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tony de wonderful 18 January 2011 09:21 PM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 9829197)
@ thesyn.

On which side of the house, or both and what would constitute an 'original' position?

FWIW the roots of the 'conflict' stem back to around the 2nd millenia BCE. After 10 years of observation I cannot, with clear conscience, find an unequivocal position. Grey, grey and more grey.

Why should their be a clear position though?

Is it not hubris to think that it is our job to arbitrate the moral rights and wrongs?

hodgy0_2 18 January 2011 09:41 PM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 9829668)
Immigration happens, you get new political realities on the ground. Like Kosova for instance.

We have 3rd world immigration to the UK. Are you against that?

it was not immigration -- it was re-settlement

you may not be able to understand the difference, but their is one

TelBoy 18 January 2011 10:18 PM

Can Tony, hodgy et al acknowledge the existence of the word "there". Thanks. :)

JTaylor 18 January 2011 11:03 PM

Good post.

JTaylor 18 January 2011 11:04 PM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 9829686)
Why should their be a clear position though?

Is it not hubris to think that it is our job to arbitrate the moral rights and wrongs?

Well quite.

tony de wonderful 18 January 2011 11:08 PM

Originally Posted by hodgy0_2 (Post 9829749)
it was not immigration -- it was re-settlement

you may not be able to understand the difference, but their is one

The pogroms in the Islamic world were part of a 're-settlement' plan?

Bubba po 18 January 2011 11:19 PM

Originally Posted by TelBoy (Post 9829838)
Can Tony, hodgy et al acknowledge the existence of the word "there". Thanks. :)

There doing there best. :)

hodgy0_2 19 January 2011 08:17 AM

Originally Posted by TelBoy (Post 9829838)
Can Tony, hodgy et al acknowledge the existence of the word "there". Thanks. :)

apologies -- there is no excuse, but it was well past my bedtime.

The Zohan 19 January 2011 08:30 AM

Originally Posted by hodgy0_2 (Post 9830234)
apologies -- there is no excuse, but it was well past my bedtime.

There, their now, know harm done;)

Geezer 19 January 2011 10:58 AM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 9829668)
No true liberal democracies in the Arab world and certainly not in 1948! There had been pogroms right through the Islamic world. That and the Holocaust proved that Jewish people cannot guarantee their freedom except with a Jewish state. Why should they have faith in the Arabs to protect their freedom after the pogroms?

Is not religion a reason why 'Islam' (and the Palestinians as their proxies) should 'have' Jerusalem?

The Jews could have security in USA, UK, most of Europe to be honest. No need for own state. Christians don't have one, neither do Muslims.


f1_fan 19 January 2011 11:01 AM

Originally Posted by Geezer (Post 9830405)
Christians don't have one, neither do Muslims.

And if they did the US/UK would just invade it anyway!!

cster 19 January 2011 12:59 PM

Originally Posted by Geezer (Post 9830405)
The Jews could have security in USA, UK, most of Europe to be honest. No need for own state. Christians don't have one, neither do Muslims.


Pakistan is an exception to that.
It is all very well to say that Jews can live safely in in Europe etc. but you may have had trouble explaining that to Jews in the events leading up to the founding of Israel.
I wonder how many people are aware of the expulsion of Jews from England in 1290 by an edict that was not overturned for over 300 years? For some reason this is not widely taught in schools.
I come from Australia, a land that was basically stolen from the indigenous population by white Europeans.
The same thing has happened throughout the whole of the Americas and less successfully in Africa.
My forebears did not go there because of persecution/pogroms/ethnic cleansing/genocide etc. or because they didn't have a country of their own. They went there and stole he land for purely economic reasons - they just wanted the f*ckin real estate - it was good business.
I am sure that even the most biased muesli munching Grauniad reader would have to agree, that Jewish history presents a better requirement for taking land from someone (and that is exactly what has gone on here), than those of my forebears.
I have declined from commenting on this thread and will decline from further comment on it, because it generally seems to be the product two peculiarly British traits - Ignorance and self righteous indignation.
Keep it up SNetters:thumb:

Geezer 19 January 2011 01:15 PM

I hardly think that en edict in 1290 has any relevance now (or indeed in the 20th Century).

Sure there has been anti-semitism in most places at some point, but that still does not justify the setting up of a Jewish state. There's been plenty of persecution of all races/religions throughout history, but Judaism is the only one that has managed to wangle it's own state....

OK, Pakistan was created out of India, but it's not the same as that was one country already, not because Muslim equivalent of Zionism demanded it. It was to stop a slaughter in one area for a particular problem.

