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yoza 02 November 2003 01:25 PM

Just noticed this thread, interesting.

Yoza......Scott Octane, or I think thats what it says under all that dust.:)

Crapaud62 03 November 2003 06:12 PM

Spend hours today hacking through nettles and brambles etc. Wife thinks I'm doing all this so that she can ride her horses through it.
Finally got a path around the lake. Bit muddy in places, not sure if my Tioga mud tyres will cope, might have to carry it through worst bits.

Trying to remove all the barbed wire put up by previous owner as I don't fancy running into that stuff:(

If weather is good tomorrow I'll see if I can manage a lap on the Jekyl. Bit knackered after all the hard work today but it is good training.

If all goes well, I'll invite interested parties down next spring for a ride around.

MarkO 04 November 2003 09:00 AM

Sounds like a laugh. :)

You planning on building any northshore stuff? :D :eek:

Marin 22 November 2003 10:09 PM

Can't let this slip under all the footy threads :-)

Just ordered a pair of Continental Survival Pro tyres now the rain and the gloop is here. Got 9/10 in MBR so should be good and I fancied a change from the Panaracer Mud Pro's I usually run. Anyone else got any fave tyres?

Looking forward to a good slide around on Sunday morning and getting covered in sh*t for a change...

MarkO 25 November 2003 09:56 PM

We use Conti Vertical Pros at the Hub - they work a treat. :D

We've now got three of the new Scott '04 Genius bikes in as demo bikes - I built up the medium today. Lovely bits of kit - the pull-shock works an absolute treat, they ride really well. The new Shimano shifters and one-piece XT cranks are superb, too. :D

Still waiting for all you Scottish MTBers with Imprezas to say hello when you're at Glentress. ;)

blip 01 December 2003 02:52 PM

MarkO - Have been considering the Genius MC10 as a replacement for my current bike (also considering Whyte 46 and Fisher Cake DLX). Haven't yet seen one in the flesh or been able to have a test ride.

The only thing that worries me about the bike - and it REALLY worries me - is the fact that all the rear shock gubbins are sat in the worse possible place for getting covered in wet slimey crap, especially this time of year. Can't see how the shock/bearings/etc are going to last.

Also it's a brand new, and untested design.

What is your opinion (please try to be unbiased if possible) having actually seen one in the flesh?

Also what is the 'true' weight of the MC20?


PG 10 December 2003 11:55 PM

Bit of help here guys please.

I have a Cannondale M600 with a set of Pace Racing carbon forks sitting in my shed. I bought this second hand so am unaware of the "new" price of this for insurance purposes.
Can anyone help?


Ciaran 14 December 2003 01:40 PM

well u not got a brocheur mate? if not look on the net or if that fails make a safe guess. thats what i did when i added the forks to mine!

Crapaud62 21 December 2003 10:04 AM


Yes, fancy adding some North shore stuff. Do you know where I can get any advice on how and what to build rather than just throwing bits of wood across the stream etc?

MarkO 21 December 2003 09:26 PM

Crapaud: Re: northshore stuff, try joining the Glentress trailbuilders list at (.uk? can't remember!).

Blip: I rode the Genius MC30 last Sunday morning and was well impressed with it. The pull-shock seems to work really well, and the bike is really agile on the descents. It also climbs like a dream, particularly with the shock in Traction Control mode. The only thing I wasn't sure about was the Black Comp forks on it - I just didn't really find them as good as the Fox's. Mind you, if you're looking at the MC10, IIRC that comes with the Fox Talus, which are absolutely superb.

Emma at the Hub (ex-World Cup downhiller, so a good enough rider to know what she's on about ;)) has ridden the MC20 (it's a small, so not the right size for me) and raved about it for ages. Fairly impressive, considering she normally doesn't get excited about full-sus, and usually rides a Sub-Zero. :D

We've got a medium MC30 and a small MC20 in the shop as demo bikes, so if you're in Scotland (or can get up here) you could take one out for a proper demo at Glentress. If you're interested, phone me at the shop on 01721 721736; I'm working there every day in the next fortnight other than Christmas/Boxing day, and the 1st/2nd December. We've got two MC20s in stock too, and have them for sale for about £2,200 (that's £450 off - not bad considering most shops don't even have any Genius's in yet). :D :D

Don't worry about the position of the shock - a lot of people have voiced concern about it, but if you look at the bike closely you'll see that the actual mechanism is completely enclosed, so there's no way rubbish will get into it. The fact that it's a pull-shock helps too. It's no more likely to get rubbish in it than most other full-sus bikes with their shocks there, TBH, and we've had no problems so far.

