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Jamo 04 December 2007 03:19 PM


sportwagonred 04 December 2007 08:55 PM

from someone who hasn't been here very long.
I've seen the work you and your colleagues have done on this site and rate it very highly, (I wouldn't be here if i didn't like the site.)
Thanks from all. Both old and new for your hard work and good luck for the future wherever it may take you.

Re-Bitten Hero 09 December 2007 05:20 PM

Hi Simon,

Just wanted to add my 2p worth and say well done and many, many thanks for all of your hard work over the last several years. As someone who's been around since early 1999 and Scoobynet 1, I've seen it grow, mutate and evolve like a living being (Scoobynet that is, not Simon ;)) and although I've been quiet for a while now since changing cars, it's a tribute to your (and Shaun's) hard work that it's where it is now. Well done!

I shall continue to pop back in from time to time and the book will definitely make interesting reading. I wonder if my Scoobynet trip to Jordan F1 and karting will make it ;) :rolleyes:

Now that the weight of the financial and business side of things has been lifted from your shoulders, you can enjoy even more time to moderate ;) Good to hear you're sticking around to stay at the helm on that front!

Best wishes

ex-webby 09 December 2007 07:17 PM


I have to say, I'm genuinely touched by so many of your comments.

They really mean the world to me.

Thank you so much.

Its been a pleasure, and it really has been a fantastic chapter of my life.

ScoobyNet has formed such a massive part of my life for the best part of a decade (and at the tender age of 22, that's quite a lot!! ;)) and in parts its been hell, but I honestly would not have missed it for anything.

All the best, and thanks so much again :)


Mick 10 December 2007 04:53 PM

All the best for the future Simon... Scoobynet has been fun :D

God Bless

Mick :thumb:

Dave_A 12 December 2007 11:18 PM

As a long time member and infrequent poster on scoobynet (for various reasons, not least the fact that I run my own subaru website), all I can say is all the best Simon, you've taken scoobynet to places I never imagined it would get to. While I've quietly disagreed with the direction the site has taken, I can fully understand your desires and hopes for the site, and wish you all the best for the future.

It must have been a hard descision to move away from ownership of the site, and the day to day running, especially given the number of people that have generously subscribed to the various levels of membership of the site. Leaving those very kind people behind is a job I seriously don't envy.

Kindest regards
(from a site that cannot be advertised, at least at the moment......!)

ex-webby 13 December 2007 12:08 AM

Thanks for the backhanded praise Dave :D

Its a very strange post sir, but its done now.

Quietly dissagreeing with something doesn't really help anyone. This is similar, though, to not saying directly what you really mean.

In addition, I find your extreme statements about the generousity of subscribers, and then the other extreme of me "leaving them behind" a little too far to leave without comment.

Firstly, when you buy a car, do you consider yourself to be being generous?

I would sincerely hope that all people who paid membership fees felt they got exceptional value for money. And, I'm pretty sure all those who have signed up for various membership in the last few weeks are not signing up due to their generousity, but for two main reasons 1) to get the product they're paying for, and b) to support a site they know, love and use regularly.

I'm also, not "leaving" anyone behind, so I find that a little strange.

If your site is a popular (note, "popular", not "successful", "valuable", etc, etc) as ScoobyNet, then you'll understand this kind of thing. The only way people pay and sign up for something, is if they want / believe in it. And if they don't they clear off :)

Anyway. I'm sure you post was well intentioned, but I thought it was important to clarify your misjudged comments.

Reality 13 December 2007 08:09 AM

Good to see you've got control back of the webmeister account Simon.

Some **** was one here a couple of weeks ago being all nice :thumb:


ex-webby 13 December 2007 10:11 AM

You're kidding!?

We must have been hacked!

Phil 13 December 2007 10:19 AM


Dave_A 13 December 2007 12:52 PM

Originally Posted by webmaster (Post 7481129)
Thanks for the backhanded praise Dave :D

Apologies if my sentiments came across as backhanded, they are (were) not meant in that way, although re-reading it in the cold light of day I can see where you would get that impression. I am genuinely sorry that you are relinquishing ownership of the site - I know after years of hard work is very hard to give up something you consider to be part of you.

Originally Posted by webmaster (Post 7481129)
Its a very strange post sir, but its done now.

As always, writing posts while intoxicated can leave a lot of things open to various interpretations.

Originally Posted by webmaster (Post 7481129)
Quietly dissagreeing with something doesn't really help anyone. This is similar, though, to not saying directly what you really mean.