Admittedly, it is becoming more like an Israel for Muslims though :Suspiciou


Maz 19 January 2011 01:16 PM

Originally Posted by cster (Post 9830583)
Pakistan is an exception to that.
It is all very well to say that Jews can live safely in in Europe etc. but you may have had trouble explaining that to Jews in the events leading up to the founding of Israel.
I wonder how many people are aware of the expulsion of Jews from England in 1290 by an edict that was not overturned for over 300 years? For some reason this is not widely taught in schools.
I come from Australia, a land that was basically stolen from the indigenous population by white Europeans.
The same thing has happened throughout the whole of the Americas and less successfully in Africa.
My forebears did not go there because of persecution/pogroms/ethnic cleansing/genocide etc. or because they didn't have a country of their own. They went there and stole he land for purely economic reasons - they just wanted the f*ckin real estate - it was good business.
I am sure that even the most biased muesli munching Grauniad reader would have to agree, that Jewish history presents a better requirement for taking land from someone (and that is exactly what has gone on here), than those of my forebears.
I have declined from commenting on this thread and will decline from further comment on it, because it generally seems to be the product two peculiarly British traits - Ignorance and self righteous indignation.
Keep it up SNetters:thumb:

You can't take the moral high ground by remaining silent. If you feel there is misinformation and ignorance then highlight it and put people straight. You do concede though that the Jews did take land belonging to someone else.

Leslie 19 January 2011 02:42 PM

This seems to be a particularly pointless thread.


dpb 19 January 2011 03:39 PM

Was mainly trying to flush out tdw Les , once an for all

f1_fan 19 January 2011 03:50 PM

Originally Posted by dpb (Post 9830818)
Was mainly trying to flush out tdw Les , once an for all

Good luck, seeing as he refuses to answer my one basic simple question calling it witch hunt I doubt you will have any joy.

EddScott 19 January 2011 04:11 PM


I am Jewish.

There I said it! I'm also black :D

tony de wonderful 19 January 2011 04:36 PM

Originally Posted by cster (Post 9830583)
I come from Australia, a land that was basically stolen from the indigenous population by white Europeans.
The same thing has happened throughout the whole of the Americas and less successfully in Africa.

It wasn't stolen, it was never a nation or country just a sparsely populated virtual desert populated by a few stone age people who lived in many separate groups.

Some Aboriginals hadn't even learn to use fire.

You can take this romantic view about a 'primitive utopia' but history happens. If it had not been euro settlers it would have been some other group. There is a historical pattern of primitive cultures being pushed aside by advanced ones throughout's about economics more then anything.

Another way to look at it is that the Aboriginals LOST the land.

Land is only yours in so far as you are able to defend it.

tony de wonderful 19 January 2011 04:42 PM

Originally Posted by Einstein RA (Post 9830619)
You do concede though that the Jews did take land belonging to someone else.

It was partitioned by the British who 'owned' the land in so far as they were acting as 'the state'....the 'administrator'.

Private ownership is something else, and as far as I know the partition didn't just 'take' private land. Israel offered Arabs citizenship. It is an administrative question not 'ownership' as such.

JTaylor 19 January 2011 08:23 PM

Originally Posted by Geezer (Post 9830405)
The Jews could have security in USA, UK, most of Europe to be honest. No need for own state. Christians don't have one, neither do Muslims.


Is this a serious post?

f1_fan 19 January 2011 10:16 PM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 9830907)
Land is only yours in so far as you are able to defend it.

Is this a serious post? :Whatever_

tony de wonderful 19 January 2011 10:17 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 9831768)
Is this a serious post? :Whatever_

History says so.

AsifScoob 19 January 2011 11:31 PM

Judaism is a very old religion, to be respected and learnt about, IMO. I have a few Jewish friends, even been to a Jewish wedding.

Luckily it was only for the evening reception, so I missed the bit where they all stand up and give a toast to the State of Israel! Good thing as my non participation in that bit might have caused a stir!

And this is the problem - Zionism.

In my mind, there is a clear distinction between Judaism and Zionism. Judaism is an ancient religion, Zionism is a modern political movement. A movement that uses and manipulates religion, religious belief, and religious people, to further its own ends. Those being (like ALL other religion based, political movements) to further itself, grow more powerful, and to be greedy!

Zionism is very successful however, as having achieved so many of its aims. It has always however needed to defend itself. You were never going to be able to grab somone elses land and not cause a problem or two.

This alone, as a basic premise of the movement, makes it evil in my mind. In other words, from its early days, the people in charge always knew what they would have to do, to create a State of Israel, through force of arms. This is so against Jewish teachings, why any right thinking Jew would agree with it is beyond me. As you can imagine, my Jewish friends are completely embarrassed by what Israel does in the name of 'freedom' and so on.

Completely devoid of morals, which it claims to have, a view of themselves as 'The chosen ones', with the Worlds most powerful nation emotionally blackmailed into apologising and unquestioningly supporting it, while also armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons, the means for which they stole from guess who?

