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JackClark 27 September 2017 11:11 AM

Originally Posted by An0n0m0us (Post 11968328)
It's not built into android but looks like Samsung include it on their cameras on flagship models.

However plenty of camera apps on play store open it up for everyone. Just tried using Camera MX on my P2 works perfectly.

Thank you, my point was that this has been opened up to a massive amount of device owners, and it's "sweet" because it is, not just the loops and simple export but the other choices too, the photo even had a duck in it! I didn't like Live Photos and when first released, limited functionality, but now with iOS 11, wow!

bioforger 27 September 2017 11:14 AM

You really are a cock of the highest order.

dpb 27 September 2017 11:51 AM

i can confirm those messaging emoji really are for ten year olds , but anyway

the update seems to have made 6s a bit faster

dpb 27 September 2017 08:03 PM

You can even get different colour fonts for incoming messages

jus imagine :D

bioforger 27 September 2017 08:33 PM

wow game changing

JackClark 27 September 2017 11:40 PM

Holy ****, who woke her up.

bioforger 28 September 2017 01:10 AM

:lol1: welcome back toffee.

JackClark 28 September 2017 08:14 AM

Originally Posted by bioforger (Post 11968603)
:lol1: welcome back toffee.

Talking to yourself, mental.

bioforger 28 September 2017 10:54 AM

lol paranoid or what, he is NOT me.

JackClark 28 September 2017 05:24 PM

Not completely iPhone 8 but the iPhone 8 is very good at it. I'm having fencing/gates placed here and measured it with a £10 tape last week. It's very, very accurate, extremely accurate in good light.

Very basic but well implemented ARKit. Nothing has brought sensors together this nicely before. I can't wait for the next wave of apps. My old 6+ didn't do AR fully, that was a huge influence in my purchase.

The photos are handy, the accuracy of the live image is very good, I walked indoors, walked out again and the measurements were still in place.

bioforger 28 September 2017 06:08 PM

Impressive, but that'll probably be the last time you use it for quite some time ;)

JackClark 28 September 2017 06:09 PM

Originally Posted by bioforger (Post 11968741)
Impressive, but that'll probably be the last time you use it for quite some time ;)

I'll put a bet it gets used more than the tape I won't be taking to work next week.

JackClark 28 September 2017 06:11 PM

Now I know it's not the best camera "in the world" but these are my mushrooms and this camera is doing them proud. I'm blow away by what has been achieved in 3 years, the mushrooms took longer.

That's a somewhat casual snap.

bioforger 28 September 2017 06:50 PM

Ah this explains a lot if you eat and probably vape dodgy mushrooms.

JackClark 28 September 2017 07:30 PM

Originally Posted by bioforger (Post 11968751)
Ah this explains a lot if you eat and probably vape dodgy mushrooms.

I would if I could. These are bland to eat I’m told.

JackClark 28 September 2017 10:53 PM

You might remember there were a few rules set after you went full retard from one custard pie too many. You broke one of those rules and were banned. I only complained when you tried to dox me and I’ll do that again.

JackClark 29 September 2017 09:05 AM

Originally Posted by toffee_pie (Post 11968828)
LOL, I had you in my pocket and you simply had enough and went all cry baby.
its not like I was hacking into socail media accounts and posting up pictures eh? now that surely would call for a banning.

I'm going to encourage you because I **** you not, since you've left no body has taken the bait so well. We need another breakdown in here, lets see how long before you go full retard.

bioforger 29 September 2017 11:15 AM

Originally Posted by toffee_pie (Post 11968830)
unless he wanted to get creative, see post #211.


lols he'll need a magnifying glass not a tape measure ;)

JackClark 29 September 2017 11:34 AM

You two love the cock.

JackClark 01 October 2017 09:28 AM

Originally Posted by bioforger (Post 11968741)
Impressive, but that'll probably be the last time you use it for quite some time ;)

It wasn't and then I bought the pro version. Bought them a beer.

The first actual wtf job was LED string lights. I have dangerous decking in my back garden, it's often invisible and in winter better used as a skating ring. Never been so easy to do, quick measure of my intended track 10m I have/had Prime for a month, 12 mtr LED's arrive next day. Tried to get a better measurement of my intended track, nope still 10m, all straight lines super simple to measure, 3 minute job with pictures if needed. Two metres of the LED's stated length was extension cord for the solar/battery, I **** you not the lights must have been out by 10cm. I'll take a picture for you, I'm sure you love the fairy lights.

For my gates I needed to know how much concrete I'd need for parking outside.

We were on the phone at the time, sent it, done.

ARKit is iOS 11, but the iPhone 8+ is the AR daddy. It's why I had to sell my 6+ this revision.

dpb 01 October 2017 10:57 AM

2.5 out of 5 rating

JackClark 01 October 2017 05:59 PM

Originally Posted by dpb (Post 11969266)
2.5 out of 5 rating

Some people want miracles.

dpb 03 October 2017 01:43 PM

its not too bad actually.

Just bought some shoe laces

JackClark 03 October 2017 03:57 PM

:) It's fun, certainly worth £2 but I'll be looking out for a more Pro version. I'm building a carport so being able to stick a cube on the ground is pretty handy. It shows the level really well, I had a better angle but sent it and binned it, another nice iOS touch.

From tomorrow I'll be laying cables and not out of my mouth on here, that's going to be luxury, no bending down.

bioforger 03 October 2017 05:53 PM

The picture looks like it's been taken on a potato by a retard though.

JackClark 03 October 2017 07:21 PM

Originally Posted by bioforger (Post 11969835)
The picture looks like it's been taken on a potato by a retard though.

It does, do you think that might be for a reason or they're just messing with Apple losers?

bioforger 03 October 2017 07:53 PM

Neither the app only has so much hware it can play with ;)

JackClark 03 October 2017 07:56 PM

Back to my fairy lights, at the right angle they remind me of two people on this thread, maybe three.

Why did I rob myself of the Taptic Engine for this long, I knew it was good as my watch has it, but in the phone,very nice.

Tidgy 03 October 2017 08:17 PM

has it burst open yet? lol

JackClark 03 October 2017 09:00 PM


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