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tony de wonderful 02 May 2011 01:01 PM

Originally Posted by LEO-RS (Post 10018029)
Seems a little strange that he has been tossed in the sea already:Suspiciou Conspiracy theories start :lol1:

They couldn't put him the ground because it would allow pilgrimages etc and give his followers something tangible to hang on to.

So they just got rid of him, like he never existed. Best way,

juggers 02 May 2011 01:09 PM

Originally Posted by Leaney-g (Post 10018016)
Watch 'Loose change' on YouTube.

(it's a bit cheesy but you'll get the point)

Lose change and " new world order "

Rob_Impreza99 02 May 2011 01:13 PM

Very little will change IMO, you get rid of one extremist leader but their will be hundreds of extremist leaders waiting to take his place.

Its not a case of you get rid of Osama Bin Laden then you get rid of terrorism, he is or was just one extremist leader amongst many throughout history.

lazadude 02 May 2011 01:14 PM

Am I the only one who thinks this whole bin laden thing is bull****?

How convenient that he was buried at sea, and they have no images of the body...

He blatantly died years ago or is not dead, looks like American propaganda to me...

tony de wonderful 02 May 2011 01:17 PM

Originally Posted by Leslie (Post 10018037)
Maybe we were, but tha illegal attack will have done a lot to strengthen their resolve and concentrate their ambitions as far as our country is concerned.


Just wondering why you think that?

Aaron1978 02 May 2011 01:25 PM

Originally Posted by DCI Gene Hunt (Post 10017788)
:lol1: ... or that Harry is really James Hewitts son :lol1:

Harry bumps into William at the reception.

"Brilliant do, bruv. Have you seen Dad?"

"He wasn't invited, mate," replies Wills, "but mine's dancing with Camilla."

sunny1989 02 May 2011 01:32 PM

Originally Posted by lazadude (Post 10018104)
Am I the only one who thinks this whole bin laden thing is bull****?

How convenient that he was buried at sea, and they have no images of the body...

He blatantly died years ago or is not dead, looks like American propaganda to me...

Was thinking the same thing, it sounds like a ploy to ramp up Obama's popularity!

the whole worlds screwed up, pointless wars and loss of life on both sides.. all for some resources or make believe gods! Don't know what to believe any more as most of its bull!

lets just hope we don't follow the Americans into Libya in the name of 'oil' oh my bad I mean 'peace'!!

mrmadcap 02 May 2011 01:47 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10017631)
He's dead in NSR too ;)

We don't go there as we actually own Impreza's and like to talk about them:thumb:

Leaney-g 02 May 2011 01:48 PM

Originally Posted by lazadude (Post 10018104)
Am I the only one who thinks this whole bin laden thing is bull****?

How convenient that he was buried at sea, and they have no images of the body...

He blatantly died years ago or is not dead, looks like American propaganda to me...

I'm with you mate. See my above post.

f1_fan 02 May 2011 01:50 PM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 10018112)
Just wondering why you think that?

Because it's f**king obvious!!!!

tony de wonderful 02 May 2011 01:58 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10018170)
Because it's f**king obvious!!!!

In what way?

f1_fan 02 May 2011 02:07 PM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 10018178)
In what way?

:brickwall:brickwall Er.... maybe becuase we are occupying two Muslim countries illegally and the extremists see that as just a wee bit of provocation!

RS_Matt 02 May 2011 02:31 PM

Not catching a half aresed terrorist doesn't especially make America good or justify them being there. They'd say they caught him quickly and hope to meet other objectives there just as efficiently. Can't see them fibbing.

andythejock01wrx 02 May 2011 02:49 PM

Anyway, excellent news! May not make much material difference, but justice is served.

Wonder if anyone in the Pakistani Govt knew where he was?? :Suspiciou

Mus 02 May 2011 02:58 PM

It wouldn't surprise me if it one big bs to divert the media away from Libya, Syria, petrol prices ect I bet the next thing will be beef up the security more money from tax payers.

we wouldn't have this no terrorist threat if we didnt follow everything America do.

the uk has lost 1000s of soldiers just to kill one friggin man, think Bout that!!

kingofturds 02 May 2011 02:59 PM

Janspeed 02 May 2011 03:03 PM

CHUCK NORRIS killed Osbama!!! :D 02 May 2011 03:09 PM

Where is his body?

jta 02 May 2011 03:11 PM

doesnt harry look like chuck norris :idea:

oldsplice 02 May 2011 03:12 PM

Originally Posted by (Post 10018248)
Where is his body?

Sleeping with the fishes.

jta 02 May 2011 03:16 PM

i herd off an american friend of mine this morning they are going to disect his brain to see of any abnormalities ??????

