 07:11 PM

Originally Posted by andy97 (Post 11967438)
How the world has moved on from the heady frenzied days of the new Apple device. Only a handful of people queue outside Apple in London where only a few years ago they would be laying vigel for the new device. At last normality has returned. It's a phone that's all

Kin hell Andyroid, that’s committed of you, not many would go to look at a queue.

JackClark 25 September 2017 09:04 AM

dpb 25 September 2017 11:03 AM

Ridiculous , is it going to replace your laptop/tablet ?

because you could of course buy both a phone sim spec and tab for the same outlay

JackClark 25 September 2017 11:13 AM

My 6+ to a great degree has replaced my Laptop and Tablet when they're not around.

I haven't bought a Laptop since 2010 and I don't intend on buying one again. That one is still a rock start due to buying clever.

I can get £200 for my current device in CEX so can sell it for more than that, lets say £250, it's almost perfect and is still an all day device. That's £500 total in 3 years, cheap. This one is £250 more and there's a lot more to it, it's the pinnacle of it's generation so will be long lasting, I expect four years. You moaners never look at Total Cost of Ownership.

jonc 25 September 2017 02:44 PM

Good luck!!

JackClark 25 September 2017 03:11 PM

Originally Posted by jonc (Post 11967922)

I like the comment half way down "who the hell is using phones to call people" I'll let you know if and when I use it.

dpb 25 September 2017 03:33 PM

Why on earth would you shell out that sort wedge to make a call lol

bioforger 25 September 2017 03:36 PM

£950 for an un-innovative crackling pos, must sting a bit that.

dpb 25 September 2017 03:56 PM

Don't suppose it'll take more than 13 months get software fix

bioforger 25 September 2017 03:59 PM

Only 13mnths ;) this was an issue on some of the 7's too I've read, sounds like Apple's QC is lacking to say the least! How the feck can you release something without testing the earpiece properly :s Chinese tatt :)

JackClark 25 September 2017 04:32 PM

Ha! You fools, reading about problems with products you don't own... still... years now.

I've purchased the pinnacle of development for a generation of iPhones and mobile devices in general. The X changes the game quite radically and I'd buy it but I can't afford to buy two in a row for **** and kicks anymore so I'll start to look at the Xs or whatever it's called. Some of your favourite manufacturers may be broken trying to keep up, for the next three years every device you buy will be competing with the one I just bought, face it.

dpb 25 September 2017 05:32 PM

I'm pretty sure my 6s problems have been software , as well as dodgy aerial

dpb 25 September 2017 05:34 PM

( despite a Genius telling me they couldn't find anything wrong....)

dpb 25 September 2017 05:36 PM

Its all hunky dory now , but only with good 4g sig :)

bioforger 25 September 2017 05:59 PM

Originally Posted by JackClark (Post 11967941)
Ha! You fools, reading about problems with products you don't own... still... years now.

I've purchased the pinnacle of development for a generation of iPhones and mobile devices in general. The X changes the game quite radically and I'd buy it but I can't afford to buy two in a row for **** and kicks anymore so I'll start to look at the Xs or whatever it's called. Some of your favourite manufacturers may be broken trying to keep up, for the next three years every device you buy will be competing with the one I just bought, face it.

i do own one though luls, a 7, doesn't have the crackly issue though. Hah the X changes nothing unless you are 10 and addicted to emojis.

JackClark 25 September 2017 06:28 PM

Originally Posted by bioforger (Post 11967989)
i do own one though luls, a 7, doesn't have the crackly issue though. Hah the X changes nothing unless you are 10 and addicted to emojis.

Oh ****, why did I buy one today when I already own one, thanks for the heads up I’ll cancel.

The ability to to recognise objects to a level that’s secure enough for banks, nothing. You see emojis I see possibility, it’s why you’re a **** and I’m not.

JackClark 25 September 2017 06:29 PM

Originally Posted by dpb (Post 11967973)
Its all hunky dory now , but only with good 4g sig :)

Youre saying I’m right again.

dpb 25 September 2017 06:41 PM

Not really though

how is it my 50 quid android ( as it happens) is able to cope with 3g sig ?!

bioforger 25 September 2017 06:52 PM

Originally Posted by JackClark (Post 11968000)
Oh ****, why did I buy one today when I already own one, thanks for the heads up I’ll cancel.

The ability to to recognise objects to a level that’s secure enough for banks, nothing. You see emojis I see possibility, it’s why you’re a **** and I’m not.

Bank security is awful though :) and by the time that's in use the iphone XX will be coming out, just like your imaginary air charging. Possibilities my arse, in reality it offers nothing more than any other current phone for sale. To think otherwise is moronic.

JackClark 25 September 2017 08:13 PM

Originally Posted by dpb (Post 11968004)
Not really though

how is it my 50 quid android ( as it happens) is able to cope with 3g sig ?!

Try an iPhone from that era too, 4s is still good.

JackClark 25 September 2017 08:16 PM

Originally Posted by bioforger (Post 11968008)
Bank security is awful though :) and by the time that's in use the iphone XX will be coming out, just like your imaginary air charging. Possibilities my arse, in reality it offers nothing more than any other current phone for sale. To think otherwise is moronic.

Apple have added something current phones don’t have, luckily for you it will help the blind greatly. You know that notch? It has stuff in it.

bioforger 25 September 2017 08:31 PM

What, that will actually be useful when it's released?

JackClark 25 September 2017 10:15 PM

Originally Posted by bioforger (Post 11968032)
What, that will actually be useful when it's released?

You don’t see what it does for imaging and that’s fine by me. It had better be good out of the box or the lack of secure login will make the news, Did you not see anything other than emoji? Don’t be a cock, you’re sometimes quite normal.

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