Yes, it's a brand new design. But OTOH, Scott are bloody good at designing/building bikes - their Strike won the Scottish XC series this year. :D

Trying to be unbiased here, but TBH they're excellent bikes from what we've seen of them so far. The MC10 will be lovely, being Scandium - about 23lbs with 5" of travel can't be bad really. But the MC20 is probably sufficient for most people. My only reservation might be the new XT/XTR brake-lever shifters, but I was already getting used to them after an hour last weekend, so they'll probably be fine after a couple of rides.

Other bikes to consider might be the Rocky Mountain EX30 or 50, which is a lot of bike for the money, and a much simpler design than the Genius (some might say).

Anyway, as I say, if you want to know more give me a ring and I'll give you more info on the Genius.

Spec 28 December 2003 02:02 AM

Is there a MB version of Scoobynet? Did all my pre-buying research for the Scoob here so looking for the same sort of thing again :)
Basically I've got an old bike (about 8?? yrs old) its absolutely mint but I can't imagine its gonna survive any off road stuff. Am going to be looking for something cheap (ie Halfords type prices/local bike shop or s/h) so need info on what to look for and what to avoid. Also need guidance on bike rack to carry 3 bikes to fit either Sti2 or Saxo, what helmet other bits I might need etc.
Not looking to do mega downhill stuff just yet, but enough to get fitter! I'm 6"2 and 14 stone if that influences anything!


Marin 28 December 2003 05:05 PM

Have a look at for UK info, for a US site which is really good - has kit reviews which covers a lot of stuff available in the UK as well. Also is worth a look. Hope these help.

Spec 28 December 2003 09:06 PM

Thanks :) I'll have a look later tonight.

Big Lee2 31 December 2003 09:10 PM

I`ve got a Trek Y3, I just need to start getting out on it again around this lovely Lake District I live in :D

Crapaud62 01 January 2004 11:52 AM

Who's been out riding yet?

Start the year as you mean to go on. :)

Just get out and ride.

I'll ride off the lunch later. :)

MarkO 01 January 2004 06:03 PM

Went out on Sunday, won't get out again until this Sunday. Was going to out this week, but temperatures at Glentress didn't get much above 0C this week (-4C for most of the time) so sod that. ;) :D

My chest is hurting a bit anyway - last Monday we were out night-riding in about 5" of snow :D :D and I was on the Hub's SC Heckler. :) Forgot how much better discs are than my aging V-brakes ;), and came off on one of the descents - I think I've cracked a rib or two. :eek: :rolleyes: Still, won't stop me riding on Sunday. :)

Biggest problem for me these days is what bike to take. Heckler last week, Genius the week before, and Sub5 before that. Think it'll have to be the Rocky Mountain ETS this Sunday, or possibly the Blur. OTOH, I could see how 'the other half' live and take our Scott High Octane FR - 8" of travel.... :D :D :D

markpm 02 January 2004 01:56 AM

Ive got an ancient Trek 800, not been out on it since mid December, and got absolutely soaked!
Mind you the missus bought me a nice new waterproof Altura jacket for Xmas so must get out again!
Gonna look for a new bike soon. Two main shops locally, one has a couple of nice Giants that I got my eye on, the other has a couple of Specialized that are quite tasty.
Any preferences for either make from some of you more 'experienced' riders?

289 02 January 2004 12:19 PM

Was out a fair bit over the Christmas period, though havene't yet managed anything in 2004.

Was up at Glentress just before Christmas - cracking, but the packed snow/ice was a pain to ride on, with totally unpredictible grip.

Then went out in N Yorks in the thickest mud I've ever ridden in; great, but so energy-sapping it's just not true. Took around 4 hours to do 14 miles, with some big chunks of pushing. Managed to dent my frame (again) after a big wipeout which wasn't so clever.

Managed to get a couple of laps in at Aston Hill just before New year; as ever, good surface conditions and enjoyable to ride, but no longer challenging.

Marin 02 January 2004 01:52 PM

So much mud down here in Bedfordshire I have actually slapped the MTB slicks on and done a road ride just to get some miles in. Quite good fun but will never replace off road riding.

Woburn isn't too bad as it's more sandy although it eats disc pads when it's wet. Rowney Warren drains well too but the Barton Hills/Icknield Way is just a sticky nightmare...

MarkO 02 January 2004 08:32 PM

289, you should have popped in to say hello when you were at the Hub!

Marin 04 January 2004 04:38 PM

Interesting ride this morning... Gears played up, then the chain kept coming off, then it snapped completely then the back wheel fell out!!!

