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Diesel 09 January 2004 10:16 AM

Totally agree m8 - its that 'honesty' thing... Very real.

Diablo 09 January 2004 10:19 AM


Yeah I'd had enough and decided to move on, but that was for reasons that I thought (at the time) the BBS was going to sh*t.

Not because I got a bit sensitive :eek:

And so I came back as a moderator :) so I could do something about it.

But Luke's issues seem to be different.

So I'll just say bye mate, you did have some valid points (oh, and a bucket load of sh1te as well)

Scoobynet won't miss you, not will it be a worse place. Thats not a dig, just a fact of life....

All the best


ProperCharlie 09 January 2004 10:21 AM

in my mind, the smot important thing to do is to establish what the rules are and then to apply them as evenly as possible. if your rule is that you will not permit something, that's fair enough, but the rule has to be applied as fairly as possible.

imlach 09 January 2004 10:24 AM

in my mind, the smot important thing to do is to establish what the rules are and then to apply them as evenly as possible. if your rule is that you will not permit something, that's fair enough, but the rule has to be applied as fairly as possible.
But this doesn't happen in real life, so how can it here?
Rules applied in law or sport cannot be agreed on - one person thinks it is fair, another doesn't!

ProperCharlie 09 January 2004 10:27 AM

of course everyone won't agree on what's fair and what isn't, but that doesn't mean that fairness should not be the objective.

i'm sure you can understand that :rolleyes:

TelBoy 09 January 2004 10:28 AM

ajm - completely agree.

But isn't it ironic that we have to avoid mentioning the person we all have in mind, just to avoid the latest dose of self-gratifying, anti-community vitriol?

Bizarre situation.

imlach 09 January 2004 10:28 AM

of course everyone won't agree on what's fair and what isn't, but that doesn't mean that fairness should not be the objective.
which is why we have mods.....

ProperCharlie 09 January 2004 10:33 AM

i don't want to labour the point too much, imlach, but the context of my point was in relation to mods applying the rules of the bbs to posters. not whether or not we should have mods.

imlach 09 January 2004 10:35 AM


But this doesn't happen in real life, so how can it here?
Rules applied in law or sport cannot be agreed on - one person thinks it is fair, another doesn't!

ProperCharlie 09 January 2004 10:38 AM


looks like we'll just err... not understand each other in this instance.

<wanders off to my own private utopia where everyone agrees with each other>

iDLe* 09 January 2004 11:22 AM

I only have one word to add to this thread.....


angrynorth 09 January 2004 11:45 AM

The mods have to be here otherwise the BBS would get shut down. They are the spin doctors of the WWW.

"There was an anti-chicken thread here a minute ago, I wanted to sue you because I was offended"

"No there wasn't! Move along people, nothing to see here."

Stop crying about it. If you don't like the moderation then surely just go elsewhere. Its like watching a TV programme then whinging about it when you could have just flicked the channel.

Bye Luke :)

thecirsch 09 January 2004 11:50 AM

Well I'm surprised he didn't blame it on a conspiracy between the Police, the Secret Service and the French authorities........

unclebuck 09 January 2004 12:02 PM

I still don't know what it was that upset him so much.


Simon Lau 09 January 2004 12:10 PM

UB, my reply on page 3...I'm sure that was when he made up his mind!

Spoon 09 January 2004 12:23 PM

I'm sure you're correct Simon.

Which mod was it?

Like we need to ask. :rolleyes:

TelBoy 09 January 2004 12:33 PM

LOL, it pains me to say it, as he's a decent bloke, but i think there's something in that Spoon.

The problem is, you can't factor out the individual judgement of one moderator, so if that individual's judgement is misplaced, it all goes tits-up unnecessarily.

Markus 09 January 2004 01:14 PM

Well, if one mods actions are being called into question then email Simon/Shaun and ask them to look into it. Simple.

The mods are here for a reason and I feel that they have, over the past year or so taken a major bashing for doing their *unpaid* jobs.

Yes, it is hard to separate personal opinions from things, and I would guess this might come into play occasionally, but heck, they are human after all. I would like to see anyone else be impartial 100 percent of the time when modding threads, which is, from what it sounds, what people expect, sorry, won't and cannot happen, as said, mods are human, well, I think they are :D lol :D

I do think the bottom line here is that if you don't like the way moderation is handled, contact the mod(s) in question AND Simon/Shaun and explain why you feel the moderation is/was wrong, otherwise, just up and leave, which is what Luke has decided to do.

