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Mike Rainbird 20 August 2003 02:49 PM

Could you please give us details to enable us to book as well.

Edcase 20 August 2003 04:16 PM

Mike - Nozzer actually made the bookings, see earlier in this thread for booking details! :)

harj 20 August 2003 05:58 PM

Jase we are gonna be tearing it up again at the Ring and in Amsterdam!!!

Rich Rubery is our additional waste of space passenger :D

ScooBabe 20 August 2003 06:18 PM

Chucks a bucket at Tavia :D

Jon, are on something ;) If not you should be :D

How sweet of you...the first time was for ever being called lovely :D:D:D

Absolutely excellent way of asking me, should have seen my jaw drop.....didn't want to say yes toooooo quickly.....classic!

Found my passport. Yes!

lordlucan 21 August 2003 01:20 PM

Harj - Just booked the last suite in Amsterdam m8 ! Just like last time it will be done in style !

Anyone else for the Dam Saturday night ? 3hrs from the Ring !!


lordlucan 21 August 2003 01:31 PM

Rich Rubery - oh no best bring my drinkin boots then !


harj 21 August 2003 02:22 PM

Jase don't invite any of these saddo's ;) People like Askew might give us a bad name in the Dam even though we'll probably be de-ported again LOL

Make sure its a propper "pimp suite" in the Dam, gotta make some more movies with those lovely ladies :D

ian/555 21 August 2003 11:17 PM

I might be tempted by Amsterdam, depends on what the weather is like at the Ring. All I know is, if it is snowing on the 13th I'm staying in the Bar!

MRK 22 August 2003 12:35 PM

Tavia your going to do the speed limit?? On those roads :eek: that’s insane :eek: They’re great roads that deserve to been driven on pwoperly, plus I fall asleep doing 70mph :rolleyes: its so boring. :D

Still haven’t booked me ferry/chunnel yet, not sure what time to go :confused:

Harj & Askew what time are you travelling?

harj 22 August 2003 04:20 PM


Were getting the 7am ferry crossing mate, nice gentle cruise over there. Be there for late lunch and time for a few laps :D

TaviaRS 22 August 2003 08:26 PM

It may be boring but:

1. I will not get a speeding ticket and potentially huge speeding fine

2. I'll be getting 40+ mpg, more money for Ring fuel

3. No stress.

Must admit though that the last 60 miles may be a bit quicker :D

Dr Lurve 22 August 2003 10:49 PM

Okay peeps, who's going by what method and at what times, we can then pick who we want to travel down with... ;)

Tracey 22 August 2003 11:23 PM

There is 8 going from Bristol, they are on the 7 am ferry on Fri morning



TaviaRS 23 August 2003 04:01 PM

Myself and 2 other slow Skodas are on the 8am tunnel

ian/555 25 August 2003 12:43 PM

It now looks like I won't be able to make this trip after all :( as my wife has said, that it is way to close to her birthday for me to go away. Thanks for the offer of the place to crash guys, I hope you have a good time.

[Edited by ian/555 - 8/25/2003 12:44:48 PM]

davyboy 25 August 2003 05:35 PM

Now I don't understand German, but it looks as if you'll have some company. 50,000 German max power dudes, complete with mullets!

MRK 26 August 2003 12:15 PM

Yikes this festival of speed could be worrying, in the sense that the Ring may be packed by muppets who can't drive, thus less potential to break that 8min barrier :( But it could also be cool for checking out hot motors and babes with there baps out, if the website is anything to go by :D

Tavia, good points :) see you down there.

M :cool:

Edcase 26 August 2003 01:15 PM

definitely worried by the potential muppet scenario...

Edcase 26 August 2003 01:16 PM

definitely worried by the potential muppet scenario...

NOZZER 26 August 2003 02:14 PM


Paulo P 26 August 2003 02:18 PM

Corner :D

Edcase 26 August 2003 03:08 PM

Muppet :D

mel 26 August 2003 04:27 PM

Just read through the whole thread :D got nothing of importance to add apart from I can't wait!!!! :D :D

Paulo P 26 August 2003 04:37 PM

I can't go to this one so that's the best input I can give :D

Read my thread here from my first trip:D

Edcase 26 August 2003 04:42 PM

Paul - read it already :D

MRK 26 August 2003 04:53 PM

Will be cool to see you Mel. Spoke to your other half today, he's dead excited too :D

Tried to book a ferry with the 'Don't get if you don't ask' thing. No joy for me. And I was upto £90 :eek:. I'll try again tomorrow.

M :cool:

Richard Askew 26 August 2003 09:08 PM

Ferry booked :cool:

80 squid

Out on 07:00 crossing <shudder> back at 19:15 :)

Will arrange to meet peeps on the way down...

mel 27 August 2003 09:56 AM

You too Mark :)

Good luck getting them bleeding ferry prices down!!

[edited coz of speeellling]

[Edited by mel - 8/27/2003 9:58:08 AM]

NOZZER 27 August 2003 09:59 AM

Where are you coming from? And what ferry company is it?

owbow 27 August 2003 11:09 AM

is that festival of speed gonna be on the Nordschliefe? i bet it is... :eek:

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