I have to be honest here - I'm a very small fish in regard to my participation in scoobynet over the years I've been a member, and I've never subscribed to any of the primum packages, so I've felt that its better to disagree quietly than be loud about it.

Originally Posted by webmaster (Post 7481129)
In addition, I find your extreme statements about the generousity of subscribers, and then the other extreme of me "leaving them behind" a little too far to leave without comment.

Firstly, when you buy a car, do you consider yourself to be being generous?

I would sincerely hope that all people who paid membership fees felt they got exceptional value for money. And, I'm pretty sure all those who have signed up for various membership in the last few weeks are not signing up due to their generousity, but for two main reasons 1) to get the product they're paying for, and b) to support a site they know, love and use regularly.

I am sure that those people who have subscribed do feel they get value for money, otherwise they wouldn't renew, and word of mouth would soon remove any incentive for new people to join. I still consider anyone paying money for a membership to be gerneous, based on the belief they are effectively leasing access to content, and not owning it.

Given that most of the time I spent here was when the site was a forum first and foremost, and that in its nature the content is created by the users of the site, and not the owner, asking people to pay to access content they themselves are creating was always something I found hard to get my head round.

I'm not suggesting that this shouldn't have been done (monetising websites is the only option webmasters have these days, especially if you want to move away from a normal day-to-day job), but perhaps explains my reluctance to subscribe.

I'm sure I'm mistaken in my belief, and the membership fees also give access to other things besides the forum, but at the time it was first introduced it was the impression I got and has stuck with me ever since.

Originally Posted by webmaster (Post 7481129)
I'm also, not "leaving" anyone behind, so I find that a little strange.

Again, apologies for that, I assumed by selling the site you would be moving away from its day to day activities and the general running fo the site.

Originally Posted by webmaster (Post 7481129)
If your site is a popular (note, "popular", not "successful", "valuable", etc, etc) as ScoobyNet, then you'll understand this kind of thing. The only way people pay and sign up for something, is if they want / believe in it. And if they don't they clear off :)

I think my point about paying for access to user created content again explains my views on this. And you are right, if there is demand people will sign up and pay - its a question of popularity, and whether the content will support that business model. From a personal point of view, my own site would not work with that model for a number of reasons, the main one being that I effectively host other peoples photographs (ie my content is not generated by myself with a camera), and therefore asking people to pay to view that content would just result in a drop in visitors and photo submissions.

Originally Posted by webmaster (Post 7481129)
Anyway. I'm sure you post was well intentioned, but I thought it was important to clarify your misjudged comments.

Clarity found. It was down the back of the sofa. :)


ex-webby 13 December 2007 02:50 PM

Ah, I see. You've simply misunderstood.

asking people to pay to access content they themselves are creating was always something I found hard to get my head round.
I would agree. Although we don't do this, and I can't imagine a) why anyone would, or b) who would pay for that? It would be ridiculous. Hence my originaly statement that quietly dissagreing is valueless. You would have found out years ago that the only person who came up with the idea of paying for contact you've created, was you.

This is also why its important to not make statements about things unless you're sure you know what you're talking about.

Again, apologies for that, I assumed by selling the site you would be moving away from its day to day activities and the general running fo the site.
a) in my very first post on this thread it clearly states that I will be continuing with my present level of involvement for the near future. b) if I do step down, I don't plan on "leaving" everyone behind.

crispyduck 26 December 2007 11:43 PM


Good luck with S'Net handover and what ever your next venture is.

Best regards,

babber 29 December 2007 09:25 PM

Well well well
Just reading this thread for the first time and feel a little disappointed really, Scoobynet has been a large part of my life since the beginning of 2000. I've met some great people on here and been given some great advise on many subjects over many years. Haven't been about much lately as been well busy working away.

Why am I disappointed, well there are a few c0cks on here that got to make stupid points about silly things, and they have happened to pop in here and start. That's what disappoints me, as it's a shame. Happens all the time over the most normal of threads, happening to this one and it really pi55es me off!!

On a lighter note, I would like to offer Simon / Shaun and the other great moderators (you know who you are) the best of luck for the future. I'm sure you'll still be around for many years and I sincerely hope you are!!!

This site has helped me mature, or I've matured with it so lets look up and forward to the future ;)

Good luck, Phill

ex-webby 30 December 2007 11:00 AM

Great post babber, and thank you very much indeed for your nice comments.