I know I have moaned and complained about long threads, and idiot users, etc.. but I've never once complained about the moderation and how and who performs it. I'll make no secret of the fact that I do personally know a few of the mods, simply so people do not think that this is why I don't complain, it's not, plus my knowing mods has no impact on whether a post of mine is edited or not, if I abuse the rules, I expect to be modded just like anyone else, to be honest, I would complain if I 'got away' with something that another user would not.

Anyway, if users feel they have to leave, so be it, their decision.

Spoon 09 January 2004 01:24 PM


to be honest, I would complain if I 'got away' with something that another user would not.

Yeh right.

I'm off to catch the next banana boat.:rolleyes:

Markus 09 January 2004 01:32 PM

Why would I say it if I did not mean it? :rolleyes:

I might post crap now and then but I know where the lines are and I know if I'm about to cross them, and to be honest I usually don't bother, and this is the thing, it's knowing if your post will cross the line or not, however, what you judge is ok and what is judged by others and the mods, will be different.

If my posts get modded then I know I've been a pillock (ok, I *know* I am a pillock :D lol)

Spoon 09 January 2004 01:44 PM


I might post crap now and then
Your above statement had nothing to do with your statement above that.

(hands over new shovel)

V45DSM 09 January 2004 01:59 PM

Chip wrote:

Just stating a fact. Pity a few others on here havent got the balls to say what they want to.
Well, ***, that's because others have a little more decorum.

[Edited by Andy Tang - 1/9/2004 3:03:41 PM]

eClaire 09 January 2004 02:01 PM


Old_Fart 09 January 2004 02:04 PM

Bollox. Luke is a turd who posted only in the hope of stirring up contoversy, to ease the boredom that must be his life. Good riddance.

LG John 09 January 2004 02:11 PM

In reality, I don't know who they are in the real world, they may not be who I think they are, and do I care? No. They just exist on Scoobynet to me. Bit of fun. They certainly don't know anything about the real world version of me
I don't have a real world version of me :confused: I am, who I am, whether I'm face to face, on the phone or at the end of the internet. Most people from SN that have met me thought I'd be some total uneducated ned and most have seen otherwise. I also p!ss around and joke around as much in real life as I do on here when I'm in company that I feel comfortable in. I actually find the thought that some of the people I regards as 'electronic friends' might be total a$$holes in life a little disturbing. I would have thought most people on forums would just be themselves :confused:

I clocked eClaire's personality on here and she turned out exactly like I thought, just a lot better in....<best stop there> ;):D

imlach 09 January 2004 02:13 PM

SB - I'm not saying that the real world versions are all BAD or different, but some may distort their image on here.....

I am the same :) My views on here reflect my real persona.

[Edited by imlach - 1/9/2004 2:15:21 PM]

eClaire 09 January 2004 02:13 PM


Markus 09 January 2004 02:14 PM

Chuck = man enough to say what quite a few of us are thinking! Must say that I do agree here, and if a few other users decided to bugger off too, that would be quite a nice result :)

yoza 09 January 2004 02:17 PM

You cant give a girl a 'pearl necklace'.

Unless 'she' has a trouser snake.:eek:

LG John 09 January 2004 02:21 PM

SB - I'm not saying that the real world versions are all BAD or different, but some may distort their image on here
I apprecaite that :)

I've always been a very open person in real life and I'm like that on here. If you read through EVERY thread I've ever posted you'd actually learn pretty much all there is to know about me even down to my personal grooming habits (:eek::D). Some people are very private people but I am not and I don't really know why :confused: I just be me, because thats all I know to be. I sort of assume therefore that most people are like that too.

The only time I'm not 'me' is if I'm playing online poker where I might type into chat. 'Hi guys, gee I got really lucky in that last hand - this game is great' There are all thinking, 'fish, easy money' and I'm thinking, 'don't think so' :D Other than that ask me any question and I'll answer honestly. Before anyone starts, 'YES, I honestly believe fuel surge was the primary contributing factor even now a year and a half on!' ;):D:p

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