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the moose 21 December 2004 04:06 PM

Originally Posted by TelBoy
It's not the country i grew up in. :(

Looking back to when you grew up, the 1970's, there was a particularly virulent form of trades unionism, huge inflation, declining productivity, and rampant racism.

Attitudes towards people with other than heterosexual inclinations (pure vanilla at that) were extremely negative.

The police force was corrupt, lazy, and largely ineffective.

The prevalence of drink driving was high, as was that of wife-beating.

Life expectancy was around 69.1 (men) and 75.3 (women) in 1971, whereas the comparable figures now are 76.2 (men) and 80.6 (women).

Tax rates were 42% in 1971 for Corporation tax, 39% basic rate on income tax, 75% maximum (though I think this was introduced in 1972).

Three day weeks? Remember those?

You're right, it's not the country you grew up in.

TelBoy 21 December 2004 04:12 PM

Appreciate the lecture, moose, but i *was* focusing on religious senitivities...

the moose 21 December 2004 04:20 PM

Originally Posted by TelBoy
Appreciate the lecture, moose, but i *was* focusing on religious senitivities...

Not a lecture, just pointing out that everything changes.

I'm very pleased that the decline in (Christian) church attendances has accelerated massively since I was a lad, and confidently predict exactly the same to happen with other religions. I know many notionally Jewish people who wouldn't know one end of a synagogue from another, but we need a few more generations of Anglo-Sikh/Muslims before the awful depravity that is Britain can wreak havoc on their communities, as some of their leaders seem to believe.

TelBoy 21 December 2004 04:28 PM

But from where i'm sitting, the country is becoming MORE religious, in an unwelcome and even slightly threatening way, from non-traditional quarters. That's what upsets many UK citizens.

the moose 21 December 2004 04:39 PM

Originally Posted by TelBoy
But from where i'm sitting, the country is becoming MORE religious, in an unwelcome and even slightly threatening way, from untraditional quarters. That's what upsets many UK citizens.

Hang on a minute though, you're only seeing the ones the media want you to see.

Do you feel threatened when you drive past a synagogue on a Saturday, and see some (to my mind) funny-looking blokes with an unhealthy hat fetish? I doubt it. Similarly, if you pass a temple at kicking-out time, there's a lot of turban action going on, but nothing remotely worrying.

The Muslims I'm unsure of - nothing against the religion, but you have to be suspicious of teetotallers - the Sally Army always give me the creeps, if I'm honest.

Overall, ALL religions worry me, none more so than Ulster's finest, Dr Iain "Tolerant" Paisley. after all, we're had armed insurrection for 30 years in Ireland over religion ..... nothing new about zealots perverting their faith to justify their cause.

Leslie 21 December 2004 05:37 PM

I am proud to be British and also have the normal British sense of values. These values seem to be disappearing now to be replaced with those of self centred behaviour, greed and no thought for others. This is backed up by many of the posts on this thread if you read them with a completely open mind.

What has happened to tact and the willingness to go through life without being offensive to others. Why is it necessary to insult others for their beliefs. Is it some kind of macho thing to make the people who do that feel superior in some way. Or is it a way of bullying.

I think that it is just common decency to avoid doing something which is not really necessary but will be grossly offensive to other people. All these excuses about free speech and censorship are absolute nonsense in a situation like this. This is not PC, but simply behaving in a responsible manner. Where is the "artistry" in producing a play like this and setting it somewhere where it is a deep insult to someone else. There must be one of UB's hidden agendas associated with such an action!

It is just down to thinking of others who have done nothing previously to hurt anyone and who feel it is a terrible insult to their way of life. Surely the writer realises this and deserves to be heavily criticised for it.

There is nothing wrong in respecting the beliefs of other people. There is no way that is a "PC" attitude. Its a matter of "live and let live". Its the sort of attitude that promotes a harmonious existence after all and I don't apologise for promoting that.


Jap2Scrap 21 December 2004 06:41 PM

Originally Posted by Leslie
I am proud to be British and also have the normal British sense of values. These values seem to be disappearing now to be replaced with those of self centred behaviour, greed and no thought for others. This is backed up by many of the posts on this thread if you read them with a completely open mind.

What has happened to tact and the willingness to go through life without being offensive to others. Why is it necessary to insult others for their beliefs. Is it some kind of macho thing to make the people who do that feel superior in some way. Or is it a way of bullying.

I think that it is just common decency to avoid doing something which is not really necessary but will be grossly offensive to other people. All these excuses about free speech and censorship are absolute nonsense in a situation like this. This is not PC, but simply behaving in a responsible manner. Where is the "artistry" in producing a play like this and setting it somewhere where it is a deep insult to someone else. There must be one of UB's hidden agendas associated with such an action!