I think the rear quick release was coming loose which caused the earlier problems. Once back in and tightened up everything was fine.

MarkO 04 January 2004 09:50 PM

You'd be amazed how many people we get coming into the Hub asking us to look at their brakes/gears, only to find they've not put their wheel back in straight/properly. :rolleyes:

We've had at least two individuals ride the endire red route (12-odd miles) with their front wheels barely able to turn. They've brought the bike into the workshop claiming their brakes were 'rubbing' for the ride, and it's turned out their front wheel just wasn't straight in their forks. :eek: :rolleyes: :D

Luke 06 January 2004 09:13 AM

have now realy beded in my Shimano 555's brakes. They perform so well its amazing.... Would like to hear some real reports on the new Hope mono's.. Until then The shimano stuff is getting a hell of a lot better in the brakes dept.

MarkO 06 January 2004 08:31 PM

XT/XTR disks seem to be the dogs' at the moment, both in terms of pad wear, setting up and performance. :D

Luke 06 January 2004 10:58 PM


you not talking about the new XTR brake shifters are you????

They are a total joke and Its a shame shops are still trying to get rid of them...

Anyway: Please guys beware of ****DAVID HINDE"**** there is a post in NSR about his company you should read....

MarkO 08 January 2004 07:12 PM

Luke, if you're talking about the XT/XTR combined shifters/brake levers, have you actually ridden with them? I've heard a lot of people slate 'em (as I did when I first saw 'em) but everyone I know who's actually ridden a bike with them almost immediately changes their opinion to a positive one.

Sure, they're all-in-on so you're tied into Shimano, but then most people use Shimano shifters anyway, so if you're getting Shimano brakes, it makes sense. Some people claim it's a big unit to damage, but how many people here have ever damaged a shifter/lever in a crash? I haven't... And as for issues with accidentally braking when shifting and vice versa, it doesn't happen. I found changing with 'em quite natural on my first ride.

People made exactly the same comments about combined brake/gear units on road bikes years ago, but any serious road rider uses 'em now. Fact is that 99% of people I've met who've slated the new XTR jobbies haven't ridden with 'em, and pretty much everyone who's ridden with 'em doesn't slate 'em. :D

Personally, though, I'm still happy with my separate '97 XTR shifters/levers and the original XTR V-brakes. Well, I'm happy with 'em until I can afford to replace 'em, anyway. ;) :D

Crapaud62 11 January 2004 11:24 AM

Funny how mountain biking can be like Scooby ownership in having to have th elatest mods and go faster bits. :)

When I used to earn a fortune I was forever spending on my bikes acquiring several Cannondales and all the XTR gear. Since I stopped working a year ago, I've spent a total of zero on my mountain biking and yet I still enjoy it exactly the same:)

I don't care if this years wonder product is 1% better than last years, I'm just going to enjoy the gear I've got and not care. :)

MarkO 11 January 2004 07:13 PM

Hey, I totally agree - I ride a '96 Kona Cinder Cone :D, with 2002 Duke Race forks, 1997 XTR Vs and shifters, LX chainset, and a 3-year-old XT rear mech (my '97 XTR one got trashed this summer). None of this 125mm travel malarky for me (mind you, 80mm is a revelation after using my old '96 Judy XCs until July this year ;) :eek:). I'm definitely from the school that says I'd rather ride a sh*t bike and be good than ride a good bike and be sh*t. ;) :D

Fact is, there's a shedload of people out there riding 3-grand bikes, wearing body armour, and sporting all the gear, with no idea. The amount of people riding ful-sus bikes at Glentress who just point the bike at the bottom of the train and hang on for dear life just has to be seen to be believed. There's a massive lack of skill out there, and IMHO riding an MTB should be like getting a full motorcycle licence - everyone should be forced to ride a hardtail for a year to get some skills before going full-sus....

[Edited by MarkO - 1/11/2004 7:15:41 PM]

blip 14 January 2004 01:45 PM

Just posted an ad for my bike in 'For Sale' but thought it'd be a good idea to put it here too. Hope nobody minds :)

16" Orange Sub-5 Pro. 2002 (18 months old). Matt black.

Pace RC36 ProClass2 forks (100mm) and RockShox SID XC shock (125mm), Hope Mini's and XT.

Easton MonkeyLite XC carbon bars, Easton CT2 carbon seatpost, RaceFace stem & headset, X-Lite skewers & seatclamp.

Cost me £2300, looking for £1100. It's in immaculate condition as I hardly rode it last year.


ClioSport 18 January 2004 02:58 AM

Me too,Kona Stab Primo 03 in for sale

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