Anyway, why people are scared to tell the truth, I don't know? In my mind, it is the biggest threat to World peace and solely responsible for the problems in the Middle East. Responsible for all the conflicts, the tension, the issues which affect us here, in the West. However, managed to do such a good PR campaign, they have managed to blame others for the problems they have caused.

Funny that, a bit like how the Zionist sympathisers on this thread answer questions about Israel by attacking Islam?? How does that work?

f1_fan 19 January 2011 11:38 PM

Originally Posted by AsifScoob (Post 9831957)
Funny that, a bit like how the Zionist sympathisers on this thread answer questions about Israel by attacking Islam?? How does that work?

Some people on this thread are not very good at answering questions ;) :D

scud8 19 January 2011 11:42 PM

Originally Posted by EddScott (Post 9830867)

I am Jewish.

There I said it! I'm also black :D

You're lucky. I'm Welsh. And peach.

JTaylor 19 January 2011 11:51 PM

Evening, Asif.

No angle here, but have you considered the Zionists' position from a Biblical perspective? One's assuming that there's an underlyng faith in the supernatural, the Word as spoken in the Torah.

Originally Posted by AsifScoob (Post 9831957)
Judaism is a very old religion, to be respected and learnt about, IMO. I have a few Jewish friends, even been to a Jewish wedding.

Luckily it was only for the evening reception, so I missed the bit where they all stand up and give a toast to the State of Israel! Good thing as my non participation in that bit might have caused a stir!

And this is the problem - Zionism.

In my mind, there is a clear distinction between Judaism and Zionism. Judaism is an ancient religion, Zionism is a modern political movement. A movement that uses and manipulates religion, religious belief, and religious people, to further its own ends. Those being (like ALL other religion based, political movements) to further itself, grow more powerful, and to be greedy!

Zionism is very successful however, as having achieved so many of its aims. It has always however needed to defend itself. You were never going to be able to grab somone elses land and not cause a problem or two.

This alone, as a basic premise of the movement, makes it evil in my mind. In other words, from its early days, the people in charge always knew what they would have to do, to create a State of Israel, through force of arms. This is so against Jewish teachings, why any right thinking Jew would agree with it is beyond me. As you can imagine, my Jewish friends are completely embarrassed by what Israel does in the name of 'freedom' and so on.

Completely devoid of morals, which it claims to have, a view of themselves as 'The chosen ones', with the Worlds most powerful nation emotionally blackmailed into apologising and unquestioningly supporting it, while also armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons, the means for which they stole from guess who?

Anyway, why people are scared to tell the truth, I don't know? In my mind, it is the biggest threat to World peace and solely responsible for the problems in the Middle East. Responsible for all the conflicts, the tension, the issues which affect us here, in the West. However, managed to do such a good PR campaign, they have managed to blame others for the problems they have caused.

Funny that, a bit like how the Zionist sympathisers on this thread answer questions about Israel by attacking Islam?? How does that work?

tony de wonderful 19 January 2011 11:52 PM

Originally Posted by AsifScoob (Post 9831957)
Anyway, why people are scared to tell the truth, I don't know? In my mind, it is the biggest threat to World peace and solely responsible for the problems in the Middle East. Responsible for all the conflicts, the tension, the issues which affect us here, in the West. However, managed to do such a good PR campaign, they have managed to blame others for the problems they have caused.

Yes I heard those Egyptian shark attacks were done by Mossad. They trained the sharks and implanted radio controls.:rolleyes:

You are scapegoating but don't know it. Demonising Israel.

How can they be responsible for middle east problem and tensions. An Iraqi shoots a fellow Iraqi and say 'Oh it was Israels' fault. Absurd.

Israel hasn't caused overpopulation and economic underdevelopment in most Islamic countries which is driving conflict.

AsifScoob 20 January 2011 12:01 AM

Originally Posted by JTaylor (Post 9831990)
Evening, Asif.

No angle here, but have you considered the Zionists' position from a Biblical perspective? One's assuming that there's an underlyng faith in the supernatural, the Word as spoken in the Torah.

Hello James, :)

I didn't mean that they had no religion, to be honest I don't know that, only they do.

If I were to speculate however, I am sure they feel that there is a religious justification for what they are doing, but I honestly think, the political power they crave is a far stronger draw.

What 'religion' they might have, guides some of their everyday actions, such as what they eat, how they might dress and so on. Hardcore Zionists are essentially extreme nationalists IMO and act accordingly.


AsifScoob 20 January 2011 12:02 AM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 9831970)
Some people on this thread are not very good at answering questions ;) :D

You're right. And the irony of their posts is unbelievable!

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