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davyboy 12 May 2003 09:19 AM

Still working Mycroft?

Damn them hours are long when you are a security gaurd ;)

MooseRacer 12 May 2003 09:19 AM


MooseRacer 12 May 2003 09:29 AM

God damn you ;)

Claudius 12 May 2003 09:43 AM

I can see how a Soarer and DB7 / Maserati / Eclipse look similar in terms of design though, if you only take the basic shape into account.

If you look at pictures of the cars, they will look different due to different headlights and front look, wheels, etc., but the BASIC SHAPE, ie if you take the car picture and make it black with photoshop and just look a t the bumper, bonnet, windshield inclination, roof, etc, 12 lines like Iain said, then it will be very similar!

juan 12 May 2003 09:49 AM

you seem to have ignored my correct observations of your invalid lookalikes iain - how convenient as usual

Pepper 12 May 2003 09:55 AM

A good car design should look as if it is moving and 'fast' when standing on the driveway.
What, like that your Soarer in the picture I suppose........?


Mycroft 12 May 2003 10:02 AM

Juan... this is everything you have typed since my list...

Thats a joke right?

You're living in cloud cuckoo land if you think those cars look like a Soarer.
You are truly disillusioned and obviously viewing the world through some kind of wierd blurry filter???

Have driven XKR and Viper. Viper was a bit skittish but they're both fun cars though the Jag felt a bit too controlled mainly as it was auto, but the Soarer looks nothing like them, except for the fact its a 2 door and 4 wheeler.

You do understand that cars won't be identical.
.. if you studied design to any extent you would understand what was meant by styling cues.
.. it is the line and definition of certain curves to one another.
.. it is that relationship that shows antecedence.

You have to have the eye for such things.
.. it is a mystery to some but to many others it is second nature.
.. can you draw?
.. are you able to stroke half a dozen lines to convey the basic shape of a car?
.. anyone who can will see what I am saying is correct.

ah you're a designer now.

funny I thought you were a tyre expert, then a suspension buff, then an engineer, and now a designer.

Damn you're good - but then you already know that.

Shame you can't convince anyone else. I wonder why?

Does that warrant a reply as well?


Mycroft 12 May 2003 10:05 AM

And frankly MR2Bob was more interesting.
.. but you're not here because you are 'smart' are you! :D

Alberick 12 May 2003 03:28 PM

I never heard about what you said that the car was too westernized for the Japanese market, therefore not accepted.
Personally I have a lot of experience in Japan (not limited to cars) and know that western things (again, not limited to cars) are generally very well accepted, people are generally more open to foreign things, contrary to western culture has a more "protectionist" mind.

Take the Civic Type R for example: although it is a Japanese car (don't know where it was designed) but the car is actually proudly marketed in Japan as being build in the UK.
Now imagine any Japanese brand trying to sell their car here in Europe as being made in Japan, nobody would buy it....(call it protectionist, racist, xenophobic or whatever you want)

J4CKO 12 May 2003 05:57 PM

Mycroft, tell us a bit more about yourself, I am intrigued as you sound amazingly like this bloke who goes in the local (Yeah, I know pubs are to sedate the drones, it works) but he has many opinions, if you have done it, he has done it better, bigger and faster.

He is about sixty smokes a pipe and wears a shiny white shellsuit most of the time. Oh and he drives a Skoda Fabia and its the best car in the world and will embarass much more expensive machinery.

I need to know more about the man Mycroft (Of course you will clam up), you are fascinating, some true glimpses of a formiddable intellect and also a few statements that either go right above my head or are plain silly (Cue comment in bold confirming the latter)

Come on, Dare you, who is the Enigma that is Mycroft ?

Mycroft 12 May 2003 06:09 PM

I never heard about what you said that the car was too westernized for the Japanese market, therefore not accepted.
Personally I have a lot of experience in Japan (not limited to cars) and know that western things (again, not limited to cars) are generally very well accepted, people are generally more open to foreign things, contrary to western culture has a more "protectionist" mind.
Perhaps I should 'qualify' what I have a little, the pleasure in foreign things is there and that is undeniable... what is difficult is something that does that whilst being built at the A22 plant... so it is neither home grown... or foreign... many thousands were sold and they were considered a great prize... my own was GIVEN to a Doctor as a present by his Employer for his long and glorious service, I know of many like this.
So it is a relative term... they are less common than Skylines and so as that was the target Toyota would say it fell slightly short of hopes.

Mycroft, tell us a bit more about yourself, I am intrigued as you sound amazingly like this bloke who goes in the local... ...about sixty smokes a pipe and wears a shiny white shellsuit most of the time. Oh and he drives a Skoda Fabia and its the best car in the world and will embarass much more expensive machinery.
Poor soul.

I need to know more about the man Mycroft.
Another bloody stalker! hahaha :D

Come on, Dare you, who is the Enigma that is Mycroft ?

I am of no importance.

camk 12 May 2003 06:23 PM

At last a sane Quote from Mycroft

"I am of no importance."

