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Richard Askew 27 August 2003 12:06 PM

I'm coming from Surrey on the PandO 7am crossing :)

Edcase 27 August 2003 01:08 PM

Rich - same ferry as us methinks :)

ow - lets hope not, although even if it isnt there are bound to be a lot of people having a crack. I'm worried its just going to be too busy :(

MRK 27 August 2003 01:13 PM

Well I’ve finally booked up me place on the rip-off Chunnel :). Was going to do the Ferry but got hacked off with them turning down my offers. I mean £20 is a fair price in my view :rolleyes:

Seriously the major incentive to spend an extra £50 on the Chunnel is I can sleep in an extra two and half hours, as I worked out to make it for the 7am crossing I would need to be up at like 4am :eek: That’s not happening. I know you boys from Bristol ain’t gonna get any sleep at all but hey I like to keep Sabine’s bar open until the early hours of a Friday night, and that won’t happen if I’m up before the birds. You chaps will probably nod off going down the Fox hole at 5pm LOL. Mmmmmm the Fox Hole what a corner, hill, scary as hell kinda place :eek:

So I’ll be cruising down with Doc Jock and Johny F on the 09:30 Chunnel.

See you peeps down at the Ring :D

Owbow - according to the website the Festival is on the GP circuit, afterall theres not much space to view custom cars on the Ring. Lets hope they don't close off that top corner on the Ring to facilitate the festival.

M :D

EvoBarry 27 August 2003 01:20 PM

MRK, I'll be convoying with DJ and crew as well, on the same chunnel crossing :)

Hadn't seen this thread (not a regular SN reader) but it looks like a good turnout :D

Taking the Prelude over where it will live fom now on as the Ring slag for DJ et al. Should be a giggle if nothing else.

Really looking forward to this now.

TaviaRS 27 August 2003 04:07 PM

Why when I think of Richard and Ferries do I get an image of Captain Pugwash?

MRK 27 August 2003 04:23 PM

LOL @ Tavia, personally speaking he's a ginger Captain birdseye. LOL :D

Evobarry wicked, look out for me on the way down to the Chunel, black Evo with MRK on the plates.

Still over two weeks to go :eek: :(

EvoBarry 27 August 2003 05:07 PM

Cool, I'll keep my eyes peeled for peeps.

I'll be in this wee beasty :D

Prelude piccy Hope this works.

Richard Askew 27 August 2003 09:08 PM

Tavia and MRK - may your nobs fall off in your sleep :D

ScooBabe 29 August 2003 07:53 AM

Lol @ Rich, you tell em

John F, it's the 928s. He then reeled off a list of others I could borrow and wreck no problem. Some friendly neighbour :eek:

I did find out why......:D


TaviaRS 29 August 2003 10:06 AM

Something to do with underwear? ;)

You can drive my Skoda ......

ScooBabe 29 August 2003 11:57 AM

Lol @ Tavia,

How did you know ;)

Just come back from checking, you're right they dont fit :eek:

Now as for the dirty weekend....reply should have been "ok I'll bring my overalls and servicing equipment" Mind you second thoughts...... ;):D

Jon, I'm waitnig with eager anticipation to push you out of your seat and wrestle the wheel from you. (Serious mode on...Hey, cheers you're a star)
No response from John then. Guess he must be having an easy time of it round Sweet Lamb :rolleyes: :D

Ah, Jon, now I see, penny has finally dropped. No, dont worry, wouldn't think that of you

MRK 29 August 2003 12:26 PM

:D two weeks :D

Rich, me knob is still attached :D Have a good weekend chapper :D

M :cool:

Edcase 29 August 2003 12:28 PM

Was literally just thinking that. This time in 2 weeks we'll be as good as there! :D

Richard Askew 29 August 2003 01:29 PM

MRK - :D

So whos on the 7am Dover-Calais with P and O?

EvoBarry 29 August 2003 02:22 PM

Not me Rich, I'm on the same 9:29am Chunnel crossing as DocJock, MRK, GaryH etc....hoping to get some laps in on Friday afternoon :D

Richard Askew 29 August 2003 02:43 PM

Barry - I will probably get there the same time as you guys for some afternoon lappage :D

EvoBarry 29 August 2003 02:45 PM

See you both there then :D I'll be the crazed looking fool trying to get a Prelude round in under 9 mins ;)

Edcase 29 August 2003 02:47 PM

Rich - about 8 of us bristol lot including my 2002 wrx (with a couple of mods ;)), a P1, a cossie, a Focus RS etc.

MRK 29 August 2003 04:14 PM

Captain Pugseye how slow you gonna drive if arriving same time as us :eek: most unlike you.

Focus RS never seen one of those from behind?? Meoowwwww :D seriously though are they quite nice?? Wouldn’t mind a lap out in that Edcase, passenger of course. ;)

Barry chapper we’ll be there Friday afternoon to get plenty laps in no worries :D. I’ve just been thinking about turning up on ‘the’ Friday and putting that card in the machine and the barrier rising, your heart pumping, your breathing quickens. You nearly stall the car on the line, and pause as your leg trembles, due to the anticipation, and definitely fear of this awesome 12mile odd piece of unforgiving tarmac in front of you. Thoughts fly through your mind, will it befriend you, or punish your every nervous twitch by planting your car pivoting on the 18” high kerbing. How fast can you take Brunchen, flat, again? No that was a fluke, surely, but what about the FoxHole. Will the suspension cope with another 130mph leap down into it? And how will you pants feel coming out the other side. Mmmm squirmy, or just a little damp :confused: Too many thoughts, I can’t cope. :eek: Damn the barriers come down :confused:, taken to long to move. Pheww a few seconds more rest before the card goes in again :eek: :eek:

Anybody checked out the weather forecast, just wondering if we will arise Saturday morning to see :eek: snow :eek: again. LOL

M :eek:

Richard Askew 29 August 2003 04:27 PM

Edcase - see ya at the port :)

MRK- my days of daft speeds are over :(

EvoBarry 29 August 2003 04:31 PM

I drove a mates car last time I was out there, Easter - Audi A3T (chipped) so I had to be extra careful. This time I'm in a car I know, and have a slightly better idea of what to expect so I am hoping for some fun laps.

Can't wait for this one, theres tons of us going :D

Edcase 29 August 2003 04:42 PM

MRK - thanks for that graphic description, I think I need a poo now. :eek:

harj 29 August 2003 04:52 PM

Oi Spaskew! Were on the 7am Ferry, me Jason aka Lord Lucan and Rubery who will be swiggin a bottle of vodka in the back seat of the M5 at 6am :D

Looking forward to meeting up with a few of the old muppets once again :D

Edcase 29 August 2003 04:56 PM

not to mention a few new ones ;)

Richard Askew 29 August 2003 05:04 PM

Harj - I'll be sure to make sure I avoid you then :D

Aint seen Rubery since my engagement night... of all the people to bump into ;)

Ralf 01 September 2003 02:31 AM

Barry, nice to see you again!

And I hope that number of 50.000 Muppets is on the optimistic side:eek:

mutant_matt 01 September 2003 09:29 AM

Not if the European Rice invasion that is promised happens Ralf! :(

EvoBarry 01 September 2003 09:52 AM

They'll mostly be at the GP end of town though won't they? Any that get lost and wander over to the proper track ;) will soon get scared off I'd hope :D

Edcase 01 September 2003 12:07 PM

whats the french / german / dutch etc. for "sorry its closed" :d

EvoBarry 01 September 2003 12:30 PM

Can't we just use the universal two finger salute? ;) :p

Or put towels down in "our" parking spaces the night before :D

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