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MarkO 02 July 2003 11:15 PM

Don't think this will be as serious, 'cos we're in teams and take it in turn. Each lap's about 12 miles, and apparently takes about 40-50 minutes (30-odd for the Elite guys). Having said that, there's some nutters who are doing it solo (i.e., not in teams!). :eek: :D

BTW, Imlach, want to sort out that scanner some time? :)

imlach 02 July 2003 11:26 PM

MarkO - yes, would like to sort out the scanner soon if poss - very grateful!

Unless you know of a time you're in Edinburgh, I guess it's easiest to pick it up from Peebles????

Used to cycle down to Peebles quite often in my spare time, but not done it for years....

MarkO 03 July 2003 07:04 AM

I've got friends up from today until Tuesday, so it'll probably have to be next week now. If you fancy it we could meet up at Glentress, for the 'exchange' and get a ride in at the same time. :D

Email me and we'll sort it out. :)

imlach 03 July 2003 07:14 AM

Mark, yes, I emailed you last night should have it by now....????

Next week is fine......

MarkO 08 July 2003 09:30 AM

Quick question for all you MTBers....

Our 4th team member for Sleepless in the Saddle has dropped out, and so it means we're one person short of a full team of 4. This means we won't be able to take part after all. :(

Is anyone here fit enough & mad enough to fancy giving it a go who might want to join our team? :D

It'll cost about £40 to enter (but you get a free t-shirt ;)) and will be damned hard work, but should also be fine. We've got lights sorted, so that won't be a problem. And don't worry if you've not done night riding before - only two of us have.

Full details about it here.

If you're interested, email me at, or use the address on my profile. :D

Molds 10 July 2003 11:57 AM

Don't think I am fit enough Mark!

Out of interest what category are you entering?



PS Good Luck!

MarkO 10 July 2003 01:09 PM

We were going to enter in the "men's enthusiast" section.

Unfortunately, despite me having found another team member, it seems that the other two guys in the team aren't really so keen. So we've had to call it off now. :( :( :(

To be fair, one of them is on holiday for the last 3 weeks in July, and is moving house the weekend after Sleepless but even so, it's a bit annoying. Particularly as the reasons they've given is that they don't think they'll be able to trust the level of committment from everyone in the team. Yet they're the ones pulling out! :rolleyes:

Ah well, next year maybe. :D

On the upside, I had riser bars, new front brake cable & a new bottom bracket fitted to my bike, and my Judy XCs completely serviced and lubed this week - went out on them last night, and it's like having a brand new bike! The forks now go boing instead of squelch. :D :D :D

My hands now don't ache after and hours' on the rocky stuff, and I was loads quicker on the downhills. Best thing was that the whole thing (including parts & labour) cost me a tenner. :D

Molds 10 July 2003 02:39 PM

Sorry to hear its gone pear shaped :-(

I generally cant't be bothered organising any trips or events anymore. People are a pain in the a$$!

austen_wrx 10 July 2003 02:45 PM

bar humbug to you too :p;)

MarkO 13 July 2003 02:33 PM

All you central Scottish MTBers, FYI I've just been to Glentress, where they've now opened (yesterday) a brand new shop. It's excellent, loads of exciting new stuff to spend money (which I don't have) on, including some amazing new bikes.

They've got loads of demo/hire options too, like you can hire a £3,000 Scott bike (after having a play with it, I want one :D) for £35 per day on the trails to see if you like it before you buy. :D

Anyway, worth a trip if you're out that way. :D

The_Gza 17 July 2003 12:29 AM

Sounds good :) Which part have they put the new shop into Mark?

Will need to get myself back down to Glentress soon - unfortunately my bro-in-law broke his shoulder whilst out on his MTB a couple of weeks ago and he normally takes his car down :( In fact, the last time he was at Glentress one of the guys he was with broke his collar bone - lucky white heather!

MarkO 17 July 2003 03:21 PM

Chris, it's in the big wooden 'barn' behind the car park, next to the Osprey-watch. They roll the shutters up, and the shop's in there.

If you're up for going to Glentress in the next couple of weeks one of the guys I normally ride with is on holiday, so I'll be out on my own a few times. Just let me know when suits you. :D

You never know, we could persuade SiPie to come out too and make it a mini-SN ride. ;)

Marin 26 July 2003 06:16 PM

Anyone seen the mountain bike films showingon the Extreme channel? Lots of trials type stuff, hopping about on roofs of buildings and jumping across railings etc and some insane downhilling/freeride stuff. One guy, not content with jumping off a rocky outcrop down a 20ish foot drop, was rolling up to the edge and doing an endo and then a forward 360 roll and landing on the wheels again on the downslope!!!

MarkO 03 August 2003 04:38 PM

Possibly a silly question, but does anyone here want a set of brand new (unused) SPD cleats? I had to replace my pedals today (7 years of service finally got the better of them) but the cleats on my shoes are fine.

I gather Shimano cleats cost about 12 quid (:eek:) on their own, so if anyone has a 2nd set of shoes which they're looking for cleats for, they're yours for a fiver + postage (about 80p).


MarkO 08 August 2003 07:32 PM

Seems it's not my week. :(

Just got back from a ride. Had to cut it short after a stick got caught in my chain, wedging the chain between my frame & cassette, and then bending my frame. :(

The stick just started the chain of events. The chain got stuck between the cassette and the hub, dragging the rear mech around and bending the hanger on the frame. :(

Hopefully we should just be able to bend it back, but if it snaps off apparently there's a place in Edinburgh that can weld a new one on for about £40.

