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stef_2010 03 May 2011 01:09 PM

Dont believe it atall

As soon as they said buried at sea that was enough for me to consider it totall b0ll0x

mark_j 03 May 2011 01:10 PM

Amazing what the Yanks can do when the Playstation network is down!

juggers 03 May 2011 01:12 PM

Originally Posted by mark_j (Post 10020020)
Amazing what the Yanks can do when the Playstation network is down!

PMSL!! :lol:

You play fifa 11?

Leslie 03 May 2011 01:22 PM

Since I gather that he personally was not shooting back, I think that in spite of his historical acts he should have been captured alive and tried in an international court for his crimes. He could have been awarded the death penalty when found guilty as was SH.

To execute him in the way they did amounts to assassination or even murder and that is a dangerous path to tread.


RS_Matt 03 May 2011 01:47 PM

Bin Laden is dead and it cost the UK alone £650,000,000 to get the chance to kill him. I doubt at that money we'll be seeing one of his Al Jazeera TV appearances refuting his belated death.

alloy 03 May 2011 01:54 PM

There is little difference in taking him dead or alive, it is still a lose lose situation with regard to retaliation and aggravating al-qaeda. At least with him dead no one needs to hear his defence, he doesn't get the air time to state why he justifies the crimes he has committed and ultimately promote his jihad and al-qaeda philosophies.

So far the handling of the situation has appeased all parties to the best possible way IMO, respecting his religion and burying/disposing of his body within 24hr and after a wash. Saudi didn't want his body, so he's best off lying alone at the bottom of the ocean....

The next stage now requires decorum from the nations of the West, however with mad dog gaddafi still showing resilience coupled with an exceptionally fragile middle east, continued "western" intervention is highly likely....

jonc 03 May 2011 02:01 PM

I remember a few days after the attack, various news papers and news channels relayed a statement made by OBL that he denied he had any involvement and knowledge of the attack on 11 September. The world needs another boogyman.......

RobJenks 03 May 2011 02:07 PM

5 men have been arrested under terrorist laws.

According to US News - Pakistani ' s

tony de wonderful 03 May 2011 02:15 PM

Originally Posted by jonc (Post 10020091)
I remember a few days after the attack, various news papers and news channels relayed a statement made by OBL that he denied he had any involvement and knowledge of the attack on 11 September. The world needs another boogyman.......

Must be true then.:rolleyes:

Leslie 03 May 2011 02:26 PM

Originally Posted by ************** (Post 10020047)
Les what do you think would have happened if he was captured alive? There would be Worldwide kidnap attempts on high profile people and quite possibly Westerners in general in Islaminc states in an attempt to force the release of OBL. Once killed his body had to be disposed of quickly again to avoid demands over handing his body over.

Parading him as a captive would have lead to a new cause for the nutters to follow. As it is the reprisals for his death are going to bring a new wave of attacks.

Its just a matter of the correct path to justice B2Z. Its like catching a known murderer and the coppers killing him on the spot before he had a trial. Obama did not have the right to order his death on the spot even as President.

I think that the reaction from Al Quaeda is likely to be just as bad either way, I think we can expect some atrocities to come. They warned of that happening a short time ago should he be killed anyway.

It would have been better to follow the law and to stay on the right side of it.


tony de wonderful 03 May 2011 02:31 PM

Originally Posted by Leslie (Post 10020118)
Its just a matter of the correct path to justice B2Z. Its like catching a known murderer and the coppers killing him on the spot before he had a trial. Obama did not have the right to order his death on the spot even as President.

I think that the reaction from Al Quaeda is likely to be just as bad either way, I think we can expect some atrocities to come. They warned of that happening a short time ago should he be killed anyway.

It would have been better to follow the law and to stay on the right side of it.


...and which law does apply here then Leslie?

I agree that it might not be wholly satisfactory but you have to be realistic about it. Wild west justice it may be but it is justice, besides there was too much downside to putting him on trial which would have given him a platform....that's if they could have taken him alive.

f1_fan 03 May 2011 02:56 PM

Originally Posted by juggers (Post 10019998)
Bollocks you’re just sucked in by the media.

There’s extremist in Christianity Catholicism and Judaism but you don't hear about them because the media is a tool of the Goverment in order to aid them in their illegal wars.

Seriously mate sit back do a little reading go on youtube and open your mind :thumb:

+1 :thumb: Well put!

lazadude 03 May 2011 03:04 PM

Originally Posted by juggers (Post 10019989)
There’s quite a few of us on this forum who are smart enough to realise that the "war on terror" is a well orchestrated strategy by the Americans and our UK government to gain strong holds in regions that would of previously been very difficult to do so.

This has also been done under the cloak of Islam as the land they require with all the oil is occupied by Muslims.

Glad I'm not alone :) I just dont see how the mass public cant see whats happening in front of their eyes, and that the governments wouldn't lie to people now would they....? :wonder:

f1_fan 03 May 2011 03:13 PM

Originally Posted by lazadude (Post 10020162)
Glad I'm not alone :) I just dont see how the mass public cant see whats happening in front of their eyes, and that the governments wouldn't lie to people now would they....? :wonder:

Pop over to Non Scooby related, there's several posters over there who would actually call you stupid for that viewpoint..... yet as you say it really is so utterly obvious when you look at it with a modicum of common sense!!

banny sti 03 May 2011 03:17 PM

It is refreshing to read some of the comments on here :)

Lagamorph 03 May 2011 03:28 PM

Do you people not get tired of this conspiracy theory bull****? The man was a prick and he's now dead! who gives a **** what the motives are behind it the result is the same. Bloody soft liberal nonsense. Man the **** up people!

hodgy0_2 03 May 2011 03:38 PM

lets face it whatever the Americans did, they were gonna get a kicking from someone with a vested interest

damned whatever they did tbh -- and I am amazed that the conspiracy stories have already started though

it was never going have a fairytale ending -- **** happens as they say and he got is just deserts

CREWJ 03 May 2011 03:40 PM

Let's be honest, they did a pretty good job in appeasing the majority of the world.