It is just down to thinking of others who have done nothing previously to hurt anyone and who feel it is a terrible insult to their way of life. Surely the writer realises this and deserves to be heavily criticised for it.

There is nothing wrong in respecting the beliefs of other people. There is no way that is a "PC" attitude. Its a matter of "live and let live". Its the sort of attitude that promotes a harmonious existence after all and I don't apologise for promoting that.


Absolutely no doubt that you are 100% correct. Hindsight is wonderful and I agree that setting the play in a place that would provoke outrage and a sense of insult was at best tactless and at worst a shameful attempt to give the piece a high profile (something that's definitely worked). Unfortunately the play has been written. So what to do now? It's definitely wrong to censor something in this way. For all the inherent wrongness of scripting it originally I cannot subscribe to the concept that censorship is good. Protest by all means. Let your feelings be known as is the right of everyone in this 'free' country. Violence (albeit a minority) is never, ever acceptable and I'm afraid the mindless few have ensured the one thing that they really didn't want. Fame for the play. Let's be honest, who here had heard of this play before the media broke this story?

Brendan Hughes 06 January 2005 10:22 AM

The Christians are at it now...,00.html

(Jerry Springer opera...)

austen_wrx 06 January 2005 10:30 AM

Ok, lets see if there are violent protests this time??

NotoriousREV 06 January 2005 10:33 AM

Ofcom, the broadcast regulator, said yesterday it had received 4,500 complaints, all referred to the corporation because it cannot act prior to transmission. The BBC said it had received 15,000 calls.
How on earth can people complain about something they haven't even seen? Let's say a total of 20,000 people have complained. That's 0.03% of the population trying to determine what we all watch!

silver sonic 09 January 2005 07:51 PM

my opinion is if you dont,t like the content of a play or whatever .
then don,t kick off about it , just don,t pay your money and go see it .
and leave people alone who do!
its not on, people dictating what other people should be allowed to see! :mad:

Deep Singh 10 January 2005 09:58 PM

Originally Posted by Jap2Scrap
No, no, no... You get me wrong. I'm not specifically aiming this at you or anyone else. If you can't see my point in my second post then you are blind. Any person who loves their country should be offended when someone migrates there and then begins to complain about the way of life there.

I have no problems with anybody living here, born here or not. What I hate is the example I've made above.

NOT complaining about the way of life here. Far from it,using a long established tradition of the right to protest in this country,peacefully of course. Those who were violent cannot be condoned.
As for 'feet under the table', Sikhs have been in this country for over 350 years. Also hundreds of thousands killed in the second world war(Battle of Casino),biggest volunteer force army in the history of the world,numerous Victoria Crosses won by Sikhs.Sikhs fought bravely with the British while many European allies were collaborating
We have a colourful,loyal but not perfect history. I could go on,but I reckon like most,you are probably not interested in facts that d'ont support your view of us being a group of wingeing immigrants

Deep Singh

Senior_AP 10 January 2005 10:02 PM

I don't think Sikhs are wingeing immigrants at all. So, if there was any aim in my direction I am dismissing that now.

Also, suggesting people are racist (which your above post has basically done to Jap2Scrap) isn't a good idea unless you're pretty damn sure that it is the case Deep Singh.

gsm1 10 January 2005 10:07 PM

Originally Posted by Senior_AP
I don't think Sikhs are wingeing immigrants at all. So, if there was any aim in my direction I am dismissing that now.

Also, suggesting people are racist (which your above post has basically done to Jap2Scrap) isn't a good idea unless you're pretty damn sure that it is the case Deep Singh.

Errr...where did he say he was racist?

Very Telling!

Petem95 10 January 2005 10:25 PM

Sikhs are generally well respected by Brits and have strong links with the British going back hundreds of years as Deep Singh mentions. Also I think this thread just really shows that people are surprised that they resorted to violence on this occasion as you wouldnt expect it of them, even tho its understandable that they might be very pissed off.

Originally Posted by Deep Singh
I could go on,but I reckon like most,you are probably not interested in facts that d'ont support your view of us being a group of wingeing immigrants

Any resentment probably comes from ignorant people who assume everyone of middle-eastern appearence is Muslim. When do you ever hear about Sikhs demanding we make changes to better accomodate them or whatever? never.

Originally Posted by Deep Singh
Also hundreds of thousands killed in the second world war(Battle of Casino),biggest volunteer force army in the history of the world,numerous Victoria Crosses won by Sikhs.Sikhs fought bravely with the British

And certainly cant argue with that.