Regarding the pillocks. Make the decision to not let it bother you. These people exist in all walks of life. ScoobyNet is still (and I believe always will be) a great, vibrant, positive and friendly place to be. Just ignore the dross :)

Thank Phil

All the best


scoobymods 30 December 2007 05:48 PM

right so here goes

Simon dont let the door hit you on the way out well done.:notworthy
Ryan dont let the door hit you on the way in welcome.

whats changing again???:D

StickyMicky 31 December 2007 05:12 PM

Originally Posted by crispyduck (Post 7510418)

Good luck with S'Net handover and what ever your next venture is.

Best regards,

LOL @ the edit :D

Mr Jiggerry Poke 05 January 2008 09:25 PM

putt puttt puttt
All the best Simon / Shaun,
Good move with the site, i have enjoyed it over the years and has always kept my interest in Scoobies alive.

The cult of the scoob wouldn't be half as big without

bwwwaaaarrrrrrrrrrr bbbbwwwwaaaaaaarrrrr bbbbwwwwaaaaaaarrrrrrr :luxhello:

Soulgirl 08 January 2008 04:31 PM

Congratulations on the Acquisition - a very big compliment to you all as sites don't get acquired unless they're worth it. Well done :)

As an afterthought... I hope you didn't sell up just because I sold my scoob! (only kidding)

Gary C 08 January 2008 07:57 PM

Thanks for providing a good and fun service (missing it in the Porsche world). Hope you made a packet too :)

Will 28 January 2008 02:41 AM

Hows the E-book coming along Simon?

StickyMicky 28 January 2008 05:18 PM

when is the big switch actually happening?

ex-webby 28 January 2008 10:11 PM

mr impreza

The ebook is absolutely great.

I estimate its about 75% written - although some of it needs some tidying up - and its been GREAT fun to write.

I'm having a bit of a dance with the lawyers at the minute in order to make sure we're not open to libel action!

No release date as yet I'm afraid.


What switch Sticky?

If you mean the server switch, we haven't finalised a date as yet, but I expect within the next 3 months.

If you mean "ownership of the site", this happened about the time of this announcement. Internet Brands Inc are 100% owners of ScoobyNet.

If you meant something else, please let me know.

Will 28 January 2008 10:39 PM

Originally Posted by webmaster (Post 7606247)
mr impreza

The ebook is absolutely great.

I estimate its about 75% written - although some of it needs some tidying up - and its been GREAT fun to write.

I'm having a bit of a dance with the lawyers at the minute in order to make sure we're not open to libel action!

No release date as yet I'm afraid.

75% of 8 years of Scoobynet nearly complete is amazing, good going Simon, really looking forward for it to be released :thumb:

Rich @ PB 04 February 2008 10:28 AM

Quick question for Simon - I have sent a couple of pm's to the webmaster account lately with no response, concerning sponsorship admin matters. In the past Shaun used to respond to such pm's, but do I need to send them to someone else now? I have some stickies need doing, plus I need to submit new sponsor graphics and text, and I need a change to be made to my own account regarding my e-mail address. New contact details for whoever I should be approaching about such matters would be appreciated. Cheers! :)

ex-webby 04 February 2008 12:30 PM


I haven't seen these personally. But will PM you now to make sure we're in contact.



BigBez 08 February 2008 06:01 PM

All the best for the future and to Scoobynet


a main thread for An archive of useful technical articles and how-to guides. I used to be on UKFIESTANETWORK.COM many years ago which is a successful site similar to SN. What they had was the above mentioned section where users would take the time to post STEP-BY-STEP guides on how to perform modifications and maintenance often with pictures.

I think this idea has been mentioned but I dont think ive seen it happen, it would be a great addition to the site.

SwissTony 08 February 2008 07:24 PM

Originally Posted by BigBez (Post 7636998)
All the best for the future and to Scoobynet


a main thread for An archive of useful technical articles and how-to guides. I used to be on UKFIESTANETWORK.COM many years ago which is a successful site similar to SN. What they had was the above mentioned section where users would take the time to post STEP-BY-STEP guides on how to perform modifications and maintenance often with pictures.

I think this idea has been mentioned but I dont think ive seen it happen, it would be a great addition to the site.

Actually I had an idea for something similar to this way back. It eventually got rolled into the scoobypedia we have now. Albeit it dosent have the step-by-step instructions with pics that you are talking about. but there is nothing to be said that something "like" this can happen. All it takes is for the powers that be to set up a dedicated "How-To" section. The only issue with this is that one man's method of for example..' changing your oil' may differ from the next guy and it is sometimes hard to find the definitive method.

chrome 05 March 2008 07:40 PM

Cheers for scoobynet Simon/Shaun.

Congrats on the sale.

Phil 28 March 2008 08:26 AM

I see they have bought Passionford as well now !

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