Miniman 03 May 2011 03:41 PM

Originally Posted by RobJenks (Post 10020097)
5 men have been arrested under terrorist laws.

According to US News - Pakistani ' s

Yes, but with the way the police (mis)use anti terrorist laws, it wouldn't surprise me if someone posts on NSR soon with a tale of them being placed in goal under anti-terrorist laws for a broken brake lamp.

jonc 03 May 2011 03:42 PM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 10020103)
Must be true then.:rolleyes:

There are plenty of news reports stating that he personally had no involvement. But later the media reports that OBL admits that al-Qa'eda carried out the attack. Then during the course of the War, GW Bush claims OBL and Saddam Hussain are inexplicably linked and T Blair gets a dossier that SH has WMD. OBL is killed, his identity verified in 12 hours and is buried at sea within 24 hours? All I'm saying is you believe what you want to believe, who knows what the actual truth is.

alloy 03 May 2011 03:44 PM

Originally Posted by Miniman (Post 10020215)
NSR soon with a tale of them being placed in goal under anti-terrorist laws for a broken brake lamp.

didn't realise the law extended to govern what position you play for the 5-aside team on a thursday night ...... :D

Mifo 03 May 2011 04:29 PM

This was on fox news :lol1:

tony de wonderful 03 May 2011 04:53 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10020150)
+1 :thumb: Well put!

You are agreeing that there is a western media conspiracy in conjunction with the government to fool the people into illegal wars?


tony de wonderful 03 May 2011 04:59 PM

Originally Posted by jonc (Post 10020218)
There are plenty of news reports stating that he personally had no involvement. But later the media reports that OBL admits that al-Qa'eda carried out the attack. Then during the course of the War, GW Bush claims OBL and Saddam Hussain are inexplicably linked and T Blair gets a dossier that SH has WMD. OBL is killed, his identity verified in 12 hours and is buried at sea within 24 hours? All I'm saying is you believe what you want to believe, who knows what the actual truth is.

This has nothing to do with WMD, you only bring that in as an demagogic device to try and cast doubt upon what the US government is saying.

Any rational person would go with what the US government is saying whilst retaining a very small degree of critical doubt. It's very hard for a democratic govenment to get away with massive liess in this age of free media and electronic the WMD issue proved.

If you are going to take this 'never believe anything' stance - which is really just believing the exact opposite (think about it), you had better start clinging on to the furniture unless gravity and the world is not quite real and you float off into space! Where does it end?

fivetide 03 May 2011 05:23 PM

Originally Posted by mark_j (Post 10020020)
Amazing what the Yanks can do when the Playstation network is down!

Great Shot Sir!



f1_fan 03 May 2011 05:23 PM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 10020332)
You are agreeing that there is a western media conspiracy in conjunction with the government to fool the people into illegal wars?


Nope, I am saying that the whole 'the Muslim extremists are taking over the free world' crap put about by the Western governments and the media is just utter bollocks and in part a good way to divert attention from other problems, a good excuse to spend out money on what they wish (after all it's in the name of national security) and to keep the Western populations subjugated by fear!

tony de wonderful 03 May 2011 05:43 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 10020382)
Nope, I am saying that the whole 'the Muslim extremists are taking over the free world' crap put about by the Western governments and the media is just utter bollocks and in part a good way to divert attention from other problems, a good excuse to spend out money on what they wish (after all it's in the name of national security) and to keep the Western populations subjugated by fear!

So 9/11, Madrid, London 7/7 never happened?

jonc 03 May 2011 05:47 PM

Originally Posted by tony de wonderful (Post 10020342)
This has nothing to do with WMD, you only bring that in as an demagogic device to try and cast doubt upon what the US government is saying.

Any rational person would go with what the US government is saying whilst retaining a very small degree of critical doubt. It's very hard for a democratic govenment to get away with massive liess in this age of free media and electronic the WMD issue proved.

If you are going to take this 'never believe anything' stance - which is really just believing the exact opposite (think about it), you had better start clinging on to the furniture unless gravity and the world is not quite real and you float off into space! Where does it end?

No point in clinging on to the furniture unless you KNOW for certain it's securely nailed down!

Tidgy 03 May 2011 05:57 PM

im waiting for the boom headshot picture to arrive,,,,,,, lol

Dan W 03 May 2011 06:04 PM

As controversial as this may sound, if the war on terror is all about securing oil that maintains our way of life then so be it. Whats the alternative?

Let all of western society slowing break down which would probably lead to the death of thoasands anyway.

I think its a numbers game. How many would die in the Islamic countries to protect our way of life versus how many would die in western countries if we didn't. I think its the same equation used when the USA dropped bombs on Japan.

NO country ever became powerful by being nice to people and the more Britain take the Liberal/humanist approach we become ever weaker and more vulnerable. The moral highground doesn't protect society. Armed aggression does.

Other countries/religions know this and must rub there hands in delight at the prospect of us always being nice, accommodating and soft to them. They know full well that when once their foothold is strong enough in our society they will become the armed aggressor and take what is ours by force.

To prevent that we fight fire with fire. It is the only way theis country has survived.

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