At least you've learned something over the weekend, anyway back to the banter ;)

PS remember to keep an eye on the camera's , you know those pesky kids.

PPS strangely you remind me of the Monty Burns character from The Simpsons. Enigmatic, says he loaded and has no mates. Do you own the Newbury Nuclear Power plant :D

Pepper 12 May 2003 07:15 PM

LMAO @ camk


J4CKO 12 May 2003 07:46 PM

Mycroft's Stalker, cool.

I rooted through his bin (Big Jewel encrusted thing) and found the Holy Grail,

Which was nice....

Mycroft 12 May 2003 07:58 PM

PPS strangely you remind me of the Monty Burns character from The Simpsons. Enigmatic, says he loaded and has no mates. Do you own the Newbury Nuclear Power plant
My son watches the Simpsons... hes' nearly 14 and I believe he is growing out of it... how old are you again?

Mycroft's Stalker, cool.
One of the many, a shared 'coolness' at best.

I would like to carry on with what I have started...

Mycroft 12 May 2003 09:58 PM

Before you edited this post... you were claiming that at 190mph the downforce was pretty much back to zero.
You have started badly, I didn't edit out that bit, it appeared later and has remained intact... mis-quoting me is something that really p!sses me off... I'll accept it this time as a genuine mistake and say no more... please avoid it if you can.

I'd like you to explain how, without the use of moveable aerodynamic devices, you gain more downforce from a car body with 140mph of airflow over it than you do with 200mph of airflow over it, unless there's some serious boundary layer separation at the back at high speed (design flaw).
I would love to answer you, but again I read this and think, 'cool, good quesation' worthy of a sensible answer, then I read this:-
Surely the Soarer is the holy grail of F1 car design -- high downforce when going slowly (bends) and low downforce when going quickly (straights)? Maybe someone should tell Byrne, Head, Newey and Gascoyne to look at the Soarer
and frankly I can't be ahsed... my answer won't get past the sneer... so you keep your sneer to yourself and I'll keep the answer to myself... fair enough?

I had lost all interest in your post by this time... sorry.

trollhunter 12 May 2003 10:04 PM

Anothre tricky question swerved eh mycroft .

carl 12 May 2003 10:07 PM

TBH I don't give a monkey's whether you think it's "worthy" of an answer or not :rolleyes:

The fact that you refuse to provide answers suggests to me -- and I suspect to most people on here -- that despite your assertions to the contrary you don't know the answers.


camk 12 May 2003 10:14 PM

now now girls :D

carl 12 May 2003 10:15 PM

You assume a lot. You assume, for example, that everyone else is thick, when in fact you have absolutely no idea of the level of their knowledge.

This will be my last post on this thread, or indeed any others which you originate, as it's no longer worth my time. TBH the additional utility I might have gained from a small nugget of your almighty wisdom :rolleyes: is far outweighed by having to stand your blinkered attitude.

I suspect that this job which occupies your time is that you are the person who makes up the pseudoscientific technobabble that appears in Star Trek. Maybe your Soarer will benefit from an inverse tachyon beam :rolleyes:

J4CKO 12 May 2003 10:22 PM

"You also don't explain where this 250kg of downforce is generated"

It is Organic in origin and is spouted freely in copious quantities and then shoveled into any spare space in the vehicle.

Mycroft 12 May 2003 10:28 PM

No, Wacko... you are not needed in your capacity as effluent in this instance...

I kinda hoped we would move on to the next design discussion... but it seems I'll have to wait.

When the rabble have settled down... we'll move on.

camk 12 May 2003 10:37 PM

I think the Stuart H comment comes from a previous 'situation' where someone on here was allegedly passing themselves off as a policeman(and giving out lots of legal advice) and eventually turned out to be a security guard...allegedly ;)
If Iain isn't as bright as his posts can sometimes randomly appear he is a dab hand at weeding out related comments from Google. That in itself is a skill.
You can't be thick AND own a Nuclear Power Plant....;)

Pepper 12 May 2003 10:44 PM


Another tw@t who was full of sh!t then.... :D

Pepper 12 May 2003 11:03 PM


camk 12 May 2003 11:03 PM

still working on the humility part of your brain though :rolleyes:

Carlos The Jackel 12 May 2003 11:09 PM

Lmao - Mycroft why are you on Scoobynet?

Pepper 12 May 2003 11:11 PM

Mycroft - in other words you're a D!CK

Pepper 12 May 2003 11:14 PM

I have to dictate and fire the gun... otherwise the I would be in the position I was in when I first went to the MKIV site... they just took the mick and I absorbed it for a couple of months... I kicked back and that got me banned... I jack-boot my way onto sites now... I learn very quickly
...nothing to do with being an arrogant, BSing tw@t then? As in, the same reason(s) you got banned from all those other BBS's....


camk 12 May 2003 11:16 PM

he on a fundamentalist crusade, bumming up the soarer, hoping we'll all want one, therefore raise the demand and as a result push up his residuals ;) Then he'll sell and buy a cheap scoob as we'll be having a fire sale on here....:D

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