New_scooby_04 02 May 2011 03:16 PM

As a westerner not affiliated with any religion, I find rejoicing in the death of any individual distasteful. However, it's hard to feel any empathy for him or any of his extremist ilk and there is a sense of "well, couldn't have happened to a nicer guy" Although I'm sure it would have been more useful to have taken him alive (easier said than done though!).

This was important for the US as they had put him on a podium as "number one target" and in doing so had identified his capture/death as a big milestone for the war on Terror. The fact that he was eluding them was seen as a bit of a victory for the terrorists and made him a thorn in the US's side in terms of public opinion. Now they've got him, it'll be hailed as a big victory. Ultimately though, it's likely to be more of a symbolic victory than a military one; the need to remain hidden probably precluded him having the influence he would have held when not the worlds most wanted man. Be that as it may, it sends a message to terrorists that you can't hide forever and eventually you'll get found! That can't be a bad thing as at least they won't believe they can operate with impunity.

In the grand scheme of things of course this won't matter much: he'll be replaced (if he hasn't been already). revenge attacks will be planned - hopefully none of which will succeed. I'm sure that the fact that he is gone is cold comfort to anyone who lost a friend relative or loved one in 911 or in the subsequent wars.

The only way this will ever end is if the idea or allure of Islamic extremism can be undermined, otherwise the hatred and quest for revenge just gets passed down generations. You cant destroy an idea with any kind of bomb and an idea doesn't die with an individual. Something tells me that the countries and cultures in which these people live are the very individuals who should be making the biggest in roads into doing something effective in undermining fundamentalism and not just by launching military action against the current crop of extremists, but by providing an alternative for the future generations that doesn't involve them being indoctrinated into a cycle of hate and revenge from the cradle to the (early) grave.


tony de wonderful 02 May 2011 03:21 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10018184)
:brickwall:brickwall Er.... maybe becuase we are occupying two Muslim countries illegally and the extremists see that as just a wee bit of provocation!

How do you know that? How many terrorists do you know?

Just because they say that is the reason they want to attack the West does not mean it is the reason.

Gear Head 02 May 2011 03:29 PM

Originally Posted by SamUK (Post 10017760)
Islamic be burried at sea?? hmm if this were the case the sea would be floating with dead bodies

Another theory, is that he could be captured banged up and used as a source of information...however the world is told he is dead and body dumped at sea..

That is far more likely to be the case! :thumb:

Only idiots believe the media.

kingofturds 02 May 2011 03:42 PM

One thing I did notice this morning was one of the American crowds jumping up and down screaming and burning a Pakistani flag near the whitehouse.

Now if that had been the other way around they would have been denounced as extremist nut jobs.

tony de wonderful 02 May 2011 03:43 PM

Originally Posted by Mus (Post 10018236)
It wouldn't surprise me if it one big bs to divert the media away from Libya, Syria, petrol prices ect I bet the next thing will be beef up the security more money from tax payers.

we wouldn't have this no terrorist threat if we didnt follow everything America do.

the uk has lost 1000s of soldiers just to kill one friggin man, think Bout that!!

Perhaps we should turn the UK into a caliphate then we wouldn't have a threat?

Do you have any evidence that this is 'bs' or just being paranoid?

f1_fan 02 May 2011 03:44 PM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 10018262)
How do you know that? How many terrorists do you know?

Just because they say that is the reason they want to attack the West does not mean it is the reason.

So what is the reason then?

tony de wonderful 02 May 2011 03:46 PM

Originally Posted by Gear Head (Post 10018281)
That is far more likely to be the case! :thumb:

Only idiots believe the media.

Only the irrational and paranoid take a default position of not believing anything that a democratic government or free media says.

tony de wonderful 02 May 2011 03:49 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10018305)
So what is the reason then?

I don't know all the answers but I don't believe that a British Pakistani living in Luton blows himself up to protect his 'muslim brothers' in Iraq.

I think that may be his rationalization or the rationalization but it's driven by reasons beneath that ideological surface.

GlesgaKiss 02 May 2011 03:56 PM

As a westerner not affiliated with any religion, I find rejoicing in the death of any individual distasteful
Really? I would have thought it was a pretty natural human response, certainly initially.

It won't change much, but there is such a thing as justice. If we say that we shouldn't be able to punish someone for a crime committed against us, then we're basically saying we don't have the full right to defend ourselves. Regardless of anything else, someone shouldn't be able to escape the consequences of doing something like that.

If there are further attacks now then they should face proportionate punishments too, regardless of how 'understandable' they might be, because the simple fact is that anyone committing an act like this is wrong in principle. Whether anything western governments have or have not done is also wrong in principle is an entirely separate question and completely irrelevant to the justice involved in punishing the criminal we're talking about in this thread.

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