Senior_AP 10 January 2005 10:31 PM

Originally Posted by gsm1
Errr...where did he say he was racist?

Very Telling!

"I could go on, but I reckon like most,you are probably not interested in facts that d'ont support your view of us being a group of wingeing immigrants"

Deep Singh 11 January 2005 03:07 PM

Originally Posted by Senior_AP
I don't think Sikhs are wingeing immigrants at all. So, if there was any aim in my direction I am dismissing that now.

Also, suggesting people are racist (which your above post has basically done to Jap2Scrap) isn't a good idea unless you're pretty damn sure that it is the case Deep Singh.

Did'nt accuse anybody of being racist. Just pointing out the fact that some people just wait for an excuse to launch into a 'coming to my country,feet under the table' type speech. I think my comments were fair and I stand by them. I d'ont ever accuse anybody of being racist as I am not perfect myself. I do however accuse people of being ignorant to facts and history,which Jap2 obviously is.
Pleasantly suprised by most peoples knowledge on this board as I've seen in the above threads.
For the record, I am very patriotic about being BRITISH and expect NO special treatment,no handouts etc etc. I also beleive in stronger controls on immigration.

Senior_AP 11 January 2005 03:34 PM

Originally Posted by Deep Singh
Did'nt accuse anybody of being racist. Just pointing out the fact that some people just wait for an excuse to launch into a 'coming to my country,feet under the table' type speech. I think my comments were fair and I stand by them. I d'ont ever accuse anybody of being racist as I am not perfect myself. I do however accuse people of being ignorant to facts and history,which Jap2 obviously is.
Pleasantly suprised by most peoples knowledge on this board as I've seen in the above threads.
For the record, I am very patriotic about being BRITISH and expect NO special treatment,no handouts etc etc. I also beleive in stronger controls on immigration.

.....then you and I are on similar wavelengths.

When I reference scummy immigrants that is exactly waht I mean. I do not include yourself and/or any other from a non-British background that is a respectable member of the community.

My gripe is non Brits coming here and f$cking things up. THAT is what pisses me off.

(Brits being the same also annoys me).

Deep Singh 11 January 2005 11:25 PM

Originally Posted by Senior_AP
.....then you and I are on similar wavelengths.

When I reference scummy immigrants that is exactly waht I mean. I do not include yourself and/or any other from a non-British background that is a respectable member of the community.

My gripe is non Brits coming here and f$cking things up. THAT is what pisses me off.

(Brits being the same also annoys me).

Suprisingly enough I think we do have something in common. I despise anybody of any race not pulling their weight in this(my/our) country.
My problem is that some less intelligent people(not on this board neccesarily) cannot make the differentiation you have made.
I look forward to further debate

Deep Singh 11 January 2005 11:27 PM

Must also add there are probably more scummy whites f8cking up the country then there are immigrants. I mean total numbers nationally. Do you agree?

Senior_AP 12 January 2005 08:15 AM

Originally Posted by Deep Singh
Must also add there are probably more scummy whites f8cking up the country then there are immigrants. I mean total numbers nationally. Do you agree?

Agreed - that's for sure. What causes all the hatred is when it's "seen to be" immigrants that are causing it, people say the age old "they come 'ere, nick our jobs, bring their third world attitude's ove here, think the world owes them a living" etc etc and so on.

I'm not a racist - however a large propaortion of immigrants in the country is a reason behind the way Britain is becoming/become. Due to I think 2 reasons:

1. People naturally get defensive when they see what they perceive to be "non brits" making a go of it/doing better than them.

2. The minority of immigrants that tarnish the majority with the lazy brush.

Not the fault of the immigrants in many/most cases - it's just human nature to dislike what is different.

Britain is an angry country because of this imo. Not strictly the fault of the immigrants - more a case of human nature.

....and that folks is why I don't like Britain much nowadays (amonsgt other things).

Deep Singh 12 January 2005 12:13 PM

I feel govt policies also make things worse. Aswell as lax immigration policy there is little thought to integrating them. Instead they are all thrown together in areas were the indigenous(sp?) white population is already having problems with housing,education,jobs etc. Though I d'ont condone ignorant racism I can understand why these guys get resentful.

Senior_AP 12 January 2005 12:16 PM

Originally Posted by Deep Singh
I feel govt policies also make things worse. Aswell as lax immigration policy there is little thought to integrating them. Instead they are all thrown together in areas were the indigenous(sp?) white population is already having problems with housing,education,jobs etc. Though I d'ont condone ignorant racism I can understand why these guys get resentful.

Bang on DS.

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