Having said that, my wife suggested that if it meant it would be dangerous or unreliable, it might be better if I got a new bike. Sooooo tempting to just say "okay!" and order a £3k carbon-fibre Scott, but must resist..... :)

Marin 08 August 2003 10:40 PM

NEVER pass up a 'wife authorised' bike purchase opportunity, particularly on safety grounds! Get down the bike shop first thing tomorrow :-)

MarkO 09 August 2003 09:55 AM

Don't worry, if there'd been the slightest chance of doing that, I would have. :) :cool:

Unfortunately, the potential to buy a new bike (especially a decent one) is hampered by the fact that I've not really earnt any money since December. :( :rollyes:

DJFish 13 August 2003 03:15 AM


Got a Specialised HardRock Rigid, standard except for SPD's cos I like falling over at traffic lights.
Went out on me bike the other day and a few things were bought home to me:

1: FECK ME I'M UNFIT, but why does my head ache??
Recently been trying to get back into exercise, but everytime I do a long session (10 mile canoe paddle/15 mile MTB peddle) I get really bad headaches.
Is this due to dehydration? do I need a camelback or something similar to up my fluid intake and are there any energy drink formulas around that just replace fluids and salts without loading up with carbs?(I'm trying to lose weight after all!)

2: FECK ME MY AR5E ACHES! Not a great deal I can do about that but stick with it, only thing is, as I'm a fair bigger than I used to be, my forarms kill as well, would bar ends or a cheapo set of front shocks help? (anyone got any for sale?)

Not a lot to say about that one.

Would appreciate your comments on the above, am lacking in motivation as it is and this isn't helping.


Marin 14 August 2003 12:28 AM

Definitely drink as much as you feel you need to. At least if you over do it you can stop and p*ss it back out whereas a headache spoils your ride. A Camelback is the most convenient way. Try Lucozade Sport drink in powder form, available in Boots etc. Fuels you up a treat and tastes OK

austen_wrx 14 August 2003 07:21 AM

The more often you go out on the bike, the less your arse will hurt, i reckon the saddle slowly kills the nerve endings in your backside!:o

MarkO 14 August 2003 07:40 AM

A pair of shorts with a shammy in makes a huge difference to the arse-hurting situation. And remember to get out of the saddle on the downhills. ;)

My bike's still not fixed. :( Needs a whole new rear mech, the wheel rebuilding, and a new chain. At least we appear to have straightened the frame out okay now, so it's not as bad as I first thought.... :eek:

unclebuck 14 August 2003 06:09 PM

There you go. You see, had you a decent frame you would be able to remove and replace the rear hanger :p

Surely this is a good opportunity to upgrade?


[Edited by unclebuck - 8/14/2003 10:41:55 PM]

MarkO 14 August 2003 09:37 PM

Yeah yeah yeah. I've got a decent frame, hence the fact that I don't need to replace the hanger, 'cos the original's fine. :p

I've love to upgrade, but unfortunately I don't have any money right now. That's changing (thanks to some suckers on eBay, and the fact that I'm working at the shop in the Hub, but the upgrade I'm planning (bike-wise) will require far more money than I'll have for a while. ;)

ozzy 14 August 2003 09:49 PM

Was down @ Glentress last night with 4 friends. First time doing any downhill stuff for 3 of us and I loved every minute of it - even the uphill parts, but I'm sadistic.

Had to hire a bike since I haven't got round to getting mine fixed either :(


MarkO 14 August 2003 09:54 PM

I wasn't working last night.

Next time you're down, ask for Mark and I'll say hi. :D

ozzy 14 August 2003 09:59 PM

Dave (DJFish),

If you get headaches this is certainly dehydration. Make sure you drink water throughout the day and drink at least 1L about an hour before you do any exercise. Don't gulp it down, just take small sips frequently.

Keep drinking as you exercise. Not great deal, just take small sips frequently rather than gulping huge amounts as you'll end up gulping air down and give yerself stomach cramps or wind.

Keep sipping water even after exercising.

I drank 1L of Lucozade Sports over the 1.5hrs before my ride yesterday. I drank about another 750ml over the 2.5hrs riding and about another 500ml straight after I finished.

Just how much you should take depends on just how much exercise you do and your current level of fitness. I drank 9L's over Friday/Saturday doing over 18hrs of hill walking around Ben Nevis and I still needed a lot more especially in the recent heat. At points I had no water and had severe headaches for a few hours until I could find a fresh stream (harder than you think at over 3000ft :)) The more you exercise, they more you'll know your own body and it usually gives you feedback on how much hydrated you are.

Water's good, but for heavy exercise you should really take some carb drink. I don't like the powder drinks coz I think they taste too chalky. They're a bit more expensive, but I love the Lucozade Sports drinks.


ozzy 14 August 2003 10:00 PM

So you took the job then? :)


MarkO 14 August 2003 10:06 PM

Not the job, just a job. I'm doing some casual work, helping out in the shop, servicing/cleaning hire bikes, etc. Good fun, and reasonable money (better than nothing, anyway). :D

Still haven't decided about the full-time mechanic's job, but it's still looking like a 'no' ATM.

ozzy 14 August 2003 10:09 PM

Remind me to give my m8's any of the hire bikes you've serviced ;):)

You don't know Chris Marquis by any chance?


MarkO 15 August 2003 07:46 AM

LOL. :D Don't worry - any of the 'technical' servicing (you know, gears, brakes, wheels, frame, stems, cranks, and chainsets) I leave to the experts. ;)

Don't know Chris. Why, is he a regular?

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